Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management
What's New
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  1. Update 23C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Supply Chain Orchestration
    1. Supply Chain Orchestration
        1. Use REST API to Process Supply Request Lines that Pass Validation
        2. Use the Supply Chain Orchestration Work Area to Synchronize Supply Documents
        3. Use Your Own Group Codes to Manage Purchase Requests in Buyer Planning
        4. Extend Supply Chain Orchestration's Integration with Inventory Management
        5. Prevent Duplicate Supply Requests for Back-to-Back Sales Orders
        6. View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders
        7. Use High-Volume Order Processing with Supply Chain Orchestration for Configured Items
  7. Collaboration Messaging Framework
    1. Collaboration Messaging Framework
        1. Define the File Extension for Your B2B Messages Delivered by Email or an Oracle Content Repository
        2. Retransmit Unsuccessful B2B Messaging-Enabled Purchase Orders
        3. Specify the Sender's Email Address for Outbound B2B Messages
  8. Inventory Management
    1. Inventory Management
        1. Sign for Inventory E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication System
        2. Improved Layout of the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters Page
        3. Optimize Reservation Creation for High-Volume Order Processing
        4. Selected Inventory Management Bug Fixes in This Update
      1. Item Replacement
        1. Perform Mass Updates on Item Subinventories, Item Locators, and Item Transaction Defaults During Item Replacement
    2. Shipping
        1. Print ATCUD on Shipping Documents for Organizations in Portugal
        2. Selected Shipping Bug Fixes in This Update
    3. Receiving
        1. Receive Goods and Services on Behalf of Others Using the Responsive Self-Service Receiving Application
        2. Selected Receiving Bug Fixes in This Update
    4. Product Recall Management
        1. Generate OTBI Reports by Combining Product Recall Attributes with Genealogy Attributes
    5. Cost Management
        1. Use New Subledger Accounting Sources in Cost Accounting for COGS Recognition Transactions
        2. Validate and Close Multiple Cost Organizations Simultaneously
        3. Create Distributions for Drop Ship Corrections Related to Invoice Cancellations
        4. Review Inventory Valuation Using the Enhanced User Interface and Report
        5. Deprecated Objects for Inventory Valuation, Item Costs, and Gross Margin Reporting
        6. Selected Cost Management Bug Fixes in This Update
    6. Receipt Accounting
        1. Selected Receipt Accounting Bug Fixes in This Update
    7. Landed Cost Management
        1. Allocate Landed Cost Charges Using ASN Quantity
    8. Fiscal Document Capture
        1. Process Amount Based Purchases
    9. Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
        1. Recalculate Transfer Price in Split Shipments of Transfer Orders and Partial Receipts of Global Purchase Orders
        2. Use an Improved Oracle Payables Invoice Match Flow for Drop Shipments
  9. IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations

Update 23C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
29 JAN 2024 Cost Management Deprecated Objects for Inventory Valuation, Item Costs, and Gross Margin Reporting Updated document. Added some deprecated objects.
15 NOV 2023 Supply Chain Orchestration Use Your Own Group Codes to Manage Purchase Requests in Buyer Planning

Updated document. Revised feature description.

25 SEP 2023 Cost Management Validate and Close Multiple Cost Organizations Simultaneously Updated document. Revised Tips and Considerations section.
21 AUG 2023 Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Recalculate Transfer Price in Split Shipments of Transfer Orders and Partial Receipts of Global Purchase Orders Updated document. Updated Tips and Considerations section.
21 JUN 2023 Inventory Management Optimize Reservation Creation for High-Volume Order Processing Updated document. Added feature in update 23C.
02 JUN 2023     Created initial document.



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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks

Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
  2. On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
  4. On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Configure Offerings.

Opt In Expiration

Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Supply Chain Orchestration

Supply Chain Orchestration

Use REST API to Process Supply Request Lines that Pass Validation

Use the Supply Chain Orchestration Work Area to Synchronize Supply Documents

Use Your Own Group Codes to Manage Purchase Requests in Buyer Planning

Extend Supply Chain Orchestration's Integration with Inventory Management

Prevent Duplicate Supply Requests for Back-to-Back Sales Orders

View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders

Use High-Volume Order Processing with Supply Chain Orchestration for Configured Items

Collaboration Messaging Framework

Collaboration Messaging Framework

Define the File Extension for Your B2B Messages Delivered by Email or an Oracle Content Repository

Retransmit Unsuccessful B2B Messaging-Enabled Purchase Orders

Specify the Sender's Email Address for Outbound B2B Messages

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Sign for Inventory E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication System

Improved Layout of the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters Page

Optimize Reservation Creation for High-Volume Order Processing

Selected Inventory Management Bug Fixes in This Update

Item Replacement

Perform Mass Updates on Item Subinventories, Item Locators, and Item Transaction Defaults During Item Replacement


Print ATCUD on Shipping Documents for Organizations in Portugal

Selected Shipping Bug Fixes in This Update


Receive Goods and Services on Behalf of Others Using the Responsive Self-Service Receiving Application

Selected Receiving Bug Fixes in This Update

Product Recall Management

Generate OTBI Reports by Combining Product Recall Attributes with Genealogy Attributes

Cost Management

Use New Subledger Accounting Sources in Cost Accounting for COGS Recognition Transactions

Validate and Close Multiple Cost Organizations Simultaneously

Create Distributions for Drop Ship Corrections Related to Invoice Cancellations

Review Inventory Valuation Using the Enhanced User Interface and Report

Deprecated Objects for Inventory Valuation, Item Costs, and Gross Margin Reporting

Selected Cost Management Bug Fixes in This Update

Receipt Accounting

Selected Receipt Accounting Bug Fixes in This Update

Landed Cost Management

Allocate Landed Cost Charges Using ASN Quantity

Fiscal Document Capture

Process Amount Based Purchases

Supply Chain Financial Orchestration

Recalculate Transfer Price in Split Shipments of Transfer Orders and Partial Receipts of Global Purchase Orders

Use an Improved Oracle Payables Invoice Match Flow for Drop Shipments

>>Click for IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations

Supply Chain Orchestration

Supply Chain Orchestration

Use REST API to Process Supply Request Lines that Pass Validation

Use the Create Supply Request REST API to process supply request lines that pass validation. If your supply request includes more than one supply request line, and if you set the AllowPartialRequestFlag attribute to Y in your REST API payload, then REST API will process the lines that pass validation. It won't process the lines that don't pass validation and mark them in error. If you set AllowPartialRequestFlag to N, and if any line in the supply request doesn't pass validation, then REST API will reject all lines in the request, including the ones that do pass validation. The default value for AllowPartialRequestFlag is N.

Use this feature to process the supply request lines that pass validation when your supply request includes more than one supply request line.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
    • Supply Chain Operations Manager (ORA_DOS_SUPPLY_CHAIN_OPERATIONS_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
    • Process Supply Order Interface (DOS_PROCESS_SUPPLY_ORDER_INTERFACE_PRIV)
    • View Supply Orders (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDERS_PRIV)
    • Manage Supply Request Exceptions (DOS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS_PRIV)
    • View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)

If you're maintaining your own job roles, no new privileges were introduced to support this feature.

Use the Supply Chain Orchestration Work Area to Synchronize Supply Documents

Use the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to synchronize supply documents between Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration and Oracle Procurement. Use this feature in your outside processing flow when Supply Chain Orchestration can't record a purchase requisition or purchase order because of a technical failure.

Keep your data up to date so Supply Chain Orchestration has the latest purchasing details and can accurately orchestrate supply for your sales orders.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24A

Tips And Considerations

Synchronize your purchase requisitions and purchase orders:

  1. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then click Tasks > Manage Supply Lines.
  2. On the Manage Supply Lines page, click a link in the Supply Order Number column, such as 300100083428746.
  3. On the Supply Order Details page, click Actions > Synchronize Supply Documents.

Supply Chain Orchestration will synchronize data for your purchase requisitions and purchase orders between Supply Chain Orchestration and Procurement.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
    • Supply Chain Operations Manager (ORA_DOS_SUPPLY_CHAIN_OPERATIONS_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
    • Process Supply Order Interface (DOS_PROCESS_SUPPLY_ORDER_INTERFACE_PRIV)
    • View Supply Orders (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDERS_PRIV)
    • Manage Supply Request Exceptions (DOS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS_PRIV)
    • View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)
    • Synchronize Supply Document (DOS_SYNC_SUPPLY_DOCS)

Use Your Own Group Codes to Manage Purchase Requests in Buyer Planning

Use your own group codes to manage purchase requests in the Buyer Planning work area, which is available as part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning starting in update 23D. You can already use predefined codes such as Buyer, Category, Item, Location, Supplier, and None. This new feature allows buyer planners to create their own group code, and then use it to organize purchase requests into a group and take advantage of price breaks, order minimums, and so on. Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration will send the group code for each purchase request to Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement. Oracle Procurement will group these purchase requests into purchase requisitions according to the value in the Group Code attribute.

Use this feature to group purchase requests to take advantage of price breaks, order minimums and other constraints.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.

  • Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
    • Supply Chain Operations Manager (ORA_DOS_SUPPLY_CHAIN_OPERATIONS_MANAGER_JOB)
  • Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
    • Process Supply Order Interface (DOS_PROCESS_SUPPLY_ORDER_INTERFACE_PRIV)
    • View Supply Orders (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDERS_PRIV)
    • Manage Supply Request Exceptions (DOS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS_PRIV)
    • View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)

If you're maintaining your own job roles, no new privileges were introduced to support this feature.

