Java EE 7: Creating a Java Message Service 2.0 Producer and Receiver



    This tutorial covers Java Messaging Service 2.0 (JMS 2.0), a new API for sending and receiving messages in Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7) web applications by using GlassFish  and NetBeans.

    Time to Complete

    Approximately 60 minutes


    JMS 2.0 is part of the Java EE 7 platform and was released in April 2013. JMS 2.0 is the first update to the JMS specification since version 1.1 was released in 2002. JMS 2.0 introduces a new API for sending and receiving messages that reduces the amount of code which a developer must write. For applications that run in a Java EE application server, the new API also supports resource injection. This feature allows the application server to take care of creating and managing JMS objects, thereby simplifying the application even further. You can use JMS in Java EE web or Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) applications or you can use it alone in a Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) environment.

    The new API introduced in JMS 2.0 is known as the simplified API. As the name suggests, it is simpler and easier to use than the JMS 1.1 API. The simplified API consists of three new interfaces:

    • JMSContext replaces the separate Connection and Session objects in the classic API with a single object.
    • JMSProducer is a lightweight replacement for the MessageProducer object in the classic API. It allows message delivery options, headers, and other properties.
    • JMSConsumer replaces the MessageConsumer object in the classic API and is used in a similar way.

    The JMS 1.1 API is now referred to as the classic API (with the familiar Connection, Session, MessageProducer, and MessageConsumer objects of JMS 1.1) or the simplified API (the JMSContext, JMSProducer, and JMSConsumer objects introduced in JMS 2.0). It is not deprecated and will remain part of JMS indefinitely.

    In this tutorial, you learn how to:

    • Create a Java EE 7 web application
    • Develop two JavaServer Faces (JSF) managed beans: ReceiverBean and SenderBean
    • Develop two JSF pages: sender.xhtml and receiver.xhtml
    • Modify the JSF managed beans to send and receive a JMS message
    • Configure JMS resources in GlassFish Server
    • Deploy the project to the GlassFish Server
    • Test the project to send and receive a JMS message

    Hardware and Software Requirements

    The following is a list of hardware and software requirements:

    • Download and install the latest JDK from this link (Java Platform, Standard Edition 7u21 recommended).
    • Download and install NetBeans 7.3.1 with Java EE, which includes GlassFish 4 (Java EE download bundle) from this link. During installation, be sure to select the check box to install GlassFish. JUnit is an optional installation and is not required for this tutorial.


    Before starting this tutorial, you should:

    • Have installed the required software.
    • Be familiar with JMS 1.1.
    • Ensure that NetBeans is running.

Creating a Web Application

    In this section, you create a Java EE 7 web application in the NetBeans IDE.

    Select File > New Project.

    In the New Project dialog box, perform the following steps on the Choose Project page:

    1. Select Java Web from Categories.
    2. Select Web Application from Projects.
    3. Click Next.

    On the Name and Location page, enter JMS2WebDemo as the project name and click Next.

    On the Server and Settings page, perform the following steps:

    1. Select GlassFish Server from the Server list.
    2. Select Java EE 7 Web from the Java EE Version list.
    3. Click Next.

    On the Frameworks page, select JavaServer Faces and click Finish.

    The JMS2WebDemo project is created in NetBeans.

Creating the JMS Producer and Receiver Managed Beans

    In this section, you create two JSF Managed Beans: SenderBean and ReceiverBean.

    Creating SenderBean and ReceiverBean

      On the Projects tab, right-click JMS2WebDemo and select New > Other.

      In the New File dialog box, perform the following steps on the Choose File Type page:

      1. Select JavaServer Faces from Categories.
      2. Select JSF Managed Bean from File Types.
      3. Click Next.

      On the Name and Location page, perform the following steps:

      1. Enter SenderBean as the class name
      2. Enter com.example as the package name.
      3. Select request as the scope.
      4. Click Finish.

      Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 to create the second JSF managed bean, ReceiverBean.

    Modifying SenderBean to Include the Field String Message

      In this section, you modify SenderBean to implement a String message field, messageText.

      Open SenderBean in the Editor and then add a String field, messageText.

      To generate the getter and setter methods for this field, perform the following steps:

      1. Right-click in the file just above the last closing brace and select Insert Code.
      2. Select Getter and Setter from the Generate list.

      3. In the Generate Getters and Setters dialog box, select SenderBean and click Generate.

      4. Examine the generated code.

Developing the JSF Pages

    In this section, you create two JSF pages: sender.xhtml and receiver.xhtml.

    On the Projects tab, right-click the project and select New > Other.

    In the New File dialog box, perform the following steps:

    1. Select JavaServer Faces from Categories.
    2. Select JSF Page from File Types.
    3. Click Next.

    On the Name and Location page, enter sender as the file name and click Finish.

    Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 to create the second JSF page,receiver.xhtml.

Modifying the JSF Pages

    In this section, you modify the sender JSF page so that the user can enter text that will be sent as a JMS message to a JMS Queue. You will configure the JMS Queue in the GlassFish Server in a later section. Next, you modify the receiver JSF page, which retrieves the messages from the JMS Queue and displays it.

    Modifying the sender JSF Page

      Enter Message Sender for the title of the page.

      In the h:body section, delete IDE-generated code and add an h:form element with a heading.

           <h2>Type your message in the Message Text field.</h2>

      In h:form, add a label, <h:outputLabel>.

      <h:outputLabel for="messagetext" value="Message Text: "/>

      In h:form, add an <h:InputText> text box to enter the message.

        <h:inputText id="messagetext"
                               title="Message text"
                               requiredMessage="Error: Message text is required."
                               size="32" />

      The text box <h:inputText> validates the message entered by the user.

      Add an to display the message entered by the user.

      In h:form, add a command button, <h:commandButton>, labeled Send Message.  

      <h:commandButton value="Send Message" action="#{senderBean.sendJMSMessageToMyQueue}" />

      The command button invokes the sendJMSMessageToMyQueue method of SenderBean.

      In h:form, add a command button, <h:coomandButton>, labeled Go to Receive Page.

          <h:commandButton value="Go to Receive Page"  action="receiver" />


      This button renders the receiver JSF page.

      In h:form, add a <h:outputText> to display  "Message text below:"

      Add <h:messages> to the h:body section to display validation messages.


    Modifying the receiver JSF Page

      Enter Message Receiver for the title of the page.

      In the h:body section, delete IDE-generated code and add the following:

           <h2>Click Receive Message to receive the message.</h2>


      In h:form, add a command button, <h:commandButton>, labeled Receive Message.

      <h:commandButton id="back" value="Receive Message" action="#{receiverBean.getMessage}" />

      The command button invokes the getMessage method defined in the ReceiverBean, which retrieves the messages from the JMS Queue.

      In h:form, add a command button, <h:commandButton>, labeled Send Another Message.

       <h:commandButton id="send" value="Send Another Message"  action="sender" />

      This command button renders the sender JSF page.

Configuring JMS Resources

    In this section, you configure the JMS resource, Queue, in the GlassFish Server. You do not configure Connection Factory because you are using the default connection factory.

    Right-click the project and select New > Other.

    Select GlassFish from Categories and JMS Resource from File Types, and click Next.

    Accept the default Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name, jms/myQueue, and the default Admin Object Resource, javax.jms.Queue, and click Next.

    Enter myQueue in the value field, press Enter, and then click Finish.

    Every JMS application requires a connection factory (an object that implements javax.jms.ConnectionFactory) and at least one destination (an object that implements either javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic). In JMS, ConnectionFactory is the object that is used to create the connection to the JMS provider, and Queue or Topic is the object that identifies the physical queue or topic that messages are being sent to or received from. How these objects are configured varies from one JMS provider to another. A default JMS connection factory is available in any Java EE 7 application server so that you do not have to configure any connection factories. However, for those cases when a specially configured connection factory is needed, you can configure it.

Verifying the JMS Resources

    In this section, you verify the JMS resources (JMS Queue,myQueue, and the default connection factory, jms/_defaultConnectionFactory) by deploying the application to GlassFish Server.

    Perform the following steps on the Services tab:

    1. Expand Servers.
    2. Right-click GlassFish Server and select Start.

    Note: If your instance of GlassFish has a green triangle next to the fish icon, the server is already started and the Start option is disabled.

    In the Output window, the GlassFish Server console indicates that GlassFish has started.

    On the Projects tab, right-click the project and select Deploy.

    In the Output window, a message indicates that the project was built successfully.

    Perform the following steps on the Services tab:

    1. Expand the Servers > GlassFish folder.
    2. Expand the Resources folder, and then expand the Connectors folder.
    3. Right-click Admin Object Resources and select Refresh.

    jms/myQueue is displayed.

    Expand the Connector Resources folder.

    jms/_defaultConnectionFactory is displayed.

Generating the JMS Code in the Managed Beans

    In this section, you modify the JSF managed beans (SenderBean and ReceiverBean). You modify SenderBean to generate JMS code to send a message to the configured JMS Queue,jms/myQueue. You modify ReceiverBean to retrieve JMS messages from the JMS Queue,jms/myQueue.

    Modifying the SenderBean

      Perform the following steps:

      1. Open SenderBean in the editor.
      2. Right-click in the bottom of the file, just before the closing brace, to open the NetBeans Code Generator feature.
      3. Select Send JMS Message from the Generate list.

