Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management
What's New


The features in the table below were originally delivered as Opt In but will, in a future update, no longer require Opt In to enable. You may still need to do some additional setup or configuration, as indicated in Column C. This advance notice of upcoming Opt In Expiration will help you plan for these changes. Once the Opt In has expired the feature will be included in the table above.

Important Note: If you have already enabled these features then NO further action is necessary.

(A) (B) (C)
Feature Module Feature
the Opt In UI to Enable,
Originally Delivered in:
*No Longer Requires*
the Opt In UI to Enable,
Beginning in:
Action still required to enable for end users?
Delivered Ready
to Use
Customer Action Still
Update 24C
Include Co-Products and By-Products in Discrete Manufacturing Cost Planning and Work Order CostingCost Management24C25A (2)
Include Operation Yield in Cost Planning and Cost Accounting for Estimated Losses During Work Order ExecutionCost Management24C25A (1)
Create Multiple New Subinventories and Locators SimultaneouslyInventory Management24C25A (2)
Automatically Derive Item Identifiers in Recall Notice and Locate Recalled Parts Using the Item IdentifiersProduct Recall Management24C25A
Limit Changes to Schedules That Are Assigned to Organizations, Plants, or Work Centers SCM Common Components 24C 25A (1)
Update 24B
Enable Parallel Processing for Cost Distribution ProcessorCost Management24B24D (2)
Default Lot Uniqueness Inventory Organization Parameter to Unique Across ItemsInventory Management24B24D (1)
Cancel Sales Order Backorders Automatically and Enforce Single ShipmentShipping24B24D (1)
Update 23D
Hold Changes from Manufacturing Until Purchase Orders Are Ready in Outside Processing FlowsSupply Chain Orchestration23D24D (1)
Update 22D
Calculate Acquisition Cost for Purchase Order Transactions with Enhanced Cost Processing Cost Management 22D 24D (2)


The features in the table below were originally delivered Disabled. That is, the features required you to take action in the Opt In UI to enable for end users (plus possibly take additional setup or configuration steps). Column A shows when these features were originally delivered.

Beginning in the update version specified in Column B, these features will no longer require the Opt In UI to enable for end users. However, you may still need to take additional setup or configuration steps to enable the feature, per Column C. If additonal customer action is still required to enable, click on the feature name to get more information.

Important Note: If you have already enabled these features in the Opt In UI then NO further action is necessary.