Extend Supply Chain Orchestration's Integration with Inventory Management

Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration allows you to create service mappings to integrate with Oracle Inventory Management starting in update 23B. This feature extends that capability. You can include a change entity and other attributes when you map attributes between Supply Chain Orchestration and your inventory management system. Here are the new attributes that you can map:

  • SourceOrganizationId 
  • SourceSubinventoryCode 
  • DestinationLocationId
  • ItemRevision 
  • FreightCarrierId 
  • ModeOfTransportLookup
  • ServiceLevelLookup 
  • ShipmentPriorityLookup 
  • FirmFlag 
  • RepriceFlag 
  • AllowItemSubstitutionFlag

Use service mappings to tailor how you process the change that happens in your supply chain during order fulfillment. You can now use service mappings to integrate with inventory, procurement, or manufacturing.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This is an enhancement to an existing opt-in feature that is always optional.
  • Make sure your integration can satisfy the validations that Inventory Management applies. Your request payload might be fine, but Inventory Management might not accept the request. 
  • Make sure the objects that you reference in your integration algorithm exist, especially when you query for more than one request line. If you reference an object that doesn't exist at runtime, you might encounter an error.
  • If you encounter an error, fix it, then use the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to resubmit your request.

Access Requirements

Use these predefined privileges to set up this feature:

  • Manage DOS Service Mappings
  • Manage DOS Algorithms
  • Administer Sandbox
  • View Modified Data, so you can view the runtime results

Prevent Duplicate Supply Requests for Back-to-Back Sales Orders

Prevent Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration from creating excess supply when a communication problem happens. Sometimes there's a disruption that prevents Oracle Order Management from sending a supply request to Supply Chain Orchestration. The disruption might never get resolved and orchestration never receives the request, or receive it only after a long delay. If Order Management doesn't receive a reply from Supply Chain Orchestration after a specific amount time, then Order Management might resend a create, update, or cancel request, and this makes it difficult for Supply Chain Orchestration to interpret how to handle the resent request.

Use this feature to prevent Supply Chain Orchestration from creating duplicate supply requests for the same demand when there's a communication problem between Order Management and Supply Chain Orchestration.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order.

View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders

You might need to manually create a reservation when Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration can't create enough supply to meet Oracle Order Management's demand. You can view these reservations in the Supply Orchestration work area:

  • View details about each reservation that you create manually in a back-to-back flow for your sales order.
  • View the work orders, purchase requests, and transfer orders that create supply for these reservations.
  • Click a link that takes you to the work order, purchase request, or transfer order.
  • View the current state of the supply lines and tracking lines for each manual reservation.
  • View an icon on each supply line and tracking line to quickly determine whether you're using it for a manual reservation.
  • The Supply Orchestration work area displays a manual reservation only when supply doesn't meet the requested quantity.

Get a picture of the supply that's allocated to the sales order outside of automated processing.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24A

Tips And Considerations

  • Supply Chain Orchestration doesn't modify a manual reservation for a demand change that it receives from Order Management.  Any necessary changes must be done manually.
  • The quantity for the work order, purchase request, or transfer order might be different from the reservation's quantity or the quantity on the supply or tracking line because other requests might also use the work order, purchase request, or transfer order.

Access Requirements

The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order.

Use High-Volume Order Processing with Supply Chain Orchestration for Configured Items

Use High-Volume Order Processing with Supply Chain Orchestration to orchestrate the supply that you need to fulfill configured items when you have a high volume of sales orders to process.

Improve performance when you need to orchestrate fulfillment for sales orders that have a lot of configured items, or your configured items are large and complex and have many child components.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order with configured items.

Collaboration Messaging Framework

Collaboration Messaging Framework

Define the File Extension for Your B2B Messages Delivered by Email or an Oracle Content Repository

You can specify a B2B message file extension for the email and file export delivery methods. The extension you specify is used for B2B messages delivered by email or messages retrieved from an Oracle content repository by your trading partner.

To specify a file extension:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click Manage B2B Trading Partners or Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers in the Tasks panel tab.
  1. Search for the trading partner or user-defined service provider associated with the delivery method.
  1. Select a trading partner or user-defined service provider, and then select Actions > Edit.
  1. On the Edit Trading Partner page, select the Delivery Methods tab to add a new delivery method type of Email or File Export and specify the file extension. You can also add a file extension for existing delivery methods of these types.
  1. Enter up to four characters in the File Extension field. B2B messages will have the file extension you entered. If you don’t enter a file extension, the .zip default is used.

Email Delivery Method

Email Delivery Method

You can send B2B messages to trading partners by email without triggering corporate firewall rules that strip zipped email attachments.

NOTE: This feature was also made available in the April monthly update of 23B.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The file extension you enter doesn’t change the file compression method. The file remains a Zip compressed file, but with the file extension you entered. Your trading partner will need to change the extension back to .zip to extract B2B messages upon receipt.

Key Resources

  • Configuring and Managing B2B Messaging for Oracle Applications Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage B2B Trading Partners (CMK_B2B_TRADING_PARTNERS_PRIV)
  • Manage Service Provider (CMK_MANAGE_SERVICE_PROVIDER_PRIV)

These privileges were available prior to this update.

Retransmit Unsuccessful B2B Messaging-Enabled Purchase Orders

You can get a list of untransmitted purchase orders and either retransmit them in bulk or download the list for further review. To generate the list, use the new Retransmit Purchase Orders dialog box on the Manage Collaboration Messaging History page. You invoke the new dialog box by clicking on a warning icon or from the Actions menu on that page.

You'll see a warning icon on the Manage Collaboration Messaging History page if there are purchase orders that B2B message transmission wasn't initiated for when you select one of these document types:

  • Purchase Order - Outbound
  • Purchase Order Change - Outbound
  • Purchase Order Cancellation - Outbound

When you click the warning icon, a warning message appears.

Retransmit Warning Icon and Message

Retransmit Warning Icon and Message

If you click Yes, the Retransmit Purchase Orders dialog box appears. Or you can select Actions > Retransmit on the Manage Collaboration Messaging History page to invoke the dialog box.

Retransmit Purchase Orders Dialog Box

Retransmit Purchase Orders Dialog Box

The From Date and Orders to Retransmit fields are required. The other fields are optional.

The Orders to Retransmit field includes these options:

Menu Option


Orders for which B2B transmission wasn't initiated

Retransmits all untransmitted purchase orders, including prior untransmitted versions

Orders with the B2B messaging status of Terminated

Retransmits purchase orders that have a status of Terminated


Retransmits all untransmitted purchase orders and those with a status of Terminated

Click Search on Retransmit Purchase Orders dialog box to see the number of orders found. You can download the list of purchase orders found or initiate retransmission of the orders.

To set the minimum time an order can be in process before you can terminate processing:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration task in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.

  2. Enter a value in the Minimum In-Process Duration field on the General Setup tab of the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration page. The value you enter determines the minimum time an order can be in process before you can terminate it. The default value is 60 minutes.

The Terminate Processing option is available on the Actions menu.

Minimum In-Process Duration

Minimum In-Process Duration

NOTE: This feature was also made available in the May monthly update of 23B.

You can now review untransmitted purchase orders with the option to transmit them in bulk. This feature reduces any potential interruption of B2B message exchange with your suppliers.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Configuring and Managing B2B Messaging for Oracle Applications Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration (CMK_MANAGE_COLLAB_MESG_CONFIG_PRIV)
  • Manage Collaboration Messaging History (CMK_COLLAB_MESG_HISTORY_PRIV)
  • Extensible Data Model Used for Electronic Messaging Profile (PO_ELECTRONIC_COMM_DATA_MODEL)
  • These privileges were available prior to this update.

Specify the Sender's Email Address for Outbound B2B Messages

You can configure an email address for the sender of your B2B documents instead of using the application-generated one. And you can monitor the inbox of the email address you configured for replies.

Your trading partners can add the sender email address to their approved list of emails to ensure continued communication.

NOTE: This feature was also made available in the April monthly update of 23B.

Steps to Enable

In Setup and Maintenance, select the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration task.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration task in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.
  1. Select the Business Process Setup tab on the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration page.
  1. In the Collaboration Business Process section, select the business process that includes the document you want to transmit using the new sender email address you configured.
  1. In the Configure Collaboration Documents section, select the outbound document.

Business Process and Outbound Document Selection

Business Process and Outbound Document Selection

  1. Click the Configure Additional Details button and enter the sender's email address in the dialog box. This email address is used as the sender for all outbound B2B messages associated with the selected document.

Configure Additional Details Dialog Box

Configure Additional Details Dialog Box

Tips And Considerations

For best practices on email security, refer to the Configure Email Security documentation available on the Oracle Help Center.

Key Resources

  • Configuring and Managing B2B Messaging for Oracle Applications Cloud guide available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:

  • Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration (CMK_MANAGE_COLLAB_MESG_CONFIG_PRIV)

This privilege was available prior to this update.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Sign for Inventory E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication System

Companies that require electronic record keeping with nonbiometric electronic signatures are increasingly seeking ways to simplify their identity management approach and streamline the user login experience. They want to use a single set of login credentials to authenticate a user when signing electronic records and accessing any of their application systems. With this update, you can now configure single sign-on credentials for an e-signature user using Oracle Access Management as the identity provider to authenticate against an external authentication system instead of the Oracle WebLogic identity provider.

Single sign-on credentials can apply to the e-signature users for the following Oracle Inventory Management e-signature and e-record transactions:

  • Inventory Lot Update
  • Inventory Serial Update
  • Miscellaneous Transaction
  • Put Away
  • Receipt
  • Receiving Transaction Correction
  • Ship Confirm

The following is a screenshot of the Oracle Access Management login page for user authentication using single sign-on.

