Cloud Readiness / Oracle HCM Cloud Common
What's New
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Redesigned User Experience
        1. Improved Performance of Person Client List of Values (LOV)
  1. Update 19C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Applications Security
        1. Simplified Grant Regeneration
        2. UserAccounts REST API
        3. Delegate Roles on Behalf of Others
        4. Limit Delegation Duration
        5. Limit Proxy Selection in Role Delegation
    2. HCM Security
        1. HCM Data Loader Support for HCM Exclusion Rules
    3. HCM Common Architecture
        1. Enhancements to Transaction Console Security
    4. HCM Common Features
        1. Payroll Batch Loader Objects Supported in HCM Data Loader
        2. Interact with HCM Cloud Using the HCM Digital Assistant
        3. Built-In CSV Output Enhancements
        4. Enhancements to HCM Approval Delegations
    5. HCM Data Loader
        1. New Business Objects Supported
        2. Generate Business Object Mapping Files
        3. Enhancements to Import and Load Data
        4. Trigger Incremental Events for Bulk Data Loads
    6. Redesigned User Experience
        1. Redesigned Professional Landing Pages
        2. Classic Pages Uplifted with Modern Look and Feel
        3. Enhancements to Transaction Design Studio

September Maintenance Pack for 19C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
30 AUG 2019   Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (19A, 19B, 19C, and 19D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found on the Oracle Help Center at: under Human Capital Management Release Readiness.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Customer Action Required = You MUST take action before these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Customer Action Required

Redesigned User Experience

Improved Performance of Person Client List of Values (LOV)

Redesigned User Experience

Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.

The pages redesigned below are all part of the Redesigned Cloud User Experience.

Improved Performance of Person Client List of Values (LOV)

Currently, the Person client List of Values (LOV) searches across the Person Name, Person Number, Email, and Business Title. A new profile option, PER_LOV_SEARCH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE_BUSINESS_TITLE, is introduced to improve the performance of the Person client LOV by excluding Business Title from the search. When you enable this profile option, any characters you entered will search across the Person's Name, Person Number, and work Email field only. By not searching the Business Title field, overall search will improve.

When your search criteria matches a Person Name, Person Number, or Email, the person's record is returned and matching values are highlighted. Matched values in the Business Title are also then highlighted.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature: 

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Options.
  3. Search for the profile option PER_LOV_SEARCH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE_BUSINESS_TITLE.
  4. Change the Site Level value from N to Y.
  5. Save and Close.

Update 19C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
30 AUG 2019 Application Security: Limit Proxy Selection in Role Delegation

Updated document. Revised feature information.

26 JUL 2019 HCM Common Features: Enhancements to HCM Approval Delegations

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19C.

26 JUL 2019

HCM Common Architecture: Enhancements to Transaction Console Security

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19C.

26 JUL 2019

Redesigned User Experience: Enhancements to Transaction Design Studio

Updated document. Revised feature information.

26 JUL 2019

HCM Common Features: Interact with HCM Cloud Using the HCM Digital Assistant

Updated document. Revised feature information.

26 JUL 2019

HCM Data Loader: New Business Objects Supported

Updated document. Revised feature information.

07 JUN 2019   Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (19A, 19B, 19C, and 19D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found on the Oracle Help Center at: under Human Capital Management Release Readiness.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Customer Action Required = You MUST take action before these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Customer Action Required

Applications Security

Simplified Grant Regeneration

UserAccounts REST API

Delegate Roles on Behalf of Others

Limit Delegation Duration

Limit Proxy Selection in Role Delegation

HCM Security

HCM Data Loader Support for HCM Exclusion Rules

HCM Common Architecture

Enhancements to Transaction Console Security

HCM Common Features

Payroll Batch Loader Objects Supported in HCM Data Loader

Interact with HCM Cloud Using the HCM Digital Assistant

Built-In CSV Output Enhancements

Enhancements to HCM Approval Delegations

HCM Data Loader

New Business Objects Supported

Generate Business Object Mapping Files

Enhancements to Import and Load Data

Trigger Incremental Events for Bulk Data Loads

Redesigned User Experience

Redesigned Professional Landing Pages

Classic Pages Uplifted with Modern Look and Feel

Enhancements to Transaction Design Studio

Applications Security

Oracle Applications Security provides a single console where IT Security Managers and Administrators can perform various functions including user lifecycle management, role definition, security policy management(both functional and data), role hierarchy maintenance, username and password policy administration, and certificate management. The console also enables users to simulate the effect of security changes, to run security reports, and download a connector for integration with Microsoft Active Directory.

