Oracle’s partnership with Red Hat gives you options for running your enterprise workloads. Oracle and Red Hat are jointly enabling and supporting a growing selection of Red Hat products on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Our goal is to give customers choices when migrating applications to the cloud.
90 percent of the Fortune 500 rely on Red Hat or Oracle solutions. Many of these companies use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) as their operating system. Organizations can standardize their cloud operations with RHEL on OCI, giving them a common platform that extends from on-premises to OCI’s distributed cloud.
OCI offers high performing, mission-critical cloud services. Customers can migrate existing workloads already running on RHEL to RHEL on OCI.
Customers with current RHEL support contracts can migrate their licenses to OCI and continue to receive support from Red Hat.
Validated configurations of OCI flexible virtual machines can run customer-managed Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Customers can install and manage the full OpenShift Container Platform on flexible compute, sized to the workload in 1-core increments. This enables existing OpenShift workloads to run on OCI’s distributed cloud.
Oracle provides Container Storage Interface (CSI) and Container Storage Module (CSM) operators to enable Red Hat OpenShift to add OCI Compute and Storage resources dynamically.
Certified configurations of OCI flexible virtual machines can run RHEL. Flexible virtual machines can be sized to the workload in 1-core increments to match performance and budgetary needs.
For organizations that need dedicated performance, a low-latency interconnect, and access to GPUs, certified configurations of OCI bare metal instances can run RHEL and provide isolation and control with dedicated physical servers. They support applications that require high core counts, large amounts of memory, and high bandwidth connectivity.
Read the blog about Red Hat Enterprise Linux on OCI bare metal instances
Customers today use Red Hat Enterprise Linux image builder to customize RHEL installation images to meet their corporate and security policies.
The command line, local utility now supports and can build images that are supported on OCI. This enables customers to continue meeting their corporate and security needs when deploying to OCI.
Read the blog about custom Red Hat Enterprise Linux images for OCI
The strategic partnership between Oracle and Red Hat includes a joint support with transparent collaboration. Customers can contact both Red Hat and Oracle support to help resolve potential issues.
Oracle 提供的免费套餐包含了 Autonomous Database、Arm Compute 和 Storage 等 20 多个服务,另外还有 300 美元的免费储值,让您可以试用更多云技术服务。立即获取详细信息并注册您的免费账户。
通过教程和动手实验室体验各种 OCI 服务。无论您是开发人员、管理员还是分析师,我们都可以帮助您了解 OCI 的工作原理。许多练习都运行于 Oracle Cloud 免费套餐或 Oracle 提供的免费练习环境中。
本课程中的练习介绍了 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 核心服务,包括 Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) 以及计算和存储服务。
立即开始 OCI 核心服务练习在本课程中,您将了解如何开始使用 Oracle Autonomous Database。
立即开始 Autonomous Database 快速入门练习此练习将指导您如何将电子表格上传到 Oracle Database 表中,然后基于新表格创建应用。
立即开始练习在本练习中,您将在 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 中的两个计算实例上部署 Web 服务器,这些实例由 Load Balancer 在 High Availability (HA) 模式下配置。
立即开始 HA 应用练习了解我们的架构师和其他客户如何部署各种工作负载,包括从企业应用到高性能计算 (HPC),再从微服务到数据湖的工作负载。您可以观看“构建并部署”系列视频,参考来自其他客户架构师的优秀实践,使用“一键部署”功能或者通过 GitHub 库部署更多工作负载。
浏览 Oracle 系列活动,包括最新公告、客户对话、产品洞察、技术专题讲座和动手实验室。
通过一系列广泛的实时和按需活动释放更多 OCI 价值。
详细了解 OCI 活动参加 Oracle 关于云基础设施和云技术应用的全球客户和合作伙伴大会。