Oracle PartnerNetwork Program

Join the Oracle PartnerNetwork and customize your membership.

Why Partner with Oracle?

Accelerate your business momentum and drive greater customer success through:

  • Training

    Increase your teams' productivity and performance, ensuring they are sales ready, delivery ready, and success ready.

  • Go-to-market collaboration

    Leverage Oracle expertise to position and sell joint solutions and services.

  • Technology accelerators

    Shorten sales cycles with integration validations, development and testing environments, and other programs.

  • Success support

    Capitalize on a wide range of resources to enable customer success and, ultimately, your success.

Discover the enhanced Oracle PartnerNetwork program

We put you in the driver's seat: select the path, benefits, and incentives that are best for you.

Level 1

  • 5 seats for advanced delivery and success training on Oracle's entire product portfolio
  • Enabler for dev/test environments

Level 2

  • 100 seats for advanced delivery & success training on Oracle's entire product portfolio
  • 125K partner credits for use on added benefits

Level 3

  • 500 seats for advanced delivery & success training on Oracle's entire product portfolio
  • 750K partner credits for use on added benefits
  • Managed GTM collaboration
  • OCI solution architect support
  • Included benefits across levels


    • Sales-readiness training
    • Foundational delivery & success training

    GTM Collaboration

    • Sales assets
    • Foundational marketing resources & activities
    • POC funding
    • Joint account planning & selling
    • Oracle Marketplace listing

    Technical Accelerators

    • Integration qualification

    Success Support

    • Foundational success resources

    +Earn Cash or Partner Credits for More Benefits

  • Added benefits unlocked with partner credits


    • Advanced delivery & success training

    GTM Collaboration

    • Advanced marketing resources & activities

    Technical Accelerators

    • Dev/test environments
    • Integration validation
    • Solution architect & migration services

    Success Support

    • Partner Success Manager
    • Partner Technical Account Manager

Learn more about the Oracle PartnerNetwork program

What do OPN members have to say about working with Oracle?

  • Together with Oracle, we're delivering the enterprise-grade generative AI solutions organizations need to drive new value and completely reimagine business functions and processes.
    Lan Guan, Chief AI Officer, Accenture
  • Together with Oracle we are delivering increased value to our mutual customers, providing world-class solutions to support them in doing business with confidence.
    Chris Carlstead, Head of Partnerships & Alliances, Thomson Reuters
  • Our collaboration with OCI demonstrates a partnership that extends beyond technology, highlighting their support and commitment to our project's goals.
    Warren Wilbee, SVP of Global Product Development, Körber Supply Chain
  • Our partenrship with Oracle goes beyond just utilizing the cloud solutions. It's a shared commitment for the customer success.
    Rakesh Reddy, Regional Director, Cloud4C

Exceptional brands rely on Oracle partners to unlock endless possibilities

Discover how partners provide solutions and services to Oracle's customers.

Learn more about the Oracle PartnerNetwork program

Express your interest to be notified when the enhanced Oracle PartnerNetwork program launches.

Industry Healthcare Path

Oracle is committed to improving healthcare experiences for patients, clinicians, and payers by simplifying complex workflows and securely aggregating data. This empowers a new ecosystem of clinicians, developers and data scientists working together to accelerate healthcare innovation, positioning Independent Software Vendors and other partners for new opportunities with the Oracle Health technologies.

The optional Industry Healthcare Path is for your organization if your go-to-market efforts are focused on the Oracle Health technologies.

  • Qualifiers

    • Subscription in Program Level 1-3
  • Enablers

    • Oracle Health Millennium Platform access via APIs (additional fees apply)
    • Oracle Validated Integration (additional fees apply)
    • Technical Assistance
    • Test & Demonstration Data
    • Monthly Technical Newsletters

Learn more about the Oracle PartnerNetwork program

The License & Hardware Path

The optional License & Hardware Path is for your organization if your go-to-market efforts are focused on the Oracle software license and hardware portfolio.

  • Qualifiers

    • Subscription in Program Level 1-3
  • Enablers

    • Go-to-Market Agreements to Enable Transactional Engagement with Oracle
    • Demo Instance Access for Sales Opportunities (License & Hardware Sell Expertise Only)
    • Development and Demo Licenses
    • Support Resources

Learn more about the Oracle PartnerNetwork program