JDK Patch Release Notes

Java Development Kit 11 Release Notes

Java™ SE Development Kit 11, Patch (JDK

May 2, 2022

The full version string for this update release is (where "+" means "build"). The version number is


IANA TZ Data 2022a

For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.


Security Baselines

The security baselines are unchanged from the release of JDK 11.0.15.

JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline (Full Version String)
11 11.0.15+8
8 8u331-b09
7 7u341-b08

Keeping the JDK up to Date

Oracle recommends that the JDK is updated with each Critical Patch Update. In order to determine if a release is the latest, the Security Baseline page can be used to determine which is the latest version for each release family.

Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins. It is not recommended that this JDK (version be used after the next critical patch update scheduled for July 19, 2022.



 New System Property to Disable Windows Alternate Data Stream Support in java.io.File

The Windows implementation of java.io.File allows access to NTFS Alternate Data Streams (ADS) by default. Such streams have a structure like “filename:streamname”. A system property jdk.io.File.enableADS has been added to control this behavior. To disable ADS support in java.io.File, the system property jdk.io.File.enableADS should be set to false (case ignored). Stricter path checking however prevents the use of special devices such as NUL:

See JDK-8285445



Bug Fixes

This release is based on the previous CPU and does not contain any additional security fixes. The following issues have also been resolved:

BugId Component Subcomponent Description
JDK-8284920 xml javax.xml.path Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return incorrect results
JDK-8284548 xml jaxp Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException