The following table lists the bug fixes included in the JDK 16.0.1 release:
# | JBS | Component | Subcomponent | Summary |
1 | JDK-8260380 | client-libs | 2d | Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.12 |
2 | JDK-8261170 | client-libs | 2d | Upgrade to FreeType 2.10.4 |
3 | JDK-8261231 | client-libs | java.awt | Windows IME was disabled after DnD operation |
4 | JDK-7146776 | core-libs | | Deadlock between URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress and file.Handler.openconnection |
5 | JDK-8260010 | core-libs | java.util.jar | UTF8ZipCoder not thread-safe since JDK-8243469 |
6 | JDK-8252883 | core-libs | java.util.logging | AccessDeniedException caused by delayed file deletion on Windows |
7 | JDK-8198540 | core-libs | jdk.nashorn | Dynalink leaks memory when generating type converters |
8 | JDK-8261483 | core-libs | jdk.nashorn | jdk/dynalink/ failed with "AssertionError: Should have GCd a method handle by now" |
9 | JDK-8258243 | hotspot | compiler | C2: assert failed ("Bad derived pointer") with -XX:+VerifyRegisterAllocator |
10 | JDK-8257513 | hotspot | compiler | C2: assert((constant_addr - _masm.code()->consts()->start()) == con.offset()) |
11 | JDK-8259339 | hotspot | compiler | AllocateUninitializedArray C2 intrinsic fails with void.class input |
12 | JDK-8261022 | hotspot | compiler | Fix incorrect result of Math.abs() with char type |
13 | JDK-8259777 | hotspot | compiler | Incorrect predication condition generated by ADLC |
14 | JDK-8259619 | hotspot | compiler | C1: 3-arg StubAssembler::call_RT stack-use condition is incorrect |
15 | JDK-8260338 | hotspot | compiler | Some fields in HaltNode is not cloned |
16 | JDK-8261912 | hotspot | compiler | Code IfNode::fold_compares_helper more defensively |
17 | JDK-8259231 | hotspot | gc | Epsilon: improve performance under contention during virtual space expansion |
18 | JDK-8258534 | hotspot | gc | Epsilon: clean up unused includes |
19 | JDK-8260009 | hotspot | runtime | InstanceKlass::has_as_permitted_subclass() fails if subclass was redefined |
20 | JDK-8259392 | hotspot | runtime | Zero error reporting is broken after JDK-8255711 |
21 | JDK-8261860 | hotspot | runtime | Crash caused by lambda proxy class loaded in Shutdown hook |
22 | JDK-8253910 | hotspot | runtime | UseCompressedClassPointers depends on UseCompressedOops in vmError.cpp |
23 | JDK-8258077 | hotspot | runtime | Using -Xcheck:jni can lead to a double-free after JDK-8193234 |
24 | JDK-8261310 | hotspot | runtime | PPC64 Zero build fails with 'VMError::controlled_crash(int)::FunctionDescriptor functionDescriptor' has incomplete type and cannot be defined |
25 | JDK-8263968 | hotspot | runtime | CDS: java/lang/ModuleLayer.EMPTY_LAYER should be singleton |
26 | JDK-8260349 | hotspot | runtime | Cannot programmatically retrieve Metaspace max set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS |
27 | JDK-8257746 | hotspot | runtime | Regression introduced with JDK-8250984 - memory might be null in some machines |
28 | JDK-8261397 | hotspot | runtime | try catch Method failing to work when dividing an integer by 0 |
29 | JDK-8253368 | security-libs | | TLS connection always receives close_notify exception |
30 | JDK-8249867 | xml | jaxp | XML declaration is not followed by a newline |