Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
What's New
Expand All

  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Global Human Resources
        1. Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications
        2. Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page
    2. Human Capital Management for Bahrain
        1. Additional Information at a Person Level
  1. Update 22A
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Global Human Resources
      1. Autocomplete
        1. Autocomplete Rule for Document Records Business Object
        2. Autocomplete Rules in Position and Job Business Objects Based on Current and Proposed Values
        3. Autocomplete Rules for Person Contact Relationship Business Object
      2. Document Records
        1. Prefill Document Record Attributes by Scanning an Attachment
        2. Change Publish Date for Existing Document Records
        3. View Source of Document Record Creation
        4. Display Edit Icon for Document Delivery Preferences Based on Access
        5. Display of Reference Info Attachments Streamlined in Document Records
      3. Employment
        1. Configurable Workers LoV Available on Employment Pages
        2. Additional Filter Using Employee Location Attribute for Client-Side Location LOV
        3. Simulate Employment Approval Rules
        4. Introduction of New Approval Payload for Standard Component Salary Basis Type and Other Enhancements
        5. Standard Component Attributes and Other Enhancements for Employment Notifications
        6. V3 Termination and Resignation
        7. Added Security for Withdrawing Resignations
      4. Journeys
        1. Secure Viewing of Global Journeys
        2. Journeys Integration with Process Cloud
        3. Inline Display of Questionnaire in Journey Task
        4. Inline Display of Configurable Form in Journey Task
        5. Configure Journey Name Display Format on Journey Cards
        6. Archive and Purge Allocated Checklists and Assigned Journeys
        7. Audit Assigned Journeys and Tasks
      5. Workforce Structures
        1. Simulate Workforce Structures Approval Rules
        2. Position, Job and Location Available Only in Responsive Pages in the Work Area
    2. Human Capital Management for Egypt
        1. Optional Title Field in the Name Style
    3. Human Capital Management for Singapore
        1. New Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Series With The Prefix M
    4. Global Payroll Interface
        1. Global Payroll Interface Template Enhanced with Approved Time Entries
    5. Workforce Directory Management
        1. Improved Performance of Refresh Manager Hierarchy Process
        2. Enhanced My Team
    6. Transactional Business Intelligence for Human Resources
        1. New Subject Area on Person Seniority Dates
        2. People Group KFF in Assignment Event Real Time
        3. Additional Attributes in HCM Integrations Subject Area
        4. Employee Location Flag in Location Dimension
  4. IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Human Resources
  5. Controlled Availability for Human Resources

February Maintenance Pack for 22A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
29 APR 2022

Global Human Resources

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 MAR 2022

Global Human Resources

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 MAR 2022

Global Human Resources

Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 FEB 2022 Global Human Resources Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 22A February.

25 FEB 2022

Global Human Resources

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 22A February.

22 JAN 2022     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (22A, 22B, 22C, and 22D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon. 

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
  • Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
  • Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Global Human Resources

Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

Human Capital Management for Bahrain

Additional Information at a Person Level

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.

Navigate to Journeys Pages Directly from Notifications

Your navigation from a journey or task notification is now streamlined if you have enabled Journeys. If the journeys profile ORA_PER_JOURNEYS_ENABLED is enabled, you will be directed to the appropriate Journeys pages. If the profile is not enabled, you will continue to be directed to the respective responsive Onboarding and Checklists pages.

These are some of the highlights of this feature:

  • All deep links will direct users to Journeys pages when the journeys profile is enabled.
  • The links in the .ics file will also direct users to respective Journeys pages when the journeys profile is enabled.
  • Task performers who don't have access to the person are directed to the My Tasks tab in Journeys from the notification.
  • Line managers and HR specialists are directed to the specific assigned journey in the Assigned Journeys tab in Journeys from the notification.

Users will have a seamless experience when navigating to the Journeys pages from notifications.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature is available in R13.2110-PB20220211-HCM.

Key Resources

For more information about Journeys and Checklists, refer to these resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Checklists and Journeys in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide
  • Checklists and Journeys in the Using Global Human Resources guide

Improved Performance of Assigned Journeys Page

We have improved the performance of the Assigned Journeys page with these enhancements:

  • Ability to filter by Direct Reports, All Reports, or the Organization. Default is Direct Reports.
  • Removal of the total count of results.
  • Removal of the Sort By option.

Select the Option to Filter Assigned Journeys

Displays results faster when navigating to the Assigned Journeys page thereby providing a better user experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • All journey category and status filter chips will be displayed on the My Journeys, My Tasks, and Assigned Journeys tabs even if there are no journeys or tasks matching those filter chip values.

Key Resources

For more information about Journeys and Checklists, refer to these resources on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Checklists and Journeys in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide
  • Checklists and Journeys in the Using Global Human Resources guide

Human Capital Management for Bahrain

Oracle HRMS (Bahrain) supports country specific features and functions for Bahrain. It enables users to follow Bahrain’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Additional Information at a Person Level

With this enhancement, the Transaction Design Studio person rules are automatically available for correspondence language, frequency, probation end date, probation period, working Hours, person contact attributes, person visa attributes, date of birth, and tax reporting unit.

The following table describes the fields which are made visible and optional for their corresponding action types.

Fields Action Type


  • Correspondence Language
  • Frequency
  • Probation End Date
  • Probation Period
  • Working Hours
  • Add a Nonworker
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Edit Pending Worker
  • Hire an Employee


  • Person Contact Relationship Legislative Attributes (in My Contacts region and Relationship region in Family and Emergency Contacts)
  • Add a Nonworker
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Edit Pending Worker
  • Hire an Employee
  • Family and Emergency Contacts


  • Person Visa Legislative Attributes
  • Add a Nonworker
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Edit Pending Worker
  • Hire an Employee
  • Family and Emergency Contacts
  • Identification Info


  • Tax Reporting Unit
  • Local and Global Transfer
  • Mass Legal Employer Change


  • Date of Birth
  • Add a Nonworker
  • Add a Contingent Worker

Use the additional information provided to complete the hire or manage person functionality to meet legislative requirements

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Update 22A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
29 APR 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Archive and Purge Allocated Checklists and Assigned Journeys

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 FEB 2022 Workforce Directory Management Enhanced My Team

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Dashboard Tab in Journeys

Removed this feature for 22A.

28 JAN 2022 Human Resources / Journeys Archive and Purge Allocated Checklists and Assigned Journeys

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Audit Assigned Journeys and Tasks

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources /Auto Complete Autocomplete Rule for Document Records Business Object

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Document Records Change Publish Date for Existing Document Records

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Employment Configurable Workers LoV Available on Employment Pages

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Configure Journey Name Display Format on Journey Cards

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Document Records

Display Edit Icon for Document Delivery Preferences Based on Access

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Document Records

Display of Reference Info Attachments Streamlined in Document Records

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 22A.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Inline Display of Questionnaire in Journey Task

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Inline Display of Configurable Form in Journey Task

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 22A.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Journeys Integration with Process Cloud

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Document Records

Prefill Document Record Attributes by Scanning an Attachment

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Journeys

Secure Viewing of Global Journeys

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Resources / Document Records

View Source of Document Record Creation

Updated document. Revised feature information.

28 JAN 2022

Human Capital Management for Singapore New Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Series With The Prefix M

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 22A.

28 JAN 2022

Human Capital Management for Mexico

Corrective Actions at Task and Person Levels

Removed from Human Resources and moved to the Payroll What's New.

28 JAN 2022

Human Capital Management for Mexico

Ten Day Payroll Frequency Support

Removed from Human Resources and moved to the Payroll What's New.

22 DEC 2021

Human Resources/ Journeys

Secure Viewing of Global Journeys

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 22A.

22 DEC 2021 Human Resources/ Journeys Dashboard Tab in Journeys

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 22A.

06 DEC 2021     Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (22A, 22B, 22C, and 22D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • Human Resources What’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you will find features on the base application in which other application are built upon. 

