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JDK Mission Control 8 Release Notes

JDK Mission Control (JMC) is an advanced set of tools for managing, monitoring, profiling, and troubleshooting Java applications. JMC enables efficient and detailed data analysis for areas such as code performance, memory, and latency without introducing the performance overhead normally associated with profiling and monitoring tools.

Note: JMC 8 supersedes the previous versions. JMC 8 can analyze recordings from JDK 7 and above. All JMC 7 users and any remaining JMC 5 users must upgrade to JMC 8. Download JMC 8 from here.

This page contains all of the release notes for Oracle JMC 8 releases:

JDK Mission Control 8.3.1 Release Notes

This section describes what is new in JDK Mission Control 8.3.1 release.

New and Noteworthy

JMC 8 Installation Instructions

If you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, then follow JDK Mission Control 8 Installation Instructions.

JMC as Eclipse Plug-in

JMC 8.3.1, when run as an Eclipse Plug-in, requires Eclipse 4.24 or later. To install JMC as a plug-in in Eclipse, follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control for Eclipse. Ensure that you run Eclipse on JDK 11 or above.

Oracle Plug-ins

There are several Oracle plug-ins for use with JMC. Follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control Oracle Plug-ins.

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in the JDK Mission Control 8.3.1 release.

JMC Number Description
1 JMC-6739 Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications
2 JMC-7007 Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux
3 JMC-7071 JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs
4 JMC-7220 Unable to open JMX Console after installing plugins in macOS and Linux
5 JMC-7560 Stacktrace graph views are not shown on Windows
6 JMC-7953 Unable to install JMC Plugins on Eclipse 4.25

JDK Mission Control 8.3.0 Release Notes

This section describes what is new in JDK Mission Control 8.3.0 release.

New and Noteworthy

Support for Stack Trace Graph Views

Stack trace graph views such as Graph, Flame, Heat map, and Dependency are currently supported on Linux and Mac.

Dependency View

Dependency view helps in visualizing call dependencies in the stack trace. You can view the dependencies using Chord diagram or Edge bundling. See Dependency View for more details.

Introducing Smart Pruning in Graph View

Smart pruning of graphs is now possible, which helps to render large graphs and focus on the most impactful nodes. See Graph View for more details.

Selectable Attribute for Aggregation

You can select either Allocation Size or TLAB Size attribute to view its aggregated data in the Stack Trace or Flame Graph. See Flame Graph View for more details.

JMC 8 Installation Instructions

If you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, then follow JDK Mission Control 8 Installation Instructions.

JMC as Eclipse Plug-in

JMC 8.3.0, when run as an Eclipse Plug-in, requires Eclipse 4.24 or later. To install JMC as a plug-in in Eclipse, follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control for Eclipse. Ensure that you run Eclipse on JDK 11 or above.

Oracle Plug-ins

There are several Oracle plug-ins for use with JMC. Follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control Oracle Plug-ins.

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in the JDK Mission Control 8.3.0 release.

JMC Number Description
1 JMC-6739 Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications
2 JMC-7007 Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux
3 JMC-7071 JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs
4 JMC-7220 Unable to open JMX Console after installing plugins in macOS and Linux
5 JMC-7560 Stacktrace graph views are not shown on Windows
6 JMC-7947 JMC Crashes while performing flight record on macOS 13.0_x64
7 JMC-7953 Unable to install JMC Plugins on Eclipse 4.25

JDK Mission Control 8.2.1 Release Notes

This section describes what is new in JDK Mission Control 8.2.1 release.

New and Noteworthy

Binary Build for Apple ARM

JDK Mission Control is now available for Apple M1 machines. Use the Apple ARM bundle to install JMC on Apple M1 machines.

JMC 8 Installation Instructions

If you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, then follow JDK Mission Control 8 Installation Instructions.

JMC as Eclipse Plug-in

JMC 8.2.1, when run as an Eclipse Plug-in, requires Eclipse 4.21 or later. To install JMC as a plug-in in Eclipse, follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control for Eclipse. Ensure that you run Eclipse on JDK 11 or above.

Oracle Plug-ins

There are several Oracle plug-ins for use with JMC. Follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control Oracle Plug-ins.

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in the JDK Mission Control 8.2.1 release.

JMC Number Description
1 JMC-6739 Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications
2 JMC-6987 Coherence Tab Pack Graphs are not rendered correctly in Linux
3 JMC-7007 Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux
4 JMC-7071 JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs
5 JMC-7207 UI Components and operations are not working properly in macOS BigSur
6 JMC-7220 Unable to open JMX Console after installing plugins in macOS and Linux
7 JMC-7321 Unable to view JMC help contents when started with JDK 17 or higher
8 JMC-7560 Stacktrace graph views are not shown on Windows

JDK Mission Control 8.2.0 Release Notes

This section describes what is new in JDK Mission Control 8.2.0 release.

New and Noteworthy

Graphical Representation of Data using Heatmap

Heatmap view provides a visual representation of events occurred during a specific time period. The values are color coded, which helps to analyze complex data at a glance. For details, see What's New in JDK Mission Control 8

Websocket Server to access JFR Stack Trace

When you select JFR events in JMC, you can access their associated stack trace as JSON data through a user-defined port. To specify this port, see What's New in JDK Mission Control 8.

JDK version to launch JDK Mission Control

The JDK version required to launch JMC 8.2.0 has changed from JDK 8 to JDK 11. The JDK versions that can be monitored remains unchanged.

JMC 8 Installation Instructions

If you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, then follow JDK Mission Control 8 Installation Instructions.

JMC as Eclipse Plug-in

JMC 8.2.0, when run as an Eclipse Plug-in, requires Eclipse 4.21 or later. To install JMC as a plug-in in Eclipse, follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control for Eclipse. Ensure that you run Eclipse on JDK 11 or above.