Oracle Access Management Login Page for User Authentication Using Single Sign-on

Using Oracle Access Management as the identity provider for external authentication, you can synchronize the Oracle e-signature process with other existing application logins based on single sign-on credentials.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24A

If you want to opt-in and use the Sign for Manufacturing E-Records Using Single Sign-on Through an External Authentication System feature, you must:

  1. Opt-in to its parent feature, Capture Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures for Supply Chain Management Transactions. If you’ve already opted into this parent feature, you don't need to opt in again.

  2. Opt in to the feature named Reauthenticate E-Signature Users Using Oracle Access Manager.

Refer to the documentation on how to configure and manage Identity Federation with Oracle Access Management.

Tips And Considerations

  • If you don't use an external authentication system, then there's no configuration change required.
  • After the opt in for this feature expires, you will see the login authentication page using Oracle Access Management instead of Business Process Management.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:


This privilege was available prior to this update.

Improved Layout of the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters Page

On the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters Page, in the General Information area, some of the inventory organization fields in the Additional Usages section have been reordered. The Organization represents a contract manufacturer check box and the Supplier and Supplier Site fields have been moved above the Integrated System Type field. This change to the field order keeps related attributes adjacent to one another and in a more meaningful order.

Reordered Fields in the Additional Usages Section

Reordered Fields in the Additional Usages Section

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Optimize Reservation Creation for High-Volume Order Processing

Fulfilling customer orders on time with the right goods is vital for any business. Reservations can help you meet this goal by ensuring material availability for specific orders. In high-volume environments, a large number of orders attempting to reserve the same materials simultaneously can cause contention and degrade performance. Now you can use the INV_RSV_SOAP_PERF_TUNING profile option to optimize reservation creation in your orchestration process when you operate in a high-volume order environment.

This feature provides you with enhanced reservation processing for high-volume order environments.

Steps to Enable

Create the profile:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Profile Options task. In the Task panel, click Search, and then search for Manage Profile Options.
  1. Click the Manage Profile Options task.
  1. On the Manage Profile Options page, click the + icon. On the Create Profile Option page:
    1. Enter INV_RSV_SOAP_PERF_TUNING for the profile option code.
    2. Enter Inventory Reservation Performance Tuning for the profile display name.
    3. Select Inventory Management for the application.
    4. Select Inventory Management for the module.
    5. Enter Current Date for the start date.
    6. Click Save.
  1. Update the profile option levels.
    1. Check the Enabled and Updateable check boxes for Site level.
    2. Click Save and Close.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Inventory Profile Options task:
    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
    • Functional Area: Inventory Management
    • Task: Manage Inventory Profile Options
  1. On the Manage Inventory Profile Options page, enter these values:
    1. Enter INV_RSV_SOAP_PERF_TUNING for the profile option code and click the Search button.
    2. Select the profile option and go to the profile values.
    3. Choose Site for the profile level and enter Y as the profile value.

Tips And Considerations

  • Select a value of N for the INV_RSV_SOAP_PERF_TUNING profile option code to disable the feature.
  • The existing behavior persists when the INV_RSV_SOAP_PERF_TUNING profile isn't defined.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Selected Inventory Management Bug Fixes in This Update

This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Inventory Management works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.

Restrict Serial Control Change with Open Shipments

The Serial Generation item attribute can't be updated when there are pending in-transit or transfer order shipments for the item to be received in the source or destination organization. Before this update, you couldn't update the Serial Generation attribute from No Serial Number Control to Predefined Serial Number and Dynamic Entry at Inventory Receipt, and vice versa. After the update, the restriction extends to Entry at Sales Order, Transfer Order, or Work Order Issue and Entry at Inventory Pick, and vice versa. The reason for introducing the restriction is to avoid the data corruption of serial numbers while performing the in-transit shipments.

Oracle reference: 34760615

Honor Prior High-Level Reservations When Creating Work in Process Picks for Shop Floor Type Movement Requests

Prior to this update, when there was a high-level reservation against an item in an organization where negative inventory wasn't allowed and Allow Reservations for Work Order Materials was turned off, you could still release and pick material for the same item on the work order. This resulted in allocations being created for items on the movement requests with the Work in Process Pick transaction type, even when the available to reserve quantity was 0. With this update, during the pick release of items on the work order in an organization, any existing prior reservations will be honored, and only when the available to reserve quantity is more than 0, will the picks be created for items with the transaction type as Work in Process Pick on the movement request.

Oracle reference: 35037048

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Item Replacement

Perform Mass Updates on Item Subinventories, Item Locators, and Item Transaction Defaults During Item Replacement

Item Replacement is a unified solution across the Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement and Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management applications that helps you take some remedial measures by replacing items and suppliers when there are supply disruptions from external supply sources. This feature provides a new guided process, Manage Item Replacement in Inventory Entities with which you can perform mass replacement on item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults.

The guided process takes you through these steps:

  1. Select mass replacement options
  2. Define item subinventory attributes
  3. Define item locator attributes
  4. Select mass replacement option for item transaction defaults
  5. Define item transaction defaults

You will be guided through all or some of these steps based on the item replacement choices you make in the first step. Once you initiate replacement of inventory entities in the guided process, replenishment is enabled for the replacement item and disabled for the disrupted item to ensure that no new replenishment request gets created for the disrupted item. When the supply for the disrupted item is restored, you can reinstate the item, after which new replenishment requests start getting created for the disrupted item that has been reinstated.

With the item replacement solution, you can:

  • Notify stakeholders on replacement in effect and help them initiate item replacement on the item subinventories, item locators and item transaction defaults.
  • Perform mass updates on these inventory entities. Updates include disabling the min-max or par replenishment planning for the disrupted item and creating new item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults for the replacement item.
  • Manually define item subinventories, item locators and item transaction defaults for the replacement item through a guided process.
  • Perform mass reinstatement on the inventory entities for temporary replacements once the supply is restored.

Access the Replacement Task

You can access the item replacement tasks that are due for action in your respective inventory organizations the Inventory work area using the Manage Mass Replacement of Items task.

Inventory Work Area

Replacement Tasks

Or you can access the tasks from the notification that you receive when the buyer confirms the replacement option on the replacement task that they’ve defined in Oracle Purchasing. Review the impacted inventory organizations and initiate replacement for the organizations for which you have data access.

BPM Notification

Replacement Details

Replacement tasks undergo different statuses through the replacement life cycle that indicate the corresponding actions to be taken to manage those tasks.

Select Mass Replacement Options

In the first step of the guided process, you make these choices on how you want to proceed with the replacement:

  1. Whether you want to replace internally sourced subinventories or only the supplier sourced subinventories.
  1. Whether you want to perform mass replacement by copying all the replenishment attributes from the disrupted item. When you select this option for mass replacement, a scheduled process gets submitted in the background to perform mass updates on the inventory entities. Any exceptions that occur during the update of these inventory entities will be displayed to you in the execution errors page for review and re-submission. When you choose No to this option, you can manually define the item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults through the guided process.

Mass Replacement Options

Define Item Subinventory Attributes

If you opted not to copy item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults from the original item, you can manually define these inventory entities. This step of the guided process helps you with defining the item subinventories for the replacement item by providing a new set of replenishment attributes that can vary based on the UOM, pack size, lead time, and existing demand of the replacement item. If the replacement task has alternate supplier as the replacement method, you can update item subinventories for the disrupted item with a new set of replenishment attributes that can vary based on purchasing UOM, lead time, and minimum order quantity for the alternate supplier. You can also associate a different subinventory to the impacted item if you don't want the disrupted item and replacement item to commingle in the same location. You can now add a new record, copy from an existing record, review original item subinventory records, and add them to the replacement item. You can also update multiple item subinventory records with the same value for any replenishment attribute in one go.

Item Subinventory Attributes

Define Item Locator Attributes

After you define item subinventories for the impacted items, the guided process helps you with defining item locators for the replacement item. You can associate a different locator to the impacted item if you don't want the disrupted item and replacement item to commingle in the same location. You can add a new record, copy from existing record, review original item locator records, and add them to the replacement item. You can also update multiple par item locator records with the same value for any replenishment attribute in one go.

Item Locator Attributes

Define Item Transaction Defaults

After defining the item subinventories and item locators, you can define the item subinventory defaults and item locator defaults for the replacement item. You can choose to copy item transaction defaults from the disrupted item. Or you can manually add a new record, review original item transaction default records, and add them to the replacement item.

Item Transaction Defaults

Replacement Summary

You can review the updates performed on the inventory entities during the item replacement process as a historical reference. You will be prompted to begin the reinstate process through notifications that will help you navigate to the Replacement Summary.  After the buyer completes the reinstatement in Purchasing, initiate the reinstate action. This action will submit the scheduled process in the background to perform mass reinstatement on the inventory entities and enable replenishment for the disrupted item which finally completes the replacement task.

Replacement Summary

With item replacement, you get real-time remediation from available alternate options when there are supply disruptions. Any manual effort to administer item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults to switch the replenishment from the disrupted item to the replacement item is eliminated. With flexible business rules driven notifications to stakeholders, you improve accountability.

