- Revision History
- Overview
- Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
- Feature Summary
- Cross-Product Enhancements
- Inventory Management
- Override Replenishment Count Type for Inventory Replenishment Requests
- Select Business Event for REST Integration with an External 3PL or WMS
- Link Transactions from an External WMS or 3PL for Reconciliation
- Enable Overpicking for Sales Orders, Transfer Orders, and Work Orders
- Purge Physical Inventory Error Records
- Disable Inventory Lots
- Reserve Materials for Work Orders
- Improved Performance When Generating Schedule Data
- Shipping
- Receiving
- Intrastat Reporting
- Cost Management
- Prevent General Ledger Period Close If Costing Subledger Periods Are Open
- Use High-Volume Inventory Value Reporting
- Use Accumulated Work Order Value for Costing Partial Completions
- Use Requisition Charge Account as an Accounting Source in Cost Management
- Review Cost Accounting Distributions Using the Enhanced User Interface
- Validation of Profit Center Business Unit Changes in Inventory Organizations
- Fiscal Document Capture
- Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Product | Feature | Notes |
29 JAN 2021 | Intrastat Reporting | Update Intrastat Reporting for the United Kingdom's Exit from the European Union | Updated document. Added a backported feature. |
30 OCT 2020 | Receiving | Other Receiving Changes in This Update | Updated document. Added section. |
30 OCT 2020 | Shipping | Other Shipping Changes in This Update | Updated document. Added a section. |
29 SEP 2020 | Cost Management | Prevent General Ledger Period Close If Costing Subledger Periods Are Open | Updated document. Revised feature information in the Key Resources section. |
18 SEP 2020 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed. For details about how to compare your configured job roles to predefined job roles and add security artifacts to your configured job roles, see the Security Console and Roles and Role Assignments chapters in the Oracle SCM Cloud: Securing SCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Link to SCM Application Pages Using Deep Links
In this update, Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud delivers new deep links that provide easy navigation directly to application pages without using the menu structure. You can use these links in a variety of ways, such as in business intelligence reports and third-party application pages.
New deep links introduced in this update are listed by product:
- Manufacturing
- Edit Resource (WIS_RESOURCE,EDIT)
- Supply Chain Collaboration
- Manage Supply Collaboration Network (COLLABORATION_RELATIONSHIP,EDIT)
- Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
- Monitor Financial Orchestration Execution (FOS_MONITOR_UI,NONE)
- Supply Chain Orchestration
- Supply Order Details (SUPPLY_ORDER,NONE)
- Supply Order Details (SUPPLY_ORDER,VIEW)
- Configurator
- Maintenance
- Customer Asset (ORA_CSE_ASSET,EDIT)
- Manage Maintenance Work Orders (ORA_MNT_WORK_ORDER,NONE)
- Order Management
- Manage Orders (SALES_ORDER,VIEW)
- Manage Orders (SALES_ORDER,NONE)
- Manage Orders (SALES_ORDER,CREATE)
- Product Hub
- Items (ITEMS,EDIT)
- Manage Items (PIM_ITEM,NONE)
- Collaboration Messaging Framework
- Channel Revenue Management
- Manage Supplier Claims (SUPPLIER_CLAIM,NONE)
- Supplier Claim (SUPPLIER_CLAIM,EDIT)
- Quality Inspection Management
- View Inspection Results (INSPECTION_EVENTS,VIEW)
- View Inspection Plan (INSPECTION_PLANS,VIEW)
- Supply Chain Planning
- Manage Sourcing Rules (SOURCING_RULES,NONE)
- Edit Sourcing Rule (SOURCING_RULES,EDIT)
- Manage Assignment Sets (SOURCING_ASSIGNMENTS,NONE)
- Manage ATP Rules (ATP_RULES,NONE)
- Manage Planning Allocation Rules (ATP_ALLOCATION_RULES,NONE)
- Edit Allocation Rule (ATP_ALLOCATION_RULES,EDIT)
- Receiving
- Receive Items (SSP_RCV_PO,NONE)
- Fiscal Document Capture
- Cost Management
- Review Work Order Costs (WORK_ORDER_COST, VIEW)
- Review maintenance work order costs(MNT_WORK_ORDER_COST,VIEW)
- Review Item Costs (ITEM_COSTS,VIEW)
- Review Cost Accounting Distributions (COST_ACCOUNTING_DISTRIBUTIONS, VIEW)
- Receipt Accounting Distributions (RECEIPT_ACCTG_DISTRIBUTIONS,VIEW)
When you add deep links to reports or third-party application pages, users can simply click those links to go directly to the application pages they need to use, without any additional clicks or navigation. When a user clicks a deep link, that user's security assignment is honored; that is, users can access application pages only if they're assigned a job role that allows them access.
Steps to Enable
You can find all of the available deep links in the Deep Links work area. Some deep links, such as those assigned the NONE action, are ready to use as is. Other deep links, such as those assigned the EDIT action, require you to edit the link details before you can add the deep link to a report or third-party application page. Refer to the documentation listed in the Key Resources section for details and instructions.
Key Resources
For details about how to work with deep links, refer to these books on the Oracle Help Center:
- Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications
- Oracle SCM Cloud: Implementing Common Features for SCM
Role Information
You have a couple of options for giving people access to the Deep Links work area, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access the Deep Links work area:
- Application Implementation Administrator (ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_ABSTRACT)
- Procurement Application Administrator (ORA_PO_PROCUREMENT_APPLICATION_ADMIN_JOB)
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain this privilege are able to access the Deep Links work area:
- View Administration Link (FND_VIEW_ADMIN_LINK_PRIV)
If you're using deep links specifically for reports, here are the privileges you need:
- For Business Intelligence Publisher:
- BI Author Role (BIAuthor)
- BI Consumer Role (BIConsumer)
- BI Administrator (BIAdministrator)
- For Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI):
- BI Author Role (BIAuthor)
- BI Consumer Role (BIConsumer)
Override Replenishment Count Type for Inventory Replenishment Requests
Upcoming holiday weekends or sudden spikes in demand might dictate that you replenish your periodic automated replenish (PAR) locations using a method outside your normal process. For example, let's say you normally replenish your PAR location using the count replenishment method and on-hand quantity replenishment type. During an upcoming holiday weekend, the stockroom will operate with reduced staff. To decrease potential delays to patient care, you want to request extra supplies for specific PAR locations you know will be busy.
Now, you can specify a replenishment count type that is different from the assigned count type of the PAR location when submitting a replenishment request. The specified count type is then honored only for that individual request. So, you can request additional supplies when circumstances dictate that you deviate from the typical replenishment method. This capability provides you with the ability to override the replenishment count type on a count-by-count basis.
The existing Replenish Inventory Requests REST resource includes two new attributes that allow you to specify the Override Replenishment Count Type Code and Override Replenishment Count Type. When the Count Method is Count, you can override the Count Type regardless of how the Subinventory is currently configured. For example, if a holiday is approaching and supplier deliveries might be more limited than usual, you might need to override the Order PAR and On Hand Quantity count types. You could specify a larger quantity to meet the demands of a holiday or holiday weekend when the volume of patients increases and supplier deliveries decrease.
The Replenish Inventory Requests REST resource has also been enhanced to provide improved error messaging. If the incoming supply to the subinventory exceeds the required quantity, an error message indicates that the supply request can't be created. You can review the return message text in the REST resource response body for more information.
Replenish Inventory Requests REST Resource
This feature provides you with the flexibility to temporarily override the assigned replenishment count type for your PAR location when submitting a replenishment request. Sometimes circumstances dictate that you need to replenish inventory in your PAR location using a method that is different from the assigned method. Now, you can override the replenishment count for your PAR location temporarily by providing your desired replenishment count type when submitting a replenishment request.
In the event there're fluctuations in demand quantity, you can easily override the replenishment count type using the Replenish Inventory Requests REST resource. There's no need to navigate the Manage Subinventories and Locators page to update the Replenishment Count Type. Using the REST resource will ultimately save you time and eliminate the need to make changes to the subinventory configuration.
Lastly, enhanced error messaging improves visibility in to the replenishment process. The Replenish Inventory Requests REST resource return message provides you with additional information if the supply request isn’t created. You can view the error details and respond accordingly. For example, if you submit an inventory replenishment request, there might be existing inbound supply quantity in transit to the organization. The enhanced error messaging will alert you to prevent duplicate replenishment requests from being created.
PAR Replenishment Process
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Watch Inventory Transaction Processing Enhancements Readiness Training
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Inventory Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You can grant users access to this feature depending on whether you’re assigning predefined job roles or configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature automatically:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Receive Inventory Replenishment Request Web Service (INV_RECEIVE_INVENTORY_REPLENISHMENT_REQUESTS_WEB_SERVICE)
Select Business Event for REST Integration with an External 3PL or WMS
To take advantage of new features in Oracle Inventory Management Cloud, you can migrate your integrations with an external third-party logistics (3PL) or warehouse management system (WMS) from SOAP services to REST APIs for receipt advices, changed receipt advices, and shipment requests. Use the Manage Inventory Business Event Configurations functional setup task to select the new business events: Outbound Receipt Advice and Outbound Shipment Request. Or you can select existing business events to maintain your current integration. If you select the new business events, you can integrate with your external 3PL or WMS using the corresponding REST APIs instead of SOAP services. While SOAP service integrations are not going away, new features support REST APIs only.
Manage Inventory Business Event Configurations
This feature provides you with the ability to configure a business event using the Setup and Maintenance work area. The assignment of a business event determines whether the document is sent to a third-party system via SOAP or REST API. In addition to providing you with the flexibility to control the integration by event type, you can also optionally specify if it’s applicable to a particular inventory organization.
Configuring a business event via a setup task offers many benefits: ease-of-use, efficiency, and flexibility. For example, a company can transition incrementally, document-by-document or organization-by-organization, to using REST APIs to integrate their 3PL or WMS. Or a company can integrate with more than one 3PL, each with varying technical capabilities or preferences to accommodate.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Currently, the outbound shipment request and outbound receipt advice documents are supported.
- If the business event is not configured, the default is to use SOAP as an integration method.
- If no inventory organization is specified, the business event applies to all organizations.
- If a user has access to perform a configuration task, they won't be restricted to inventory organizations by data security.
Key Resources
- Watch External System Integration Improvements Readiness Training
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Inventory Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have a couple options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
Link Transactions from an External WMS or 3PL for Reconciliation
When integrating Oracle Inventory Management Cloud to an external third-party logistics (3PL) or warehouse management system (WMS), there’s always a small chance that some transactions aren’t properly interfaced and on-hand balances can get out of sync. If this happens, you need an easy way to find which transactions weren’t interfaced from your external execution system.
To make identifying problem transactions more efficient, you can now map a unique transaction identifier from your external execution system into the External System Transaction Reference field. This unique transaction identifier lets you compare transactions easily between Oracle Inventory Management Cloud and your external 3PL or WMS.
This capability provides you with the ability to receive and carry an identifier from your external warehouse management system (WMS), third party logistics (3PL) provider, or contract manufacturer (CM) for receipts, inventory transactions, and shipments. These transaction identifiers can be sent via both Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) or direct service calls, and the identifier is carried on with historical transactions after processing. You can also search and query the pending and historical transactions using these identifiers both on user interfaces and via REST APIs.
Receive Transaction Identifier for Receipts, Inventory Transactions, and Shipments
This feature improves inventory accuracy by linking inventory transactions to corresponding WMS transactions and reconciling transactions between both systems.
Previously, you had to query transactions in both systems and link them manually to reconcile and verify whether all transactions were posted from your WMS to inventory. This process was difficult, time consuming, and resulted in delays in bringing inventory accuracy between the systems.
Now, you can proactively send and store the transaction references from your WMS to the corresponding inventory transactions. You can then use these transaction references to query and verify both, from user interfaces and REST services, without any manual steps to match them. This process makes reconciling a lot easier and achieves inventory accuracy much faster between systems.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Tips And Considerations
- SOAP services don't support external system transaction references
- External system transaction references are:
- Alpha-numeric without any validations and uniqueness constraints
- Displayed on the search results pages but hidden by default
- Not editable
- Added to the corresponding OTBI and BICC view objects
Key Resources
- Watch External System Integration Improvements Readiness Training
- REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have a couple options for granting users access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Create Inventory Transaction by Web Service (INV_CREATE_INVENTORY_TRANSACTION_BY_WEB_SERVICE)
- Create Receiving Receipt by Web Service (RCV_CREATE_RECEIVING_RECEIPT_WEB_SERVICE)
- Perform Receiving Receipt Transaction by Web Service (RCV_PERFORM_RECEIVING_RECEIPT_TRANSACTION_WEB_SERVICE)
- Manage Shipment Web Service (WSH_MANAGE_SHIPMENT_WEB_SERVICE)
Enable Overpicking for Sales Orders, Transfer Orders, and Work Orders
When your warehouse regularly stores goods in bulk quantities, it isn't always practical for your picking agents to spend time breaking open multiple packages for individual orders. For example, your customer order quantity requires fifteen widgets out of a twenty-four widget box to make the requested finished goods. To fulfill this customer order, you'll need to break open a box of twenty-four widgets, issue the fifteen widgets to the shop floor, and then move the remaining nine widgets back to inventory. While the shop floor personnel is equipped to break open these boxes, your picking agent isn't. In this scenario, when you can't reasonably or quickly split out the allocated quantity of material on your pick slip, you need the ability to pick more than the requested quantity and then move it to an area for further processing.