Oracle Plug-ins

There are several Oracle plug-ins for use with JMC. Follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control Oracle Plug-ins.

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in the JDK Mission Control 8.2.0 release.

JMC Number Description
1 JMC-6739 Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications
2 JMC-6987 Coherence Tab Pack Graphs are not rendered correctly in Linux
3 JMC-7007 Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux
4 JMC-7071 JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs
5 JMC-7207 UI Components and operations are not working properly in macOS BigSur
6 JMC-7220 Unable to open JMX Console after installing plugins in macOS and Linux
7 JMC-7321 Unable to view JMC help contents when started with JDK 17 or higher
8 JMC-7560 Stacktrace graph views are not shown on Windows

JDK Mission Control 8.1.0 Release Notes

This section describes what is new in JDK Mission Control 8.1.0 release.

New and Noteworthy

JDK version to launch JDK Mission Control

The JDK version required to launch JMC 8.1.0 has changed from JDK 8 to JDK 11. The JDK versions that can be monitored remains unchanged.

JMC 8 Installation Instructions

If you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, then follow JDK Mission Control 8 Installation Instructions.

JMC as Eclipse Plug-in

JMC 8.1.0, when run as an Eclipse Plug-in, requires Eclipse 4.19 or later. To install JMC as a plug-in in Eclipse, follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control for Eclipse. Ensure that you run Eclipse on JDK 11 or above.

Oracle Plug-ins

There are several Oracle plug-ins for use with JMC. Follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control Oracle Plug-ins.

New JMC Agent Plug-in

A new experimental agent plug-in is now available in JMC 8.1.0, which allows adding flight recording events to an already running process.

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in the JDK Mission Control 8.1.0 release.

JMC Number Description
1 JMC-6531 Flame graph view does not render on Windows
2 JMC-6739 Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications
3 JMC-6987 Coherence Tab Pack Graphs are not rendered correctly in Linux
4 JMC-7003 Graph view does not work on Windows
5 JMC-7007 Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux
6 JMC-7071 JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs
7 JMC-7105 Graph view does not render if JMC is started with JDK 8
8 JMC-7207 UI Components and operations are not working properly in macOS BigSur
9 JMC-7220 Unable to open JMX Console after installing plugins in macOS and Linux
10 JMC-7321 Unable to view JMC help contents when started with JDK 17

JDK Mission Control 8.0.1 Release Notes

This section describes what is new in JDK Mission Control 8.0.1 release.

New and Noteworthy

JMC 8 Installation Instructions

If you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, then follow JDK Mission Control 8 Installation Instructions.

JMC as Eclipse Plug-in

JMC 8.0.1, when run as an Eclipse Plug-in, requires Eclipse 4.16 or later. To install JMC as a plug-in in Eclipse, follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control for Eclipse. Ensure that you run Eclipse on JDK 8 or above.

Oracle Plug-ins

There are several Oracle plug-ins for use with JMC. Follow the instructions provided at JDK Mission Control Oracle Plug-ins.

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in the JDK Mission Control 8.0.1 release.

JMC Number Description
1 JMC-6531 Flame graph view does not render on Windows
2 JMC-6739 Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications
3 JMC-6868 Unable to open JMX Console on Linux when JMC is started with JDK 14 and higher
4 JMC-6987 Coherence Tab Pack Graphs are not rendered correctly in Linux
5 JMC-7003 Graph view does not work on Windows
6 JMC-7007 Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux
7 JMC-7071 JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs
8 JMC-7105 Graph view does not render if JMC is started with JDK 8
9 JMC-7207 UI Components and operations are not working properly in macOS BigSur

JDK Mission Control 8.0.0 Release Notes

This document describes what's new in JDK Mission Control 8.0.0 release.

New and Noteworthy

JMC 8 Installation Instructions

While installing JMC, if you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, then follow JDK Mission Control Installation Instructions.

Visualizing Stack Traces using Flame Graphs

You can analyze stack traces using Flame graphs. They provide graphical representation of stack trace, where you can drill down to specific area to get detailed view.

Treemap Viewer Added to JOverflow

Treemap is added to JOverflow to visualize memory usage by classes. It is easier to spot the resources that is consuming most of the memory.

Improved Thread Graphs

Thread graph is enhanced with more filtering options, zoom in feature, and options to choose the required parameters.

Support for LZ4 Compressed Recordings

JMC provides support for LZ4 compressed recordings. You can open JFR recordings that are compressed using LZ4 utility, which is an extremely fast decoder.

Allocation pressure column is added to Memory and TLAB views

The Memory and TLAB pages now display Total Allocation as Percentage column. The percentage column along with stack trace view will help you to identify areas of allocation pressure.

Graph View of Stack Traces

Graph view is added to improve the visualization of stack traces. It renders aggregate stack traces with cumulative count.

Reintroduction of Percentage Column

Percentage column is reintroduced in histogram tables.

Deprecation of Threadlogic plug-in for JMC

Threadlogic plug-in is deprecated in JMC 8 and will be removed in JMC 9.

See What's New in JDK Mission Control 8 for details on the new features.

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in the JDK Mission Control 8 release.

JMC Number Description
1 JMC-6531 Flame graph view does not render on Windows
2 JMC-6739 Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications
3 JMC-6868 Unable to open JMX Console on Linux when JMC is started with JDK 14 and higher
4 JMC-6987 Coherence Tab Pack Graphs are not rendered correctly in Linux
5 JMC-7003 Graph view does not work on Windows
6 JMC-7007 Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux
7 JMC-7071 JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs
8 JMC-7105 Graph view does not render if JMC is started with JDK 8