Simplified Grant Regeneration

You must regenerate an HCM data role if changes are made to the role hierarchy of its inherited job role. Regenerating a role updates its data security policies to reflect the latest role hierarchy. If you fail to do this, then users may not have the required data access. For example, if you remove an aggregate privilege from a custom job role, then you must regenerate any data role that inherits that job role. Similarly, if a predefined role is updated to support new functionality, then you must regenerate any associated data roles when you upgrade. This requirement applies also to any changed abstract role, whether custom or predefined, that has directly assigned security profiles.

With this release, you can regenerate data and abstract roles individually or in bulk using the Regenerate Data Security Grants process.

Submitting the Regenerate Data Security Grants Process

The Regenerate Data Security Grants process replaces the Resubmit All Roles button that you could previously enable on the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page. The Resubmit All Roles button is no longer available.

You can run the Regenerate Data Security Grants process in bulk mode or individual role mode. The modes are described in the following table:

Mode Description
All roles

Regenerates all roles to which security profiles are assigned. In this mode, secured access for all roles is recalculated and the secured access of all users is refreshed. The time taken to complete this process depends on the number of roles to be regenerated.

Named abstract role

Regenerates the specified abstract role only.

Named data role

Regenerates the specified data role only.

Named job role

Regenerates any data role that inherits the specified job role directly. Data roles that inherit the job role indirectly aren't regenerated.

The process produces a log file, which you can access on the Scheduled Processes page. 

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role Information section below.

Tips And Considerations

You can continue to regenerate data and abstract roles individually by editing them on the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page. Alternatively, you can use the Regenerate Data Security Grants process to regenerate one or more roles.

Key Resources

For more information, go to Applications Help for the following topics:

  • Regenerate Roles
  • Run the Regenerate Data Security Grants Process 

Role Information

The following table shows the function security privilege that supports this feature and the predefined role that inherit it:

Function Security Privilege Job Roles


  • IT Security Manager
  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Human Capital Management Application Administrator

If you are using the predefined role, then no action is necessary. If you are using a custom version of the role, then you must grant the Run Regenerate HCM Data Security Grants Process function security privilege to your custom role to use this feature.

UserAccounts REST API

You can use the REST API resource to retrieve and manage information captured on the user account records for HCM people. For example, you can:

  • View all user accounts or a specific user account.
  • Create a user account and link to an existing person.
  • Reset or update the password for a user account.
  • Suspend or unsuspend a user account.
  • View eligible roles for a user account or the roles assigned to a user account.
  • Assign a role to, or remove a role from, a user account.
  • Update a user account username.
  • Delete a user account.

This API is secured with the Person Security Profile, which identifies the person records for which you can manage the user accounts.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > Human Capital Management > Global Human Resources > REST API). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role Information section below.

Tips And Considerations

You should use this HCM Cloud REST API for custom user interfaces that are used by all levels of users. This API is secured so that the persons using the interface can access only the user account information allowed by their person data security. The existing SCIM API does not have an equivalent restriction.

Role Information

You can make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or roles. Details are provided in the User Account REST API documentation.

Delegate Roles on Behalf of Others

Previously, a user could only delegate the roles allowed for delegation himself. With this update, a user with the Human Resource Specialist job role can use the Manage User Account page to delegate roles that are allowed for delegation on behalf of another selected user. The proxy user can see all delegations and who made them on their user account page, but they can’t edit or delete delegations performed by others.

The following reports show the user who delegated roles:

  • User History reports
  • Audit reports for role delegations

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role Information section below.

Role Information

The following table shows the aggregate privilege that supports this feature and the predefined role that inherits it.

Aggregate Privilege Job Role

Human Resource Specialist

If you are using the predefined Human Resource Specialist job role, then no action is necessary. If you are using a custom version of this role, then you must grant the Manage Role Delegations aggregate privilege to your custom role to use this feature.

