Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

Move entire VMware estates to the cloud without changing operations or processes. Support software certified on previous VMware versions and third-party add-ons. Deploy in 48 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) public cloud regions or on-premises with full administrative control.

The NRMA upgrades call centre with OCVS (03:12)

客户为何选择 Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

  • 高度可控

    保留管理控制权 — 保留 IT 流程和版本选择。

  • 轻松快速的迁移


  • 扩展和敏捷性

    每个软件定义的数据中心 (SDDC) 可扩展到 25000 个核心,并在短短 30 分钟内添加节点。

  • 按需选择部署位置

    享有 49 个 OCI 商业、政府和主权区域或者数据中心内的专用区域的优势。

在更多位置运行最大规模的 VMware 工作负载并满足合规要求。

全球统一定价:48 个区域12 个 Azure Interconnect 区域以及 12 个双区域国家和地区

计算资源扩展能力:从 12 个核心扩展到 128 个核心(单主机)Oracle 基础设施高度灵活

Oracle 获得了:27 项合规认证可满足您的监管合规需求

Oracle Cloud VMware Solution 使用场景

  • 数据中心迁移

    将多个较小的 VM 整合为数量较少但规模较大的 VM。无中断、自动化地将所有基于 vSphere 的工作负载迁移到 OCI,但无需更改底层流程。

  • 灾难恢复

    使用部署在任一 OCI 区域(共 49 个区域)中的 VMware 堆栈作为主/从属按需灾难恢复站点。

  • 数据中心扩展


  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure


Oracle Cloud VMware Solution customer successes

View more OCI customer successes
NRMA migrates entire telephony system to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

“Oracle, including the team that helped us set up OCVS, is brilliant in terms of capability, responsiveness, and technical know-how. They are up there with some of the best cloud support we get.”

Maroun Azzi
General Manager Technology, Membership and Motoring, The NRMA

TIM Brasil selects Oracle and Microsoft to migrate all of its data center workloads to the cloud

“Using a multicloud strategy, we are the first carrier in Brazil to move 100% of our workloads to the cloud. It includes moving our customer billing system, our CRM, and VMware to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Oracle has been a fantastic partner in our technology evolution.”

Pietro Labriola
CEO, TIM Brasil

Rumo runs Brazilian railroad operations on Oracle Cloud

“We were able to rapidly migrate mission-critical applications from our data centers to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution with no changes to applications, databases, and middleware. Higher performance, stability, management, and access have resulted in IT productivity and business agility with lower costs than alternative solutions.”

Christofer Faccin
IT Manager, Rumo Malha Norte

Maxim’s optimizes their operations with Oracle Cloud VMware and Exadata solutions

“Oracle Cloud VMware Solution has allowed us to strengthen our business continuity and disaster recovery workflow while building more capacity and scaling on demand.”

Louis Mah
Director of Information Technology, Maxim’s Group

Prophecy International Sees Bright Future with Oracle and VMware

“We knew relying on our on-premises systems had a shelf-life, but we couldn’t risk lengthy downtime or rearchitecting our platforms to make the switch to cloud. Oracle Cloud VMware Solution has helped us remove these challenges and support our clients in delivering unmatched customer experience, while also scaling as our business expands.”

Steve Challans
CISO, Prophecy International

AYA Bank improves efficiency and cuts TCO 55% with Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

“Oracle Cloud VMware Solution takes just a matter of hours to move workloads into the cloud as we need them while keeping the full security credentials intact. Overall, we have seen a 55% lower annual TCO, paving the way for us to move additional VMware workloads in the future.”

Minn Wint Oo
Deputy Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer, AYA Bank

2023 年 12 月 5 日

Oracle Cloud VMware Solution 通过多集群设计带来了全新的灵活性

首席解决方案架构师 Praveen Kumar Pedda Vakkalam
技术团队咨询成员 Adeel Amin
OCVS 服务主管 Sudhir Ponnachana

了解多集群设计将如何为 Oracle Cloud VMware Solution 客户提供出色的通用性并实现成本节约和工作负载分离。


Oracle Cloud VMware Solution 参考架构




设置、管理和连接 Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC。查找适合您的文章和参考架构来快速入门。


在 Oracle 架构师、开发人员以及其他 Oracle 技术和解决方案专家的指导下,设计、开发和实施 VMware 解决方案。开始了解架构模式和具体实施步骤,解决实际业务问题。


配置一个 Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC,然后估算成本并与您的团队分享。

了解权威行业分析机构如何评价 Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

借助 Oracle Cloud VMware Solution,客户无需更改运营或流程即可将整个 VMware 资产迁移到云端。


  1. 除Oracle隐私政策外,本网站中提及的“Oracle”专指Oracle境外公司而非甲骨文中国 。
  2. 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。