Java EE 6 - Tested Configurations, Java EE 6 - Apache Geronimo Full Profile 3.0-beta-1

Apache Geronimo Full Profile 3.0-beta-1 - Tested Configurations

Item: Version:
Operating System Ubuntu 8.04.4
Java SE Java SE 6.0 update 6u24
Database and Driver Apache Derby
Java Persistence Implementation Apache OpenJPA 2.1.1
CDI Implementation Apache OpenWebBeans 1.1.1
Bean Validation Implementation and version Apache Bean Validation 0.3-incubating
Java Web Services Implementation and version Apache Axis2 1.6.1
JAXB Implementation and version JAXB RI 2.2.3-1
Connector 1.6 Geronimo Connector 1.6
Java Authorization Contract for Containers Geronimo 3.0-beta-1
Java Authorization Service Provider Contract for Containers 1.0 Geronimo 3.0-beta-1
JavaMail JavaMail 1.4