Now, you can specify more than the requested quantity on your pick-and-move requests for sales orders, transfer orders, work orders, and movement requests. This feature lets you pick a quantity that makes sense for your business, move it to a staging or processing location, perform your required tasks, and then take appropriate actions to handle the remaining quantities.
Watch a Demo
The benefits of overpicking are best realized when there’s processing, or a value-added service required, between moving materials from stores to their final staging location for shipping or consumption on the shop floor. Take, for example, items boxed in multiples or lots that require breakdown to fulfill the requested quantity. It might not be efficient to breakdown boxes in a congested store. Instead, it might be more efficient to move the items to a dedicated location for processing.
For a more specific example, let's look at organizations that operate in an industrial setting. The storage of sizeable reels of cable, for the purpose of cutting to order, might pose space and equipment constraints that would prevent the order from being processed at the source. Organizations, in this case, often have a dedicated area for cutting to process the reels before staging them. Being able to reflect those stock movements efficiently in a single screen provides warehouse operators with timely visibility of their inventory. Also, colocating reels in a processing location to satisfy multiple orders creates efficiencies, with confidence that supply or demand integrity is maintained. Furthermore, the availability of a REST service to execute picking transactions, including overpicking, allows for seamless integration with third parties that are part of the organization’s warehouse ecosystem.
Steps to Enable
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Inventory Organizations task:
- Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
- Functional Area: Facilities
- Task: Manage Inventory Organizations
- In the Organization field, select the inventory organization and click Search. The organization is displayed in the Search Results area.
- Click Manage Organization Parameters.
- Click the Item Sourcing Details tab.
- In the Picking Defaults section, select the Overpicking for movement request enabled check box.
Manage Inventory Organization Parameters
Tips And Considerations
- The picked quantity must be greater than or equal to the requested quantity.
- Serial-controlled items are not currently supported by overpicking.
- Multiple lots on a single pick line are not currently supported by overpicking.
- If your inventory organization is set to allow negative balances, you can overpick and move more than is on-hand or available.
- Overshipping functionality introduced in 20A works independently of overpicking but can be used in conjunction with it.
Key Resources
- Watch Enable Overpicking for Sales Orders, Transfer Orders, and Work Orders Readiness Training
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Inventory Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have a couple options for granting users access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
To set up this feature, here's what you need:
- Predefined job role name and code:
- Privilege name and code for configured job roles:
Purge Physical Inventory Error Records
When you need to purge a physical inventory, you might not be aware of some physical inventory tags that another person uploaded but didn’t process. If you don’t process those pending transactions, and you upload the same transactions again before they are processed, you’ll end up with error transactions stuck as pending transactions.
Now, when purging a physical inventory, an error is raised if you have pending transactions for physical inventory. This error message ensures that you’re aware of any pending transactions against physical inventory and directs you to process the pending transactions.
The new Purge Error Records parameter includes these options:
- Yes - Purge pending transactions along with the corresponding tags and adjustments.
- No - Purge only tags and adjustments after all pending transactions are processed.
- This is the default value.
- Select this value for backward compatibility.
Purge Physical Inventory Scheduled Process
The benefits of this feature include the ability to purge pending transactions along with the corresponding physical inventory tags and adjustments. When purging physical inventory, an error is raised if you have pending transactions for the physical inventory. This error message ensures that you're aware of any pending transactions against the physical inventory and instructs you to process the pending transactions. There's also a configurable parameter that provides you with the flexibility to determine whether or not physical inventory error records are purged.
Let's look at an example of how you could use this feature. Sometimes, physical inventory adjustment transactions, 12 to 18 months old, can get stuck in the pending inventory transactions page. With this feature, when you purchase the physical inventory, an error is displayed for pending inventory transactions with any status (with or without errors). This error message provides you with visibility in to pending transactions awaiting processing. If you want to purge error records, you can set the new Purge Error Records parameter to Yes. Then pending transactions will be deleted, along with the corresponding physical inventory tags and physical inventory adjustments.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Watch Inventory Transaction Processing Enhancements Readiness Training
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Inventory Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have a couple options for granting users access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Purge Physical Inventory (INV_PURGE_PHYSICAL_INVENTORY)
Regulated industries that use lot control often require lot uniqueness across items for various reasons. In this type of environment, simply mistyping a lot number can have serious ramifications to your downstream processes.
Let's say that your operations supervisor typed the lot number as 126894 when completing a work order for an item that uses lot control, item A, and then placed the finished goods into inventory. A day or so later, when trying to complete another work order for a different finished good, item B, the operations supervisor tries to complete the work order for lot number 126894. However, because lot uniqueness control is active, your operations supervisor runs into an error that says this lot already exists for a different item, in this case item A. After careful reconciliation, you determine that the operations supervisor accidentally transposed two of the numbers in the lot value when completing the work order for item A. So, you'll need to reverse the original work order for item A, and then complete the work order using a different lot number. Then you'll need to disable the association of lot 126894 with item A so it can be used for item B.
Now, you have the ability to disable an inventory lot and item combination so that an existing lot number can be reused with a different item when lot uniqueness control is active.
Manage Lots
Some benefits of this feature include:
- Improves transaction processing by reusing disabled lots for other items
- Saves time by providing a mechanism to self-correct user mistakes
- Reduces effort to manually track incorrectly entered lots
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 21B
Tips And Considerations
- Lots can be disabled or enabled using the Manage Lots task in Inventory Management work area.
- The Disable Inventory Lots functionality can be used only for items that use lot control. Lots for items that use both lot and serial control cannot be disabled.
- Only one lot can be disabled at a time.
- Inventory Item Lots REST resource hasn't been enhanced to disable or enable lots.
- Transactions in Oracle Inventory Management Cloud won't accept a disabled item-lot combination.
- Disabled lots won't be available to transact in manufacturing transactions too.
- Ensure which user should have the access to perform the Disable Lot or Enable Lot action.
- Identify the incorrect item and lot combination to disable earlier in the supply chain.