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
  • Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
  • Release Readiness – New Feature Summary, What’s New, Feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Global Human Resources


Autocomplete Rule for Document Records Business Object

Autocomplete Rules in Position and Job Business Objects Based on Current and Proposed Values

Autocomplete Rules for Person Contact Relationship Business Object

Document Records

Prefill Document Record Attributes by Scanning an Attachment

Change Publish Date for Existing Document Records

View Source of Document Record Creation

Display Edit Icon for Document Delivery Preferences Based on Access

Display of Reference Info Attachments Streamlined in Document Records


Configurable Workers LoV Available on Employment Pages

Additional Filter Using Employee Location Attribute for Client-Side Location LOV

Simulate Employment Approval Rules

Introduction of New Approval Payload for Standard Component Salary Basis Type and Other Enhancements

Standard Component Attributes and Other Enhancements for Employment Notifications

V3 Termination and Resignation

Added Security for Withdrawing Resignations


Secure Viewing of Global Journeys

Journeys Integration with Process Cloud

Inline Display of Questionnaire in Journey Task

Inline Display of Configurable Form in Journey Task

Configure Journey Name Display Format on Journey Cards

Archive and Purge Allocated Checklists and Assigned Journeys

Audit Assigned Journeys and Tasks

Workforce Structures

Simulate Workforce Structures Approval Rules

Position, Job and Location Available Only in Responsive Pages in the Work Area

Human Capital Management for Egypt

Optional Title Field in the Name Style

Human Capital Management for Singapore

New Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Series With The Prefix M

Global Payroll Interface

Global Payroll Interface Template Enhanced with Approved Time Entries

Workforce Directory Management

Improved Performance of Refresh Manager Hierarchy Process

Enhanced My Team

Transactional Business Intelligence for Human Resources

New Subject Area on Person Seniority Dates

People Group KFF in Assignment Event Real Time

Additional Attributes in HCM Integrations Subject Area

Employee Location Flag in Location Dimension

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Human Resources

Controlled Availability for Human Resources

Global Human Resources

Oracle Global Human Resources enables your organization to plan, manage and optimize all workforce segments using flexible and extensible best practices to realize extraordinary gains while insuring compliance and increasing total workforce engagement.


Autocomplete Rule for Document Records Business Object

You can now improve your data entry validations by using the additional Validate Document Record Publish Date is After Current Date rule for validation in the Document Records flow.

Autocomplete Rule to Validate Document Record Publish Date is After Current Date

This feature gives autonomy and control to customers to extend their existing applications by creating their own rules without relying on Oracle Development to implement it.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

To enable Autocomplete Rules in the HCM Experience Design Studio, you need to log a Service Request (SR). Please review and follow the instructions provided in the My Oracle Support document, Fusion HCM Cloud: Enabling Autocomplete Rules Feature Starting with Release 21B (Doc ID 2767655.1) to get access.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can't use any attachment attributes to validate or default in autocomplete rules for the Document Records business object.

  • It is recommended not to create Object Defaulting AutoComplete rules for the Document Records business object. This is because the defaulted values will be reset if you change the document type.

Key Resources

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in a sandbox.

Autocomplete Rules in Position and Job Business Objects Based on Current and Proposed Values

You can now author autocomplete rules to default or validate the old and new values of attributes (including descriptive flexfields (DFF)) on the job and position business objects. Two new view accessors are added to compare the old and new values of position and job attributes - Get Existing Position and Get Existing Job, respectively. Typically you can write rules to validate if a DFF segment is updated when updating a position or if a department is changed on a position.

Validation to check if RegionCode is updated using Get Existing Position view accessor

Validation to check if JobRegionCode is updated using the Get Existing Job view accessor

This feature gives autonomy and control to customers to extend their existing applications by creating their own rules instead of waiting on Oracle Development.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can't author autocomplete rules to check values of old date-effective job or position records.
  • You can't compare old and new values of job valid grades on a position but can check old and new values of an entry grade.

Key Resources

  • For more information, refer to Autocomplete Rules for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements feature in the 22A Human Resources > HCM Cloud Common Features Update
  • Workforce Structures, Chapter 4, Business Objects in Autocomplete, Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to enable a sandbox.

Autocomplete Rules for Person Contact Relationship Business Object

You can now use any of the delivered rules for the Person Contact Relationship business object. You can use these rules to validate if there is an existing contact based on the contact's last name, date of birth, relationship type, or national identifier, if it fits your business needs. To use a delivered rule, make a copy of the delivered rule, modify the rule according to your requirements, and set it to Active.

These rules are delivered out-of-the-box for the Person Contact Relationship business object.

1. Validate if Contact Exists Based on the Last Name Date of Birth and Relationship

This rule validates if a contact's last name, date of birth, and relationship matches with the person's existing contacts' last name, date of birth, and relationship.

An error message is displayed if the above attributes match with the person's existing contacts' last name, date of birth, and relationship.

2. Validate if Contact Exists Based on the Name and Relationship

This rule validates if a contact's name and relationship matches with the person's existing contacts' name and relationship.

An error message is displayed if a match is found with the person's existing contacts' name and relationship..

3. Validate if Contact Exists Based on National ID

This rule validates if a contact's national ID matches with the person's existing contacts' national ID.

An error message is displayed if a match is found with the person's existing contacts' national ID.

4. Validate if Contact Exists Based on the Name Date of Birth and Relationship

This rule validates if a contact's name, date of birth, and relationship matches with the person's existing contacts' name, date of birth, and relationship.

An error message is displayed if all these attributes match with the person's existing contacts' name, date of birth, and relationship.

These are the advantages of using these delivered rules.

  • Improves the user experience and prevents the entry of duplicate contacts by using the delivered rules on the person contact relationship business object.
  • Reduces time spent on transactions by validating your user entries
  • Allows your organizations to adjust quickly with HR compliance without relying on new releases

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

To enable Autocomplete Rules in the HCM Experience Design Studio, you need to log a service request (SR). To get access, please review and follow the instructions provided in the My Oracle Support document, Enabling Oracle HCM Cloud Autocomplete Rules (Document ID 2767655.1).

Tips And Considerations

  • You can't use Autocomplete Rules to default values using the Person business objects.
  • It's recommended not to change the rule logic for these delivered rules.
  • You can enable one or more of the 4 rules delivered as per your requirement.

Key Resources

For more information see the:

  • 22A HCM Common What's New under the Common Features section for the Autocomplete Rules for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements feature
  • Global Human Resources Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center for the Working with Person Business Objects, Implementing Autocomplete Rules for HCM help topic

Document Records

Prefill Document Record Attributes by Scanning an Attachment

We have made it easy for you to create document records by giving you the ability to prefill document record attributes by scanning them from an attachment. You can ensure greater data accuracy and have less scope for errors. If the fields are made read-only, then you can also ensure authenticity of the data.

You can scan the following attributes from an attachment and prefill them in the Document Details page without having to manually enter the values:

  • Number

  • From Date

  • To Date

  • Issuing Country

  • Issuing Location

  • Issued On

  • Issuing Authority

Use the Add from Attachment Feature to Upload the Document to be Scanned

Select the Document Type and Click on Extract Data

Select the Document Record Field and Select the Corresponding Value from the Attachment

Select the Document Record Field and its Format, and Select the Same Format from the Attachment

Review List of Extracted Content from Attachment to Map to Document Record Attributes

Extracted Content Mapped to Document Record Attributes

You can save time by not having to manually type the values for the document record fields.

Steps to Enable

By default, the profile option is set to Yes which means that the Add (Add from Attachment) action is enabled on the Document Records page. To disable the action, you must set the profile option to No.

Profile Option Code

Profile Display Name

Default Profile Value


Document Record Attachment Scan Enabled


To change the default profile option value and disable the action, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  3. Search for the ORA_PER_DOR_ATTACHMENT_SCAN profile option code and select the profile option in the search results.

  4. In the Profile Values area, enter No in the Profile Value field.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

  • The following file formats are supported currently for the document attachment you upload for scanning: PDF, PPT or PPTX, DOC or DOCX, TXT, and XLS or XLSX.

  • If you add more than one attachment for scanning, then the extract data process will consider only the most recent attachment.

  • Password protected documents can't be used to prefill document record attributes.

  • Any customization you make in the create document record page to mark field as read only will not impact the defaulting of the scanned value. The value you selected for the document record field during the scan will be mapped and visible in the create page for the read only field.

  • While editing a document record, you can't prefill document record attributes from an attachment.

  • You can’t scan values into a document record flexfield currently. This support will be added in a future release.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to this resource on the Oracle Help Center:

  • How You Scan Attachment to Prefill Document Record Attributes, Document Records, Chapter Workforce Records, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud

Change Publish Date for Existing Document Records

You can now modify the publish date for existing document records directly from the Document Records page.

Change the Publish Date for Document Records

  • When you add a document record, the Publish Date field is displayed as a required field only when the Publish Required option is configured to Yes on the Create Document Type setup page.

  • When you view a document record, the Publish Date field is displayed as a read-only field only if the field has a non-null value.

  • When you edit a document record, the following conditions apply:

    • You can change the publish date only when the Publish Required option is configured to Yes on the Create Document Type setup page.

    • If you change the publish date to later than the current date (including a current null value), then a warning message is displayed which states that the document record won’t be displayed on the UI until the changed publish date is reached. If you click OK in the message, the application will use the modified date. However, if you click Cancel, the application reverts the modified publish date to the existing date.

  • The application does not prevent selecting any date.

  • By default, the application will not validate if the publish date is after the current date. You can enable the seeded Validate Document Record Publish Date is After Current Date autocomplete rule if you need this validation.

Ease of changing the publish date when you add or edit document records.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • If the publish date is in the future, the document record won't display on the user interface until that date. However, you can view document records with a future publish date if you have the required privilege.

  • You can update the Publish Date field using REST or HCM Data Loader.

  • You need to populate the publish date using HCM Data Loader before you change the publish date to Yes on the Create Document Type setup page.

