
JDK 19.0.1 Release Notes

Java™ SE Development Kit 19.0.1 (JDK 19.0.1)

October 18, 2022

The full version string for this update release is 19.0.1+10 (where "+" means "build"). The version number is 19.0.1.


IANA TZ Data 2022b, 2022c

JDK 19.0.1 contains IANA time zone data 2022b, 2022c.

  • Chile's DST is delayed by a week in September 2022.
  • Iran no longer observes DST after 2022.
  • Rename Europe/Kiev to Europe/Kyiv.
  • New zic -R option
  • Vanguard form now uses %z.
  • Finish moving duplicate-since-1970 zones to 'backzone'.
  • New build option PACKRATLIST.
  • New tailored_tarballs target, replacing rearguard_tarballs.
  • Work around awk bug in FreeBSD, macOS, etc.
  • Improve tzselect on intercontinental Zones.
For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the Java Runtime.


Security Baselines

The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 19.0.1 are specified in the following table:

JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline (Full Version String)
19 19.0.1+10
17 17.0.5+9
11 11.0.17+10
8 8u351-b10
7 7u361-b08


Keeping the JDK up to Date

Oracle recommends that the JDK is updated with each Critical Patch Update. In order to determine if a release is the latest, the Security Baseline page can be used to determine which is the latest version for each release family.

Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins. It is not recommended that this JDK (version 19.0.1) be used after the next critical patch update scheduled for January 17, 2023.


Other Notes

 Update Timezone Data to 2022c (JDK-8294042)

This version includes changes from 2022b that merged multiple regions that have the same timestamp data post-1970 into a single time zone data. All time zone IDs remain the same but the merged time zones will point to a shared zone data.

As a result, pre-1970 data may not be compatible with earlier JDK versions. The affected zones are Antarctica/Vostok, Asia/Brunei, Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Atlantic/Reykjavik, Europe/Amsterdam, Europe/Copenhagen, Europe/Luxembourg, Europe/Monaco, Europe/Oslo, Europe/Stockholm, Indian/Christmas, Indian/Cocos, Indian/Kerguelen, Indian/Mahe, Indian/Reunion, Pacific/Chuuk, Pacific/Funafuti, Pacific/Majuro, Pacific/Pohnpei, Pacific/Wake, Pacific/Wallis, Arctic/Longyearbyen, Atlantic/Jan_Mayen, Iceland, Pacific/Ponape, Pacific/Truk, and Pacific/Yap.

For more details, refer to the announcement of 2022b.

 New System Property to Limit the Number of Open Connections to (JDK-8286918 (not public))

A new system property named jdk.httpserver.maxConnections has been introduced to allow users to configure the to limit the maximum number of open connections to the server at any given time. This system property takes an integer value and can be configured to be a positive integer. If the property is absent, set to 0, or a negative value, the server will not limit the number of open connections. By default, this system property is not set.


Bug Fixes

This release also contains fixes for security vulnerabilities described in the Oracle Critical Patch Update.

Issues fixed in 19.0.1:
# JBS Component Sumary
1JDK-8289853client-libs/2dUpdate HarfBuzz to 4.4.1
2JDK-8290334client-libs/2dUpdate FreeType to 2.12.1
3JDK-8291897core-libs/java.langTerminatingThreadLocal(s) not registered from virtual thread(s)
4JDK-8292240core-libs/java.langCarrierThread.blocking not reset when spare not activated
5JDK-8287917core-libs/java.lang:class_loadingSystem.loadLibrary does not work on Big Sur if JDK is built with macOS SDK 10.15 and earlier
6JDK-8292654hotspot/gcG1 remembered set memory footprint regression after JDK-8286115