Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure ダウンロード
Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure製品の提供は終了しました。
Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.5.3のダウンロード
My Oracle Support の「Patches & Updates」 セクションからOracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.5.3 Media Pack をダウンロードしてください。
「Patch Search」内の「Product or Family」で、製品は「Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure」、 リリースは3.5を選択して検索してください。
Patch ID:25029015
Downloading Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.5
for Linux x86 (64-bit)
for Oracle Solaris 11 on x86-64 (64-bit)
for Oracle Solaris 10 on x86-64 (64-bit)
Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
To download and install the Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Plug-in, login to Enterprise Manager 12c, and go to Setup -> Extensibility -> Self Update.
Previous Versions
Downloading Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.4.1
Download the Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.4.1 Media Pack from the "Patches & Updates" section on My Oracle Support:
Under "Patch Search" choose to search by "Product or Family" where Product is "Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure" and Release is 3.4.
Downloading Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.4
Download the Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.4 Media Pack from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:
For Solaris, select Product Pack Oracle Desktop Virtualization Products for platform Oracle Solaris on x86-64 / x86-32.
Oracle Desktop Virtualization Products for platform Linux x86-64.
Downloading Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.3.2
Download the Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.3.2 Media Pack from the "Patches & Updates" section on My Oracle Support:
Under "Patch Search" choose to search by "Product or Family" where Product is "Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure" and Release is 3.3.
Downloading Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.3
Download the Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3.3 Media Pack from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:
For Solaris, select Product Pack Oracle Desktop Virtualization Products for platform Oracle Solaris on x86-64 / x86-32.
For Linux, select Product Pack Oracle Desktop Virtualization Products for platform Linux x86-64.