  • You can change the Publish Required option on the Create Document Type setup page to Yes. To make the change, you need to ensure that all document records of the document type have the publish date populated before making the setup change.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to this resource on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Document Records, Chapter Workforce Records, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud

Additionally, see the 21D Human Resources What's New for this feature: Flexibility to View Document Records Before Publish Date

View Source of Document Record Creation

We have enhanced your ability to view information about how the document record was created. This information is available on the Document Records landing page.

Source of Document Record in Document Records Page

Users can view the name of the source object used to create the document record and filter to view document records from a particular source.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The following table lists the currently available source values for document records:





Recruiting offers

Document records created from recruiting offers.


Recruiting job submissions

Document records created from recruiting job submissions.


Payroll object actions

Document records created from payroll object actions.


Payroll relationship actions

Document records created from payroll relationship actions.


Absence cases

Document records created from absence cases.


Employment actions

Document records created from employment actions.


Allocated checklist tasks

Document records created from allocated checklist tasks.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to this resource on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Document Records, Chapter Workforce Records, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud

Display Edit Icon for Document Delivery Preferences Based on Access

View the Edit icon for managing delivery preferences of a document record only if you have manage access for the document record.

Edit Icon Displayed Based on Manage Access for Document Record

Improve the user experience by displaying only those actions relevant to the user’s role.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to this resource on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Document Records, Chapter Workforce Records, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud

Display of Reference Info Attachments Streamlined in Document Records

We have simplified the display of Reference Info attachments on the Document Records page. Only the attachment file names are now displayed without other details, such as the name of the user who uploaded the Reference Info attachments and the date and time the Reference Info attachments were uploaded.

Add Reference Info Attachments in Document Types Setup

Only Attachment File Names Displayed in Reference Info Section for Desktop

Only Attachment File Names Displayed in Reference Info Section for Mobile

Reference Info attachment details are simple and easy to view for users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to this resource on the Oracle Help Center:

  • Document Records, Chapter 14, Workforce Records, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud


Configurable Workers LoV Available on Employment Pages

We have improved your ability to configure the Search and Display and Search Only fields for worker search on responsive employment flows. You can configure the fields using HCM Experience Design Studio.

Worker Search Configured for the Manager Name Field

These are the sections and fields in responsive employment flows where worker search is configured:

Impacted Responsive Flow

Section (Field)

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Add a Pending Worker

  • Add Assignment

  • Change Assignment

  • Change Location

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Employment Details

  • Hire an Employee

  • Local and Global Transfer

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Manager (Name)
  • Add Direct Reports (Search for people to add as reports)
  • Reassign Direct Reports (Search for proposed manager)

Mass Legal Employer Change

Mass Legal Employer Change - Faceted Search (Initiator)


Enter Termination Info (Recommendation Authorized By)

You can streamline search fields in all responsive employment flows.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, see the following topic on the Oracle Help Center:

  • How You Configure List of Values (LOVs), Chapter Responsive User Experience Setup, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud

Additionally, see the 21D HCM Common What's New for this feature: Lists of Values Configuration

Additional Filter Using Employee Location Attribute for Client-Side Location LOV

We have improved your ability to additionally filter the client-side Location list of values (LoV) on responsive employment pages based on the Employee Location attribute value. This attribute value is set on the responsive Location Details page. When you create a location using the Location Details page, you can specify a location as an employee location by selecting Yes or No from the Employee Location field.

These are the responsive employment pages where the enhanced Location LoV is available:

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Add a Pending Worker

  • Add Assignment

  • Change Assignment

  • Change Location

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Employment Details

  • Hire an Employee

  • Local and Global Transfer

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Mass Legal Employer Change

  • Mass Legal Employer Change (Faceted Search)

  • Pending Workers (Faceted Search)

Consider the following example where the Employee Location field for Delhi location is marked Yes and for Delhi-Warehouse location is marked No in the Location Details page. In this scenario, the Location LoV in the employment flow only displays search results for Delhi and not Delhi-Warehouse.

Employee Location Set as Yes for the Employee Location Attribute in Location Details

Employee Location Set as No for the Employee Location Attribute in Location Details

Location LoV Filtered by Employee Location in Employment Flow

This feature improves usability by further refining the location filtering capabilities. Now, the additional filtering is done using the Employee Location attribute along with business unit-set and legal employer.

Steps to Enable

You need to set the Employee Location attribute value to No for the locations which you want to exclude from the Locations LoV on the responsive employment pages.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Location LoV is filtered based on the Employee Location field only in the responsive employment pages listed in this feature. The filtering is not a validation. Therefore, the Location LoV filtering doesn’t apply to REST API, HCM Data Loader, and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Key Resources

  • For more information, see the release 21D Human Resources What's New for this feature: Ability to Identify a Location as an Employee Location
  • Additionally, refer to the following resources on the Oracle Help Center:

    • Locations, Chapter 7: Divisions, Departments, Worker Unions, Locations, and Trees, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud

    • Guidelines for Loading Locations, Chapter 5 Loading Work Structures, HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide, Human Resources Cloud

    • Locations List of Values, List of Values, REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud

Role Information

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in setup and maintenance area.

Simulate Employment Approval Rules

You can now use approval rules simulation to test approval rules and its routing without creating any new transactions for these responsive employment flows:

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Add a Pending Worker

  • Add Assignment

  • Additional Assignment Info

  • Cancel Work Relationship

  • Change Assignment

  • Change Location

  • Change Manager

  • Change Working Hours

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Direct Reports

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Eligible Jobs

  • Employment Contracts

  • Employment Details

  • Employment Start Dates

  • Hire an Employee

  • Local and Global Transfer

  • Promote

  • Resignation

  • Termination

  • Transfer

  • Work Relationship

When your approval rule configuration is incorrect, the simulation fails with the appropriate message displayed as shown below.

This is an example of a successful approval rule configuration.

Easily fix errors and incrementally build the approval rule conditional logic. You can see the impact of the change without having to recreate and submit new transactions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature doesn't apply to classic employment flows as you can see the approval chain on the transaction Review page.

  • Bypass approvals needs to be disabled to test the approval flow configuration for new transactions. However you can test the approval flow configuration for pending, draft, and failed transactions even though bypass approvals is enabled.

  • This feature won’t be enabled for any in-flight transactions that you submitted before upgrading to release 22A.

  • You need to first commit any changes you make to the approval rules before you simulate the rules.

Key Resources

For more information, see the 21D Human Resources What's New for this feature: Enhancements to Approvals and Notifications

Introduction of New Approval Payload for Standard Component Salary Basis Type and Other Enhancements

You can now easily configure approval rules for the standard component salary basis type by using the new Worker's Salary Simple Component Details approval payload and its corresponding attributes in the following employment approval processes:

  • Hire an Employee

  • Add a Pending Worker

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Add Assignment

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Change Assignment

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Change Location

  • Change Working Hours

  • Local and Global Transfer

New Approval Payload and Corresponding Attributes to Configure Approval Rules

A new Crud Operation attribute is also added under the Worker's Salary Details approval payload to help you track changes to salary (Create, Read, Update or Correct, Delete) during the following employment approval processes:

  • Hire an Employee

  • Add a Pending Worker

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Add Assignment

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Change Assignment

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Change Location

  • Change Working Hours

  • Local and Global Transfer

New Attribute for Worker’s Salary Details Approval Payload

Configure approval rules quickly and efficiently for the standard component salary basis type and track salary changes by using new attributes in the applicable employment approval processes.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You can use these values with the CRUD attribute while creating approval rules:




When salary is being created (first time or subsequently).


When deleting the salary.


When correcting salary.


When there is no change to the salary.

Key Resources

  • For more information about the new salary basis type, see the following document on My Oracle Support:

    • Introducing the Standard Components Type of Salary Basis (Doc ID 2717145.1)

  • Additionally, see the following release 21A Compensation What's New for Salary Standard Components:

    • Standard Components Salary Basis Type Introduction

    • Salary Allocation with Standard Components Introduction

    • Salary Population from Grade Ladder Rates: Standard Components

    • Standard Salary Components Introduction in View Compensation History

Standard Component Attributes and Other Enhancements for Employment Notifications

We have enhanced the employment approval data model and notifications to include additional salary attributes. The enhancements include these features:

  • Improved seeded data model containing attributes for the Standard Component salary basis type.

  • Performance improvements for common salary attributes.

  • Addition of the Next Salary Review Date attribute in seeded employment notifications.

How to Use the Standard Component Salary Basis Type

Employment Notification Usage

Oracle Recommendation

Using delivered data model and notifications

If you use the Standard Component salary basis type and have not customized your employment notifications, you need to customize the RTF templates to add the attributes from the new PropSimpCompSal and CurrSimpCompSal data sets.

Using customized notifications

If you use the Standard Component salary basis type and have customized your employment notifications, you need to perform these actions based on the condition:

  • If you use a customized data model, re-customize the model and customize the RTF templates to add the attributes from the new PropSimpCompSal and CurrSimpCompSal data sets.