- E-signatures and e-records capabilities are available for disable and enable lot actions.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Inventory Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have a couple options for granting users access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Disable or Enable Item Lot (INV_DISABLE_OR_ENABLE_ITEM_LOT)
Reserve Materials for Work Orders
Material availability for production is a crucial aspect of maintaining production schedule adherence and on-time delivery. Factories use various processes to ensure material is available for production to enable uninterrupted manufacturing, including using a material planning solution, such as Supply Chain Planning, to make sure products are available based on projected demand. However, even with the best planning, production supervisors sometimes need to guarantee material availability for a specific work order. To enable this, supervisors may need to reserve the materials to specific work orders before the actual commencement of production.
Until this update, such reservations were possible for sales orders and transfer orders. With this update, you can now include work orders.
Here are the capabilities supported in this process:
- Reservation Creation: Creation of the reservation either at the organization level or detailed at subinventory, locator, lot or serial
- Reservation Visibility: Ability to identify, view, and edit the reservation, if present
- Honoring Reservations: Respecting the reservation in all related processes
- Issuing Reserved materials
- Undo Material Reservations
- Analyze Material Reservations
Each of these capabilities are modeled and supported by appropriate REST services. This services-oriented structure is leveraged throughout this capability.
All material reservations are performed in Oracle Inventory Management Cloud. Like a sales order or transfer order, a work order is a demand placed on the warehouse to reserve and pick material. You can manually reserve material in the Inventory Management Create Reservations page. Select demand document type Work Order to reserve material for one or more work orders. You can perform reservations for work orders or work order materials using any of the following methods. Note that materials are always reserved for a work order and not to a specific parent serial number associated with that work order.
Create and Manage Reservations in Inventory
In the Inventory Management Cloud, the Create Reservations page is used to reserve materials for all demand types manually. Use this page and the new demand document Work Order to easily find your work orders and reserve material. You can create the reservation in the following ways:
To create a reservation, search for the work order materials you want to reserve by searching with the demand document Work Order and optionally the work order number. Select the materials from the search results and select the Reserve Automatically button to create an organization level reservation for the selected items. To manually create a reservation, select the line item from the search result list and enter the lot, subinventory, locator, or serial information. When you save this transaction, you create a reservation with details.
Create Reservations
Create Reservations from Manage Work Orders and Material Availability Workbench
In both the Manage Work Orders screen and the Material Availability Workbench, you can select multiple work orders and click on the Reserve Automatically button to create organization level reservations for all the materials on the selected work orders.
When you choose the Manually Reserve task for a particular work order, you will be directed to the Inventory Reservations page, where you can manually reserve the material with details of subinventory, locator, lot, serial number, and so on.
While creating a reservation for a work order, if there is no on hand quantity in the inventory organization, you can reserve for a purchase order expected in the future or transfer order or any other supply.
When performing a manual reservation, you will be able to choose the supply document type as purchase order, transfer order, or another work order and choose a specific document number and reserve for the material requirement. This reservation can only be performed manually.
You can reserve a partial quantity of a supply document to a work order. You can also reserve one supply document for multiple work orders or multiple supply documents for one work order.
Manage Work Orders
Create & Manage Reservations from Work Order Edit Operations Item
If you want to create a reservation against a specific material on the work order, you can select the Reserve Manually task from the work order operation. This will open the Inventory Manage Reservations page where you can choose a specific sub inventory and locator, lot or serial. After you complete the reservation and click on save, you are directed back to the edit work order page.
Serial numbers for assembly items of a rework order are captured in the serial tab. You can click on the Reserve Serials button to automatically reserve the assembly materials for the serials numbers.
Edit Operation Items
Throughout the application, anywhere a source of demand is visible, the quantity reserved is also visible, and is drilled to the details of the reservation. With appropriate security privileges, you can also update the reservation.
In manufacturing, the following screens have been updated to support this:
- Material Availability Workbench details
- Reserved quantity is shown for each material
- Work Order Operation Items
- Reserved quantity is shown for each material
- Report Material Transaction
- An icon for reservation is shown on the screen. You can click on the icon to review the details of the reservation
The following tasks have been updated to honor work order reservations:
Honor Material Reservations When Viewing Material Availability
The material availability workbench will always consider existing inventory reservations to be hard allocated. You are not able to force reassign an already reserved item. If the user needs to reallocate a reserved item, they need to navigate to the inventory reservation window and manually undo reservations of materials and reserve materials to the new work order.
Honor and Persist Reservation Upon Picking
Oracle Manufacturing and Maintenance Cloud applications support the ability for the shop floor or maintenance personnel to pick material for specific work order demand. Until this update, users had the option to direct issue the materials to the work order or move it to the supply sub-inventory without a reservation.
With this update, the detailed reservation created for the work order are honored by pick release process and this reservation persists when the work order materials are moved to the reservable destination subinventory.
When reservations are not created for the work order, the component pick release creates the reservations for the work order materials.
If you need the reservations to persist only for a few critical materials, you can create one supply subinventory which is reservable for such materials and another supply subinventory that is not reservable, for the less critical materials.
When manually issuing material or backflushing, existing reservations are used to simplify the issue transaction for the operator in these ways:
When a reservation exists, the details of the reserved materials can be viewed by clicking the Reservations icon from the report material transaction page. The operator reviews the details of the reservation and then can choose to issue the reserved materials or search for a different lot or serial manually.
On completion of the material transaction using reserved material, the reservation is relieved.
If you choose to issue materials that are not reserved, the pending reservations are not adjusted and only deleted when the work order is completed or cancelled.
Transact Reserved Materials
You can undo material reservations from the inventory reservations screen manually, accessed either from inventory or from the work order screen, or using the REST service.
The reservation for the work order components cannot be deleted when there are open picks associated to the reservation. Other than that, you can delete the reservation at any time.
The existing OTBI subject areas have been updated to enable you to report on the reservation quantities for the required and issued quantities.
Watch a Demo
By reserving materials for a work order, you can ensure the reserved materials are not used for any other demand, thereby maintaining production schedule adherence and on-time delivery. By reserving the right lot of materials for a work order, you also ensure that the desired quality of the output is achieved.
Steps to Enable
The feature is enabled using the plant parameter - Allow reservations for work order materials.
Manage Plant Parameters
Tips And Considerations
When reserving critical materials for the work order, you can note the following:
The detailed reservations created for the work order are honored by pick release process and this reservation persists when the work order materials are moved to the reservable destination subinventory.
If you need the reservations to persist only for a few critical materials, you can create one supply subinventory which is reservable for such materials and another supply subinventory that is not reservable, for the less critical materials.
Key Resources
Role Information
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Reserve Materials Automatically for Work Orders (WIP_MANAGE_WORK_ORDER_MATERIAL_RESERVATIONS_PRIV)
Improved Performance When Generating Schedule Data
When creating a schedule, one process generates only the first year of the schedule working time data to speed up the response time. A separate process creates the remaining data after the first year of the calendar.
