Oracle Health Infection Control

Provide infection preventionists with analytical information that helps them support infection surveillance and prevention and oversee, assess, and manage patients with healthcare-associated and drug-resistant infections.

Help clinicians protect patients and health care workers from infectious diseases

Infection Control and pharmacy clinical surveillance

Help identify patients at risk with analysis, regulatory reporting, and surveillance capabilities. The solution leverages electronic health record (EHR) data, including nurse and physician charting, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, and surgical data.

Infection Control worklist

Facilitate infection surveillance with a near real-time view of patients with healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), reportable diseases, or multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs), based on rules triggered by laboratory results, orders, problems, and diagnoses.

Workflow infection prevention and control component

Assist with infection prevention. Review patient details for those at risk for infection and perform the appropriate preventive actions by providing information on isolation precautions, MDROs, HAIs, and readmissions associated with the patient.

Infection Control advisor 2.0

Chart HAIs through a documentation tool that includes information pertinent to the investigation, including cultures and labs, devices, surgical procedures, and signs and symptoms. Select and upload specific events to the National Healthcare Safety Network.

Denominator for procedure worklist

Gather information on surgical procedures reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). A Denominator for Procedure import is required before you can upload surgical site infection events to the NHSN.

NHSN location mapping utility

Map locations that are included in the NHSN plan for reporting infections and denominator data, such as denominator for procedure, census, and device days data.

Infection Control reports

Support regulatory requirements by providing information needed for reporting to state, federal, and local agencies.

Pharmacy Clinical Surveillance worklist

Help pharmacists monitor medication usage by providing them with a comparison of a patient’s medications against clinical data. Oracle Health Pharmacy Clinical Surveillance (PCS) worklist alerts pharmacists when an inappropriate usage is detected and integrates patient intervention documentation, giving them quick access to chart events and review physician notes.

Pharmacy Clinical Surveillance reports

Help clinicians evaluate medication usage, antibiograms, and the effectiveness of the antimicrobial stewardship program with PCS reporting.

Oracle Health Antimicrobial Usage and Resistance reporting

The usage report provides a mechanism for facilities to evaluate and report trends in antimicrobial days of therapy for specific National Health Safety Network (NHSN) locations. The report follows NHSN rules to determine which antimicrobials and routes are reportable during a given time period. The report includes a list of antimicrobials, total antimicrobial days, and antimicrobial days stratified by route based on the NHSN criteria. The data can be uploaded electronically to NHSN.

The resistance report provides a mechanism for facilities to evaluate and report trends in antimicrobial resistance for specific NHSN locations. This report follows NHSN rules to determine which combinations of organism, specimen, and antibiotic susceptibility are reportable during a given time period. The AR report provides a list of antimicrobials, specimens, and susceptibilities as required by NHSN. The data can be uploaded electronically to NHSN.

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