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By taking an outdated and manual approach to requirements management, your organization risks having substandard requirements definition, verification and validation processes, which ultimately undermine competitiveness; wastes time, budget and resources; and increases the risk of failure to deliver critical functionality to your customers. Yet, your organization’s success relies on maintaining a modern requirements management process. By embedding lean systems engineering into your innovation, development and commercialization processes, you can quickly assess the status of requirements fulfillment and product readiness, adapt and respond to markets more quickly, and improve business performance.

This digibook unlocks best practice insights by business process, role, and industry to help simplify and streamline your approach to lean systems engineering using modern requirements management. This process, with Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud, can empower your organization to accelerate time to market, increase customer satisfaction, improve success rates, and reduce overall costs.

The Impact of Poor Requirements Management

Few companies have adopted a dedicated process for requirements management. Even fewer execute best practices of transformational lean systems engineering efficiently and effectively. Such companies are left capturing and communicating their requirements using a disconnected document-based approach, where critical requirements are spread across documents, spreadsheets, presentations, shared drives, email, and even paper. Visibility, traceability, collaboration, requirements change control, and impact analysis suffer accordingly, and the antiquated approach may result in slower time to market, failed products, increased costs from wasted cycles and lost revenue.

Strategic Path to Integrated Product Lifecycle Management and Supply Chain

Without end-to-end traceability (from initial requirements definition to final test results), projects go off-track and companies waste resources delivering the wrong solutions. Many companies find that homegrown solutions and spreadsheets (their traditional and default approach) are inadequate. With Oracle’s requirements management process, you can quickly associate and thoroughly evaluate requirements against conceptual designs to ensure projects meet target technical criteria. By digitally threading requirements management into the concept, design, development, commercialization, sustainment, and end-of-life processes, companies have a traceable system of record and can ensure each product’s objectives are met.

By Business Initiative

Crossing the chasm from ideas to requirements:

“We need a more efficient process for capturing and communicating/translating customer and market needs into technical requirements to ensure that each critical value-driver requirement has been achieved.”

Requirements/test traceability, verification and validation:

“We must have accurate and reliable systems-engineering traceability that validates and verifies test execution to better manage risk and achieve regulatory requirements.”

Lean systems engineering:

“We need to execute product design and development more efficiently by integrating hardware, electrical and software requirements using agile/scrum methods delivered with short, iterative design cycles.”

Requirements reuse:

“We want to leverage and reuse previous requirements, tests, and system architectures to shorten the time required to bring iterative designs or new products to market.”

By Role

C-level officers (CEO, CFO, CTO, and CIO):

“Help me to increase the probability of success and profitability for each new product offering. We need faster and better visibility into our ability to deliver critical market requirements to eliminate waste and reduce time to market.”

Design and development management professionals (VP engineering, VP development, chief architect and chief systems engineer):

“Help me to systematize lean systems engineering best practices across requirements management, test management, and system architecture in order to increase productivity and manage scope.”

Product or project managers (chief systems engineer and chief architect):

“Help me achieve a single source of truth for requirements capture, collaboration, scope analysis, change management, verification, and fulfillment to minimize waste and maximize use of our resources.”

Design engineers and team members:

“Help me provide a collaborative environment where teams can correctly interpret and dissect each requirement, communicate and capture risk, and scope decisions and relate each to the end design, so there are no downstream missed-requirement surprises.”

By Industry

Life Sciences:

“Increasing regulatory requirements (spanning geographies) have created compliance challenges as companies develop new products to address unmet patient needs. Compliance failures can be costly, so it’s vital to identify and mitigate risks in the development process.”

High Tech:

“Ensuring the voice of the customer is heard and retained through the product-design process has become a prerequisite to remaining competitive, and to responding more accurately to increasingly complex customer, regulatory, and market-driven hardware and software requirements. In order to ensure consistent definition and execution of the engineering, test, and validation requirements lifecycle, unified requirements management is a must.”

Industrial Manufacturing:

“The Internet of Things (IoT) is playing an ever larger role in the Industrial Manufacturing market segment. To avoid recreating tools and devices that have already been specified and implemented, requirements and test reuse are an absolute must. As a result, advanced requirements and test management are now crucial to the integration layers.”

Consumer Packaged Goods:

“Customer & supplier co-creation shortens product cycles, improves time to market and reduces product failures. Centrally managing and reusing requirements, test, and product information improves product quality and customer satisfaction; the new products that are developed accurately reflect the voice and needs of the customer.”

Aerospace and Defense:

“Given the massive consolidation of the industry, overlaid on extended supply chains with long lead times, innovation has become even more challenging to bring to fruition. Without highly efficient and lean systems engineering throughout the requirements and test solution architecture, it’s much more difficult and time-consuming to achieve revenue growth and minimize scrap.”