Getting Started With Oracle EPM Mobile
Use the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Mobile app to perform these tasks:
Quick Links:
Configure the Session Time-Out
Take the tour to learn about key features.
1. On your mobile device, tap EPM, and then tap Product Tour.
2. At the end of the tour, tap Explore. Then tap an application to explore the supported features.
Tip: You can explore selected key features using the sample applications provided. Because a server connection is not used, only some functionality is supported.
If you tap Vision to open the sample Planning application, you see the Filters page where you specify the point of view. Select the scenario and version to use. See “Filtering Planning Units”.
To exit the tour, tap Skip Tour or Finish.
Connect to Applications
The first time you use EPM Mobile, create a connection to the application. You can use this connection whenever you use the app.
Tip: Use a tool like VPN to connect to your network before creating or using the connections in the app.
1. Tap Configure Connection.
a user name and password.
For Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud, enter the domain. Domain is not
required for other products.
3. Enter the URL for your environment, either on-premise or cloud. The URL must be appended by /workspace and must not include a trailing / character.
On-premise: Use this format,
replacing server and portnumber with your server and port and
appending it with /workspace.
· Cloud: Enter the URL provided for your cloud service, appending it with /workspace.
Tip: On iOS, tap the right arrow (>) to tab to the URL field.
4. Tap Save.
5. Tap an application, and then tap Next.
6. Tap the application to begin working with it.
Sign In
1. Be sure you have created a connection to the application, as described in the previous topic.
2. Enter your user name and password. On iOS, tap the back arrow to access the Password field.
For Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud, enter your domain. Domain is not required for other products.
3. Tap Sign In.
4. Tap the application.
You can modify a connection when necessary.
1. Sign in and open an application.
2. Tap the Springboard button to the top right.
3. Tap Settings and then Reconfigure.
4. Modify the sign in credentials and the URL, and then tap Save.
Configure the Session Time-out
1. Ensure that you are connected.
2. Tap the Springboard button to the top right, and then Settings.
3. Tap Edit Session Timeout, and then enter the setting.
Documentation Resources
Instructions for additional tasks in the EPM Mobile User’s Guide:
EPM Mobile library
EPM Mobile videos
Instructions for using Planning, Financial Management, Tax
Provision, Close Manager, and Data Relationship Governance in Release
Instructions for using Planning and Budgeting Cloud
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
If you are hearing impaired, visit
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Mobile Getting Started Guide
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