Steps to Enable

Perform these steps to enable notifications. These notifications inform the planners and inventory managers about item replacement tasks that require their action for replacement of inventory entities.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Task Configuration for Supply Chain Management task:
  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
  • Functional Area: Facilities
  1. In the BPM Worklist page Task configurations tab, search for ItemReplacementReplenishAttrUpdateFYITask

BPM Rule Configuration

  1. Define the FYI notification rules using these attributes:
  • Procurement Business Unit
  • Purchasing Category Name
  • Inventory Category Name
  • Organization Code
  • Org Sourcing Type
  • Replacement Method
  • Inventory Planning Method
  • Replenishment Count Method
  • Replenishment Count Type
  • MRP Planning
  • Secondary Inventory
  • Subinventory Sourcing Type
  • Subinventory Location Name
  • Subinventory Par Location
  • Subinventory Planning Method

Tips And Considerations

  • You must have data access to inventory organizations to access the replacement tasks and perform item replacement on the inventory entities.
  • In the Select mass replacement options step, consider choosing the option of copying the item subinventories and item locators only when there are no changes in the UOM, pack size, lead time, or minimum order quantity of the replacement item. But if there are any changes in these parameters or you have a requirement to use a different subinventory or locator, you can opt not to copy these inventory entities from the disrupted item.
  • In the Select mass replacement option for item transaction defaults step, consider choosing the option of copying the item transaction defaults of the guided process only when there is no new subinventory or locator associated to the replacement item during the item replacement process. Otherwise, use the Define item transaction defaults page to define the item transaction defaults with the new subinventory or locator.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage item replacement in inventory (SCH_MANAGE_ITEM_REPLACEMENT_INV_PRIV)
  • Manage Item Replacement Notifications (SCH_MANAGE_ITEM_REPLACEMENT_NOTIFICATIONS_PRIV)
  • Manage Subinventory and Locator (INV_MANAGE_SUBINVENTORY_AND_LOCATOR_PRIV)
  • Manage Item Transaction Defaults (INV_MANAGE_ITEM_TRANSACTION_DEFAULTS_PRIV)
  • Monitor Inventory Management Work area (INV_MONITOR_INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_WORK_AREA_PRIV)
  • Monitor Inventory Work area (INV_MONITOR_INVENTORY_WORK_AREA_PRIV)
  • View Subinventory and Locator List of Values by Web Service (INV_VIEW_SUBINVENTORY_LOCATOR_LOV_WEB_SERVICE_PRIV)
  • Manage Unit of Measure Usage (INV_MANAGE_UNIT_OF_MEASURE_USAGE_PRIV)
  • View Units of Measure List of Values by Web Service (RCS_VIEW_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_LOV_WEB_SERVICE_PRIV)

All these privileges were available prior to this update except for Manage item replacement in inventory (SCH_MANAGE_ITEM_REPLACEMENT_INV_PRIV) which is new in this update.

You must also have the following data privileges granted to the user-defined role.

  • Manage Subinventory Data
  • Manage Inventory Locator Data
  • Manage Item Locator Data
  • Manage Item and Inventory Organization Parameter Data


Print ATCUD on Shipping Documents for Organizations in Portugal

To comply with recent changes in tax authority regulations of Portugal, you can now print the unique document code (ATCUD) on three types of shipping documents: packing slips, bills of ladings, and commercial invoices. 

ATCUD is a concatenation of a validation code of the document series provided by the Portuguese tax authority and the sequential number of the document within the series, which is separated by a hyphen. The validation code is set up using the Manage Localization Document Numbering task, and the sequential number is the unique number from the Document Sequence associated with the Shipping document.

The ATCUD code is printed at the bottom of every page and just above the QR code on the last page of the shipping documents.

ATCUD Code on Packing Slip

This feature allows you to maintain compliance with recent changes in Portugal's tax regulations.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, you must complete the following setups.

Enable Regional Localization

  1. Click Navigator > My EnterpriseOfferings.
  2. On the Offerings page, select the Financials offering, and then click Opt In Features.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon for the Financials offering.
  4. On the Edit Features page, search for Regional Localization, select the Enable checkbox, and select Portugal.

Regional Localization Feature

  1. Click Save and Close.

Enable ATCUD Numbering for Portugal

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Tasks > Search > Manage Localization System Options.
  1. On the Manage Localization System Options page, click the Create icon to add the business unit you want to implement the ATCUD numbering.
  1. On the Localization System Options page, select the business unit and then set the country to Portugal from the Country drop-down list.
  1. On the Localization System Options page, set the Enable ATCUD Numbering for Portugal option to Yes to enable the configuration of ATCUD numbering using the Create Document Numbering spreadsheet.

Localization System Options

  1. Click Save and Close.

Set Up ATCUD Numbering

Download the Create Document Numbering spreadsheet to set up the ATCUD numbering.

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Tasks > Search > Manage Localization Document Numbering.
  1. On the Manage Fiscal Document Sequences page, select Portugal in the Search For field.
  1. Select the business unit on the Create Document Numbering in Spreadsheet window, then click OK to download the spreadsheet (DocumentNumberingTemplate.xlsx).

Define the ATCUD numbering setup.

  1. Open the DocumentNumberingTemplate.xlsx spreadsheet, and log into the application.
  2. Enter the following information in the Create Document Numbering spreadsheet.
Sequence Name

Enter the name of the document sequence used for packing slip, bill of lading, or commercial invoice. This is a required field


Enter the validation code for the relevant document sequence. This code is from the Portuguese tax authority.


Enter the character to separate the prefix and sequence number. Use the character “-“ without quotes.

Start Date

Enter the effective start date for the ATCUD numbering setup. This is a required field.

End Date

Enter the effective end date for the ATCUD numbering setup.

Create Document Numbering Spreadsheet

  1. Click Upload to save the changes.

Enable Autogenerate E-Signature on Shipping Documents Shipping Parameter

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Tasks > Search > Manage Shipping Parameters.
  2. On the Manage Shipping Parameters page, select the Autogenerate e-signature on shipping documents check box.

Manage Shipping Parameters

  1. Click Save and Close.

NOTE: This shipping parameter enables the shipping document flow for Portugal. The parameter is available for users who are assigned a configured job role that contains Manage Shipping Parameters for Portugal privilege.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can't create an ATCUD numbering setup for a document sequence that has an existing setup with the same date range.
  • When you update the end date for a document sequence in the ATCUD numbering setup, the document sequence in the Manage Shipping Document Sequences setup will be updated with the same end date.
  • If both the ATCUD Numbering for Portugal Localization System option and Autogenerate e-signature on shipping documents shipping parameter are enabled, you must add the document sequence for packing slip, bill of lading, and commercial invoice in the ATCUD numbering setup. You can't ship confirm the shipment if the document sequence isn't associated with an active ATCUD numbering setup.
  • For the ATCUD Numbering setup, use the document sequence that's assigned to the packing slip, bill of lading, and commercial invoice document sequence category set up in the shipping parameter of the shipping organization.
  • The ATCUD code is present in the QR code (code H). If the ATCUD Numbering for Portugal Localization System option isn't enabled, then a value of 0 will be present in the ATCUD field of the QR code.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Shipping guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials: Using Financials for EMEA, available on the Oracle Help Center.
  • EMEA Implementation Resources (Doc ID 2576459.1).

Access Requirements

  • Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these duty roles can access this feature:
    • Portugal Shipment Processing (ORA_WSH_PORTUGAL_SHIPMENT_PROCESSING_DUTY)

These duty roles were available prior to this update.

  • Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
    • Manage Shipping Parameters for Portugal (WSH_MANAGE_SHIPPING_PARAMETERS_PORTUGAL_PRIV)
    • Print Shipping Reports for Portugal (WSH_PRINT_SHIPPING_REPORTS_PORTUGAL_PRIV)

These privileges were available prior to this update.

Selected Shipping Bug Fixes in This Update

This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Shipping works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.

Improve Performance of the Send Intermediate Shipment Status Update Scheduled Process

To improve the performance of the Send Intermediate Shipment Status Update scheduled process, we've added a process to remove ineligible records from the staging table used by the process. Prior to this update, these records were never removed from the staging table, and every time the scheduled process was submitted, these records were selected for processing. Note that after this update, the first scheduled process might run longer based on the number of ineligible records needing to be removed from the staging table.

Oracle reference: 34919402

Recalculate a Shipment's Gross Weight and Volume When the Packing Unit is Updated

Prior to this update, changing the packing unit's gross weight and volume and selecting the Save action on the Manage Shipment page didn't automatically update the shipment's gross weight and volume. The packing unit updates were reflected on the shipment only when the shipment was confirmed. However, the shipment was updated when the gross weight of the shipment line that was packed into the packing unit was changed and saved. With this update, the shipment's gross weight and volume will now be recalculated when the packing unit's gross weight and volume are changed and saved.

Oracle reference: 34854392

Allow Updates on Return Material Authorization Shipment Lines Assigned to Planned Shipments

Prior to this update, when an order line for a return material authorization was updated or canceled in Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management, the corresponding shipment line updates were unsuccessful if the shipment line was assigned to a planned shipment. As a result, you could have open shipment and shipment lines in Oracle Shipping for a canceled order line in Oracle Order Management. With this update, updates to shipment lines for return material authorizations are now allowed even if the shipment line is assigned to a planned shipment.

Oracle reference: 34812752

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.


Receive Goods and Services on Behalf of Others Using the Responsive Self-Service Receiving Application

You can now create receipts for goods and services for another user’s order anytime and anywhere with just a few taps on your mobile device. Additionally, you can seamlessly enjoy the same improved user experience on your tablet or desktop using the responsive Self-Service Receiving application.

Features available in this release of the responsive Self-Service Receiving application include:

NOTE: Please see the Access Requirements section for details on how to provide users access to the My Receipts (New) navigation menu item.

  • Responsive Application

Self-Service Receiving is built as a responsive application allowing you to view the page from various devices. Whether you are using a mobile, tablet, or desktop device, the screen appearance dynamically changes based on the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view it. This image depicts the Self-Service Receiving Application rendered in a mobile device.

Mobile View

This image depicts the Self-Service Receiving Application rendered in a desktop device.

Desktop View

  • Receive on Behalf of Others

You can receive orders for other procurement requesters in your organization. In some organizations, there can be designated individuals that receive goods or services on behalf of other requesters in the organization. For example, an office manager that receives centrally on behalf of other individual procurement requesters within the office. This flexibility allows your organization to implement a centralized receiving process.

