
The Capture pattern describes how to take a photo or video, and attach it to a record. This pattern is commonly performed with a phone, but does occur with a tablet. Video also is represented by photo in this pattern. The following are steps used in this pattern (in no particular order):


Appearance characteristics for this pattern.

Capturing Photo

This is the most important step.

Attaching Photo

There are only a few common methods to attach a photo.

Displaying Photo

Displaying or listing photos maybe done in a few common methods.

Viewing Photo

Photos can be are fairly simple and consist of a few common elements.


Common behaviors for this pattern.

Capturing Photo

Attaching Photo

Displaying Photo

Viewing Photo


Usage guidelines for this pattern.


Fig 1. Select Photo


Fig 2. Select Option


Fig 3. Capture Photo


Fig 4. List Photo


Fig 5. Photo Tagging