Oracle Health Sciences Clinical One Randomization and Supplies Management

Clinical One RTSM can support a randomization strategy for the simplest to the most complex studies without the need for programming or coding, which eliminates the need for prolonged user acceptance testing.

Tomorrow's clinical trials, today

Clinical One RTSM product features

Our randomization and trial supply management (RTSM) solution stands out as a critical innovation, fundamentally reshaping how clinical trials are designed, executed, and managed globally. Our RTSM product is used to uphold the integrity of on-site, decentralized, and hybrid clinical trials through the unbiased randomization of participants. This interoperable RTSM offering is designed to help launch trials swiftly, reliably, and securely.

Gain inventory oversight

Assess the status of the drug inventory and make modifications in real time without reverting to the vendor and incurring cost and change requests.

Reduce build times

Take control of your study through self-service configurations and build a study in days instead of weeks.

Implement mid-study changes

Eliminate change request costs and avoid delays by quickly implementing changes and promoting your studies in seconds.

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