Customers using the Schedules REST resource will experience significant performance improvements because only the first year will be generated synchronously, while remaining years will be generated as an asynchronous process.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Enhanced Shipping and Delivery Date Calculations for Nonworking Dates
The process to adjust for nonworking days, which are defined in the warehouse schedule, is improved. The schedule can be inferred from the shipping or delivery location when only one warehouse uses a location, or when all warehouses using a location share a common schedule. Shipping and receiving schedules for an organization will override the organization schedule.
Anticipated shipping and receiving dates are used in Supply Chain Planning, Procurement, and Receiving Cloud applications. When the destination or origin of a transfer or shipment can be tied to a schedule, that schedule is used to adjust the calculated ship or receipt date if the schedule shows it to be on a nonworking day of the week.
With this update, if the origin or destination is a warehouse location, additional effort is made to find the corresponding warehouse which uses the location to find the schedule. In addition, if you have defined shipping or receiving schedules for an organization in the Manage Transportation Schedule task, these will take precedence over the warehouse schedule in the calculation of anticipated ship or delivery dates.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Other Shipping Changes in This Update
This section includes details about additional changes in this update that can change the way Oracle Shipping Cloud works.
Ensure Shipment's Actual Ship Date is Later than the Picking Transaction Date
If the November monthly maintenance pack is applied, then the application will ensure that the shipment’s actual ship date is later than the picking transaction date of all lines in the shipment. This helps to account for the ownership transfer transactions and issue transactions, and ensures success in costing.
Here are the changes that were implemented to restrict the shipment’s actual ship date:
- Actual ship date field is no longer defaulted
- Actual ship date field accepts only future date and times
- Actual ship date field accepts only values later than the pick transaction date of all lines in the shipment
- If the actual ship date selected is not today, the time component defaults to 11:59:59 PM
- If the actual ship date selected is today, the time component defaults to current time at the time of processing
NOTE: This fix was also delivered in the November monthly update for 20C.
Bug reference: 31434334
Validate Receiving Transaction Dates
Even when every effort to ensure that the data you enter for receipts is correct, mistakes happen. These data mistakes can be particularly problematic when dates are accidentally transposed during bulk data loads. For example, let’s say you accidentally enter a transaction date with the year 2002 instead of 2020, and then copy that date for 500 records. A short time later, your cost accountant works on closing the cost accounting period for your organization and submits the Close Cost Period scheduled process. The process eventually ends in error because transactions submitted for 2002 don’t map to a specific cost accounting period. Ultimately, this error results in transactions that you must manually correct within Oracle Cost Management Cloud.
Now, you have the ability to specify the maximum number of days prior to the current date in which you can create inventory destination receipts or drop-ship Advanced Shipment Notices (ASNs). This feature ensures that dates entered for receiving transactions are within your open cost accounting period, and it reduces the amount of data entry errors you encounter.
This feature reduces errors associated with entering incorrect receiving transaction dates. It’s critical that transaction dates are validated prior to creating receiving transactions. By identifying date-related errors early in the process, transactions with incorrect dates can be prevented in downstream applications such as Oracle Cost Management Cloud.
For example, most organizations will close their cost accounting periods at month end. Part of the cost accounting period closure process is to ensure all transactions are accounted for in the proper cost accounting period. When a transaction date is not within the cost accounting period, the cost accountant must intervene to identify the discrepancy and correct the transaction. This feature improves validations upstream in the process, eliminating the need to correct transactions within Oracle Cost Management Cloud. Ultimately, this feature saves your organization time, reduces errors, and improves data accuracy when closing and reconciling your cost accounting periods.
Additionally, the new Inventory Management profile option provides you with the flexibility to define the number of days in which a past-dated transaction is allowed. The default profile value is 5 days. However, you can configure a profile value to be more or less restrictive based on your organization's business requirements.
Steps to Enable
To use this feature, you'll need to configure the Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created and the Transaction Date Validation Enabled profile options.
The Profile Value for:
- The Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created profile is supported only at the profile level of Site.
- The Transaction Date Validation Enabled profile can be set at the User or Site level.
Here's how to configure the profile options:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Inventory Profile Options task:
- Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
- Functional Area: Inventory Management
- Task: Manage Inventory Profile Options
- On the Manage Inventory Profile Options page, enter Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created in the Profile Display Name field and click Search.
Enter the maximum number of days in the Profile Value field for the Profile Level of Site and click Save.
On the Manage Inventory Profile Options page, enter Transaction Date Validation Enabled in the Profile Display Name field and click Search.
- For the Profile Value, select No validation, Allow current date only, or Validate transaction date and click Save.
Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created Profile
Transactions Date Validation Enabled Profile
Tips And Considerations
The profile option Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created is used in conjunction with the existing profile option Transaction Date Validation Enabled. It's invoked only when the profile option Transaction Date Validation Enabled has a Profile Value of No validation. The default value for the Profile Value is 5 days. However, you can change the Profile Value to be more or less restrictive based on your business needs.
The Validate Receiving Transaction Dates feature validates transactions created from the receiving pages, Receiving Receipt Import file-based data import (FBDI) process, and REST/SOAP services.
When the Transaction Date Validation Enabled profile is set to No validation, past dated receiving transactions and the shipped date on the ASN are evaluated based on the profile option Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created. You'll receive an error message, "You can't create the transaction because the transaction date is prior to 7/10/20 5:02 PM," on the receiving pages, FBDI, and REST/SOAP process when you attempt to create a receiving transaction before the specified maximum number of days.
The profile option Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created isn't considered when the Transaction Date Validation Enabled profile option is set to Profile Value of Allow current date only.
The profile option Maximum Number of Days Prior to Current Date in Which a Transaction Can Be Created isn't considered when the Transaction Date Validation Enabled profile option is set to Profile Value of Validate transaction date.
For receiving transactions created using the Receiving Receipt Import FBDI, the error message is displayed in the receiving interface. When receiving transactions are created using the REST and SOAP services, the error message is displayed in the service response. In both cases, you can correct the transaction date and reprocess the transaction.
Key Resources
- Watch Inventory Transaction Processing Enhancements Readiness Training
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You can grant users access to this feature by assigning them predefined job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Other Receiving Changes in This Update
This section includes details about additional changes in this update that can change the way Oracle Receiving Cloud works.
Adopt Lot Expiration Control in Destination Organization when Receiving Goods Transferred from Source Organization
When transferring goods from one organization to another, the lot expiration control of the destination organization is now used at receiving. In addition, the lot expiration date is retained from the source organization and it's unchangeable at the destination, when applicable. This applies to execution in the UI, and through file-based data import and web services.