Receive on Behalf of Others

  • Orders to Receive

You can select multiple orders and create a new receipt. Once you perform a search, the orders awaiting to be received will be displayed in the search results. You can choose to select a single order or multiple orders. Once you have selected the orders you want to receive, you can choose to Receive Now or Receive with Details. Once the receipt has been successfully created, a confirmation toast message will display the newly created receipt number.

NOTE: Please see the Tips and Considerations section on how to configure the Blind Receiving for Self-Service Procurement Enforced profile option to display Receive Now or Receive with Details as the promoted button.

Receive Now

Receive with Details allows you to enter additional receipt details. For example, you can adjust the receipt quantity or enter attachments such as an invoice or packing slip. In such cases, you should use Receive with Details. In the Receive with Details flow, you can select the orders you want to receive. Each order will be presented in a process flow such as 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3. Once you have entered the receipt details, click the Submit button to create the receipt. A confirmation message will be displayed indicating the newly created receipt number.

Receive with Details

  • New Receipt Drawer

When creating a receipt in the desktop view, the New Receipt Drawer allows you to easily navigate between your orders to receive. You can navigate between the next and previous orders when creating a receipt. On each drawer you can enter receipt details such as receipt quantity or amount and attachments. Once you have validated the details for each order, you can create the receipt for the selected orders.

New Receipt Drawer

  • My Receipts

Once you have successfully created your receipt, you can navigate to the My Receipts page to view, update, and return a receipt. A navigation bar is displayed at the bottom of the page allowing you to navigate between the Orders to Receive and My Receipts pages. Within the My Receipts page, you have the ability to search on a variety of attributes such as item, receipt number, purchase order, transfer order, supplier, and so forth. Smart filters are provided allowing you to further refine your search. Clicking on the item and item description lets you view details of your receipt.

My Receipts

  • Update Receipts

You have the flexibility to update one or more receipts. For example, the receipt quantity may have been entered incorrectly and there's a need to update the receipt quantity. Additionally, you can specify the date the receipt quantity was revised. The Revised Quantity and Date Revised fields honor all quantity and date validations.

Update Receipts

  • Return Receipts

You have the flexibility to return one or more receipts to the supplier if needed. For example, the supplier may have shipped an incorrect item or the item was damaged. When creating a return, you can specify the return quantity, reason, RMA, return date, and notes. You can also select whether a debit memo should be created for the supplier return transaction. The Return Quantity and Return Date fields honor all quantity and date validations.

Return Receipts

The application's intuitive design makes the receiving experience easy, quick, and delightful for the enterprise mobile workforce.

Whether your organization uses a mobile, tablet, or desktop device, the screen appearance dynamically changes based on the screen size and orientation of the device being used. If receiving items or services are common and critical to your business, the new Self-Service Receiving Responsive Application has these benefits:

  • Ability to receive orders on behalf of other procurement requesters and preparers
  • Quickly search for your orders to receive by using enhanced search capabilities such as smart filters, fuzzy matching, and search relevance ranking
  • Select and receive multiple orders at once
  • Flexibility to receive multiple document types including purchase order, transfer order, and advance shipment notice
  • Receive items immediately using Receive Now or enter receipt details using Receive with Details
  • Update and return multiple receipts at once

Steps to Enable

Provide the required access before using the feature. Details are in the Access #Requirements section.

Offering: Procurement

Ensure that your administrator provides you with the Manage Scheduled Job Definition privilege before performing these steps to complete the initial ingestion of existing orders and receipts into the index and enable search.

  1. Log in with a role that contains the Manage Scheduled Job Definition privilege.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes, and then click Schedule New Process.
  3. Search and select the process name: ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS.

Parameter values for index name to reingest:

  • fa-scm-rcv-expected-po-receipts
  • fa-scm-rcv-expected-asn-receipts
  • fa-scm-rcv-expected-to-receipts
  • fa-scm-rcv-transactions

NOTE: If you don't specify any index names while submitting the process, the process runs for all predefined indexes. It's highly recommended that you create indexes for the index names listed here.

Tips And Considerations

While we have taken every measure so that you can install and run this application as seamlessly as possible, consider these points to use the application to its full potential.

  • My Receipts (New):
    • To access the new My Receipts (New) navigation entry point, you must configure roles that contain the Receiving Self Service Responsive Application User Duty (ORA_RCV_RECEIVING_SELF_SERVICE_PWA_USER_DUTY) duty role.
  • Receiving profile options:
    • Blind Receiving for Self-Service Procurement Enforced: A profile value of No indicates that the Receive Now and Receive with Details buttons will be displayed on the Orders to Receive page. A profile value of Yes indicates that the Receive with Details button displays as the primary action on the Orders to Receive page. The Receive Now button won't be displayed.
    • Display Item Unit Price in Self-Service Receiving: A profile value of No indicates that the item's unit price won't display. A profile value of Yes indicates that the item's unit price will be displayed when creating a new receipt.
  • In the Manage Administrator Profile Values task, confirm the values for these profile options:
    • Confirm that the Enable/Disable Search Ext Framework (ORA_FND_SEARCH_EXT_ENABLED) profile is set to Yes.
    • Confirm that the Row fetch count for initial ingest process (ORA_FND_SEARCH_FETCH_COUNT) profile is set to 100.
  • Perform initial ingest:
    • You must perform the initial ingest, which requires submitting the scheduled process job to create index definition and perform the initial ingest to Oracle Search Cloud Service (OSCS). This process ingests purchase order expected receipts, transfer order expected receipts, advanced shipment notice expected receipts, and receiving transactions. This is a prerequisite step to search and receive orders in Self-Service Receiving.
  • Ingest receiving search indexes:
    • The Ingest Receiving Search Indexes scheduled process is used to ingest receipts performed outside of the Self-Service Receiving Responsive Application. For example, a receipt can be created through the Receiving Receipt Import FBDI, Receiving Receipt Requests REST API, or the existing Receive Expected Shipments page. In these cases you need to run this scheduled process to ensure your receipts are ingested. Additionally, inbound shipments such as advance shipment notices (ASN) and transfer order shipments can be created. In these cases, you also need to run this scheduled process to ensure your inbound shipments are ingested. It's recommended to run this process frequently to ensure your receipts and shipments are ingested in a timely manner. Receipts created through the Self-Service Receiving Responsive Application are ingested automatically.
  • Return reason list of values is null:
    • To configure supplier return reasons, navigate to the Manage Inventory Transaction Reasons setup task. When defining a new transaction reason, select Supplier return as the reason type.
  • Features not available in this update:
    • Receipt of work order destination types

Key Resources

  • Watch Receive Goods and Services on Behalf of Others Using the Responsive Self-Service Receiving Application Readiness Training.  
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Inventory Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

  • Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this duty role can access this feature:
    • Receiving Self Service Responsive Application User (ORA_RCV_RECEIVING_SELF_SERVICE_PWA_USER_DUTY)

This duty role was available prior to this update.

NOTE: The Self Service Responsive Application User (ORA_RCV_RECEIVING_SELF_SERVICE_PWA_USER_DUTY) duty role isn't delivered in a predefined job role. You must configure job roles that contain this duty role.

  • Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
    • Manage Receipt for Advanced Receiver with the Responsive Self Service Receiving Application (RCV_MANAGE_RECEIPT_ADVANCED_RECEIVER_PWA)

This privilege is new in this update.

NOTE: The Manage Receipt for Advanced Receiver with the Responsive Self Service Receiving Application (RCV_MANAGE_RECEIPT_ADVANCED_RECEIVER_PWA) privilege isn't delivered in a predefined job role. You must configure job roles that contain this privilege.

Selected Receiving Bug Fixes in This Update

This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Receiving works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.

Translate Automatically Printed Receipt Traveler Report Based on User-Preferred Language

Prior to this update, when we enabled the Print Receipt Traveler receiving parameter and created a receipt, the Print Receipt Traveler Report was automatically submitted and printed in the Scheduled Processes work area, but the labels for the report were in the English language. For example if the receipt was created by a user whose preferred language is Korean, the labels of the report were in English language instead of Korean. But if the report was submitted manually from the Scheduled Processes work area, the report labels were in Korean. With this update, the report that is printed automatically on receipt will now also be translated using the user-preferred language of the logged in user.

Oracle reference: 35400832

Purge Pending Receiving Header Interface Records Without Associated Receiving Transaction Interface Records

Prior to this update, running the Purge Receiving Interface scheduled process with a Purge Status parameter of Error and Pending resulted in pending receiving header interface records being purged when there were no associated receiving transaction interface records. This behavior was occurring for pending lines with a transaction date greater than the specified purge date. With this update, pending receiving header interface records are now only purged when there are no associated receiving transaction interface records.

Oracle reference: 35405110

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Product Recall Management

Generate OTBI Reports by Combining Product Recall Attributes with Genealogy Attributes

Use the new “Product Recall with Genealogy Real Time” subject area in OTBI to trace and analyze the recalled parts that exist as maintenance assets, customer assets, or parts issued against sales orders. Also, trace the recalled parts that are issued against work orders to produce semi finished goods or finished goods.

Subject Area

The following table lists the metrics and dimensions available under this new subject area.

Subject Area Dimension Metrics
Product Recall with Genealogy Real Time
  • Item
  • Item Organization
  • Lot Number
  • Serial Number
  • Recall Notice Header
  • Recall Notice Line
Total Line Details

The Product Recall with Genealogy Real Time subject area enables you to generate a report by combining the product recall attributes with genealogy attributes using the above common dimensions.

Combine this subject area with:

  • the "Product Genealogy - Genealogy Instance Real Time" subject area to review the traceability of recalled parts that exist as customer assets, maintenance assets, or issued against sales orders.
  • the "Product Genealogy - Genealogy Object Where Used Real Time" subject area to review the traceability of recalled parts that are issued against work orders to product semi-finished goods or finished goods.

