Solistica 借助 Oracle 云将准时交货率提高了 20%
物流公司将 Oracle 运输管理与 Oracle ERP 云相集成,从而同步交货计划,提升准时交货率。
“When I look ahead, I see tremendous potential in leading-edge technologies like IoT and machine learning to help drive even more improvements for our customers.The way I see it, we are really only at the beginning of our journey, but with Oracle we're on the road to a better world.”
Solistica 是拉丁美洲知名的第三方物流公司,每周有 6000 辆卡车的车队向 7 个国家/地区的 4000 名客户进行 190 万次送货。
随着企业的扩张,Solistica 在基本任务方面也需要加强,例如将订单与运输方案联系起来,或计算出卡车内可以容纳多少货盘化的货物。为了保证准时交货,物流经理们经常不得不在多个系统之间来回切换,并依靠电话和电子邮件来做出分秒必争的决策。
At Solistica, we need innovation to improve our logistics business.As a part of that innovation, we found the right partner and were an early adopter, as the first 3PL to adopt OTM cloud in Latin America, which was fantastic.
Solistica 为何选择 Oracle
通过将物流平台迁移到 Oracle 云,Solistica 的准时交货率提高了 20%,并改善了卡车的装载能力,从而使其整体运输能力提高了 3% 至 5%。
借助 Oracle 运输管理、Oracle ERP 云,Solistica 节省了燃料并提高了资产利用率,进而将运输成本降低了 20% 至 30%。