„Datele reprezintă elementul vital al oricărei afaceri, iar mediul cloud este cea mai bună modalitate de a le analiza, astfel încât informațiile să poată fi puse în practică. Fiind una dintre cele mai mari companii din lume din sectorul alimentar și al băuturilor, cu o valoare de piață de peste 200 de miliarde de dolari, capacitatea de a ne rula sistemele strategice și datele asociate în cloud cu Oracle Database@Azure ne oferă un avantaj strategic la scară largă în cadrul operațiunilor noastre globale.”
– Magesh Bagavathi
Vicepreședinte senior și director tehnic global, PepsiCo
„Ne bazăm că partenerii noștri tehnologici vor sprijini obiectivul strategic al Vodafone de a se concentra pe clienți, simplitate și dezvoltare în Europa și Africa. Această nouă ofertă de la Oracle și Microsoft vine în întâmpinarea acestui obiectiv, permițându-ne să le oferim clienților noștri servicii digitale inovatoare și personalizate mai rapid și mai eficient din punct de vedere al costurilor.”
– Scott Petty
Director pentru tehnologie, Vodafone
„În calitate de lider global în industria serviciilor financiare, Voya a valorificat puterea transformării digitale pentru a contribui la furnizarea celei mai bune experiențe pentru clienții și angajații noștri. Pe măsură ce continuăm să ne aducem aplicațiile de afaceri în cloud, parteneriatele cloud au potențialul de a oferi întregii industrii posibilitatea de a menține o mai bună securitate, conformitate și performanță, contribuind la accelerarea dezvoltării de noi produse, soluții și servicii tehnologice care să consolideze experiența clienților și să contribuie la obținerea unor rezultate financiare mai bune.”
– Santhosh Keshavan
Vicepreședinte executiv și director IT, Voya Financial, Inc.
“The fact that Microsoft Azure customers can now, with OCI systems running in Azure, collocate OCI-based Oracle Autonomous Database on Exadata with applications running on Azure, satisfies a major unmet need for the very substantial segment of Azure users...” Read more
“Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is now running inside of Azure, including Exadata Database and Autonomous Database, among other services. This changes the game on so many levels...” Read more
“Oracle is making history by bringing the Autonomous Database and its corresponding Exadata platforms—as well as all of the HA features such as RAC and Active Data Guard—into Microsoft Azure data centers worldwide...” Read more
“Microsoft and Oracle just completely redefined what it means to be multicloud. In an unprecedented and truly unexpected move, Exadata and all of the Oracle Database cloud services, including the Autonomous Databases, running on OCI, are now colocated in Azure data centers...” Read more
“Microsoft and Oracle just completely redefined what it means to be multicloud. In an unprecedented and truly unexpected move, Exadata and all of the Oracle Database cloud services, including the Autonomous Databases, running on OCI, are now colocated in Azure data centers. Azure users experience directly the power and benefits of Autonomous Database without any concerns of latency and ingress/egress fees. This is a game changer and walled gardens are over.”
Marc Staimer
Senior Analyst, Wikibon
“Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is now running inside of Azure, including Exadata Database and Autonomous Database, among other services. This changes the game on so many levels. Existing Oracle database customers will immediately see the value in this extended partnership offering, while competitors offering database services on Azure will find themselves in search of a new differentiator. This new service is of particular importance for AI practitioners as it quite literally brings the data right next to the AI, accelerating their ability to implement generative AI models without having to compromise on data access, security, and performance. This extension of the two companies’ earlier partnership further reconstructs industry expectations, showcasing just what a next-gen cloud should look like.”
Bradley Shimmin
Chief Analyst, AI and Analytics, Omdia
“Oracle is making history by bringing the Autonomous Database and its corresponding Exadata platforms—as well as all of the HA features such as RAC and Active Data Guard—into Microsoft Azure data centers worldwide. This transcends the boundaries and limitations of merely running the same piece of software in other clouds—it’s about also running the core architecture that the software was co-engineered with. It’s a huge win for Azure customers as they can now get Oracle’s prime database services, running on OCI, physically inside of Azure and procure it seamlessly from the Azure Marketplace—all while having their database managed by Oracle.”
Holger Mueller
Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research
“The fact that Microsoft Azure customers can now, with OCI systems running in Azure, collocate OCI-based Oracle Autonomous Database on Exadata with applications running on Azure, satisfies a major unmet need for the very substantial segment of Azure users who require the full function of Oracle Database in the cloud. Exadata is the most effective platform to run Oracle Database, and this provides Azure users with the best of all possible worlds. Clearly, Oracle and Azure have embraced a true multicloud strategy for the ultimate benefit of their mutual customers, and we believe that this is the direction that all cloud providers will need to follow in order to keep pace.”
Carl Olofson
Research Vice President, Data Management Software, IDC
With Oracle Database@Azure, customers get enterprise-grade Oracle database services as native offerings within Azure.
Read the blog post by Karan Batta, SVP, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, for more details.
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