DNV uses Oracle Cloud to manage a global workforce

DNV, formed in 1864 as a classification society for Norwegian ships, implemented Oracle HCM to lead its global workforce as it moves into new businesses.


Seitdem wir Oracle Cloud HCM implementiert haben, sind wir, was HR-Technik angeht, viel besser organisiert und arbeiten auch international viel besser.

Guttorm AndresenSenior Principal HR Officer, DNV GL


Business challenges

With 12,000 full-time employees plus 8,000 contingent workers in more than 100 countries, DNV needed a way to provide uniform human resources policies and processes around the globe. DNV, after more than 150 years of growth and diversification, offers insurance, quality assurance, and certification services to its 100,000 customers in industries including maritime shipping, construction, oil and gas, renewable energies, food, healthcare, and many others. The company implemented Oracle Cloud HCM to meet its needs.

Für das Kompetenz- und Qualifizierungsmanagement muss DNV GL den von externen Regulierungsstellen definierten geschäftskritischen Marktvorschriften folgen, die das Unternehmen regelmäßig prüfen. Daher war der Aufbau einer bestimmten Anwendung zur Unterstützung dieser Prozesse erforderlich. DNV GL entwickelte das maßgeschneiderte Kompetenzmanagementmodul basierend auf Platform-as-a-Service-(PaaS-)-Services in Oracle Cloud. Was uns wirklich geholfen hat, war die enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem „Oracle A-Team“. Sie haben uns dabei geholfen, die erforderlichen Kenntnisse über Oracle Cloud-Techniken zu erlangen. Sie haben uns auch dabei geholfen, die richtige Architektur für unsere Geschäftsanforderungen aufzubauen.

Mathias ProchaskaHead of Application Services, DNV GL

Why DNV chose Oracle

DNV chose Oracle HCM Cloud because it supported the company to set up a global, shared-service organization which is delivering HR services from nine different geographical regions across the different business areas. In addition, Oracle could provide HCM functionalities supporting HR processes in a holistic way from end to end. The Oracle Cloud HCM suite offers high configurability that enabled the adaption to DNVs global HR processes.


The benefits DNV derives from Oracle Cloud HCM includes further streamlining of processes, as well as secure and compliant handling of personnel data. Additionally, Oracle Cloud HCM provides enhanced analytics and reporting that enables HR users to better manage their workforce and report out of one system across the different modules implemented, such as Performance Management, Workforce Compensation, and Succession Management.

Employee and line manager self-service, supported by system-based approval workflows, have been introduced in some HR processes. This gives the DNV workforce direct access to HR data and allows them to take an active part in HR processes.

With all these HR self-service capabilities running from one system instead of several individual applications, the user has a consistent user experience throughout the HCM suite. This also means less new learning for newly deployed applications in Oracle Cloud HCM.

DNV was also able to decommission legacy systems, reducing double data entry while improving data quality. Real-time information on org charts, competencies, and skills across the larger DNV community lets the team easily respond to customer needs.

Finally, an improved user interface lets self-service users navigate the system more intuitively, enables possibilities to use different devices, and helps users find the information they need quickly, including reports on key data. The new user experience Oracle provided was especially helpful in the areas of Performance and Succession Management, as well as core HR self-services.

"Before the Oracle Cloud HCM implementation, we were convinced that having an integrated HCM system supporting many HR functions was the right thing to do for DNV. Having all HR-related information in one secure place and being able to utilize that information for multiple business purposes brings us many benefits,” says Richard Verhart, DNV's global HR service delivery manager and project manager for Oracle Cloud HCM.

Veröffentlicht:August 11, 2020