Add Subject Area

Product Genealogy Subject Areas

Generate a wide range of reports using this new subject area. This helps you efficiently manage product recalls for parts that are available as customer assets and maintenance assets, and parts issued against sales orders and work orders. This in turn helps you reduce the overall recall to disposition cycle time.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You must include at least one metric from each combined subject area to build a report.

Access Requirements

You must have the following duty roles assigned in order to access this feature.

  • Product Recall Management Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PRODUCT_RECALL_MANAGEMENT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
  • Product Genealogy Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PRODUCT_GENEALOGY_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)

Cost Management

Use New Subledger Accounting Sources in Cost Accounting for COGS Recognition Transactions

Configure your subledger accounting rules and mapping sets using these additional sources.

Source Names Event Classes linked to

Revenue Management Extensible Header Char Attribute 41 through 60

Sales Order Issue

Trade Cost Accounting

Revenue Management Extensible Line Char Attribute 41 through 60

Sales Order Issue

Trade Cost Accounting

The new sources provide more options to create mapping sets, account rules, and description rules that match your business' requirements.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

These sources are applicable if you are using Oracle Revenue Management as your revenue management application. The Extensible Attributes 41 through 60 are populated based on the information stored in the Order Management Extensible Flexfields and get interfaced to the Revenue Management Contract Header and Lines.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:

  • Submit Cost Accounting (CST_SUBMIT_COST_ACCOUNTING)
  • Define Subledger Accounting (XLA_DEFINE_SUBLEDGER_APPLICATION)

Validate and Close Multiple Cost Organizations Simultaneously

Validate and perform period close actions for multiple cost organizations simultaneously using the Validate and Update Cost Accounting Periods process.

The following are some of the new functional capabilities and benefits introduced as part of this release.

  • Close multiple cost organizations simultaneously: You can perform period close actions for multiple cost organizations at the same time instead of manually performing the period close actions for each cost organizations one at a time.
  • Introduced the New Process Type parameter to perform different period close actions:
    • Run Validations: Run period end validations for multiple cost organizations.
    • Close Period Pending: Run validations for selected cost organizations and set period status to Pending Close when there are no validation exceptions.
    • Close Period: Run validations for selected cost organizations and set period status to Close when there are no validation exceptions. You can close periods which are in the Open or Pending Close status.
    • Close Period Permanently: Run validations for selected cost organizations and set period status to Permanently Closed when there are no validation exceptions. You can permanently close only closed periods.

  • Support for centralized and decentralized period close: You can create a run control to group cost organizations and use the run control in the Validate and Update Cost Accounting Periods process to close any group of cost organizations simultaneously based on your business requirements.
  • Automatically open next period: You can indicate to automatically open the immediate next period in the Never Opened status when setting the prior period status as Closed or Permanently Closed. The next period is automatically opened only when the period specified in the process is successfully closed or permanently closed. For periodic average cost enabled cost books, the next period is opened only if the prior period is permanently closed.
  • Optimal execution of period close actions: Each cost organization and cost book combination triggers a different child subprocess ensuring that the process is performant and the problems, if any, are isolated to a specific subprocess.
  • Consolidated view of exceptions: You can review one parent output file to review whether the period close was successful for all the cost organizations included in the process and take appropriate action to resolve any errors.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24A

Tips And Considerations

  • Important: The Process Cost Accounting Period End Validations process has been renamed to Validate and Update Cost Accounting Periods from update 23C. This opt-in expires in update 24A after which this feature will become standard for all customers.
  • The new parameters, Process Type and Auto Open Next Period, are visible only when the opt-in is enabled.
  • Important: Close periods on time to avoid reconciliation issues. The process does provide an option to uncheck validations when closing or permanently closing a period, however, you should ensure that there are no period end validation errors.
  • Important: You can run this process at any time during a period with the Process Type parameter set to Run Validations and resolve issues during the period to avoid surprises at period end. After you run the process, review detailed period end validation errors and corresponding transaction details in the Review Cost Accounting Processes page by searching with subprocess ID.
  • Date to Derive Accounting Period:  The process uses the date specified for this parameter to derive the cost accounting period for which the period close action is performed. For example: If you want to close the Aug-23 period, then you must specify the date in this parameter as one of the dates between the Aug-23 period start and end dates. If different cost books have different accounting calendars, this parameter helps to derive the accounting period in the context of each cost organization and cost book combination.
  • You can run this process from the Scheduled Processes page for:
    • All cost organizations you've access to. When all cost organizations are selected, the process is run for only the primary cost book and a separate subprocess is triggered for each cost organization and cost book combination.
    • Specific cost organization
    • Run Control: Any grouping you've have established in the Run Control for the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process.  This process only uses the parameters for cost organization and cost book combinations from the run control and other parameters are ignored.
    • You can also create a separate Run control grouping of cost organizations and cost books for this process alone to meet specific period close requirements.
  • The subprocess for a cost organization and cost book combination can end in error if there are valid period end validation errors  and may end successfully for another cost organization and cost book combination if there are no period end validation errors or period end validations are unchecked when running the process.
  • Any cost organization and cost book combination with derived period in the Never Opened or Permanently Closed status are skipped by the process.
  • The Auto Open Next Period parameter is considered only for the cost organization and cost book combinations where period is closed or permanently closed successfully. Only the immediate next periods in the Never Opened status are considered for automatic opening.
  • Submission notes in the Scheduled Processes page are updated by the process to provide a quick view of the cost organization and cost book combination and corresponding period for which the process was run. You can view this along with the process status to identify the subprocess ID where further action is required.
  • The parent process status will be updated to:
    • Warning: if at least one sub process is in error status. User action is required to resolve the validation errors and more details can be found in parent process log file, child process log file, and the Review Cost Accounting Processes page.
    • Error: If all subprocesses end in error. User action is required to resolve validation errors. 
    • Succeeded: If all subprocesses end in success.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Supply Chain Cost Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:

  • Manage Cost Accounting Periods (CST_MANAGE_COST_PERIOD)

These privileges were available prior to this update.

Create Distributions for Drop Ship Corrections Related to Invoice Cancellations

Create cost accounting distributions for receipt corrections and trade sales returns for drop ship transactions triggered by the AP invoice cancellation events.

In the case of customer drop ship with payables invoice as the ownership change event, sometimes you may need to cancel the supplier invoice. For example, this situation could occur when a wrong PO is matched to the invoice or when the supplier has sent an incorrect invoice. When the invoice is cancelled, the Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration sends trade sales return as a reversal to the trade sale issue created on invoice matching. With this feature, Oracle Cost Management creates cost accounting distributions for receipt corrections and trade sales returns. This reverses the accounting recorded on the invoice approval and ensuring that no balance is accumulated in the receiving inspection account.

Here's an example of how this feature works in an customer drop ship scenario on invoice cancellation.

  • Sales order line has an ordered quantity of 2
  • A drop ship PO is created for the sale order, identifying a drop ship agreement where the ownership change is invoice
  • Supplier sends the invoice for quantity 2
  • Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration creates:
    • Drop ship receipt in Receiving for quantity 2
    • Trade sale issue
  • Payables team identifies that the invoice is incorrectly matched to the PO and initiates the cancellation
  • On invoice cancellation, Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestrates sends correction events for the earlier flow
Flow Event Transaction Dr/Cr Accounting Subledger Source
Forward (Existing) Invoice validation Supplier Invoice Debit Accrual AP Payables
Credit Liability AP Payables
Drop Ship Receipt Receipt Debit Receiving Inspection CMR SFO-RCV-CMR
Credit Accrual CMR SFO-RCV-CMR
Drop Ship Delivery Putaway Debit Drop Ship Inventory CST RCV-CST
Credit Receiving Inspection CST RCV-CST
Trade Sale Issue Logical Sales Issue Debit Deferred Cost of Goods Sold CST SFO-CST
Credit Drop Ship Inventory CST SFO-CST

Invoice Cancellation/


(New in 23C)

Invoice Cancelled Supplier Invoice Debit Liability AP Payables
Credit Accrual AP Payables
Drop Ship Receipt Correction Receipt Correction Debit Accrual CMR SFO-RCV-CMR
Credit Receiving Inspection CMR SFO-RCV-CMR
Drop Ship Delivery Adjustment Put away Correction Debit Receiving Inspection CST RCV-CST
Credit Drop Ship Inventory CST RCV-CST
Trade Sale Return Logical Sales Issue Reversal Debit Drop Ship Inventory CST SFO-CST
Credit Deferred Cost of Goods Sold CST SFO-CST

Here are the benefits that this feature offers:

  • Improves autoreconciliation of receiving inspection account and avoids manual adjustments.
  • Provides accurate accounting for the drop ship correction flow, when ownership change event is invoice.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Drop ship correction events are processed for single BU customer drop ship flow.
  • Drop ship correction events prior to this update won't be processed and only new cancellation events after upgrading to 23C will be picked up. This will avoid any accounting reconciliation issues because prior periods would have been closed and you would have already made manual adjustments to take care of the imbalance in accounting.
  • If AP Invoice is to be cancelled, avoid creation of AR invoice and cost of goods recognition (COGS) for the initial events. The correction events on cancellation won't reverse the cost of goods till AR invoice revenue recognition is reversed and order line is reopened. The balance in COGS account can be manually adjusted.
  • Review the accounting setup for mapping sets and account rules for the Drop Ship Delivery Adjustment and Trade Sales Return events to ensure that it reverses the accounts booked on Drop Ship Delivery and Trade Sale Issue.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Create Cost Distributions (CST_CREATE_COST_DISTRIBUTIONS)
  • Review Cost Distribution (CST_REVIEW_COST_DISTRIBUTIONS)

Review Inventory Valuation Using the Enhanced User Interface and Report

View inventory valuation for multiple cost organizations simultaneously for faster reconciliation. Changes also include additional columns to display discrepancies between period activity, costed value, and accounted value.