  • If you use customized RTF templates, re-customize the templates to add the attributes from the new PropSimpCompSal and CurrSimpCompSal data sets.

  • If you use a customized data model and RTF templates, re-customize the model and templates to add the attributes from the new PropSimpCompSal and CurrSimpCompSal data sets.

Data Sets for Employment Flows

The PropSimpCompSal data set includes the proposed standard component attribute values for these responsive employment flows:

  • Hire an Employee

  • Add Pending Worker

  • Add a Contingent Worker

  • Add a Nonworker

  • Add Assignment

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Edit Pending Worker

Display of Proposed Values of Standard Component Salary Basis Type in Employment Notification

The PropSimpCompSal and CurrSimpCompSal data sets include proposed standard component attribute values and current attribute values respectively for these responsive employment flows:

  • Change Assignment

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Change Location

  • Change Working Hours

  • Local and Global Transfer

Display of Current and Proposed Values of Standard Component Salary Basis Type in Employment Notification

Next Salary Review Date

Next Salary Review Date Attribute Displayed in the Employment BIP Notification

Approvers can access a detailed breakup of the standard component salary basis type and view the next salary review date in the employment approval notification.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The standard component salary basis sections are not seeded in the employment RTF templates. The data sets will contain the required attributes according to the employment flows.

  • You need to customize the employment RTF templates to see the standard component salary attributes.

  • This feature is only available for responsive employment flows.

Key Resources

  • For more information about the new salary basis type, see the following document on My Oracle Support:

    • Introducing the Standard Components Type of Salary Basis (Doc ID 2717145.1)

  • Additionally, see the following release 21A Compensation What's New for Salary Standard Components:

    • Standard Components Salary Basis Type Introduction

    • Salary Allocation with Standard Components Introduction

    • Salary Population from Grade Ladder Rates: Standard Components

    • Standard Salary Components Introduction in View Compensation History

V3 Termination and Resignation

We have made the following improvements for resignation and termination:

  • Enhanced ability of users to perform terminations and resignations in Global Human Resources by using the new version 3 (V3) Terminate Employment and Resign from Employment pages.
  • Extended the termination functionality to also include ending a single assignment.

HR Specialists and Line Managers can use the Terminate Employment page and Employees and Contingent Workers can use the Resign from Employment page. The new UI lets you decide if you want to terminate or resign from a work relationship or a specific assignment. The new termination UI uses assignment-level security which means that you can only terminate an assignment for which you have access. Based on your access privilege, the application will automatically display the termination UI that you can use.

These are the features available in the new V3 termination:

  • You have the option to either terminate a work relationship with all its assignments or just a specific assignment you want in a work relationship. Like the earlier V2 termination, you can still use the Chang Assignment page to end an assignment if you have access to change an assignment.

  • You can resign from a work relationship or just from an assignment in a work relationship. If you have multiple assignments, this lets you retain the work relationship while resigning only from the assignment you want. In the earlier version, you had no option to resign from a specific assignment and had to resign from the entire work relationship.

  • For V2 termination, you have person-level security and assignment-level security. Either of these can be used. You can terminate an assignment that you don't have access to using work relationship termination even if you have enabled assignment-level security. For V3 termination, you have the same person-level security and assignment-level security. However, if you use assignment-level security, you can't terminate the work relationship unless you have access to all assignments in the work relationship.

  • You can view assignment and work relationship termination and resignation details based on your access privileges.

  • You can correct existing terminations for an assignment or work relationship based on your security privileges.

  • You can reverse a termination for an assignment or work relationship based on your security privileges.

  • Employees can withdraw their resignation for an assignment or work relationship or HR specialists can withdraw the resignation on behalf of the employee using reverse termination.

  • Approvals and notifications are enabled for the new termination and resignation pages.

  • HCM Experience Design Studio support is enabled for the new termination and resignation pages. You can hide or display fields or regions using HCM Experience Design Studio.

  • Assignment flexfields are provided for single assignment terminations and single assignment work relationship terminations.

  • In V2 terminations only HR specialists could use the Change Assignment > End Assignment action to perform assignment-level termination. In V3 termination, line managers can perform assignment-level termination as its part of the termination process.

  • In V2 termination, you can view termination details at work relationship level. In V3 termination, you can view the same details at assignment level. For example in V3 termination, the Rehire Recommendation and Review User Access termination fields are added for an assignment.

V3 Termination Page to Terminate an Assignment or Work Relationship

Assignment Flexfields for V3 Termination

V3 View Termination Page

Select the Assignment You Want to Resign From

In V2 termination, a worker can’t resign on their own if they have more than one work relationship and they need to contact the HR specialist. However in V3 termination, a worker can choose the assignment or work relationship they want to resign from.

V3 Resignation Page to Resign from an Assignment or Work Relationship

This table describes the comparison between the existing V2 termination and resignation UI and the new V3 termination and resignation UI:

V2 Termination and Resignation

V3 Termination and Resignation

You can use either person-level security or assignment-level security. 

If you enable assignment-level security, the user can't search for assignments that they don't have access to. However, if the worker has access to one of the assignments in the work relationship, they will be able to terminate the work relationship. During work relationship termination, you will also terminate assignments in the work relationship even though you don't have access to those assignments.

You can use either person-level security or assignment-level security.

If you use assignment-level security, you can't terminate the work relationship unless you have access to all assignments in the work relationship.

You can terminate or resign only from the work relationship.

You can terminate or resign from the work relationship or a single assignment.

Only work relationship flexfields are available (only DDF and DFF)

Work relationship (only DDF and DFF) and assignment (DDF, DFF, and also EFF) flexfields are available.

You can perform assignment-level termination (End Assignment) using the Change Assignment > End Assignment action. However, managers usually won't have access to the Change Assignment action. In this case, managers will need to contact the HR specialist to perform assignment-level termination for their reports.

Managers can now perform assignment-level termination using the termination UI.

Managers or HR specialists can still terminate an assignment using the Change Assignment page (End Assignment action).

You can view termination details at work relationship level. The termination fields include Revoke User Access, Recommended for Rehire field user group, and Last Working Day.

You can view termination details at assignment level or work relationship level depending on the termination level you select. The termination fields (Revoke User Access, Recommended for Rehire field user group, and Last Working Day) are now also displayed at the assignment level.

Workers can’t resign if they have more than one work relationship.

Workers who have multiple assignments in a work relationship can’t resign from a single assignment. They have no choice but to resign from the whole work relationship.

Workers can resign if they have more than one work relationship.

Workers can resign from the whole work relationship or from a single assignment.

Termination is a privileged transaction. Termination will take precedence over any pending transaction for the same assignment and the other transaction will be rejected.

Termination is not a privileged transaction. Termination will display along with any pending transaction for the same assignment.

This table describes when to use the Change Assignment transaction (with End Assignment action) and Terminate Employment UI:

Change Assignment > End Assignment

Terminate Employment

  • Update assignment fields except assignment termination fields

  • Update assignment flexfields

  • Change Assignment > End Assignment to end permanent assignments or temporary assignments

  • Enter the following assignment termination fields:

    • Notification Date

    • Termination Date

    • Last Work Day Last Work Day (hidden out-of-the-box for resignation and displayed for termination)

    • Recommended for Rehire

    • Review User Access

  • Update assignment flexfields

This table describes the sections that are displayed for V3 work relationship and assignment termination based on the HCM Experience Design Studio rules and Questionnaire page selection:


HCM Experience Design Studio Rules

Questionnaire Page

When and Why Section

Termination Info Section

Work Relationship Info Section (WR – DDF/DFF)

Assignment Info Section (ASG – DDF/DFF)

Additional Assignment Info Section (ASG – EFF)

Work Relationship Termination - Single Assignment

Work Relationship Info - Not Enabled

Assignment Info -Not Enabled

Additional Assignment Info - Not Enabled

Work Relationship Info - Not Selected

Assignment Info -Not Selected

Additional Assignment Info - Not Selected

Always Displayed

Always Displayed

Not Displayed

Not Displayed

Not Displayed

Work Relationship Termination - Single Assignment

Work Relationship Info - Enabled

Assignment Info -Enabled

Additional Assignment Info - Enabled

Work Relationship Info - Selected

Assignment Info -Selected

Additional Assignment Info - Selected

Always Displayed

Always Displayed




Work Relationship Termination - Multiple Assignment

Work Relationship Info - Not Enabled

Assignment Info -Not Enabled

Additional Assignment Info - Not Enabled

Work Relationship Info - Not Selected

Assignment Info -Not Selected

Additional Assignment Info - Not Selected

Always Displayed

Always Displayed

Not Displayed

Not Displayed

Not Displayed

Work Relationship Termination - Multiple Assignment

Work Relationship Info - Enabled

Assignment Info -Enabled

Additional Assignment Info - Enabled

Work Relationship Info - Selected

Assignment Info -Selected

Additional Assignment Info - Selected

Always Displayed

Always Displayed


Not Displayed

Not Displayed

Assignment Termination - Multiple Assignment

Work Relationship Info - Not Enabled

Assignment Info -Not Enabled

Additional Assignment Info - Not Enabled

Work Relationship Info - Not Selected

Assignment Info -Not Selected

Additional Assignment Info - Not Selected

Always Displayed

Always Displayed

Not Displayed

Not Displayed

Not Displayed

Assignment Termination - Multiple Assignment

Work Relationship Info - Enabled

Assignment Info -Enabled

Additional Assignment Info - Enabled

Work Relationship Info - Selected

Assignment Info -Selected

Additional Assignment Info - Selected

Always Displayed

Always Displayed

Not Displayed



If the work relationship has more than one assignment, users have flexibility to either terminate or resign from the entire work relationship or a single assignment. Also, added assignment-level security doesn’t allow users to terminate or view an assignment for which they don’t have access.

Steps to Enable

To enable V3 termination, you must perform these steps:

  • Disable V2 termination. If you migrate to V3 termination without disabling V2 termination, you get an error when you try to access V2 termination.

  • Run the Migrate Employment Data ESS process using the Migrate to V3 Termination parameter. When you run the process, you migrate the existing V2 termination data to the new V3 termination. You must run this process once before you perform termination or resignation using the Terminate Employment or Resign from Employment quick actions.

  • Enable to display the Resign from Employment quick action.

  • Create a sandbox using the Structure tool.
  • Navigate to Structure customization.
  • Click Me.

  • Select the Quick Actions tab.
  • Expand the Employment link.
  • Click Resign from Employment.

  • Edit the Visible property and set #{Profile.values.PER_EMPLOYMENT_GUIDED_FLOWS_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED eq 'Y' and Profile.values.HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED eq 'Y' and true}

  • Hide the Resignation quick action (to hide V2 termination) similar to how you enabled the Resign from Employment quick action in the earlier steps.

  • Enable the Terminate Employment quick action and hide the Termination quick action from the My Team and My Client Groups tabs according to your requirements.

To run the process, follow these steps:

  1. On the home page, navigate to the Tools > Scheduled Processes work area.

  2. On the Overview page, click Schedule New Process.

  3. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, expand the Name list, and then click Search.

  4. In the Search and Select: Name dialog box, enter Migrate Employment Data in the Name field, and then click Search.

  5. In the search results, select the Migrate Employment Data row, and then click OK.

  6. Click OK in the Schedule New Process dialog box.

  7. In the Process Details dialog box, click Process Options, select the options you want, and then click OK.

  8. In the Parameters area, select the Migrate to V3 Termination run mode, and then click Submit.

  9. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

  10. In the Overview page, click the Refresh icon.

  11. Verify if the status of the process has completed successfully.


  • You can run the process only once to migrate V2 termination data to the new V3 termination. After you migrate to V3 termination, you can’t revert back to V2 termination.

  • Before you decide to opt for the new V3 termination feature in a production instance, it’s recommended that you first thoroughly test the feature in a test instance.

Tips And Considerations

  • All flexfields are hidden out-of-the-box in the termination and resignation pages. These include descriptive flexfields (DFF), developer descriptive flexfields (DDF), legislative flexfields, and extensible flexfields (EFF).

  • For a single assignment work relationship, only work relationship level termination is allowed. In this case, the Assignment Info (assignment flexfields), Additional Assignment Info (extensible flexfields), and Work Relationship Info (work relationship flexfields) sections are displayed if they are enabled using HCM Experience Design Studio.

  • For assignment level termination in a multiple assignment work relationship, assignment flexfields and extensible flexfields are displayed. For work relationship level termination in a multiple assignment work relationship, only work relationship flexfields are displayed.

  • By default, the following attributes will be displayed (if they have values) in termination and resignation pages when you click the Show Assignment Details link. However, if any of these attributes are enabled using HCM Experience Design Studio, they will be displayed even if they have no values.

    • Assignment Name

    • Location

    • Department

    • Job

    • Position

    • Business Unit

    • Assignment Status

    • Assignment Number

    • Manager (line manager display name)

Note: It’s recommended that you select a minimum of one and a maximum of four attributes because adding more attributes may cause performance issues.

  • If you terminate a work relationship, you can’t perform a reverse termination for an assignment that belongs to the terminated work relationship. If you want to reverse an assignment termination, you need to reverse the work relationship termination first, and then reverse terminate the assignment.

  • If you have performed a termination at the assignment and work relationship level, you can’t correct the assignment level termination beyond the date of the work relationship level termination. If you want to correct the termination beyond the work relationship termination date, you need to reverse the work relationship termination first, and then perform the correct termination for the assignment.

  • You can't change the termination object under What are you terminating? after you click Continue in the When and Why section. You need to decide the level of termination (assignment or work relationship) before you click Continue in the When and Why section. If you navigate back to the When and Why section and change the termination date, all user entered information will be lost. This happen if you navigate to another section or during an edit by approver. You can't toggle between an assignment and work relationship level termination in these scenarios:

    • For a single assignment work relationship (only work relationship termination is allowed).

    • When you navigate to another section.

    • When you correct a termination.

    • When you enable assignment-level security (only assignment level termination is selected by default).

    • During edit by approver.

    • When there are two assignments and one assignment is terminated in future.

  • If you enable the Validation For Existing Subordinates Termination enterprise configuration option (only if it’s marked as error), you need to ensure that the Reassign Direct Reports section is selected as required in HCM Experience Design Studio.

  • Earlier, you could terminate the assignment even if there were approvals pending for the assignment. Now, you can't terminate the assignment if there are any pending approvals for the assignment.

  • You need to check whether your custom flexfields are displayed in the termination page because these flexfields are hidden out-of-the-box. You can display these flexfields by using HCM Experience Design Studio.

  • The Revoke User Access field in the termination page is renamed as Review User Access.

  • You can't terminate the primary assignment or work relationship if there is more than one active assignment or work relationship.

  • If there are more than two assignments or work relationships and you terminate any one, the application makes the assignment or work relationship having the earliest start date as primary.

  • If you change the termination or notification date in the When and Why section after visiting any other section, you will receive a warning message that your data will be lost. If you ignore the warning message, all transaction data will be lost, including the reassigned direct reports data.

  • A manager can select death as the reason of termination only for work relationship termination. The date of death in the V3 Terminate Employment page is calculated by using person entity validation to ensure the date of death is always less than or equal to the current date. The date of death is implemented as follows in the application:

    • If the termination date is less than the current date, the application defaults the date of death with the termination date or with the current date when action is death.

    • The date of death is nullified in reverse termination.

    • The date of death is updated accordingly when the date is changed using correct termination. If the action is changed from death to another action using correct termination, the date of death is nullified accordingly.

    • The base rule is that the application always maintains the date of death as less than or equal to the current date. Consider this scenario: You populate the date of death by entering a date that’s less than the current date. Then, you navigate to the When and Why section and change the termination date to a date which is also less than the current date. In this case, the application doesn’t change the date of death.

    • You populate the date of death by entering a future date. Then, you navigate to the When and Why section and change the termination date to a future date. In this case, the application defaults the date of death to the current date.

    • You populate the date of death by entering a future date. Then, you navigate to the When and Why section and change the termination date to a date which is lesser than the current date. In this case, the application defaults the date of death to the termination date.

  • You can now perform reverse termination for assignment level termination in addition to work relationship level termination. You can do reverse termination provided the assignment was the object of the original termination.

  • The Assignment Status Post Termination and Last Work Day fields are now displayed out-of-the-box.

  • You need to configure separate approval rules and HCM Experience Design Studio rules for the new termination UI. Additionally, you need to reevaluate the Autocomplete rules.

  • Actions that are supported or not for V3 termination:

Action Name

Supported for V3 Termination

Suggested Action

End Temporary Assignment


Contact HR specialist or manager to use Change Assignment UI.

End Global Temporary Assignment

Yes Not applicable.
End Assignment Yes

Not applicable.

  • Actions that are supported or not for V3 resignation:

Action Name

Supported for V3 Termination

Suggested Action

End Temporary Assignment


Contact HR specialist or manager to use Change Assignment UI.

End Global Temporary Assignment

No Contact HR specialist.
End Assignment Yes

Not applicable.

  • Actions that are supported or not for V3 reverse termination:

Action Name

Supported for V3 Termination

Suggested Action

End Temporary Assignment


Use Employment Details UI and delete the transaction.

End Global Temporary Assignment

No Contact HR specialist
End Assignment Yes

Not applicable

  • Actions that are supported or not for V3 withdraw resignation:

Action Name

Supported for V3 Termination

Suggested Action

End Temporary Assignment


Contact HR specialist or manager to use Employment Details UI.

