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Ten developer challenges for you and your team

Week of December 28, 2020
The year is nearly over, and it can’t come too soon. To brighten up these last few days of 2020, we’ve assembled a collection of ten of the most popular quizzes from Simon Roberts and Mikalai Zaikin.

We hope you enjoy them.

Wishing you and yours the best, from the Java Magazine crew at Oracle: Annie Hayflick, Karin Kinnear, Jan Rogers, and yours truly.

Take care,
Alan Zeichick
Editor in Chief, Java Magazine
Quiz yourself
Using core functional interfaces

Migrating to the Java Platform Module System (JPMS)

Define the structure of a Java class

Understanding enums

Use PreparedStatement to perform database CRUD operations

Read and write objects by using serialization

Lambda expressions

Use the Optional class

Correctly apply the static keyword to methods and fields

Creating and invoking overloaded methods

You can find more of Simon and Mikalai’s quizzes here.
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