March 11, 2022
Kubernetes cluster is the term assigned to a group of nodes used in a Kubernetes deployment. To fully understand this concept, let’s break down some key definitions involved with Kubernetes:
Kubernetes is a popular platform for container orchestration. By utilizing Kubernetes clusters, containers can be operated and managed in a way that maximizes resources, builds in repairs and redundancies, and automates many repetitive and granular tasks. Kubernetes is often selected over other options because of its compatibility across operating systems, robust feature set, and highly active community to provide support and tools.
Now that we’ve gone over the basics, let’s look closer at the different elements that make up a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes clusters have two types of nodes in them, Master nodes that handles administration and management and Worker nodes that run the applications. Collectively, the group of Master nodes within a Kubernetes cluster architecture is known as the control plane. Within the control plane, Kubernetes uses the ETCD key value store to store all its configuration data, state and metadata. ETCD can be deployed within the Kubernetes cluster or use external ETCD nodes.
Each node can be further broken down into individual components:
Master node components
Worker node components
Kubernetes clusters can be created on either a physical or a virtual machine by building out individual nodes. Such a task may be automated or performed manually depending on your organization's individual resources and capabilities. Kubernetes management oversees deployment and monitoring of node health throughout the cluster using a component known as the Kubernetes Control Plane. The Control Plane handles logistics and executes repair functions, such as identifying crashes and fixing it with additional deployment to meet the state defined in the manifest.
Kubernetes is an ideal platform for many organizations implementing container orchestration. In particular, this applies to more robust workloads or situations where greater levels of automation and scalability are required. Docker Swarm is another platform for container orchestration, and in some circumstances, it is preferred. Docker Swarm offers an easier, lighter solution for organizations willing to trade some features for simpler execution and installation. Which solution is right for your organization?
Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes is a container orchestration service powered by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Included as a free service with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes offers one-click cluster creation, automation, and role-based security features, all without a cluster-management fee. Try Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes.