Oracle is working to ensure that the strength of the Oracle Solaris Operating System is complemented by a collection of popular, freely available software. This freeware includes open source and other third party components including utilities, services, productivity tools, and developer tools. With Oracle Solaris 11, users can conveniently leverage software shared on the Internet.
The top tier of free and open source software in Oracle Solaris 11 is fully supported per the terms of Oracle's Premier Support for Oracle Solaris. You can find the list of the top tier free and open source software here.
For the most current list and support policy log in to My Oracle Support and search for Knowledge Article ID 1400676.1
In addition to the components listed above there are over a thousand open source libraries and utilities included in Oracle Solaris 11. They are supported as described in the Knowledge Article referenced above.
To search for a specific utility, library or other FOSS offering, go to and use the search facility. Clicking on the package name in the results of your search will bring up a short description of the package as well as the license associated with it.
The official document that explains the meaning of all the digits in the release identifier is found in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document #1378134.1