Managing Pluggable Databases (PDBs) using Oracle SQL Developer



    This tutorial describes three important activities to help you manage pluggable databases (PDB) using Oracle SQL Developer.

    Time to Complete

    Approximately 45 minutes


    The tutorial covers the three following activities:

    • Modifying the state of a pluggable databas
    • Creating a pluggable database from an existing pluggable database
    • Unplugging and plugging a pluggable database


    Before starting this tutorial, you should have:

Setting up the Environment

    Creating a Database Connection

      Double-click on sqldeveloper.exe to launch SQL Developer.

      The Oracle SQL Developer window is displayed.

      On the Connections tab, right-click Connections and select New Connection.

      The New / Select Database Connection dialog box is displayed.

      You will be connecting to the root multitenant container database (CDB). The root container is where you can manage the pluggable databases (PDB). Enter the parameters for the new connection. In this example, the entries are:

      Name: sys
      Username: sys
      Password: Enter the password for your system.
      Save Password: Selected
      Connection Type: Basic
      Role: SYSDBA
      Hostname: localhost
      Port: 1521
      SID: orcl

      Click Test and confirm a status of "Success."

      Click Save.

      Close the New / Select Database Connection dialog box.

    Adding a Connection to the DBA Navigator

      In SQL Developer, the DBA Navigator enables you to perform full administration of container databases and pluggable databases.

      Select View > DBA.

      On the DBA tab, right-click Connections and select Add Connection.

      In the Select Connection dialog box, select sys and click OK.

      The sys connection is added to the DBA Navigator.

Modifying the State of a Pluggable Database

    Before you can clone a pluggable database, it has to be Closed and Opened in Read Only mode.

    Expand the sys connection. In the Container Database node, right-click PDB1 and select Modify State.

    The Modify Pluggable State dialog box is displayed. Since database PDB1 is opened, the value of New State is CLOSE. Click Apply.

    Right-click PDB1 and select Modify State.

    Modify State

    Click to open the State Option list. Select READ ONLY.

    Click Apply.

    When the success message is displayed, click OK.

    In the PDB1 tab, under General, confirm that the value for OPEN_MODE is READ ONLY.

    You are now ready to create a new Pluggable Database by cloning an existing Pluggable Databse.

Cloning a Pluggable Database

    You can create additional pluggable databases by cloning an existing pluggable database. Perform the tasks below to create a clone of PDB1 named PDB3.

    Expand the sys node and then the Container Database node.

    Right click PDB1 and select Clone.

    The Clone Pluggable Database dialog box is displayed.

    On the Properties tab, provide the parameters for cloning. In this example, the parameters are:

    Database Name: PDB3
    Source PDB: PDB1
    Database Link: NONE (default)
    Storage: Unlimited
    File Name Conversions: Custom Names (creates datafiles for your new PDB3 by copying the files from the PDB1 datafiles).

    When you select Custom Names, Source File and Target File paths are revealed. Examine the Target file entries.

    Double-click the Target File entries and revise them to reflect the cloned database name, according to the following instructions:

    Revise each Target File entry by changing the folder name where the .dbf.clone files reside to the folder name for the new (cloned) database. Example: /datafile/01_mf_system_90t6yfk4_.dbf.clone changes to /pdb3/01_mf_system_90t6yfk4_.dbf.clone.

    Change the folder name for each file entry. Your results should look similar to this:

    Click the SQL tab to view the CREATE statement (optional), and then click Apply.

    When the success message is displayed, click OK.

    PDB3 is created and displayed under Container Database.

    To view the data files for the cloned database, click PDB3.

    Click the DataFiles tab to view the data files.

    Right Click on PDB3 and select Modify State. Change state to Open with mode set to Read and Write.

Unplugging and Plugging a Pluggable Database

    Unplugging the Database

      You can unplug a database from one container database and later plug it into the same (or another) container database.

      A Pluggable Database has to be 'Closed' before it can be unplugged. In the Container Database tree, right-click PDB3 and select Modify State. Click Apply to 'Close' PDB3.

      In the Container Database tree, right-click PDB3 and select Unplug.

      In the Unplug Database dialog box, confirm the database name PDB3 and XML file name PDB3.XML. The XML file stores the location of the data files for the unplugged database. 

      Optional: To view the code, click SQL, view the code, and then click Cancel.

      Click Apply.

      PDB3 is no longer displayed in the Container Database tree.

    Plugging in the Database

      Note: The steps for plugging a PDB into a different container database are essentially the same as those for plugging it into the container database from which it was unplugged. Here, you will plug PDB3 back into the same container database--while recognizing that, in the real world, selecting a different container database would make more business sense.

      In the Connections tree, right-click the Container Database node, and then select Plug In Pluggable Database.

      The Plug In Pluggable Database dialog box is displayed.

      Enter the following:
      Database Name: PDB3
      XML File Name: PDB3.XML

      Click Apply.

      Database PDB3 is plugged in and, once again, appears in the Container Database tree.

      Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial.


    This brief tutorial described three important activities to help you manage pluggable databases.

    In this tutorial, you learned how to:

    • Modify the state of a pluggable database
    • Create a pluggable database from an existing pluggable database
    • Unplug and plug a pluggable database


    Additional information about Oracle and Oracle technologies is available at the following sites:


    • Lead Curriculum Developer: Pete DeHaan
    • Other Contributors: Ashley Chen, Nancy Greenberg

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