Limit Delegation Duration

You can now specify the maximum duration of role delegations. You specify the number of days of the duration using the PER_USER_DELEGATION_MAX_DAYS profile option. Once specified, the end date for a role delegation is required. If users try to save a role delegation without setting a valid end date, then an error message alerts them to the latest allowable date for the end date.

Steps to Enable

To set the duration of delegations, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, enter PER_USER_DELEGATION_MAX_DAYS in the Profile Option Code field and click Search.
  3. In the Profile Values section of the search results, enter the number of days for the duration of delegation in the Profile Value field.
  4. Click Save and Close.

The default profile value is 0, which specifies that the end date for a role delegation is not validated.

Limit Proxy Selection in Role Delegation

A new data security privilege secures the proxy user list of values used during role delegation. The data security policies that contain the new Choose Proxy for Role Delegation privilege secure the list of values using the public person security profile. By default, the list of values functions the same as in previous releases. This feature allows you to secure the proxy user list of values using a custom data security policy without affecting other person lists of values. For example, you can create a data security policy to limit the list of values to a user’s peers and management hierarchy. Prior to this feature, if you created a custom data security policy to secure the proxy user list of values it would affect other person lists of values.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role Information section below.

Tips And Considerations

If you use role delegation, you must regenerate any predefined or custom roles you use that inherit the Manage Role Delegations aggregate privilege in order to keep the existing behavior for the proxy user list of values. Details are provided in the Role Information section below.

For information about updating roles after upgrade, see the Release 13 Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (document ID 2023523.1).

Key Resources

For more information, see Configure Access to List of Proxy Users in Role Delegation in the Securing HCM guide.

Role Information

The following table shows the aggregate privilege that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit it.

Aggregate Privilege Job Role
  • Employee
  • Contingent Worker
  • Human Resource Specialist

If you're using the predefined IT Security Manager job role, then no action is necessary. If you're using a custom version of the IT Security Manager job role, then you must add the new privilege to your custom role to manage HCM exclusion rules. For information about adding new roles and privileges to custom roles, see the Release 13 Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1

HCM Security

HCM Security includes enhancements to person security profiles, new-person task flows, role mappings, the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process, predefined job and abstract roles, and security setup.

HCM Data Loader Support for HCM Exclusion Rules

In a security profile, exclusion rules can be used to exclude certain records from the records identified by the profile. You can streamline the bulk upload of exclusion rules using HCM Data Loader. You can upload new exclusion rules, update data for existing exclusion rules, and inactivate exclusion rules. You can also delete the child components of an Exclusion Rule object for rules that exclude by Lists.

Exclusion rules can only be used with person security profiles that secure by area of responsiblity. Up to three exclusion rules can be included in a person security profile.

To use HCM Data Loader, use the Initiate Data Load task in the Data Exchange work area.

Steps to Enable

  • You can use HCM Data Loader to load exclusion rules that exclude by lists or hierarchies. If you want to create exclusion rules that exclude by an attribute (including flexfields), such as Department attribute, you must use the Manage HCM Exclusion Rule task.
  • You should create data files for each type of load condition that you have. For example, if you are loading an exclusion rule that excludes by Job list, then include only the details related to the excluded jobs in the data file.

Tips And Considerations

  • The child exclusion details must be compatible with the expected parent exclusion rule. For example, if the exclusion rule is meant to import job exclusion lists and the data file contains references to another type of exclusion list, such as a department list and departments, then the departments data will result in an error and not be loaded.
  • For an exclusion type other than list, you can only load an exclusion rule with a single child detail row. For example, when excluding by Department hierarchy, an error message will appear if you try to load a data file that contains multiple tree and top department rows.
  • Exlusion rules can be used as an alternative to custom criteria. You're recommended to evaluate any existing custom criteria that you defined to manage exclusions and, where possible, use exclusion rules instead.
  • HCM data security objects do not currently support HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Key Resources

For more information go to Application Help for the following topics:

  • Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud
  • Create an Exclusion Rule
  • Defining Exceptions to Areas of Responsibility

HCM Common Architecture

Enhancements to Transaction Console Security

You can now secure access to the Analytics and Approval Rules tabs in the Transaction Console using new functional privileges. Additonally, you are also able to secure Action menu items using new data and functional privileges.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.

Key Resources

For more information about Transaction Security Profiles, see Organization and Other Security Profiles in the Securing HCM guide.