The following are some of the new functional capabilities introduced as part of this release.

  • Review inventory valuation for multiple cost organizations using a single search action.  Also, you can sort or filter and export to excel using native capabilities.

  • Discover mismatches easily at item level with new sortable columns for:
    • Activity Mismatch Amount: Difference between Period Activity and Period Costed Value. 
    • Accounted Mismatch Amount: Difference between Period Costed Value and Period Accounted Value

  • Easily report on items with negative inventory quantity at the item valuation unit level by running the Period Inventory Valuation Report with the Include Negative Quantity parameter set to Negative Rows Only.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can view inventory value for all cost organizations you've access to. Use the search attributes to get inventory valuation details of all cost organizations and primary book by setting up the primary cost book flag to Yes. If you reuse the same cost book across cost organizations, you can review inventory valuation for all cost organizations together by searching with cost book.
  • You can use the Export to excel feature to export summary inventory valuation at cost organization level to spreadsheet for analysis.
  • Use the new columns introduced at item level to easily identify discrepancies:
    • Activity Mismatch Amount: If there are items with an activity mismatch, which is the difference between Period Activity and Period Costed Value, make sure to review and correct all transaction errors. 
    • Accounted Mismatch Amount: If there are items with an accounted mismatch amount
  • Review & resolve negative inventory quantities at valuation unit level periodically to reduce transaction cost processing exceptions. 
  • If you don't account inventory value by subinventory, consider turning off accounting of internal movements such as subinventory transfers or pick transactions by disabling one or more of the following options at the cost profile level:
    • Account intra valuation unit transfers : All Internal movements within the same valuation unit aren't costed and accounted.
    • Account Pick Transactions: Only pick transactions within the same valuation unit aren't costed and accounted.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:

  • Review Inventory Valuation (CST_RUN_INVENTORY_VALUATION_REPORT)

These privileges were available prior to this update.

Deprecated Objects for Inventory Valuation, Item Costs, and Gross Margin Reporting

Oracle Analytics Publisher reports, OTBI subject areas, and the Refresh Cost Accounting Report Data process for inventory valuation, item cost, and gross margin are deprecated.

The following capabilities have now been deprecated and replaced with a new set of enhanced reporting capabilities:

  • The Refresh Cost Accounting Report Data process is deprecated and will result in canceled status if run on demand. The process is no longer triggered automatically at the end of the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process. This process is replaced with the Cost Reports Processor and can be run from the Create Cost Accounting Distributions page.
  • Materialized views are no longer refreshed and are replaced with equivalent cost reports processor tables:

  • The historical Oracle Analytics Publisher (previously Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher) reports are marked as deprecated and should not be used because they may contain stale data. Here's the list of the corresponding equivalent reports:

  • Old Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) subject areas are no longer available for report or analysis creation. Here's the list of corresponding equivalent subject areas:

  • The list of underlying OTBI objects that are no longer available is:
    • FscmTopModelAM.COGSDistributionsAM.CostGrossMarginDetailsPVO
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.CostedIntransitValuationP1
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.OnhandValuationAccountedDailyPVO
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.OnhandValuationCostedDailyPVO
    • FscmTopModelAM.ItemCostDailyAM.ItemCostDailyPVO
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.CstCostedVuOnhandPVO
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.CostedIntransitValuationPVO
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.CostedIntransitTxnOnhandPVO
  • Old predefined OTBI reports are now marked as obsolete and should not be used because they may contain stale data. Here's the list of equivalent predefined OTBI reports:

  • These Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (OBIA) Objects are no longer refreshed based on materialized views and should not be used for reporting:
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.OnhandValuationCostedDailyObiaP1
    • FscmTopModelAM.OnhandValuationAM.OnhandValuationAccountedDailyObiaP1
  • The Review Inventory Valuation page was enhanced in update 22D to use the data sources from the Cost Reports Processor:

  • The Analyze Product Gross Margins page now provides data from Cost Reports Processor data sources

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This change is applicable only for Inventory Valuation, Item Costs and Gross Margin Reporting and does not impact any other reports and subject areas.
  • Important:  All reporting objects, pages, and reports for Inventory Valuation, Item Costs and Gross Margin fetch data from the cost reports processor based data sources. Ensure that Cost Reports Processor is run regularly using a schedule. If runtimes are reasonable then include Cost Reports Processor along with Create Cost Accounting Distributions process within the same run to always have real time data in your reports.
  • Important: The first run of the Create Cost Accounting Distributions with Cost Reports Processor checked should be set up and run as a separate run control. The first run will build data in new data model objects and, therefore, may take more time because the data will be built from the first period.
  • The Cost Reports Processor can be run as a part of the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process. This process replaces the existing Refresh Cost Accounting Report Data process. 

  • If you are using user-defined reports, these should now point to the new Cost Reports Processor Data Sources:
    • User-defined BIP reports based on Inventory Valuation Report, Layer Inventory Valuation Report, and In-Transit Valuation Report should be replaced with reports based on Period Inventory Valuation Report, Period Layer Inventory Valuation Report, and Period In-Transit Valuation Report respectively.
    • User-defined OTBI reports based on old subject areas should be replaced with reports based on new subject areas.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges are able to access this feature:

  • Review Inventory Valuation (CST_RUN_INVENTORY_VALUATION_REPORT)
  • Analyze Product Gross Margins (CST_ANALYZE_PRODUCT_GROSS_MARGINS)
  • Run Inventory Valuation Report (CST_RUN_INVENTORY_VALUATION_REPORT)
  • Run In-Transit Inventory Valuation Report (CST_RUN_INVENTORY_VALUATION_REPORT)
  • Run Layer Inventory Valuation Report (CST_RUN_LAYER_ INVENTORY_VALUATION_REPORT)

These privileges were available prior to this update.

Selected Cost Management Bug Fixes in This Update

This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Cost Management works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.

Ledger Amount Is Shown Correctly

Before update 23C, the actual amount in the Ledger Amount field was duplicated if you enabled the Multiple Reporting Currency feature in Oracle General Ledger. This duplication issue could be seen when using the Costing - Receipt Accounting Real Time subject area and the Receipt Accounting Distributions page. Now, when secondary ledgers are available with conversion level set to Journal, additional journal entries get created correctly in different currencies, and the ledger amount isn't duplicated.

Oracle reference: 35177530

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Receipt Accounting

Selected Receipt Accounting Bug Fixes in This Update

This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Receipt Accounting works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.

Configure Accounting Rule Based on Purchase Order Price

With this update, you can now configure an accounting rule based on the price on the purchase order by using a new accounting source: Purchase Order Price. This new source is available for the Deliver to Expense event class in the Receipt Accounting subledger. For POs with fixed price services that don't have a per-unit price, this new source, along with purchase basis, can be used.

Oracle reference: 35105209

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Landed Cost Management

Allocate Landed Cost Charges Using ASN Quantity

Associate advance shipment notice to a trade operation and perform landed cost charge allocations using the ASN quantity.

The following are some of the new functional capabilities and benefits introduced as part of this release.

  • Allocate landed cost charges based on shipment quantity. You now have an option to use the shipment quantity as the basis of allocation in addition to the purchase order schedule quantity for a trade operation.

  • Automate purchase order schedule association by associating ASNs at the trade operation level.
    • ASNs can be added to a trade operation from the Edit Trade Operation page by clicking Manage Shipment information and also by using the new REST API Trade Operation Shipments.
    • Use the extensive search options to quickly get to the list of ASN's to be added to the trade operation.
    • Based on the ASN's added, PO schedules are automatically associated to each charge line added to the trade operation along with the shipment quantity (ASN UOM). Shipment quantity is used by the allocation process to allocate landed cost charge estimate and actual amounts to PO schedules and applied to corresponding receipts.

  • Accurate landed cost for inventory valuation and COGS
    • Landed cost charges are captured based on shipment information provided by supplier, therefore inventory valuation and COGS computation happens based on estimate or actual amounts incurred on a specific shipment or set of shipments.
    • Accurate landed cost charges are available even before the receiving actually happens in the purchasing life cycle.
    • Invoice amount is fully absorbed into receipt quantities pulled in based on the ASNs.
  • Landed cost supports multiple UOM across documents in the procure to pay cycle
    • Allocation of landed cost charges by shipment quantity involves multiple documents like PO, ASN, Receipt, and Invoices and each of these documents can have different unit of measure. This feature will support all such variations in the document UOMs.
    • All charge basis and allocation basis will continue to be supported with this feature. 
  • Automate your landed cost flow using REST API: The list of REST APIs is provided here:
    • Trade Operations API to create and update trade operations. The AllocationQuantityTypeCode attribute is introduced to support the allocation by shipment quantity.
    • Charges API to create multiple charge lines 
    • The Trade Operation Shipments API is available to associate ASNs to trade operations, which in-turn will add corresponding purchase order schedules and shipment quantity to trade operation.  