      In the Send JMS Message dialog box, accept the default values for Project Destinations and Connection Factory and click OK.

      Scroll to the top of the file and verify the resource declarations of the Queue and JMSContext instances.

      The following code injects a JMSContext and uses it to send a message. There is no code to create and close the JMSContext. Instead, we simply declare a field of type JMSContext and add the @Inject annotation, which tells the container to create the JMSContext when it is needed. An injected JMSContext is created and closed automatically by the application server. The @JMSConnectionFactory annotation is used to specify the connection factory. In this case, the default connection factory is used.

      Perform the following steps:

      1. Scroll to the bottom of the file to see the sendJMSMessageToMyQueue(String messageData) method.
      2. Delete this method and then add the modified method as follows:

        public void sendJMSMessageToMyQueue() {
                 try {
                    String text = "Message from producer: " + messageText;
                    context.createProducer().send(myQueue, text);
                    FacesMessage facesMessage =
                            new FacesMessage("Sent message: " + text);
                    FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, facesMessage);
                } catch (JMSRuntimeException t) {

      Examine the code in sendJMSMessageToMyQueue. As you can see, the amount of code you have to write compared to JMS 1.1 is reduced. Here's why:

      • Instead of creating separate Connection and Session objects, you create a single JMSContext object.
      • You do not have to create a TextMessage object and set its body to be the specified string. Instead, you simply pass the string into the send method. The JMS provider automatically creates a TextMessage and sets its body to the supplied string.
      • One feature of the simplified API is that its methods do not declare checked exceptions. If an error condition is encountered, a JMSRuntimeException is thrown. This new exception is a subclass of RuntimeException, which means that it does not need to be explicitly caught by the calling method or declared in its throws clause. Compare this with the classic API, in which almost every method is declared to throw a JMSException that the calling method must either catch or throw itself.

    Modifying the ReceiverBean

      Open ReceiverBean in the Editor.

      Import the following packages.

      import javax.annotation.Resource;
      import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
      import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
      import javax.inject.Inject;
      import javax.jms.JMSConsumer;
      import javax.jms.JMSContext;
      import javax.jms.JMSRuntimeException;
      import javax.jms.Queue;

      Add the following code after the class declaration:

          private JMSContext context;
          @Resource(lookup = "jms/myQueue")
          private Queue queue;

      The following code injects a JMSContext and uses it to send a message. There is no code to create and close JMSContext. Instead, we simply declare a field of type JMSContext and add the @Inject annotation, which tells the container to create the JMSContext when it is needed. An injected JMSContext is created and closed automatically by the application server.

      Add a getMessage method.

       public void getMessage() {
              try {
                  JMSConsumer receiver = context.createConsumer(queue);
                  String text = receiver.receiveBody(String.class, 1000);

                  if (text != null) {
                      FacesMessage facesMessage =
                              new FacesMessage("Reading message: " + text);
                      FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, facesMessage);
                  } else {
                      FacesMessage facesMessage =
                              new FacesMessage("No message received after 1 second");
                      FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, facesMessage);
              } catch (JMSRuntimeException t) {

      Note: please fix import package errors.

      As with sending a message, the amount of code we have written is reduced.

      • Instead of creating separate Connection and Session objects, we create a single JMSContext object.
      • In JMS 1.1 we need to call connection.start() to start delivery of messages to the consumer. In the JMS 2.0 simplified API, the connection is automatically started.
      • There's no need to receive a Message object, cast it to a TextMessage, and then call getText to extract the message body. Instead, we call receiveBody, which returns the message body directly.

Testing the Application

    Perform the following steps on the Projects tab:

    1. Expand the JMS2WebDemo project.
    2. Expand Configuration Files.
    3. Double-click web.xml to open it in the editor.


    Update the value of the <welcome-file> element to faces/sender.xhtml.

    On the Projects tab, right-click the project and select Run.

    The application appears in the browser.

    Enter text in the Message Text box and click Send Message.

    The message is displayed.

    Repeat step 4 to send the following message: Hi There.

    Click Go to Receive Page.

    The receiver page is rendered in the browser.

    Click Receive Message.

    The first message is displayed: Hi Duke.

    Click Receive Message.

    The second message is displayed: Hi There.

    Click Receive Message.

    Because there are no more messages, the following message is displayed: No message received after 1 second.

    Click Send Another Message to send more messages and continue.


    In this tutorial, you learned how to:

    • Use new features added to JMS 2.0, which enable developers to write significantly fewer lines of code
    • Use the JMS 2.0 simplified API in a Java EE 7 web application
    • Configure JMS resources in GlassFish Server
    • Send and receive JMS messages



    • Lead  Curriculum Developer: Anjana Shenoy
    • Editor: Susan Moxley
    • QA: Diganta Choudhury

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