- Revision History
- Overview
- Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
- Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
- Feature Summary
- Maintenance
- Purge Batch Data from Maintenance Import Interfaces Using a Scheduled Process
- View Asset Work Order Cost by Maintenance Organization
- Use the New Maintenance Management and Installed Base Asset OTBI Subject Areas
- Manage Assets Using Logical Hierarchy Relationships
- View Product Genealogy and Assets with Country of Origin or Project and Task Information
- Manage Maintenance Work Orders
- Maintenance
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Product | Feature | Notes |
12 APR 2021 | Maintenance | Manage Work Requests | Updated document. Moved feature to update 21C. |
19 MAR 2021 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed. For details about how to compare your configured job roles to predefined job roles and add security artifacts to your configured job roles, see the Security Console and Roles and Role Assignments chapters in the Oracle SCM Cloud: Securing SCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.
Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle SCM Cloud: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Purge Batch Data from Maintenance Import Interfaces Using a Scheduled Process |
Use the New Maintenance Management and Installed Base Asset OTBI Subject Areas |
View Product Genealogy and Assets with Country of Origin or Project and Task Information |
Purge Batch Data from Maintenance Import Interfaces Using a Scheduled Process
The file-based data import feature is used to create or update large volumes of data from either third-party or other Oracle applications into the Maintenance Cloud. This includes data for installed base assets, maintenance work orders, maintenance work definitions, and product genealogy. During the upload and import of data there's a chance that these processes could end in a warning or error status due to issues with the data. When this occurs, the data can't be further processed from the interface tables. Prior to this update, there was no efficient process to purge this data from the interface tables.
With this update, you can now use the Purge Maintenance Records from Interface process to delete data from the interface tables from all or just a specific import process. You can run the scheduled process on demand or set it up on a schedule as required by your business processes.
You can run the process for all or just a single interface. It can then apply to all batches of data in the interface table, a range of batches, or just a specific batch. Additionally, a check box option is provided to purge unprocessed data that's not in an error status as well. This is data that is uploaded but not imported by the specific interface.

The Purge Maintenance Records from Interface Scheduled Process
After the data in error is purged, you can correct the data issues and upload a revised file for import. This includes using the same batch number that resulted in the data error.
Prior to this update, the interface tables could not be efficiently purged of data in error. This new process helps you manage the growth of product interface tables and supports the purge and reload of the same batch of data.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You must not run the process at the same time as the Create Forecast and Create Work Order processes for maintenance programs. These processes also use the same interface tables and the purge process will interfere with the maintenance program processes.
Role Information
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
View Asset Work Order Cost by Maintenance Organization
Maintenance work orders are used to schedule and execute the servicing and repair of an asset. During the execution of each work order operation, resource time is charged to the operation to reflect the work accomplished by a technician. Additionally, materials are issued, consumed and may be returned to inventory, and these material transactions are recorded. When all operations of the work order are completed, all costs incurred for the material and resource transactions used for the maintenance activity are transferred to costing.
Prior to this update, you could only view the resulting work order costs on the Maintenance Work Order Costs page. With this update, you can view maintenance work order costs for an asset directly in a new tab on the Edit Asset page.
On the new tab, you can view costs at an individual work order level or aggregated by period for the asset. The costs are then displayed for a selected maintenance organization and time period.
On the results table, you can view a breakdown by the period of the work order, material, labor, and equipment costs. On each row, you can view the total cost for the work order, along with a results table summary row of all costs by type. Thus, you get both a detailed and summary cost for work order history.
The work order number is hyperlinked, and takes you to the Edit Work Order page. You can also use the chart icon that takes you to the Maintenance Work Order Costs page for the work order row, where you can find additional costing details at a much more granular level.
You can also generate and download a report of the work order costs using the export icon. This helps you further analyze the work order cost history.
View maintenance cost history directly in the context of an asset by work order or by time period. This high-level cost detail allows planners to understand past maintenance activity and costs incurred over time and make decisions about future maintenance of an asset. Based on cost history, the planners can scrap and replace an asset that's under performing and incurring higher than normal maintenance costs.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To view maintenance work order cost history, the costs must be transferred, distributed, and accounted in Cost Accounting. There are a series of scheduled processes that must be set up and run periodically in a certain sequence. These processes are detailed in the Cost Accounting and Maintenance chapters of the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide and the Using Supply Chain Cost Management guide.
Role Information
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privileges:
Use the New Maintenance Management and Installed Base Asset OTBI Subject Areas
These are the updates available to the OTBI Subject Areas and Dimension folders in this uptake.
Subject Area | Updates by Dimension Folder |
Installed Base - Customer Asset Real Time |
New dimension folders and related attributes added for asset grouping:
Maintenance Management - Asset Real Time |
New attributes added to the Asset folder to support dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
New attributes added to the Asset Details folder to support the dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
New dimension folders and related attributes added for asset grouping:
New attributes added to the Product folder:
Maintenance Management - Work Order Performance Real Time |
A new dimension subfolder, Document, is added to the Work Order folder.
