Oracle Cloud Service Logistics

Can you connect field service to your supply chain to provide an enterprise solution that ensures your technicians have the parts they need to complete their service call quickly and profitably?

Discover Oracle Cloud Service Logistics

See the first built-for-the-cloud service solution that spans call center, field service, and supply chain activities.

Recognition of Oracle’s service leadership

Find out why Oracle is a Leader in the IDC MarketScape report for Worldwide Manufacturing Service Lifecycle Management.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Service Logistics

Service center

Manage service issues

Easily track service requests for customers and partners across multiple channels.

Utilize an omnichannel solution

Stay organized with a single view of service requests across all sources. Manage all real-time channels from one location.

Leverage knowledge management

Provide fast and accurate answers to agents from all sources across global organizations.

Field service

Route and schedule

Match technician skills and schedule to incident requirements. Oracle Cloud Service Logistics uses machine learning recommendations to create efficient routes and repair schedules.

Manage, dispatch, and locate workforce

Manage field service compliance with service level agreements and dispatch your mobile workers in a timely and efficient manner. Proactively react to changing priorities in the field and dispatch technicians based on real-time location of each mobile worker.

Enable mobile technicians

Equip the field service technicians with a highly configurable mobile solution that increases worker productivity and provides real-time updates to the back office and peers.

Collaborate with the field

Give employees the ability to accept inventory transfers, job assignments, and share location information with the click of a button.

Depot repair

Estimate, repair, and return

Provide your customer with an estimate of the repair cost and generate a return material authorization to return the asset for repair. Quickly and easily create a work order, execute the repair, and ship the repaired asset back to your customer.

Complete visibility

Manage the entire flow of work in your repair organization with linkage of returns to repair work orders, charges, shipments, and invoices. Optimize resource usage and properly bill for services.

Optimized part logistics

Order parts

Easily check availability and order a service part from within a service request.

Fulfill part orders

Ensure that the right part is quickly sent to the right place to resolve your customer’s issue.

Manage trunk stock

Enable field service technicians to easily order, receive, transfer, and reserve parts for their trunk stock, ensuring they always have the right parts to perform their work.

Initiate returns

Initiate return material authorization for customer returns within a service request.

Service debrief

Review charges

Properly review charges for parts, labor, and expenses incurred while performing services.

Adjust charges

Easily make any necessary corrections and/or updates to charges for parts, labor, and expenses, ensuring accurate billing along with proper cost recording and asset updates.

Capture cost and initiate billing

Initiate customer billing

Submit reviewed charges for billing to receive timely payment for services rendered.

Capture service costs

Ensure that service costs are properly captured and recorded, then analyze those costs to drive profitability improvements in your service business.

Oracle Cloud Service Logistics use cases

Deliver perfect service

Connect your front office to the back office and deliver exceptional customer service while improving profitability.

Take a tour of integrated field service and logistics

Deliver a complete field service solution

Connect your supply chain to your customer service and field service for a complete, end-to-end service solution.

Watch the video (3:13)

Provide a single face to your customer

Provide phenomenal customer care with a single point of contact for every customer interaction.

Take a tour of service logistics

Manage depot repair

Gain complete visibility into the return and repair process with status checks to ensure depot repair is executed quickly and accurately.

Take a tour of depot repair

Explicarea licențierii

Pentru a profita la maximum de capacitățile Oracle Service Logistics, un utilizator trebuie să dețină o licență corespunzătoare rolului său.

Rol Licența necesară
Agenții de servicii Agenții de service trebuie să dețină o licență Oracle Fusion Cloud Service sau Fusion Suite Professional. Aceasta le va permite utilizatorilor să comande piese pentru o solicitare de servicii utilizând ecranele Oracle Service Logistics Cloud fără costuri suplimentare.
Tehnicieni de service pe teren Tehnicienii de service pe teren trebuie să dețină o licență Oracle Field Service. Aceasta le va permite utilizatorilor să comande piese, să le primească pe cele expediate și să factureze piesele și manopera fără costuri suplimentare. Pentru integrarea Oracle Field Service, este necesar un mediu Oracle Integration Cloud găzduit.
Tehnicieni de reparații în atelier Tehnicienii de reparații în atelier trebuie să dețină o licență Oracle Supply Chain Execution sau Fusion Suite Professional. Aceasta le va permite utilizatorilor să execute și să închidă comenzi de lucru pentru reparații în atelier fără costuri suplimentare.
Gestionari și manipulatori de piese Gestionarii și manipulatorii de piese trebuie să dețină o licență Oracle Supply Chain Execution sau Fusion Suite Professional. Aceasta le va permite utilizatorilor să aleagă și să expedieze piesele pentru comenzile de vânzări și transferurile interne de piese de schimb.
Coordonatori/administratori service pe teren Coordonatorii/administratorii de service pe teren trebuie să dețină o licență Oracle Order Management sau Fusion Suite Professional. Acest lucru le va permite utilizatorilor să verifice disponibilitatea pieselor, precum și să examineze și să trimită sumele necesare pentru facturare. Licența Oracle Order Management este necesară chiar dacă nu există un astfel de rol.
Manageri/administratori de reparații în atelier Managerii/administratorii de reparații în atelier trebuie să dețină o licență Oracle Order Management sau Fusion Suite Professional. Aceasta le va permite utilizatorilor să gestioneze retururile și să creeze comenzi de lucru pentru reparații în atelier, precum și să trimită sumele pentru facturare.
Administratori de abonamente sau garanție Administratorii de abonamente sau garanție trebuie să dețină o licență Oracle Subscription Management pentru a gestiona contractele de servicii.


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