Bug reference: 31416517
Update Intrastat Reporting for the United Kingdom's Exit from the European Union
As part of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union (EU), Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs department (HMRC) issued refined guidance on Intrastat reporting requirements when trading goods with the United Kingdom. You can now specify when to exclude Great Britain for legal reporting units (LRUs) subject to Intrastat collections. Two new parameters, Exclude Dispatches From and Exclude Arrivals To, are available on the Manage Intrastat Parameters page. These parameters have no default value. You'll need to update these parameters when reporting requirements change so that you can exclude Intrastat reporting of transactions with Great Britain.
For EU LRUs, you should update the Exclude Dispatches From and Exclude Arrivals To parameters to Great Britain before collecting your January 2021 Intrastat transactions. Doing so excludes Intrastat reporting when EU countries trade goods with Great Britain.
European Union LRUs
Intrastat Parameters | Default Value | January 2021 |
Exclude Dispatches From | NA | Great Britain |
Exclude Arrivals To | NA | Great Britain |
For a United Kingdom LRU, you should update the Exclude Dispatches From parameter to Great Britain before collecting your January 2021 Intrastat transactions. Doing so excludes Intrastat reporting of goods originating from Great Britain and destined for an EU country. In the future, when you need to exclude arrival transactions into Great Britain for Intrastat reporting purposes, you can update the Exclude Arrivals To parameter to Great Britain.
United Kingdom LRUs
Intrastat Parameters | Default Value | January 2021 | Future |
Exclude Dispatches From |
NA |
Great Britain |
Great Britain |
Exclude Arrivals To |
NA |
NA |
Great Britain |
Dispatch and arrival transactions between any EU country and any Northern Ireland county are collected by the Intrastat report regardless of the value of the Exclude Dispatches From and Exclude Arrivals To parameters for a United Kingdom LRU.
This change ensures that you stay in compliance with the new Intrastat regulations published by HMRC for the United Kingdom's exit from the EU.
Steps to Enable
If you do business with any Northern Ireland counties in the United Kingdom, you need to ensure that a location is associated with any inventory organization, supplier site, customer site, or legal entity address based in a Northern Ireland county that has a postal code defined. Intrastat transactions are not collected if the postal code is blank and the destination or dispatch country is the United Kingdom.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Locations task:
- Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Offering
- Functional Area: Enterprise Profile
- Task: Manage Locations
- On the Manage Locations page, make sure a postal code is defined for legal addresses, supplier sites, and customer sites based in Northern Ireland counties. Intrastat transactions are not collected if the postal code is blank and the destination or dispatch country is the United Kingdom. If a postal code is not defined, select the entry you want to update and click Edit > Correct. Add the postal code. Then click Submit.
Ensure that the United Kingdom has been added to a tax zone.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Tax Zone Types task. In the Task panel tab, click Search, and search for Manage Tax Zone Types.
- Click Manage Tax Zone Types to open the page.
- Click Search on the Manage Zone Types page. (You don’t need to enter anything, just click Search.)
- In the search results, select Economic Regions and click Next. The Manage Zones for Zone Type page is displayed.
- Click Search on the Manage Zones for Zone Type page. (You don’t need to enter anything, just click Search.)
- In the search results, click European Economic Community and a new page is displayed.
- In the Associated Geographies section, locate the United Kingdom geography. If either the United Kingdom geography hasn't been defined or the end date has passed, you’ll need to create a new economic region and add the United Kingdom geography to it. Steps 9 and 10 explain how. If you don't need to create the United Kingdom geography, you can skip those steps. You can follow step 10 to create other geographies if you need them.
- Click Done to go back to the Manage Zones for Zone Type page.
Country Definition in Economic Zone
- Create a new economic region:
- In the Search Results section, click Actions > Create.
- Enter a name for the zone in the Zone field.
- Enter a code for the zone in the Code field.
- Make sure the end date is in the future.
- Associate a geography to the economic region:
- In the Associated Geographies section, click Actions > Add.
- Enter United Kingdom in the Country field.
- Enter Country in the Geography Type field.
- Enter United Kingdom in the Geography Name field.
- Make sure the end date is in the future.
- Repeat this step to add other geographies as needed.
- Click Save and Close when you’ve finished adding geographies.
Create Zone
If you created a new economic region for Intrastat that includes the United Kingdom, associate it with the Intrastat parameters.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Intrastat Parameters task:
Note: You might need to enable the Intrastat Reporting functional area first.
- Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
- Functional Area: Intrastat Reporting
- Task: Manage Intrastat Parameters
- Select the legal entity and click Edit. The Edit Intrastat Parameters page is displayed.
- In the Economic Zone field, select the new economic zone you created.
- Associate the new economic zone with the Intrastat parameters for LRUs. The Exclude Dispatches From and Exclude Arrivals To parameters have no default value, so you’ll need to set them.
- For an EU LRU, when you’re ready to run the Intrastat report for the month of January 2021, change the Exclude Dispatches From and Exclude Arrivals To parameters to Great Britain.
- For United Kingdom LRUs, when you’re ready to run the Intrastat report for the month of January 2021, update the Exclude Dispatches From parameter to Great Britain. In the future, when you need to exclude arrival transactions into Great Britain for Intrastat reporting purposes, you can update the Exclude Arrivals To parameter to Great Britain.
- Click Save and Close.
Manage Intrastat Parameters
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials guide, Intrastat Reporting chapter, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them to predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature.
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Manage Tax Zone Types (ZX_CREATE_TAX_ZONE_TYPE_PRIV)
Prevent General Ledger Period Close If Costing Subledger Periods Are Open
You can set up General Ledger to prevent closing general ledger periods if the corresponding subledger periods in Cost Management Cloud are open. A warning message is displayed in Cost Management when you try to open a costing period that isn't open or is closed and the corresponding general ledger period is closed. The following screenshots illustrates this feature.
Close General Ledger Period When Subledger Periods Are Open
Warning Message Opening Costing Period When General Ledger Period is Closed
This enables you to efficiently sequence your period end close so that the Cost Management Cloud subledger journal entries are transferred to General Ledger before the general ledger period can be closed.
Steps to Enable
To select the option to prevent general ledger periods to be closed when the costing period is open, perform the following steps:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Specify Ledger Options task:
- Offering: Financials
- Functional area: General Ledger
- Task: Specify Ledger Options, selecting the appropriate ledger as scope
- On the Specify Ledger Options page, select the Prevent General Ledger Period Closure When Open Subledger Periods Exist option in the Period Close section.
Specify Ledger Options Page
- Click Save and Close.
