Windows Disk Space Requirements for JDK and JRE

AMD/Intel 32-bit Platforms

For both the JDK and the JRE, the user is given the option of installing various features. For the JRE the features are the following:

Feature 1: Java Runtime Environment
Feature 2: Support for Additional Languages
Feature 3: Additional Font and Media Support

For the JDK the features are the following

Feature 1: Development Tools
Feature 2: Demos
Feature 3: Source Code
Feature 4: Public Java Runtime Environment


  • For the JDK the installed image consists of all the files installed under the directory jdk1.6.0; for the JRE it consists of all files installed under the directory jre1.6.0. The update repository consists of zip files for the various features. They are stored under Program Files\Common Files\Java\Update and are used for the purpose of updating or modifying the JDK or JRE.
  • The installed image will, by default, be installed on the Windows drive—the drive where the Windows operating system is installed (sometimes called the system drive). Most often this will be the C drive. However, it is possible to install the installed image on any drive. For instance, the installed image for the JDK could be installed to a non-Windows drive with a custom installation.
  • The update repository will always be installed on the Windows drive.

In addition to the disk space required for the installed images, there must be sufficient disk space for the update repository, located in the Program Files\Common Files\Java subdirectory. The table below shows the various disk space requirements for the JRE and JDK:

JRE Installed Image Update Repository Total
Feature 1 52 MB 19 MB 72 MB
Feature 2 16 MB 4 MB 20 MB
Feature 3 4 MB 2 MB 6 MB
JDK Installed Image Update Repository Total
Feature 1 83 MB 49 MB 132 MB
Feature 2 12 MB 12 MB 24 MB
Feature 3 11 MB 16 MB 27 MB
Feature 4 See JRE chart above

x64/Intel 64-bit Platforms


  • All features are installed for the platforms listed below.
  • There are no update repositories.
JDK Installed Image
Intel IA-64 120 MB
x64 110 MB