End Global Temporary Assignment

No Contact HR specialist
End Assignment Yes

Not applicable

  • In the new V3 termination UI, there is a limit to the number of direct reports you can reassign compared to the standard reassign direct reports UI. This is by design to avoid performance issues.

  • After you migrate to V3 termination, the approval rules and HCM Experience Design Studio rules created for current V2 termination or resignation are no longer applicable. You need to define new approval rules and HCM Experience Design Studio rules. You need to use the Terminate Employment and Resign from Employment approval tasks and the following HCM Experience Design Studio actions: Terminate Employment and Resign from Employment

  • Termination actions or end assignment actions are categorized as voluntary and involuntary actions. Using the Configure Actions UI, you can mark any action as voluntary or involuntary. During resignation, only voluntary actions are displayed. While performing terminations, voluntary and involuntary actions are displayed. When an HR specialist or manager performs an involuntary termination, the employee can’t see the termination details when they submit their resignation. If an HR specialist or manager selects a voluntary action while performing termination, then the employee can see the termination details entered by the HR specialist or manager in the View Resignation UI.

  • A work relationship has two assignments, one active and the other inactive. The inactive assignment has a future termination date. In this scenario, only work relationship termination is allowed. If the active assignment is terminated, the work relationship will also be terminated and the inactive assignment having a future dated termination will be deleted because of the work relationship termination.

  • A work relationship has two active assignments reporting to different managers. Both the assignments have future dated terminations on different dates. For example, assignment 1 has a termination dated 01-JULY-2021 and assignment 2 on 01-AUG-2021. In this scenario, only work relationship termination is possible for assignment 2. This is because when assignment 1 is terminated on 01-JULY-2021, the manager for assignment 1 terminates the work relationship because they are not aware of assignment 2 reporting to another manager.

  • V2 and V3 termination and resignation have separate pages even though they are quite similar. You need to define separate approval flows for V2 and V3 pages and you can customize these pages separately.

  • Unlike work relationship level termination, when you reverse an assignment level termination, all assignment details will be restored. However, direct reports are not restored.

  • Transactions that are submitted in V2 termination and pending approval can be migrated to V3 termination. However, you can only open the transaction using the V2 UI unless you reject and resubmit the transaction using V3 UI.

  • To use the assignment level resignation feature, ensure that you have defined some valid actions in the application by selecting the action type as End Assignment and termination type as Voluntary.

  • If you have reporting enabled for termination, resignation, correct termination, or reverse termination, you need to redesign your reports and analyze and add additional actions or reasons based on what you have for end assignment transaction.

Key Resources

  • For more information, see the following resources:

    • Version 3 Termination and Resignation (Doc ID 2821906.1) on My Oracle Support

    • 21C HCM Cloud Common What's New for this feature: Secure Access for Workers with Multiple Assignments

  • Additionally, see these following resources on the Oracle Help Center:

    • Terminate Work Relationships

    • Overview of Scheduled Processes

    • Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets

Added Security for Withdrawing Resignations

You can now control the availability of the Withdraw Resignation button on the View Resignation page by using a dedicated security artifact. So far, the button was available for all employees who had access to submit their resignation.

Control Availability of Withdraw Resignation Button

This feature gives additional flexibility to users to allow only certain employees to withdraw their resignations.

Steps to Enable

You need to add the Withdraw Resignation aggregate privilege (ORA_PER_WITHDRAW_RESIGNATION) to the worker roles that you want to allow to withdraw their resignations. Usually the Withdraw Resignation aggregate privilege is given to user roles that already have the Submit Resignation aggregate privilege (ORA_PER_SUBMIT_RESIGNATION) to enter their resignation. The Submit Resignation aggregate privilege is given out-of-the-box to Employee and Contingent Worker roles.

Tips And Considerations

  • Prior to this enhancement, workers who submitted resignations could also withdraw them. However, with this enhancement, workers can't withdraw their resignation unless they have the required privilege. If you want to retain the earlier application behavior of allowing workers to withdraw their resignations, you need to add the new Withdraw Resignation (ORA_PER_WITHDRAW_RESIGNATION) privilege to the worker's custom roles. Refer to the Role section for more information.

Role Information

This table shows the aggregate privilege that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.

Aggregate Privilege Name and Code

Job Role Name

Withdraw Resignation



Contingent Worker

If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add this aggregate privilege to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.


Secure Viewing of Global Journeys

You can now restrict viewing of global journey templates on the Explore tab in the Journeys app based on a security privilege.

Employee With No Access to Global Journeys

Employee With Access to Global Journeys

Enables you to restrict the display of global journey templates and allow users to see only personal journey templates.

Steps to Enable

  • Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.

Key Resources

For more information, see these resources:

  • Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

The following table shows the aggregate privileges that support this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.

Abstract or Job Role

Duty Role

Function Privilege

Human Resource Specialist

Manage Journey By HR

View Global Journeys


Line Manager

Manage Journey By Manager

View Global Journeys


Human Resource Analyst

View Journey

View Global Journeys


If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles, you must add these aggregate privileges to your custom roles to use this feature. See the Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about implementing new functions in existing roles.

Journeys Integration with Process Cloud

Developers and integrators now have a simple mechanism to create and register Oracle Process Automation (OPA) processes within Journeys.

A new task type called Process Automation enables seamless integration with your hybridized OPA instance and helps automate business processes that are essential to your organization. For example, automating the uniform request process for new hires in your organization.

Prerequisites for using this feature:

  • Purchase Oracle Process Automation (OPA) to use with Journeys. Contact Sales for this. OPA will then be automatically provisioned to your environments.

  • Configure Oracle Identify Cloud Service.

Create and activate the process application and processes in OPA

Refer to the Oracle Process Automation Administration and User Guides on Oracle Help Center to create processes.

To configure process automation tasks in Journeys:

  1. Configure and validate the integration in HCM Cloud on the Checklist Integrations setup page. This includes establishing the connection to OPA.

  2. Create process automation tasks in the Checklist Templates setup page under the Tasks tab. This includes associating the task to the predefined OPA application and processes. 

Step 1: Enable integration with OPA

Select the Process Automation category. The process application and processes defined in OPA are available for selection in the Integration Details section in HCM Cloud. The integration type to use in Journeys is Structured process. This means the tasks follow a specific order and map to the start event to end event flow defined in OPA.

Configure the OPA Integration

Step 2: Create the Process Automation Journey task

Specify additional details required for this task type. The values listed in Process Section correspond to the actions performers need to take when the task is assigned to them. Ensure that you associate the tasks to the predefined process application listed in Process Configuration.

Configure the Start Process Task

Configure the Check Process Task

To use process automation tasks in Journeys:

Assign the process automation task to a performer as part of a journey. When they click Start in the task, it initiates the process in OPA. The processing status displays within the task until the process is completed.

Start OPA Task

Processing Status Displayed on Task

Start Task Precedes the Check Status Task

In-Progress Status of the Task

This feature enables you to automate and manage business processes effectively.

Steps to Enable

In OPA, perform these steps:

  • Configure and activate the process application and tasks you need to use.

In Oracle Cloud HCM, perform these steps to configure the integration and the process automation task type:

1. Define the integration in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  • Go to the Checklist Integrations task and add a new integration.

2. Select Process Automation as the Integration Category.

  • Select Structured process as the integration type. This denotes a process that includes a start event, end event, and other elements required for the flow.
  • Enter a unique integration code.
  • Select a process from the Process Name drop-down list.
    • Validate to confirm connectivity to the application and process defined in Oracle Integration.

3. Save the integration details.

4. Go to the Checklist Templates task and create a task of type Process Automation.

5. Select the process configuration to which the task needs to be associated.

6. For each OPA process, you must set up two tasks as follows:

    • A task with Process Section 1 - Start Process to initiate the process.
    • A task Process Section 2 - Check Status to see the status of the process.

7. Assign the journey. When the task performer clicks Start, the process is initiated.

Tips And Considerations

  • Your Cloud HCM instance must be hybridized and the OPA end-point must be available for this integration.
  • You can leverage the Process Automation task type in Journeys as well as Checklists.
  • Only two process section values - Process Section 1 - Start Process and Process Section 2 - Check Status are currently supported under the Process Automation task type. You need to configure two separate tasks and associate it to the respective process sections.
  • When configuring your tasks, ensure the Start Process task precedes the Check Status task.
  • The status of the process displays within the task section. In case of an error, administrators can check on the status of initiated process in OPA.
  • There’s no restriction on clicking See Status. Once a task is initiated, performers can click See Status any number of times.

Key Resources

For more information, see Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

  • Ensure users have the required access to design and administer processes in Oracle Integration, and configure the integration in Cloud HCM.
  • You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in the Setup and Maintenance area.
  • You must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Inline Display of Questionnaire in Journey Task

Questionnaire tasks, which require you to submit your response to a series of questions, display inline as part of your journey task. Previously, a questionnaire task used to take you to the responsive page, but now you can respond to the questionnaire without having to leave the page.