To enable validation of Cost Management subledgers for period close, perform the following steps:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage General Ledger Lookup Values task:
- Offering: Financials
- Functional Area: General Ledger
- Task: Manage General Ledger Lookup Values
- Enter ORA_GL_INCLD_STRICT_PRD_CLOSE in the Lookup Type field and click Search.
- For ORA_CST lookup code, check the Enabled checkbox.
Enable Validation of Cost Management Subledger for Period Close
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Supply Chain Cost Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Watch: Prevent General Ledger Period Closure When Open Subledger Periods Exist readiness training.
- Journals chapter in the Using General Ledger guide.
Role Information
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
- Application Implementation Consultant (ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSULTANT_JOB) for performing the steps to enable this feature.
- Cost Accountant (ORA_CST_COST_ACCOUNTANT) for Cost Accounting.
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Specify Ledger Options (GL_SET_UP_LEDGER_OPTION_PRIV) for performing the steps to enable this feature.
- Manage Financial Application Lookups (FUN_MANAGE_FINANCIAL_APPLICATION_LOOKUPS_PRIV) for performing the steps to enable this feature.
Use High-Volume Inventory Value Reporting
Use the Period Inventory Valuation report to reconcile end of period inventory balances. Use this report to review the inventory balance for a prior period or for the most current value of inventory in the current period. This report is useful for reporting inventory balances in a high-volume situation. The following screenshot illustrates the basic options for the report. This report relies on the newly introduced cost reports processor that builds the inventory snapshot information for faster performance of the report.
Period Inventory Valuation Report
Set up a new run control for the cost reports processor using Create Cost Accounting Distributions page as illustrated below.
Cost Reports Processor
Use this report for reconciling end of period inventory balances. The report uses the data generated by the cost reports processor for faster performance when you have a high volume of transactions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The cost reports processor builds the snapshot of inventory balances for faster performance of the report. It is recommended that you submit the reports processor with a separate run control.
- Use the Cost Summarization report option to summarize the cost or view cost element level information.
- When you run the reports processor for the first time, it may take more time as the snapshot is built for each costing period since the first period.
- Use the period inventory valuation report for obtaining end of period inventory balances for reconciliation.
- Since the report provides a snapshot of prior period information or information for the latest run of the report, you can't run this report for an as of date.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Supply Chain Cost Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
Use Accumulated Work Order Value for Costing Partial Completions
If you use average or actual costing and you manufacture an item for the first time, you may not have a prior cost for the item. In such cases, you had to either setup a standard cost for the item to value provisional completions or wait until work order close to value your completions. With a new cost profile option, you can use accumulated work in process balances to value partial completions. This also helps if you have long-running work orders with several interim completions.
With the option, cost of product completion is calculated at each operation using the cost of input components and resources charged to the work order at the point of completion. Units completed or scrapped at the operation are used for calculating the per unit cost at each operation. If units remain in an operation, they don’t impact the calculation of the per unit cost. The following example illustrates this calculation.
Operation | Sum of input costs at operation | Scrap + Completed Quantity | Per Unit Cost at Operation | Total Per Unit Cost |
10 | $750 | 50 | $15 | $15 |
20 | $575 | 25 | $23 | $38 |
30 | $325 | 25 | $13 | $51 (used to value completed quantity) |
The following screenshot shows the new cost profile option setup.
Work Order Valuation Rules in Manage Cost Profiles Setup
Watch a Demo
This cost profile option enables you to get actual costs for your product completions without waiting until the work order is closed when you have long-running work orders. The cot profile is also used as a fall back option in cases where the partial completion is set to use the perpetual average or actual cost and these costs aren't available, which ensures the work order completions get costed accurately.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- If you use accumulated work in process balances for valuing provisional completion for either discrete or process manufacturing, you can't select the Value at Work Order Close option in the Operation Scrap Valuation field.
- If you are updating an existing cost profile, all item cost profiles assigned to the updated cost profile inherit the valuing provisional completion option.
- Operation Scrap Valuation option applies to both discrete and process manufacturing.
- You can’t update the value in the Operation Scrap Accounting field in your cost profile if the cost profile is assigned to an item cost profile.
- If you issue components and resources not in proportion to the completion quantity at an operation, you may encounter significant cost differences for every completion. The actual cost of completion will be calculated again when the work order is closed, and any differences will be adjusted through Product Cost Adjustment transactions.
Key Resources
- Watch Use Accumulated Work in Process to Cost Product Completions Readiness Training
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
Use Requisition Charge Account as an Accounting Source in Cost Management
Use the charge account from the transfer order as a source when you create account rules, mapping sets, and description rules for the event classes and event types listed in the following table. When you use the transfer order requisition charge account as a source, you can use the segments of the charge account for overhead accounting. This ensures that the accounting information is consistent between the transaction line and its associated overhead.
The following table lists the Supported Event Classes and Event Types for the Transfer Order Requisition Charge Account Source:
Event Class |
Event Types |
Direct Interorganization Transfer | Transfer Order Direct Transfer Receipt |
Transfer Order Direct Transfer Shipment | |
In-Transit Interorganization Transfer | Transfer Order Receipt From In Transit |
Transfer Order Shipment To In Transit | |
Transfer Order Return Shipment | |
Transfer Order Return Receipt | |
Transfer Order Issue | |
Intraorganization Transfer | Transfer Order Issue to Expense with Receipt |
Transfer Order Issue to Expense without Receipt |
This new source helps you to assign appropriate charge accounts for your transfer events created in cost accounting.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- If you use multiple distributions for a given transfer order line, the source uses any one of the available distributions. We recommend that you associate a single distribution to your transfer order line.
- To determine if the sources are mapped to the event class that you want to use, refer to the Manage Subledger transaction Objects task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Setup and Maintain Applications (ASM_SETUP_AND_MAINTENANCE_PRIV)
Review Cost Accounting Distributions Using the Enhanced User Interface
Review cost accounting distributions quicker using the enhanced user interface. You get faster search results and can use a rationalized set of columns for a clutter-free experience. You can continue to view additional columns using the View Columns option as before. With this improved interface, you can now:
- View more records (up to 20 records) in a single page view
- Navigate to more pages using the pagination option
- Export transactions to a spreadsheet
- Export distributions of a transaction to a spreadsheet
- Use the View Details button to view cost information and cost distributions
- See an error status in the main page and review error messages in a pop-up window
- Use additional search parameters - Sub Inventory Code and Valuation Unit
The following screenshot illustrates the new user interface:
Review Cost Accounting Distributions Page
Use this improved interface for faster search results. You can see more records in a single view, navigate to the additional information using pagination options, where applicable, and export your query result in a spreadsheet.