Role Information

Use the following function and data security privileges: 

  • View Transaction Approval Analytics: secures the Analytics tab.
  • Configure Approval Rules in Transaction Console: secures the Approval Rules tab.
  • Review Approval Transactions Data: secures the Action menu.

HCM Common Features

This section covers features used across all HCM Applications.

Payroll Batch Loader Objects Supported in HCM Data Loader

Take note that Payroll Batch Loader (PBL) objects are supported in HCM Data Loader (HDL) during the life cycle of 19C. Integrations should use HDL for supported payroll objects as the tool for data loading. For existing customers, Payroll Batch Loader terminal release will be 20C. Customers are advised to standardize on HDL for data loading.

Fast Formula Transformation is supported in 19C. Fast Formula Transformation will transform the incoming file and output the data in the HDL .zip format.

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL) is a single generic spreadsheet to support all Business Objects. HSDL provides:

  • Metadata driven approach   
  • Flexible layout   
  • User designs the spreadsheet based on their requirement/columns   
  • Configurable fields

Payroll Business Objects supported by HDL means that HSDL is available.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Interact with HCM Cloud Using the HCM Digital Assistant

Use the new digital assistant (DA) web client and HCM skills to get the information you need. Instead of using the traditional method of navigating within the application, interact with the HCM digital assistant in a conversational way. You use natural speaking language to ask a question or give the bot a command. You can ask the bot the same question in different ways using a variety of commonly used words and phrases. So while on the road or between meetings, you can quickly get answers.


The HCM DA is available from your HCM Cloud application and via SMS. When enabled in the HCM Cloud application, on the desktop, the DA icon appears in the bottom right corner of your browser. When you navigate between pages, the DA icon is always visible on HCM pages so you can initiate a conversation at any time. When you navigate away from the HCM application, the DA icon will not appear.

HCM Cloud Web Digital Assistant

The DA is available when you access the HCM Cloud application from your mobile browser as well. Alternatively, you can provide SMS access to users from their phones using Twilio. The skills you download to your Oracle Digital Assistant are available from all channels.

HCM & Approval Skills

Skills are one or more intents designed to answer specific questions or help you get started on a specific task. You download skills to your Oracle Digital Assistant  from the skill store. HCM has 2 delivered skills - HCM and Approvals.

The HCM skill includes many intents that cover various aspects of HCM. When you download the HCM skill, you get all the intents and can just use the ones you want. The intents allows users to interact with the DA in the following ways.

  • View public information - View public information about yourself or others available in the Directory such as work phone number, email address, manager, work location, direct reports, etc.
  • View absence balance - View current absence balances and projected balances as of a future date.
  • View scheduled absences - View the absences scheduled in the past and in the future.
  • View payslip - View your last payslip, last 3 payslips, or all payslips for a specified month.
  • Initiate manager self-service transactions - Navigate directly to the application and start any of these transactions: Promote, Transfer, Change Location, Change Manager, Change Working Hours, Change Salary, Manage Direct Reports, Terminate, Manage Onboarding, Hire an Employee.
  • Provide anytime feedback - Give feedback on other people such as your peers or subordinates. Specify who can see your feedback.
  • View salary - View your own or your employee's current salary and last salary adjustment.
  • View tax withholdings and year-end documents - View your tax withholdings and year-end documents.
  • View benefit provider and enrolled dependents - View your medical, dental, and vision plans, get the provider name and group number, and find your covered dependents.
  • View employee performance evaluation status - Check the status of your employee performance evaluations.
  • View employee with no goals - Find out which employees have goals and which employees don't.

The Approval skill allows you to approve or reject approval tasks and view FYI notifications. You can also view the status of your submissions pending approval. When using the Approvals skill, you can view and action HCM and non-HCM tasks.

How to Converse with the Digital Assistant

To initiate a conversation, you must first log in. If you're using the web DA, you will have already logged into the HCM Cloud application. If using SMS, you must provide your credentials using your HCM Cloud user name and password. Once authenticated, you can ask a question, or ask for help if you need it. Use natural conversational language. The DA understands many different words and phrases. Here's an example of how you can interact with the DA and how the DA responds.


Example Conversations in SMS

Skills Available from the Skill Store

All delivered skills you download to your Oracle Digital Assistant are read-only. You cannot modify them in any way. And as new features and functionality are added, the skills in the skill store will be updated as a new version. If you need to make modifications, you can clone a skill and configure it by adding organization specific synonyms, phrases, and terminology.

