Information sharing

The rules have changed

We all want to avoid information blocking—the act of unreasonably interfering with or preventing the interoperability of electronic health information (PDF) (EHI) through actions, inaction, cumbersome processes, or excessive fees.

The scope of EHI under federal rules has increased substantially. The expanded definition includes any electronic protected health information (ePHI) under HIPAA that could be contained in a patient medical or billing record or could be used to make a decision about a patient.

What should you do?

Be sure to understand

  • What EHI you have
  • Where your EHI is located in your various healthcare IT products
  • If and how you can make that EHI available if requested

In addition, to keep working toward interoperability and information sharing, you should adopt new releases and enhancements and align with our model experience workflows whenever possible.

What help do we offer?

To help you better identify gaps, reduce risks, and motivate change, we’ve created the Oracle Health Information Blocking Education and Assessment Consulting service where we help

  • Develop a plan to meet information blocking requirements
  • Create processes for organizational compliance
  • Assess EHR configuration recommendations to mitigate risk

Information sharing requests

If you are a patient (or someone acting on behalf of a patient) wishing to access a medical record, contact your healthcare provider or visit your patient portal.

If you are seeking access to the Oracle Health platform through an API, visit the link below.

Visit the Oracle Health Developer Program page

For other requests to access, use, or exchange EHI under the information blocking regulation from Oracle Health products and services.

Complete the exchange EHI requests form

For other requests unrelated to information blocking regulations, submit your inquiry using this form.

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