Supply chains are now at the core of any business decision. With increasing supply and demand variability, supply chain leaders need to make big decisions faster than ever before. To stay competitive, you need to quickly detect, decide, and execute on any business condition.
Learn how to improve the quality and speed of your supply chain decision-making and get ahead of tomorrow’s challenges in our ebook.
See how Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM supports a supply chain command center.
Learn why Oracle was named a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Transportation Management Systems—for the 16th time.*
Easily connect internal data from ERP, Planning, Logistics, and other systems with external market signals, such as regional factors, environmental data, and competitor information. Oracle provides you with the essential data and expertise you need to listen for emerging challenges.
Don’t let disruption get in your way. Leverage predefined use cases to harmonize data, intelligence, and recommendations and get the fastest response to your unique challenges. Elevate your decision-making with a faster, more responsive supply chain.
Respond quickly and effectively to any challenge across your supply chain network. Oracle gives you recommendations to help keep your supply chain operations running smoothly. Maximize efficiency and minimize disruptions in your supply chain with Oracle's continuous improvement and decision-automation capabilities.
Zebra Technologies adopts a future-proof supply chain with Oracle Cloud SCM
Juniper thrives with Oracle Cloud Supply Chain Planning.
Wavetronix improves the order-to-cash process with Oracle Cloud SCM
* Gartner, Inc., "Magic Quadrant for Warehouse Management Systems"; Simon Tunstall, Dwight Klappich, Rishabh Narang, Federica Stufano; 8 de mayo de 2023.
** Gartner, "Magic Quadrant for Supply Chain Planning Solutions"; Amber Salley, Pia Orup Lund, Tim Payne y Janet Suleski; mayo de 2023.
*** Gartner, "Magic Quadrant for Transportation Management Systems"; Brock Johns, Oscar Sanchez Duran, Carly West; 28 de marzo de 2023.
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