Steps to Enable

This feature is under controlled availability. Contact the VP of HCM Product Management if you’re interested in becoming an early adopter customer.

Tips And Considerations

  • The web digital assistant (DA) client is only available from the the HCM application where "hcmUI" appears in the URL for the page.
  • Non-HCM skills downloaded to your Oracle Digital Assistant will be available from the HCM web client if you configure them for the same web channel.
  • English is the only delivered language.
  • You can use intents for which you have access to in the desktop application. For example, if you don't have access to view your absence balances in the desktop application, you cannot use the View Absence Balance skill.
  • The DA supports and recognizes commonly used English words and phrases delivered as synonyms and utterances. 
  • The DA returns general responses. If you ask about a specific absence type, benefit plan, or approval task, for example, the DA will return a general response about all your absence types, benefit plans, and approval tasks.

Key Resources

For information on how to get started with the Oracle Digital Assistance including setup and configuration steps, refer to:

For detailed information on HCM skills and security required for each intent, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • Interact with HCM and Recruiting Cloud Using the Oracle Digital Assistant (Doc ID 2530856.1)

For subscription and pricing information, contact your Sales Support Manager.

Role Information

Some intents are backed by public rest APIs secured by their own function privilege. Some use deep links secured by function privileges. Corresponding function privileges are required to use any intent. Privileges for all public rest APIs are granted to the delivered Human Capital Management Integration Specialist role only. Grant required privileges to your custom employee roles as needed.

Built-In CSV Output Enhancements

You can choose to update these properties when defining a delivery option using the built-in CSV support.

  • Delimiter: ',' is the default delimiter, however you can define a different character as the default.
  • Print Header Record: you can uncheck this property to disable the header record which is automatically set to print. By default, this header record is included in the generated CSV file.
  • Print Default Attributes: you can also uncheck this property to disable the default attributes which the application adds to each data line in the CSV output. By default, these attributes are included in the generated CSV file.

The first time you define a delivery option with the built-in CSV type is the one and only time you can configure these properties. Any delivery options with the built-in CSV type that you create after the first one will inherit the properties you configured previously.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Any extract definition with built-in CSV delivery option imported from earlier releases will have the default behavior copied over, unless new properties are explicitly set.

Enhancements to HCM Approval Delegations

With this release, when using the HCM Delegation Rules UI, users now have an option to restrict or allow the person who is being delegated to, to approve their own transactions. 

Add Delegation Rule

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

HCM Data Loader

HCM Data Loader provides a flexible and efficient method of bulk loading business object data for data-migration and on-going incremental updates to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud.

New Business Objects Supported

With these new payroll objects, you can load employee details like time card information, start and end assignment values, and overtime period.  New Third Party objects let you specify a payment method and source bank account. If you need to load legacy data into your cloud system, you can give an employee initial balance so that the balances are accurate for the entire year and not just after cloud payroll goes into effect.

Business Object Product Area Description
Element Duration Date Global Payroll - Person Information Use element duration date at the assignment level to indicate when an element entry starts or ends.  For example, you may want to set the last standard process date.
Payroll Assignment Details Global Payroll - Person Information Examples of new payroll assignment details are  timecard required status and overtime period.
Payroll Relationship Details Global Payroll - Person Information You can capture payroll relationship details for an employee, such as overtime period.
Third Party Organization Payment Method Global Payroll - Payments

You can load payment methods for a third-party group, such as payment type and the source bank account.  If you update an existing payment method,  also provide an effective start date.

Third Party Personal Payment Method Global Payroll - Payments

Examples of third party personal payment method are check or electronic funds transfer to a particular bank account. If you update an existing payment method, also provide an effective start date.

Initialize Balance Batch Global Payroll - Payments

If your legacy system calculated initial balance values, you can import them into the cloud using Batch Initialization Batch and Balance Initialization Batch Lines.  Enter batch header information into this object.  Do this import before the first employee payroll process so that the balances are accurate for the entire year, and not just after cloud payroll goes into effect.

Initialize Balance Batch Line Global Payroll - Balances

Each line you add here specifies initial balance value details, like balance type and associated contexts.

