Issues Fixed in 24.2.0
The main bugs of note this release are:
- 36267492 - Parser doesn’t recognize “instances” keywords for “create materialized view log”
- 36579914 – SODA commands fail when connected to 23ai database
- 35315378 – Error shown when login.sql has “show connection”
- 36493438 - describe and info commands don’t show vector information correctly
- 36387137 – describe package command not working as expected
- 36010058 – apex export -dir parameter not creating new directory
- 36627790 - Intellisense does not work after between clause
- 36622578 - Parser failure for exported materialized views
- 36212405 - Aliases are case sensitive
- 36478929 - Codescan false positives
- 36212396 - describe command slow
- Liquibase Functionality in SQLcl
- 36654639 - Liquibase not respecting FAILONERROR=”TRUE” attribute in changelog header
- 36438248 – liquibase update-sql SQL output file can’t be run completely due to missing / at end of package body
- 35042293 - Liquibase grants and filter options return errors when used together
- 36242264 - liquibase generate-schema fails with grants parameter
- 36519116 - liquibase generate-ords-module failing with JAVA.LANG.BOOLEAN.BOOLEANVALUE
- 36486336 - liquibase drop-all command failing
- 36557643 - liquibase update command using a combination of -output-default-schema, -default-schema-name, and -liquibase-schema-name parameters cause validation error
- 36518887 - liquibase generate-ords-schema failing with error
- 36735091 - Liquibase updates breaking sequence database object counter
- 36409273 – Liquibase output not being logged in spool files
- 36400458 - Background task for Liquibase displaying STD Out at prompt vs staying in jobs log
- 36641556 - -show-summary parameter values are case sensitive
If your bug fix isn’t listed above, please refer to My Oracle Support to check its status.
You are supported by Oracle Support under your current Oracle Database Support license.
Log Oracle SQLcl bugs and issues using My Oracle Support.
To determine the version of SQLcl run this command: sql -version
Documentation on using SQLcl is provided on the website here.
- Supported Java Version
- Oracle SQLcl requires Java 11 or 17 or 21. The supported Java Runtime Environments are:
- Oracle Java 11
- Oracle Java 17
- Oracle Java 21
- Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition for Java 11
- Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition for Java 17
- Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition for Java 21
- JavaScript support requires Oracle Java 11 or GraalVM for Java 17 with the JavaScript Runtime Plugin
This section describes the restrictions on use.
When using SQLcl in an ORACLE_HOME, it must be a minimum version of 21c.
Liquibase usage with APEX
Liquibase support for APEX requires APEX version 18 and above.
In the forum, you can discuss topics with the SQLcl community around the world and leave feedback for the development team.
Be sure to use clear subject lines to initiate a thread. Provide a complete and clear description of the issue, including steps to reproduce the issue.
Try to avoid using old, unrelated threads for a new issue.