Oracle Clinical Data Management

Oracle Life Sciences Data Management Workbench is the only clinical trial data management solution that provides a validated, trustworthy single source of truth for all trial data that automatically reconciles data discrepancies and provides complete traceability. You’ll know immediately when something is going wrong with a trial and be able to take action.

Clinical trial data management in the post-COVID era.

The future of clinical data management

Get real-time access to trustworthy clinical trial data

Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench gives you a complete, real-time picture of clinical trial data, providing visibility into the trial so that you can make better decisions quickly, effectively, and easily.

Reduce time, cost, and risk in collecting clinical trial data

Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench provides you with a process-driven approach to simplify end-to-end clinical data flow, resulting in lower costs, increased quality, and lower risk.

Optimize high-volume clinical trial data processing

Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench aggregates data from any source and provisions it to support you with analysis and reporting.

Collaborate with sponsors and CROs across clinical trials

Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench improves study oversight and provides a single process for both in-house and outsourced studies.

Oracle Health Sciences helps Pfizer define the future of clinical trial data management

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