Also, now in Recruiting you can upload these record types for Job Requisitions and Job Requisition Templates:

Child Object Description
Assessment Configuration Screening services you can add to a job requisition for Assessments.
Assessment Screening Package Screening packages you can add to a job requisition for Assessments.  These screening packages come from active configured partners.  Each user account will have its own set of screening packages.  You must load the screening package with the assessment configuration.
Background Check Screening Package Screening packages you can add to a job requisition for Background check.  These screening packages come from active configured partners.  Each user account will have its own set of screening packages.

When you create a new position in Global HR, now you can specify a funding position, that is, a position you no longer need. The funding position will automatically be inactivated.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, see the following help topics in the Integrating with HCM guide:

  • Loading Global Payroll
  • Objects Overview of Loading Payroll Details

Generate Business Object Mapping Files

Now you can generate mapping files for business objects you want to import using HCM Data Loader (HDL). 

Let's say you have an inbound integration into Oracle HCM Cloud and need to need to transform your import file for compatibility with HDL. You can map the source file to the HDL business object by generating a mapping file. The mapping file describes the HDL business object shape to Oracle Integration Cloud for you. Depending on how you configure the Generate Objects Mapping File feature in the HCM Data Loader task, you have two methods for generating the mapping files.

Option 1:

If you configured the Generate Business Object Mapping Files parameter to Yes or Custom only, you can upload a file in the Import and Load Data interface. Under the Parameters section, select the Generate Objects Mapping File feature.  

Generate Business Object Mapping File Parameter Always Defaults to No (Unchecked), but Only Displays if the Parameter Is Yes or Custom

Refresh the Business Objects task bar until the Download Mapping File link activates and then you can retrieve the map. 

Download Mapping File Link Active for an Imported Business Object

Option 2:

If you configured the Generate Business Object Mapping Files parameter to Yes, you can also generate mapping files from the View Business Objects page.  

Search for the object you want to generate a mapping file for, and click the Refresh Objects button. Refresh the page until Last Refreshed indicates today's date. Download the mapping file using the link under Integration Mapping File.

Download the Integration Mapping File

Steps to Enable

Use the Configure HCM Data Loader task to set the Generate Business Object Mapping Files parameter to Yes or Custom only. If you set it to Custom only, then you can only generate mappings for files you submit to HDL for import and load. A parameter value of Yes will also generate mapping files when you refresh the object shape in the View Business Objects task.

Set Generate Business Object Mappings to Yes or Custom

Tips And Considerations

These rules apply to mapping files you generate by uploading a file in Import and Load:

  • Your business object mapping file will only contain the attributes found in the METADATA lines of the file you imported. 
  • All SET instructions in your import file transfer to the mapping file.
  • Your mapping files reside on the UCM and we delete them when you delete the corresponding data set.

These are global rules for generated mapping files:

  • For compatibility with Oracle Integration Cloud standards, we replace the colon character with a hyphen for element names in all generated mapping files. Underscores replace spaces and all other special characters.
  • When you submit files with the web service, the Generate Business Mapping File parameter isn't available.

Key Resources

For more information, see the following help topics: in the Integrating with HCM guide:

  • Extracting Data from the Source System
  • Validating the Source Data Before Upload

Enhancements to Import and Load Data

Now when you use HCM Data Loader to import objects, you can view details for all your imported objects, not just those with errors.

After you submit an import, refresh the Data Sets page until the Total Objects count is greater than zero. Click the Total Objects count.

Refresh the Data Sets Page Until Total Count Is Greater than Zero

From the Object Status page, click Object Details to review the object hierarchy and attribute values for any logical object.

View Object Status for All Logical Objects

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Trigger Incremental Events for Bulk Data Loads

The default behavior for both HDL and HSDL is to disable any configured events so they don't get triggered. Now when you bulk load data with HCM Data Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader, you can trigger enabled incremental load events. 

Steps to Enable

You can enable events for the data uploaded by a HDL file, specify this set instruction at the top of the business object dat file:


You can enable events for data uploaded by a HSDL spreadsheet by setting the Enable Load Events parameter to Yes in the HSDL Template.

Set Enable Load Events to Yes

Tips And Considerations

The default behavior for HDL and HSDL disables configured events so they won't be triggered. If you do enable events for bulk data loads, be aware it can cause a significant increase in time it takes to upload.

