Oracle Node.js Developer Center

The node-oracledb add-on for Node.js powers high performance Oracle Database applications. Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for writing mid-tier and networking applications in JavaScript. Sophisticated applications can be built using node-oracledb's simple-to-use Oracle Database API for relational and document-style access. Node-oracledb can be used directly in Node.js, or with TypeScript.

Node-oracledb is on npm.

Node-oracledb add-on for Node.js is cloud ready

Whether Node.js is in the cloud or on-premises, you can install node-oracledb and connect to cloud databases. Follow the normal node-oracledb installation process for the operating system. Cloud-specific references are shown below.

Quick Start: Developing Node.js Applications for Autonomous Database
Connect Node.js Apps to Autonomous Transaction Processing (04:47)

node-oracledb Features

    • A Thin mode to connect directly to the Oracle Database that does not require Oracle Client libraries
    • Advanced Queuing (AQ)
    • Array Fetches and Bulk loading features
    • Async/Await, Promises, Callbacks and Streams
    • Continuous Query Notification (CQN)
    • Data binding using JavaScript objects or arrays
    • Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)
    • End-to-end tracing, mid-tier authentication, and auditing
    • External authentication
    • Hosted on GitHub
    • Inbuilt Connection Pool with Queuing, Aliasing, Tagging, Draining, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous connections, Proxy connections and Liveness checking
    • Install with standard npm infrastructure
    • Large Objects: CLOBs and BLOBs as Streams or Strings and Buffers
    • Maintained by Oracle
    • Open Source under Apache 2 license and Universal Permissive License (UPL)
    • Oracle Database 12c JSON datatype
    • Oracle Database High Availability features
    • Oracle Named Types and Collection support
    • Oracle Net features including encryption
    • Password changing
    • Privileged connections
    • REF CURSORs and Implicit Results
    • Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)
    • SQL and PL/SQL execution
    • Statement Saching and Client Result Caching