Inline Display of Questionnaire in a Journey Task

Respond to the Questionnaire in a Journey Task

Provide a seamless user experience for users when responding to a questionnaire.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, see these resources:

Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Use Journeys, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Questionnaires, Implementing Performance Management on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

Users must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Users must be granted the Manage Questionnaires and Manage Questionnaire Templates function privileges to work on questionnaires and questionnaire templates.

Inline Display of Configurable Form in Journey Task

Configurable form tasks, which require you to enter information, display inline as part of your journey task. Previously, a configurable form task used to take you to the responsive page, but now you can act on it without having to leave the page.

Inline Display of Configurable Form in a Journey Task

Provide a seamless user experience for users when entering information.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, see these resources:

  • Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Use Journeys, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

Users must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Configure Journey Name Display Format on Journey Cards

You can now configure the display of the journey name on the journey card in a specific format. This helps differentiate the journey instance each time you assign the same journey to the same worker.

The supported formats are:

  • {Name} - Journey name
  • {Instance} - Journey instance
  • {AllocationDate: <format>} - Format of allocation date
  • {Comments:<count>} - comments truncated to maximum characters of length

For example:

DISPLAY_NAME_FORMAT = {Name}{Instance} as of : {AllocationDate:MMM dd, YYYY}

where Name = Vaccination Status, Instance = 1, Allocation Date = Oct 27, 2021, then the Display Name = Vaccination Status 1 as of : Oct 27, 2021

Configure Display Name Format

Journey Name Displays in Configured Format

Journey Name With the Second Instance Details

Configure a unique name format to distinguish assigned journeys.

Steps to Enable

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to the Checklist Templates task.
  2. Enter details for the checklist. Click the Message tab.
  3. In Display Name Format on Journey Card to specify the format for the journey name.
  4. Click Save and Close.

You can also translate the static text in the Display Name Format on Journey Card using the translation editor icon at the top of the setup page.

Tips And Considerations

  • If you don’t configure the format and an instance of the same journey is assigned, it displays the name in the default format of <Journey Name> (Instance Number).

Key Resources

For more information, see Checklists, Implementing Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

You must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on checklist templates.

Archive and Purge Allocated Checklists and Assigned Journeys

You can now archive and purge allocated checklists and assigned journeys, which are in a terminal status such as Completed, Error, Expired, or Withdrawn to optimize the page performance.

Note that:

  •   Archive retains a copy of the allocated checklists and assigned journeys data for audit, data retention or analysis, and other purposes. The data is archived into a set of checklist archive tables.
  •   Purge removes the archived checklists and journeys from the checklist archive tables and permanently deletes the data.

This is what happens during archive and purge.


  • Determines the allocated checklists and assigned journeys to be archived based on a positive archive offset and if the completion date of the allocated checklist and assigned journey has passed by those many months.
  • Moves all allocated checklists and assigned journeys data to checklist archive tables.
  • Deletes all that data from allocated checklists tables.


  • Determines the archived checklists and journeys to be purged based on a positive purge offset and if the archived date has passed by those many months.
  • Deletes all that data from checklist archive tables, just retaining a single allocated checklist and assigned journey entry, marked with the purge date.

Configure Archive and Purge Duration in a Checklist Template

Automatic Archive and Purge

From Update 22A onwards based on configured values, allocated checklists and assigned journeys in terminal status will be archived and purged automatically.

In the automatic process, the existing Process HR Checklist and Tasks process that runs daily initiates the Archive and Purge Journey Data process. This process evaluates the eligibility of checklists and journeys for archive and purge based on the duration configured in the Archive After Months and Purge After Months fields on the Checklist Template setup page.

Manual Archive and Purge

For checklists and journeys allocated prior to Update 22A, you need to run the Archive and Purge Journey Data process manually.

  1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  2. Click Schedule New Process > search for Archive and Purge Journey Data process and click OK.
  3. The parameters you need to specify to run the Archive and Purge Journey Data process are listed in this table:



Checklist Name

Name of the checklist which needs to be archived or purged.

Number of Months

Duration to consider for archive and purge.

If you don’t pass the number of months while running the process, then the default value of 12 months specified in the ORA_PER_JOURNEY_ARCHIVE_DURATION and ORA_PER_JOURNEY_PURGE_DURATION profile options will be considered.

Cleanup Mode

  • Archive   
  • Purge  
  • Archive and Purge (This mode is considered only in the automatic daily run and not in the manual run)


Cleanup Mode Parameters in the Archive and Purge Journey Data Process

Improve overall performance on the assigned journeys and tasks pages.

Steps to Enable

 You can update the enterprise level duration setting by configuring these profile options:

Profile Option Code




Specify the duration in months after which journeys should be archived



Specify the duration in months after which journeys should be purged.


To change the default profile option value follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.  
  2. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  3. Search for the ORA_PER_JOURNEY_ARCHIVE _DURATION profile option code and select the profile option in the search results.  
  4. In the Profile Values area, enter the archive duration in the Profile Value field. 
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 to enter the purge duration for the ORA_PER_JOURNEY_PURGE _DURATION profile option.

If you need a different duration for each checklist and journey, you can configure these values on the Checklist Template setup page.

Tips And Considerations

  • Checklists and journeys created prior to 22A need to be archived and purged manually using the Archive and Purge Journey Data process. It is recommended to run this process before you start using Journeys.
  • For checklist templates created prior to 22A, archive and purge duration won't be mandatory. However, if these templates are edited, then these attributes become mandatory.
  • For checklist templates created after 22A, archive and purge duration is mandatory. The Archive After Months and Purge After Months duration should have a value greater than zero.
  • Once a checklist and journey is archived it’s not possible to bring data back to the original tables.
  • Customers can create a BI Publisher report to see archived checklist and journey data.
  • During archive or purge, all tasks within the selected checklist and journey are also archived or purged even if the tasks are pending or open.

Key Resources

For more information, see Use Journeys, Hire, Onboard, and Manage Workers, Using Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

Users must be granted the Manage HR Checklist Template function privilege to work on journey templates.

Users must be granted the Run Global HR Processes function privilege to run the Archive and Purge Journey Data process manually.

Audit Assigned Journeys and Tasks

You can track changes to assigned journeys and tasks by leveraging the audit capability that now includes additional checklist attributes enabled for audit. You can view the audit information using the Audit Reports page.


Audited Attributes for Person Allocated Checklist

Audited Attributes for Person Allocated Checklist Task

You can view who made what changes to the allocated checklist and allocated tasks.

Steps to Enable

To enable audit objects, follow these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search and select the Manage Audit Policies task.
  2. In the Audit Level drop-down list for Fusion Applications Business Objects, select Auditing.
  3. Click Configure Business Object Attributes.  
  4. In the Product drop-down list, select Global Human Resources
  5. In the Audit column, select the attributes that you want to audit.Click Save and Close.

To validate audit, follow these steps:

  1. In the Navigator, expand Tools, and then select Audit Reports.
  2. Search and validate the audit.

Tips And Considerations

  • Audit history enables you to view changes to the application data, such as the business objects that were created, updated, and deleted.

Key Resources

For more information, see Audit Policies in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Global Human Resources Cloud on the Oracle Help Center

Role Information

You must have the Application Implementation Consultant role to audit business objects.

Workforce Structures

Simulate Workforce Structures Approval Rules

You can now use approval rules simulation to test approval rules and its routing without creating any new transactions for these responsive workforce structure flows.

  • Request a New Position
  • Request a Position Change
  • Position Details
  • Job Details
  • Location Details

When your approval rule configuration is incorrect, the simulation fails with the appropriate message displayed as shown below.

This is an example of a successful approval rule configuration.


You can easily fix errors and incrementally build the approval rule conditional logic and see the impact of the change without having to recreate and submit new transactions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature doesn't apply to classic position, job, and location flows as you can see the approval chain on the transaction Review page.
  • Bypass approvals needs to be disabled to test the approval flow configuration for new transactions. However you can test the approval flow configuration for pending, draft, and failed transactions even though bypass approvals is enabled.
  • You need to first submit the configured rule before testing it.
  • This feature isn’t enabled for any in-flight transactions that you submitted before upgrading to release 22A.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the Enhancements to Approvals and Notifications feature in update 21D, Human Resources Cloud.

Position, Job and Location Available Only in Responsive Pages in the Work Area

Migrate to the Position, Job, and Location responsive pages to leverage the enhanced features.

These are some key points to note:

  • The classic Manage Positions, Manage Jobs, and Manage Locations quick actions are now removed from the quick actions list irrespective of the corresponding profile option value.
  • By default, the responsive Position Details, Job Details, and Location Details pages are available in the Workforce Structures work area; the classic Manage Positions, Manage Jobs, and Manage Locations pages aren't available anymore. However, you can enable them by setting the respective profile option value to N, in which case the  corresponding responsive page won't be available.

Enable Classic Location, Job and Position Pages

The responsive Position Details, Job Details, and Location Details pages are enabled in the Workforce Structures work area when these profile options are enabled respectively.

Field Value
Profile Option Code


Profile Option Code


Profile Option Code


By default, the profile option values are set to Y. You can set the profile option value to N to enable the classic pages,

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
  2. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  3. Search for and select the profile option.
  4. Click to add a new Profile Value.
  5. Select the Level as Site.
  6. Enter N in the Profile Value field.
  7. Click Save and Close.

When the corresponding profile option is set to N, the  classic Manage Positions, Manage Jobs, and Manage Locations page will be available in the Workforce Structures work area.

These are the benefits of moving to the responsive pages:

  • Renders the page on any device (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, and so on.) seamlessly, thereby providing a consistent user experience across devices.
  • Simplifies the user experience by allowing filtering the search to display positions, jobs, and locations.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information on the position, job, and location responsive pages, refer to the Global Human Resources What's News for 19C & 19D for the following features:

  • 19C - New Position Details under HR Redesigned User Experience
  • 19D - New Job Details Quick Action  and  New Location Details Quick Action under Global HR Redesigned User Experience

Human Capital Management for Egypt

Oracle HRMS (Egypt) supports country specific features and functions for Egypt. It enables users to follow Egypt’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Optional Title Field in the Name Style

The condition of the Title field has been changed from required to optional in the Name Style for Egypt.

You now have more flexibility to decide whether you record a person’s Title within the Name Style.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Please refer to Document 2445972.1 - Oracle HCM Cloud: HR Attributes and Functionality per Localization and Document 2146270.1 - Person Name Validation.

Human Capital Management for Singapore

Oracle HRMS (Singapore) supports country specific features and functions for Singapore. It enables users to follow Singapore’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

New Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Series With The Prefix M

You can now use the new M Foreign Identification Number (FIN) series as a national identifier, effective from 1 January 2022.  This series starts with the prefix M, similar to the format of the F and G FIN series, followed by seven digits and a checksum letter. Example: M1234567B.

The format and checksum letter algorithm for the new series is now supported. On entering the FIN number in the new M series, the format and checksum letter are validated. 

Verifying M FIN series

An error is displayed for an invalid checksum letter.

You can enter the FIN in new M series for an employee with the checksum letter validation in place.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Global Payroll Interface

Oracle Global Payroll Interface supports features to send personal payroll information to third-party payroll providers and then to import processed payroll data into Oracle Fusion Global HR. You can copy and modify predefined extract definitions to meet the requirements of your third-party payroll provider. Before extracting data, payroll coordinators can optionally run the Calculate Gross Earnings process to calculate periodic values to validate gross earnings calculations. If you import processed payroll data or payslips from your third-party payroll provider, the data is available for further reporting and analysis.

Global Payroll Interface Template Enhanced with Approved Time Entries

You can now generate payroll interfaces that include approved time entries for your third-party payroll vendor using the enhanced Global Payroll Interface template. You can also include changes made to already transferred entries and deleted entries.

It’s recommended that you create and maintain interfaces that include approved time entries separately from regular payroll interfaces.

Sample output file:

This feature will enable you to send approved time entries for your third-party payroll vendor.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Chapter 8, Generate Your Payroll Interfaces, Implementing Global Payroll Interface Oracle Help Center.

Workforce Directory Management

Oracle Workforce Directory Management allows you to find colleagues and view organization charts.

Improved Performance of Refresh Manager Hierarchy Process

Performance of the Refresh Manager Hierarchy process is now improved with the addition of these 2 additional optional parameters.

  • Ignore Inactive Assignments - When selected only active assignments are processed. This option is applicable for Full mode run only.
  • Ignore Historical Data -   This option is applicable for Full mode run only.

Load balancing across multiple threads is also improved.

This feature significantly improves the performance of the process.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Enhanced My Team

These features are added to My Team.

HCM Position Hierarchy, a new row-level action is added to open the position hierarchy for any position.

HCM Position Hierarchy added to row-level actions for positions

Workers who are not in the position hierarchy, requisitions, and vacancies are displayed for all incumbents of the top position. You can also drill on a worker in this view.

This feature improves the user experience with the My Team page.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

You need to assign the ORA_PER_WORKFORCE_STRUCTURES_MANAGEMENT_DUTY privilege to your user to view the HCM Position Hierarchy action.

Transactional Business Intelligence for Human Resources

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self service reporting solution offered to all Oracle® Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making.  Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.

Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.

New Subject Area on Person Seniority Dates

Workforce Management - Person Seniority Real Time is a new subject area that allows you to report on person level seniority dates. This subject area also allows you to report on the common dimensions associated with the person assignment. However, the assignment information is limited to the primary assignment of the worker's primary work relationship.

The prerequisite to report on this subject area is to calculate the seniority dates for the worker through the application or through the ESS job named Calculate Seniority Dates.

The subject area returns only the current assignment information of the worker and no historical information. Care must be taken to pull up the seniority rule name along with the worker information in the query otherwise the data is aggregated across all the person level seniority rules.

Person level seniority dates based on V3 seniority changes in the application are available for reporting.

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Role Information

Workforce Transaction Analysis Duty role secures this subject area.

People Group KFF in Assignment Event Real Time

The People Group Key Flex Field is added under the Assignment Event Details folder in Workforce Management - Assignment Event Real Time subject area.

With this enhancement you can improve your reporting on Assignment Event Real Time subject area.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Additional Attributes in HCM Integrations Subject Area

The HCM Integrations Real Time subject area has been updated with new attributes related to reporting on Remove Person Information and HCM Data Loader.

Subject Area Folder Attribute/Metric
HCM Integrations Real Time Remove Person Information > Audit Information
  • Month of Creation Date(MM)
  • Month of Creation Date(Mon)
  • Month of Creation Date(Month)
  • Year of Creation Date(YYYY)
HCM Data Loader > Spreadsheet Data Sets
  • Month of Creation Date(MM)
  • Month of Creation Date(Mon)
  • Month of Creation Date(Month)
  • Year of Creation Date(YYYY)

The addition of new attributes and metrics will enhance your reporting on Remove Person Information and HCM Data Loader.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Employee Location Flag in Location Dimension

A new attribute named 'Employee Location Flag' is added to the Location dimension across all subject areas. If the value is 'Yes' it means it is the employee location, 'No' indicates it is a shipping location.

Enhance your reporting on worker location with the inclusion of the new attribute to determine if the location is the employee location or the shipping location.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for Human Resources


From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.

Product Removed Feature Target Removal Replacement Feature Replaced In Additional Information

Global HR

Message about Replacing Change Legal Employer Flow in Update 21D


Local and Global Transfer Guided Process


Global HR

Position, Job and Location Available Only in Responsive Pages in the Work Area from 22A


New Position Details under HR Redesigned User Experience in 19C & New Job Details Quick Action and New Location Details Quick Action under Global HR Redesigned User Experience in 19D

19C & 19D  

Global HR

Change Legal Employer Replaced With Local and Global Transfer Flow 21D

Local and Global Transfer Guided Process




Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.

Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.

To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)

Controlled Availability for Human Resources

The following is a list of Controlled Availability features that are being offered by our Controlled Availability Program.

NOTE: These features are not generally available for all customers at this time. These are only available through the Controlled Availability Program and will require approval to become a part of the features program. To be a part of these programs you will be required to participate in testing and providing feedback. Some programs may require other participation as well.

Not to worry if you don't have to time to be a part of these early stage programs. You can uptake this feature when it is generally available for all customers. When these features are available for all customers you will see the features under their product headings as usual.

We invite you all to browse through the list of features to see if there are any features you are interested in implementing in advance of the features scheduled release. The table below will provide information on signing up for features. Please sign up soon, as these programs have limited availability and some are designed for specific types of customers.

The table below gives you a brief description of the features available and how to sign up. Some features are bigger than others, so for more information there may be a What's New describing the feature in more detail below this table.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas as you participate the Controlled Availability programs!

Product Feature Name Feature Description Type of Customer Needed to Test How to Sign Up Controlled Availability Release Is the Program Still Open?

Global Human Resources

Connections New Directory User Experience

Connections is an invaluable resource for your workers to build and maintain relationships within your company. You get the latest, compelling, consumer grade, animated user experience that workers have come to expect. Connections leverages Oracle Search so your workers can quickly and easily find and connect with people. A person’s profile opens using visually engaging animation, like unfolding a multi-panel brochure. Connections includes an organization chart to help your workers understand and navigate your organization structure and identify relationships between coworkers.

In order to use you must also sign up for the Oracle Search Controlled Availability features shown on the 21A HCM Common What's New under Controlled Availability Features.

ase see the following My Oracle Support document on how to sign up:

Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Connections Under Controlled Availability (Document ID 2743183.1) and the What's New below for this feature.



Global Human Resources

Autoprovision Areas of Responsibility (AORs)


HCM AOR customers willing to move to Responsibility Templates

Open a Service Request in My Oracle Support and include a tag for "AOR-Autoprovision"

21B Yes