Redesigned User Experience

Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.

The pages redesigned below are all part of the Redesigned Cloud User Experience.

Redesigned Professional Landing Pages

Manage your work using redesigned landing pages that provide a consistent and unified look for professional users. The landing pages under My Client Groups, which previously enabled you to access tasks from a task pane, are now updated to a new design. Tasks are organized in the same groupings and order as in the classic page with a new updated look and feel. You now access your tasks from a list and can use a keyword search for the one you want. 

The same tasks available from My Client Group quick actions are available from the new landing page. If you don't see a task in quick actions, you won't see it on the landing page or vice versa.

The following landing pages are redesigned.

  • Absences
  • Career Development
  • Compensation
  • Data Exchange
  • Goals
  • Mass Updates
  • New Person
  • Performance
  • Profiles
  • Workforce Structures

Updated Compensation Landing Page

Classic Landing Page with Task Pane

Some landing pages include tasks redesigned to be mobile responsive. Those landing pages are available on the phone and will include only mobile responsive tasks.

Steps to Enable

The new landing page designs are automatically and always available. If you want to configure quick actions that appear on the landing pages you will need to do the following:

  1. Activate a sandbox. 
  2. Open the main menu and go to Configuration Structure.
  3. Select the My Client Groups home page tab.
  4. Select the Quick Actions tab.
  5. Select the action you want to configure. 
  6. Change the Visible or other settings as needed. Save. 

Tips And Considerations

  • The same actions available in My Client Groups quick actions are available on the redesigned product landing pages. When you hide an action from quick actions, it's hidden from the landing page and vice versa.
  • There's no way to make an action available from the landing page and hide it from quick actions or vice versa.
  • The new landing page design is available with all home page layouts and is available whether you've enabled any mobile responsive pages or not.
  • A landing page may be available on the phone if enabled by the owning product team and at least 1 action available from the page is mobile responsive.

Classic Pages Uplifted with Modern Look and Feel

Use classic pages uplifted with a new modern look which provides consistency and uniformity with the new user experience. The same fields and functionality are available with a more modern look and feel. Though the classic pages look similar to new mobile responsive designs, these pages are not mobile responsive and are only available on the desktop.

Classic Page

Uplifted Page

Improvements will continue to be made in future releases to mimic the new user experience while ensuring that functionality remains the same.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Uplifted classic pages are not controlled by a profile option. They're always available.
  • Uplifted page are not mobile responsive and are only available on the desktop.

Enhancements to Transaction Design Studio

Take advantage of these additional configuration options in the Transaction Design Studio within the HCM Experience Design Studio.

  • When configuring pages that have regions you can show or hide, such as in a guided process questionnaire, Transaction Design Studio now presents the regions in the same order they're displayed in the transactional page. This makes it easier to understand how your configurations will look to the user.
  • For pages that include regions but don't present the user with a questionnaire, the 'Show questionnaire' option will be hidden.
  • Localization rules for Person attributes such as gender, ethnicity and religion, as well as Employment attributes such as assignment category, worker category and contract details are delivered as rules in the Transaction Design Studio. Rules are delivered for each supported localization which you can view, as well as copy and modify when the delivered rules don't meet your needs.

Promote Questionnaire Page

Transaction Design Studio: Create Rule for Promote

The Localization Rules are displayed in Transaction Design Studio with a naming convention that follows the below: 

First, the attribute is listed such as Ethnicity or Gender etc.

Followed by the rule as to whether the attribute is hidden or visible, required or not required

Finally, the term 'Localization Rule' is appended.


Ethnicity Visible Localization Rule

Localization Rules

Once the transaction page is selected, the impacted countries will be displayed in the Country field.  

Country Indication

The available attributes can be expanded and the localization rule is indicated with a blue dot.

Rule Indicator

Steps to Enable

If you are setup to use the new Unified Sandbox, access the HCM Experience Design Studio:

  1. Open the main menu.
  2. Under Configuration, select Sandbox.
  3. Click Create Sandbox.
  4. Enter the Name.
  5. Select the Active box for HCM Experience Design Studio.

  1. Click Create and Enter.
  2. Navigate to the My Client Groups tab.
  3. Click Show More to open the quick actions.
  4. Select HCM Experience Design Studio in the Employment group.