Steps to Enable
Perform the following steps to enable this feature:
- Go to Setup and Maintenance work area and locate the Manage Profile Options task:
- Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
- Functional Area: Cost Accounting
- Task: Manage Profile Options
- Create a new profile option using the add button with the following values:
- Profile Display Name: New Review Cost Accounting Distributions UI
- Application: Cost Management
- Module: Cost Management
- Save and close the Manage Profile Options page.
- Click the Tasks panel tab and click Search. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Enter CST_ENABLE_DISTRIBUTION_NEW_UI in the profile code field and click Search.
- Enter Y in the Profile Value field at the site level.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
- For more information on this, see the Create Cost Accounting Distributions topic, in the Using Supply Chain Cost Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
- Application Implementation Consultant (ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSULTANT_JOB) for performing the steps to enable this feature.
- Cost Accountant (ORA_CST_COST_ACCOUNTANT) for Cost Accounting.
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Manage Application Profile Options (FND_APP_MANAGE_PROFILE_OPTION_PRIV) for performing the steps to enable this feature.
- Manage Profile Options (FND_MANAGE_PROFILE_OPTION_PRIV) for performing the steps to enable this feature.
Validation of Profit Center Business Unit Changes in Inventory Organizations
Updates to the profit center of an inventory organization now validates whether the change impacts open transactions in the Oracle Cost Management Cloud and Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Cloud products, and if so, the change is rejected.
Prior to this update, changes to the profit center business unit assignment in an inventory organization were not validated. If changes were made by a user after the organization was further set up as a costing organization with transactions against it, the change to the business unit could require a data fix.
With this change, if the inventory organization is not yet in use in Cost Management or Supply Chain Financial Orchestration, the validation will succeed and changes to the profit center business unit will not be harmful. The user will be alerted if the change would be destructive due to open transactional data, and the update will not be permitted.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Use REST Service to Confirm Item Deliveries in Fiscal Document Capture
If you conduct supply chain operations in Brazil, you need to capture fiscal documents for receipt transactions. Using Oracle Fiscal Document Capture, you can capture a fiscal document and confirm item deliveries against it. Using the REST service, you can create purchase order receipts recorded in an external application against a fiscal document line recorded in Oracle Fiscal Document Capture.
Use the REST service to perform the following functions:
- Get all fiscal documents that are not in captured status using various parameters (see list below)
- Update delivered quantity of one or more fiscal document lines
You can use the GET operations with various parameters. Here are some examples.
- Get all the fiscal document details for a source document type (i.e. Purchase Order), source document number (i.e. PO number) in a Bill-to business unit
- Get all the fiscal document details for a source document type (i.e. Purchase Order), source document number (i.e. PO number) and source document line number (i.e PO line number) in a Bill-to business unit
- Get the fiscal document details for a given fiscal document header ID
- Get all fiscal documents in a Bill-to business unit. You can use the option to exclude "Captured" fiscal documents
- Get the fiscal document details using access key number in a Bill-to business unit
- Get the fiscal document details using the fiscal document number in a Bill-to business unit
- Get all the fiscal document details for an issuer in a Bill-to business unit
- Get all the fiscal document details for an inventory item in a Bill-to business unit
- Get all the fiscal document details using the issuer and inventory item in a Bill-to business unit
- Get all the fiscal document details using a PO receipt number in a Bill-to business unit
The following table lists the REST resources.
Resource Name | Operation | Standard Action Type |
inboundFiscalDocuments | GET | Singular and Collection |
fiscalDocumentLines | GET | Singular and Collection |
fiscalDocumentLines | PATCH | Singular |
fiscalDocumentLines | PATCH | Bulk update |
fiscalDocumentSchedules | GET | Singular and Collection |
If your business process requires recording physical receipts of material outside Oracle Cloud (for example, in an external WMS or a 3PL system), you can use a REST service to create item deliveries against a fiscal document.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST APIs for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
You have couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Capture Fiscal Document (CMF_ENTER_FISCAL_DOCUMENT)
Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Use OTBI Reporting to Review In-Process Financial Orchestration Transactions
Use OTBI reporting to achieve a unified view of all financial orchestration transactions, completed or in-process. Prior to this update, the OTBI reports that you could create in the Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration subject area were limited to completed transactions.
You can use the enhanced Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Real Time subject area for operational reporting and reviewing errors or exceptions during orchestration task execution. This subject area includes events, tasks, event messages, task messages, business unit, and time dimensions. You can build various reports for your auditing needs and error analysis such as financial flow details, errors or warnings generated as part of the financial orchestration, or cost-accounting distributions for trade transactions that are part of the financial flow.
The following screenshot illustrates the Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Real Time subject area.
Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Real Time Subject Area
The new OTBI reporting capability will give global trade managers and supply chain controllers an ability to audit the financial transactions by providing visibility into details of the physical transaction, and the status of all associated financial orchestration transactions without using the user interface. The data within this subject area can provide a quick and complete insight into global transfer pricing compliance, error management, and reporting.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for SCM, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in SCM, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Maintain Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Flow (FOS_MAINTAIN_SUPPLY_CHAIN_FINANCIAL_TRADE_AGREEMENT_PRIV)
Use Ship-From Location for a Drop Shipment Intercompany AR Invoice
Your accounting rules may use the item sales account item attribute at an inventory organization level. Oracle Receivables uses the warehouse on the invoice line to identify the sales account for a given item. Prior to this update, in supplier drop shipment flows, Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration did not pass the warehouse for a drop shipment invoice line. The revenue account was derived from the sales account available in the master organization of the item. With this update, Supply Chain Financial Orchestration passes the inventory organization used for the drop shipment receipt as the warehouse for the invoice line, and thus allows the usage of the correct inventory organization sales account.
The following table lists the Ship-From warehouse used for intercompany AR invoice for various business flows:
Business Flow |
Ship from Location |
Drop Shipment + Shipment |
Inventory organization used for the drop shipment receipt |
Drop Shipment + Global Procurement | Inventory organization for the supplier facing business unit, that's Sold-To business unit) |
Drop Shipment + Shipment + Global Procurement | Shipment leg: Inventory organization used for the drop shipment receipt Procurement leg: Inventory organization of the Sold-To business unit |
When you execute drop ship transactions from multiple business units, you determine the drop ship warehouse based on the requisitioning business unit. Using the appropriate drop ship inventory organization allows you to model taxes more efficiently and also use them for accounting purposes.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles are automatically able to access this feature:
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:
- Maintain Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Flow (FOS_MAINTAIN_SUPPLY_CHAIN_FINANCIAL_TRADE_AGREEMENT_PRIV)