New attributes added to the Asset and Product folders to support the dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
New attribute Transaction Note added to the Operation Transaction Details folder. |
Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time |
New attributes added to the Asset Details and Product folders to support the dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
Maintenance Management - Material Usage Real Time |
New attributes added to the Product folder to support the dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
Maintenance Management - Purchased Item Usage Real Time |
New attributes added to the Asset Details and Product folders to support the dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
Maintenance Management - Resources Usage Real Time |
New attributes added to the Product folder to support the dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
Maintenance Management - Work Requirement Real Time |
New attributes added to the Asset Details and Product folders to support the dual units of measure for the base item of an asset:
With the new and updated dimensions, you can create new and enhanced existing reports to perform analysis based on asset, item, product, and maintenance data.
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Role Information
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privileges:
Manage Assets Using Logical Hierarchy Relationships
Logical hierarchies help you group assets that operate in the same or even across different inventory organizations. You can use your hierarchies to model a plant, production line, vehicle fleet, customer, or location. When created, you can easily search for, interact with, and manage your related assets.
To start, create a new logical hierarchy by name.
Create Logical Hierarchy Page
After creating the logical hierarchy name, you can navigate to the Hierarchy Navigator page. On this page, you can associate assets at different levels under the newly created hierarchy. You can add assets to the logical hierarchy only if they don't have a physical asset parent and aren't already associated to the same logical hierarchy. Logical hierarchies can contain a mix of enterprise and/or customer assets, depending on your user role and privilege.
Logical Hierarchy Navigator Page
You can move and rearrange logical assets within the hierarchy by updating their parent and child positions using the action buttons. If you associate an asset that has a physical hierarchy, you can view the children in the Hierarchy Navigator. However, you can't edit these physical hierarchy relationships. When an asset is associated to the hierarchy, you can click on the asset number hyperlink to navigate to the Edit Asset page. You can view and edit the asset details based on your user role and privileges.
You can also search for any asset in the hierarchy, both logical and physical, using multiple search criteria. Search matches are identified to the user using a count of matching results, as well as displaying a push pin icon at the matching hierarchy level.
Asset Search Within a Hierarchy
For each asset level in a hierarchy, there may be icons displayed to indicate if an asset has related maintenance work orders or a maintenance program. Click the icon to navigate to these respective objects in the context of the asset.
You can also create logical hierarchy names using the new Asset Logical Hierarchies REST API. When created, assets can be associated or removed from a hierarchy using a new Asset Logical Hierarchy Relationships REST API. This is helpful in creating logical hierarchies for large numbers of assets at different levels. Additional documentation is found in the REST API documentation.
Watch a Demo
Provides the ability to create logical hierarchy among assets based on user-defined grouping criteria. This includes the ability to group assets across organizations as well as group assets to meet different user needs, which may be different that the physical hierarchy relationships of the related assets.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 21D
Once a Logical Hierarchy name is created, you may wish to assign it to the user as the default hierarchy for viewing in the Hierarchy Navigator page. This default is set using the profile option Default Asset Logical Hierarchy in the Manage Profile options setup task. The profile code is ORA_CSE_DEFAULT_LOGICAL_HIERARCHY.
Key Resources
Role Information
- Setup by Administrator:
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
- Manage All Application Profile Values (FND_APP_MANAGE_ALL_PROFILE_VALUES_PRIV)
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Users:
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privileges:
- Predefined job role name and code:
View Product Genealogy and Assets with Country of Origin or Project and Task Information
In today's globally connected supply chain, knowing the country of origin of assets you import or export is critical for both internal and external reporting requirements. You also need the ability to perform your supply chain activities in context of projects whenever you have to produce or receive assets.
You can now search assets based on its country of origin or project and task, when country of origin or project-driven supply chain tracking are enabled for the applicable inventory organizations. You can also view country of origin, project, and task details in the Edit Asset UI, when the asset is created automatically through Inventory and Manufacturing transactions.
Manage Asset Page > Filter Panel
Edit Asset UI
With asset tracking by country of origin or project and task, you get more flexibility in searching required assets. You can also display more contextual information for the assets.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- For more information on the Project-Driven Supply Chain solution, refer to the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide (Oracle Help Center > Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud).
For more information on country of origin, refer to the Implementing Inventory Management guide (Oracle Help Center > Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud).
Role Information
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles will be able to access this feature automatically:
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain one of these privileges will be able to access this feature:
Manage Maintenance Work Orders
Maintenance work orders support equipment maintenance on the shop floor. For example, maintenance work orders can be issued to repair a drill press, inspect welding equipment, or lubricate a milling machine. With this update, you can schedule maintenance work orders in Oracle Cloud Production Scheduling.
Maintenance schedulers often experience reduced scheduling cycle time and improved schedule quality with the ability to manually refine the maintenance schedule.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
Tips And Considerations
When you opt in to use this feature, you must opt in to the feature named: Production Scheduling. Opting in to the Production Scheduling feature also enables the feature described here. If you previously opted in to the Production Scheduling feature, then this feature is automatically enabled.
Key Resources
Role Information
You have a couple options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature.
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Get Manufacturing Plant Set Up Data by Service (WIS_GET_MFG_PLANT_SETUP_SERVICE_PRIV)
- View Inventory Organizations List of Values by Web Service (RCS_VIEW_INV_ORG_LOV_WEB_SERVICE_PRIV)