Oracle Autonomous Database Data Studio

Oracle Autonomous Database Data Studio 支持企业轻松加载、转换和构建数据模型,以用于分析和安全地共享数据。

观看 Oracle Autonomous Database Data Studio 的实际应用 (2:20)

“Oracle has eliminated many organizations’ common obstacles in their multicloud solutions.With new enhancements in Autonomous Data Warehouse, organizations can access and share data across organizations and clouds, eliminate data integration complexity through Autonomous Data Studio, and take advantage of lower storage prices at higher performance for running enterprise-scale data lakes.This advances the industry and the cloud data warehouse market forward, which is great news for customers.”

Carl Olofson IDC 数据管理软件研究副总裁

“Oracle is clearly accelerating its R&D for data warehousing: not only does Autonomous Data Warehouse provide a highly performant platform, but its latest enhancements—including Data Studio with built-in transforms and data sharing—overcome obstacles to real-time analytics with faster data capture and utilization.This is extremely critical to many organizations as they depend on accurate insights to deliver timely customer experiences.CxOs should take a look at the latest version of ADW, as it’s ML-powered capabilities can truly help organizations optimize for peak performance and improve their operations.”

Holger Mueller Constellation Research 副总裁兼首席分析师

“While other cloud vendors lock in their users within their own cloud ecosystem, Oracle has taken a different approach with Autonomous Data Warehouse.The company is extending Autonomous Data Warehouse’s capabilities by implementing the open source Delta Sharing protocol and building a collaborative platform with its new Data Sharing feature.With this feature, users can securely and efficiently grant access to subsets of their data with anyone on any cloud.In contrast, many competitors are effectively holding data hostage with a high ransom—or rather, high egress—fees.”

Ron Westfall Futurum Research 高级分析师兼研究总监

“The latest Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse enhancements, especially the implementation of open Delta Sharing, will put pressure on Snowflake.Autonomous Data Warehouse empowers easy bi-directional data sharing between users and data vendors as well as between Autonomous Data Warehouse users and users on other clouds.That’s something Snowflake currently does not do.Equally eye-catching is the Autonomous Data Warehouse’s enabling users to build data lakes on high performance storage at object storage costs.That’s something else Snowflake doesn’t do."

Marc Staimer Wikibon 高级分析师

Oracle Autonomous Database 客户成功案例


    OUTFRONT Media 使用 Oracle Cloud 扩展数据分析

    "As well as simplifying our data management architecture with Autonomous Database, we have been moving generally towards a data franchise ownership within our business—having tools like Data Studio will make that move easier and enable us to partner with our business faster and more easily."

    — OUTFRONT Media 数据战略和分析高级副总裁 Derek Hayden

  • Stretchline 徽标

    Stretchline 使用 Oracle 解决方案捕获切实可行的业务洞察

    "Oracle Autonomous Database includes Data Studio, a robust data management tool, eliminating the need for separate investments in data integration, governance, and analytics.There is nothing more to buy or install.We now see data consistently across our global operations and get insights we didn't have before.Oracle Autonomous Database is far ahead of the competition."

    — Stretchline 集团首席数字和转型官 Shanaka Rabel

  • MineSense 徽标

    MineSense 加快价值实现速度

    "I'm really pleased with the new data sharing feature of Oracle Autonomous Database!Integration with tools such as Oracle APEX, Microsoft Power BI, and Python opens the door for expanding services to our clients and enhances the value we can deliver."

    — MineSense 首席数据官 Frank Hoogendoorn

  • sumIT 徽标

    "The great thing about the Transforms tool of Autonomous Database Data Studio is that you can put together sophisticated transformations without worrying about the details, but you can also get down to the lowest level of detail if you need to."

    — sumIT AG 首席执行官 Holger Friedrich

  • 西雅图海湾人足球俱乐部徽标

    Seattle Sounders FC 携手 Oracle,将数据科学应用于赛场

    美国著名足球俱乐部 Seattle Sounders FC 使用 Oracle Autonomous Database 将数据处理量提升 100 倍,将洞察速度加快 10 倍,并且完全消除了数据库管理工作。

  • Solutions AG 徽标

    "We use Data Studio’s Data Transforms tool in the Autonomous Data Warehouse environment to quickly and easily load data from different systems.For example, a main data source is Salesforce.The intuitive operation of the tool is particularly impressive."

    — Solutions AG 高级 Oracle BI 专家 Ingolf Lentzkow

2024 年 4 月 2 日

发挥 Autonomous Database 数据共享的强大功能

高级首席产品经理 Alexey Filanovskiy

Autonomous Database 正式推出了一项新功能 Live Share,支持在 Autonomous Database 实例之间通过几个简单的步骤进行实时数据共享。您可以跨数据库实例即时提供数据,以便用户可以实时访问新数据,团队可以更高效地协作,分析师可以及时做出决策。



免费获取 Oracle Autonomous Database

Oracle Cloud 免费套餐提供包括计算、存储和 Autonomous Database 在内的 20 多个服务以及有效期为 30 天的价值 300 美元的免费储值,让您可以试用其它云技术服务。立即注册,了解更多详情。

  • Oracle Cloud 免费套餐包含哪些内容?

    • AMD 和 Arm Compute VM
    • 总共 200 GB 块存储
    • 10 GB 对象存储
    • 2 个 Autonomous Database 实例,各 20 GB
    • 每月 10 TB 出站数据传输
    • 超过 10 项其它 Always Free 服务
    • 价值 300 美元的免费储值,有效期 30 天(从注册之日开始计算)


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  2. 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。