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

Tips And Considerations

  • Trade operation should be used as a container object for charge lines, PO schedule, and allocated amounts.  
    • You can group ASN's that are shipped together to capture all charges incurred on the shipment and associate and allocate to relevant purchase order schedules. 
    • Avoid using same trade operation for shipments received at different intervals because this may defeat the purpose of using shipment quantity for allocation and will lead to a long drawn and looping cost adjustment cycle for all the PO schedules. 
    • Manage Landed Cost Processes like Allocate landed cost charges, Associate invoices to trade operation charges and others can be scheduled to run at regular intervals to automate association of invoices to charge lines and allocation of charges to receipts.
    • In case of DUOM items, catchweight isn't considered while applying landed cost charges. This behavior is consistent for both the allocation quantity types.
  • Having ASN-based receiving process is a prerequisite for this feature. 
    • Purchase order schedules can only be added through ASNs for trade operations where Allocation Quantity Type is set to Shipment Quantity. 
    • Receipt information is automatically copied to trade operation based on ASNs. To ensure that, charges are correctly applied to receipt quantity, all receipts must be created through ASNs when Allocation Quantity Type is set to Shipment Quantity. 
    • As a standard practice, ASN quantity and receipt quantity should always be same. However, when there's a difference between ASN quantity & receipt quantity, reconciliation of charges can be performed from the Reconcile landed cost charges page. 
    • ASNs for consigned POs, cancelled POs, dropship POs and service POs aren't supported. Such ASN lines are automatically excluded when an ASN is associated to a trade operation.
    • Multiple ASNs or ASN lines having the same PO schedule must have the same UOM for shipment quantity in order to be added to a trade operation. 
    • If an ASN is cancelled or partially cancelled after it's associated with a trade operation, the user can use the Update Shipment Quantity option on the UI to sync the shipment quantity on the trade operation. 
  • After you opt in to the feature:
    • For existing trade operations created prior to opting in to the feature, Allocation Quantity Type will be defaulted to Purchase Order Schedule Quantity and allocations will be performed based on ordered quantity, which is the existing behavior.  
    • For new trade operations, set the Allocation Quantity Type parameter to Shipment Quantity on Create Trade Operation dialog for allocation of charges based on shipment quantity.
    • You can also use REST APIs to perform the same action.
    • Note: Charge PO Schedule API and Default Charge PO Schedule API cannot be used to associate PO schedules when allocation quantity type is shipment quantity. You can, however, use the Charge PO Schedule API to update charge information on PO schedule if the charge basis is variable per unit, variable percentage of item price or allocation basis is manual allocation factor
  • If you don't opt in to the feature: 
    • Allocation logic will continue to work based on ordered quantity. 
    • New REST API Trade Operation Shipments can't be used. 
    • All existing REST APIs will continue to support existing functionalities. However, it is recommended to test existing integrations once this feature is released. 
  • PO schedules added through ASNs are associated to all charge lines available on the trade operation. 
    • If a charge isn't applicable to specific PO schedule, you can manually remove such a PO schedule associated to the charge line.
    • Leverage charge basis as Variable per unit or Variable percentage of item price where applicable.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Supply Chain Cost Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Trade Operations (CML_MANAGE_TRADE_OPERATIONS)
  • Reconcile Landed Cost Charges (CML_RECONCILE_LANDED_COST_CHARGES)

These privileges are existing and were available prior to this update.

Fiscal Document Capture

Process Amount Based Purchases

Process the amount based purchases that are accrued either on receipt or at the period end.

Purchase Order Line types define the commodity types in the PO such as Goods and Services. Ordering goods requires quantity and price on the PO, while services requires only amount on the PO.

For general business services ordered for a fixed amount and fixed price:

  • the Service line type is used.
  • the Purchase Basis for this line type is Service and the Matching Basis is Amount.
  • for fixed price services, the PO line must have the line type, category, item description, and total amount of the service . However, item is not required.
  • these PO line types are usually received from procurement. However, for Brazil localization, receipts and invoices for the fixed price services POs matched to the fiscal document are created from Oracle Fiscal Document Capture.

Fiscal Document Captured with Line Type of Service for an Amount Based Purchase

  • Procure and pay for amount based purchases using fiscal document

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Amount based purchase lines are supported only in the standard fiscal flow.
  • Charges allocation or allocation of freight from freight acquisition fiscal document is not applicable for fiscal document line referenced by the amount based PO.
  • CFOPs of 5933 and 6933 are applicable for the amount based purchases service fiscal document line.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Load Electronic Fiscal Document (CMF_LOAD_XML_FISCAL_DOCUMENT)
  • Process Electronic Fiscal Documents (CMF_PROCESS_E_FISCAL_DOCUMENTS)
  • Capture Fiscal Document (CMF_ENTER_FISCAL_DOCUMENT)

Supply Chain Financial Orchestration

Recalculate Transfer Price in Split Shipments of Transfer Orders and Partial Receipts of Global Purchase Orders

In certain business scenarios, transfer orders are fulfilled in multiple partial shipments. For example, if the item isn’t fully available on the requested date, or when the fulfillment duration varies from days to months depending on the business cycles. Additionally, in global procurement scenarios, receipts may occur in partial quantities. While the order gets fulfilled over a period of time, the unit cost of the goods might change. Also, the intercompany profit percentages between your business units could get updated from time to time. In such scenarios, the transfer price must be recalculated.

With this feature, Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration recalculates the transfer price for each shipment or receipt based on the cost and markup percentages applicable at the time of the execution transaction and provides an accurate transfer price calculation based on the latest cost and setup data. Oracle Cost Management uses the recalculated transfer price to process the intercompany transactions of the transfer order shipments and global procurement receipts.

Here are the benefits this feature offers:

  • Improves the accuracy of the transfer price that's recalculated using the latest item costs and financial orchestration setup data, such as markup percentages.
  • Improves tracking and reporting for transfer order lines you fulfill in more than one shipment.
  • Improves tracking and reporting when global procurement receipts occur in partial quantities.
  • Increases intercompany accounting accuracy and avoids manual adjustments to true up the intercompany accounting.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24A

Tips And Considerations

  • This is a one-time opt-in feature. Once you opt in, you can't opt out. After you opt in, Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration will always recalculate the transfer price for each transfer order shipment transaction and will always recalculate the transfer price for each global procurement receipt transaction.
  • Consider a scenario where a transfer order shipment with Interorganization Receipt as an ownership change event is made with quantity 10. You need to perform partial receipts against this shipment such as receipt 1 - quantity 4, receipt 2 - quantity 6. In such a scenario, transaction cost basis is not supported and we recommend that you use transfer pricing basis as the item cost or intercompany price list.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Maintain Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Flow (FOS_MAINTAIN_SUPPLY_CHAIN_FINANCIAL_TRADE_AGREEMENT_PRIV) 

These privileges were available prior to this update.

Use an Improved Oracle Payables Invoice Match Flow for Drop Shipments

Transfer an ownership change event in drop ship sales automatically to Oracle Receiving and initiate the creation of drop ship receipts without the use of scheduled processes. Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration interfaces the trade transaction to Oracle Cost Management after the drop ship receipt is created in Receiving.

Supply Chain Financial Orchestration receives the Payables invoice match and cancellation events through the Transfer Invoice Details to Supply Chain Financial Flow Orchestration scheduled process. Supply Chain Financial Orchestration then calculates the transfer price and automatically transfers the ownership change event in drop ship sales to Oracle Receiving and initiates the creation of drop ship receipts. The drop ship receipt is created in Receiving after which Supply Chain Financial Orchestration creates the intercompany trade events and interfaces them to the Cost Management, Receivables, and Payables applications.

Here’s a summary of the sequence of events:

  1. The scheduled process Transfer Invoice Details to Supply Chain Financial Flow Orchestration is completed.
  2. Events such as document creation, agreement identification, and transfer price calculation are orchestrated in Supply Chain Financial Orchestration.
  3. Supply Chain Financial Orchestration invokes the Receiving API which creates a drop ship logical receipt in Receiving.
  4. Supply Chain Financial Orchestration receives a confirmation that the receipt has been created.
  5. Supply Chain Financial Orchestration creates the Trade Sales Issue and interfaces the event to Cost Management, Payables, and Receivables.

Similarly, for cancellation of accounts payable invoices, Supply Chain Financial Orchestration interfaces the Trade Sales Return events to Cost Management only after the drop ship correction has been completed in Receiving.

This feature removes the dependency on scheduled processes to interface events for the creation of drop ship receipts. As a result, drop ship receipts are created in a timely manner, improving the overall drop ship flow performance with payables invoice match as the ownership change event.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials ManagementNo Longer Optional From: Update 24A

Tips And Considerations

  • When opt-in is enabled, ensure that there are no existing open transactions.
  • When opt-in is enabled, you don’t need to run the Transfer Ownership Change Events to Receiving scheduled process. 
  • This opt-in expires in update 24A. After the opt-in time period expires, the existing scheduled process, Transfer Ownership Change Events to Receiving will be obsoleted.

Key Resources

  • Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Maintain Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Flow (FOS_MAINTAIN_SUPPLY_CHAIN_FINANCIAL_TRADE_AGREEMENT_PRIV)

This privilege was available prior to this update.

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations

Replaced and Removed Features

From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features, or removes existing features. Replaced features may be put on a path to removal. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.

This section identifies the features in this Cloud service that have been replaced or will be removed.

Module Removed Feature Target Removal Replacement Feature Additional Information

Staged Inventory Transactions Version 2 SOAP service


Inventory Staged Transactions REST service

For details about the Inventory Staged Transactions REST service, see REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM on the Oracle Help Center.


Inventory Transactions REST service


Inventory Staged Transactions REST service

For details about the Inventory Staged Transactions REST service, see REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM on the Oracle Help Center.


REST: Material Status Updates REST service


Subinventories, Locators (a child service of the Subinventories service), Inventory Item Lots, and Inventory Item Serial Numbers REST services

For details about these REST services, see REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM on the Oracle Help Center.


Receiving Transactions REST service


Requests for Receiving Transactions REST service

For details about the Requests for Receiving Transactions, see REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM on the Oracle Help Center.

Receiving Receipts REST service 24C

Receiving Receipt Requests REST service

For details about the Receiving Receipt Requests REST service, see REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM on the Oracle Help Center.