(A) (B) (C)
Feature Module Feature
the Opt In UI to Enable,
Originally Delivered in:
*No Longer Requires*
the Opt In UI to Enable,
Beginning in:
Action still required to enable for end users?
Delivered Ready
to Use
Customer Action Still
Update 24C
Perform Mass Maintenance on Subinventories and LocatorsInventory Management24B24C (2)
Add Postprocessing Days When You Modify Ship Dates in Your Back-to-Back FlowsSupply Chain Orchestration24A24C (1)
Include Material Overheads in Maintenance ExpenseCost Management24A24C
Manage Subinventories and Locators on Redesigned PagesInventory Management24A24C (2)
Update 24B
Improve Processing After Supply Chain Orchestration Updates Supply or DemandSupply Chain Orchestration24A24B (1)
Validate Rolled-up Cost Information with Enhanced User InterfaceCost Management23D24B (2)
Integrate Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Picking Requests with Your Warehouse Management SystemInventory Management23D24B
Default Lot and Serial Numbers for Transfer Orders During Put AwayReceiving23D24B
Update the Receipt Date for Multiple Receipt Lines SimultaneouslyReceiving23D24B
Use Transaction Date to Identify Financial Orchestration FlowsSupply Chain Financial Orchestration23D24B (2)
Update 24A
Use the Supply Chain Orchestration Work Area to Synchronize Supply DocumentsSupply Chain Orchestration23C24A (1)
View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales OrdersSupply Chain Orchestration23C24A (1)
Validate and Close Multiple Cost Organizations SimultaneouslyCost Management23C24A (1)
Sign for Inventory E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication SystemInventory Management23C24A
Recalculate Transfer Price in Split Shipments of Transfer Orders and Partial Receipts of Global Purchase OrdersSupply Chain Financial Orchestration23C24A (2)
Use an Improved Oracle Payables Invoice Match Flow for Drop ShipmentsSupply Chain Financial Orchestration23C24A (1)
Update 23D
Include Reference Details for Supply Requests on REST API Error MessagesSupply Chain Orchestration23B23D (1)
Prevent Creation of Distributions with Zero Value Cost ElementsCost Management23B23D (1)
Transact Lots Without On-Hand QuantityInventory Management23B23D
Honor the Source Subinventory on the Shipment Line During Pick Release for Quick Ship Enabled OrganizationsShipping23B23D (1)
Send Only Shipment Lines with Prior Reservations to a 3PL or WMSShipping23B23D (1)
Send Shipment Lines Using Only a Specific Subinventory to a 3PL or WMS for Nonlot ItemsShipping23B23D (1)
Ship Goods Without Sufficient On-Hand Quantity Using Quick ShipShipping23B23D
Update 23C
Improve Supply Tracking for Sales Orders in Your Back-to-Back FlowsSupply Chain Orchestration23A23C (2)
Review Cost Accounting Distributions Using the Enhanced and Performant User InterfaceCost Management23A23C (2)
Ship More Than Secondary Requested Quantity Using Quick ShipShipping23A23C (1)
Recalculate Transfer Price in Split ShipmentsSupply Chain Financial Orchestration23A23C (2)
Use Enhanced Period Inventory Valuation and Gross Margin ReportingCost Management22D23C
Update 23C
Use the Supply Chain Orchestration Work Area to Synchronize Supply DocumentsSupply Chain Orchestration23C24A (1)
View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales OrdersSupply Chain Orchestration23C24A (1)
Validate and Close Multiple Cost Organizations SimultaneouslyCost Management23C24A (1)
Sign for Inventory E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication SystemInventory Management23C24A
Recalculate Transfer Price in Split Shipments of Transfer Orders and Partial Receipts of Global Purchase OrdersSupply Chain Financial Orchestration23C24A (2)
Use an Improved Oracle Payables Invoice Match Flow for Drop ShipmentsSupply Chain Financial Orchestration23C24A (1)
Update 23B
Use Transaction Date as the Expenditure Item Date for Purchase Order Receipts Receiving 22D 23B (1)
View Improved Pick Release Logs Shipping 22D 23B
Update 23A
Substitute Items for Transfer Order Lines Interfaced to an External WMS or 3PL Shipping 22C 23A
Update 22D
Update the Import Status of Intercompany Receivables Invoices Using an Enhanced Scheduled Process Supply Chain Financial Orchestration 22B 22D (1)
Capture Lot and Serial Numbers for Expense Destination ReceiptsReceiving22B22D (1)
Capture Lot and Serial Numbers for Work Order Destination ReceiptsReceiving22B22D (1)
Update 22C
Substitute Items During Pick Release for Transfer Orders Inventory Management 22A 22C
Update 22B
Use the Enhanced Cost of Goods Sold ProcessorCost Management21D22B (1)
Calculate Transfer Price Using the Secondary Unit of MeasureSupply Chain Financial Orchestration21D22B
Update 21D
Use New Performance Architecture for Create Cost Accounting Distributions ProcessCost Management21C21D (1)
Default Lot and Serial Numbers from ASN or ASBN During Put AwayReceiving21B21D (1)
Update 21C
Perform Lot Split, Merge, and Translate Using REST APIs and FBDIInventory Management21A21C
Reserve Unreleased OrdersInventory Management21A21C (1)
Use Dynamic Creation of Account Combination for Inventory TransactionsInventory Management21A21C
Accept Project-Specific Customer ReturnsReceiving21A21C
Use External Ship-to Locations and Internal Ship-from Locations in an Intercompany AP InvoiceSupply Chain Financial Orchestration21A21C (2)
Use Location of Final Discharge in an Intercompany AP InvoiceSupply Chain Financial Orchestration21A21C (2)
Update 21B
Disable Inventory LotsInventory Management20D21B (1)

(1) SMALL Scale UI or Process-Based Feature: These features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

(2) LARGER Scale UI or Process-Based Feature: These features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher, meaning these features should be the focus of customer acceptance testing.