The Smart Connected Factory is powered by new digital technologies.
Ford reduced employee injuries by
by using Virtual Reality to train production workers.
41 PERCENTof companies that have embraced AI use it to resolve technical problems
34 PERCENTuse it to reduce production management work through automation
By2020, manufacturers will spend approximately$267 BILLIONon theINTERNET OF THINGS
New Skills are needed
Recruitment is a new battleground for digital manufacturers.
56% of manufacturers struggle to attract and retain the digital talent a smart factory needs.
68% of high-performance employees receive new job opportunities at least once a month.
Nearly 33% of new hires look for a new job within their first 6 months.
Data will drive success
Innovative people and technologies rely on data to maximize their performance.
By 2020,50 BILLION DEVICESwill be deployed to create and share manufacturing data producing a predicted40 ZETTABYTESof information
With the right tech, people, and data foundation, manufacturers enjoy:
Leaner, morecost-effective operations
Increased opportunity forproduct innovation
Take charge of manufacturing transformation
Find out more about the shift to servitisation in manufacturing, and learn how you can deliver the fast, flexible services today’s customers demand – while improving revenues and operational efficiency for your business.