Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in Oracle Solaris 10

Oracle is working to ensure that the strength of the Oracle Solaris Operating System is complemented by a collection of popular, freely available software. This freeware includes in-bound open source and third party components such as utilities, productivity tools, and development tools. Users can now more conveniently leverage the technologies shared on the Internet.

The top tier of free and open source software in Oracle Solaris 10 is fully supported per the terms of Oracle's Premier Support for Oracle Solaris. The list of open source software fully supported for Oracle Solaris 10 follows.

  • Apache httpd 1
  • Apache httpd 2
  • bind
  • IP Filter
  • ntp-dev
  • OFED/rds-tools
  • OpenSSL
  • quagga
  • sendmail
  • Samba

This list may not be up to date.  For the most current list and support policy log in to My Oracle Support and search for Knowledge Article ID 1400676.1

There are many other open source libraries and utilities included in Oracle Solaris 10. They are supported as described in the Knowledge Article referenced above.

Included with Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Included with Oracle Solaris 10 1/13
Utilities Utilities
bash 3.2.48 bash 3.2.48
binutils 2.15 binutils 2.15
bzip2 1.0.6 bzip2 1.0.6
cdrtools 2.01 cdrtools 2.01
flex 2.5.4 flex 2.5.4
footmatic-filters 3.0.2 footmatic-filters 3.0.2
footmatic-ppd 20080818 footmatic-ppd 20080818
ghostscript 8.64 ghostscript 9.0
gimp print drivers 4.2.6 gimp print drivers 4.2.6
GNU patch 2.5.9 GNU grep 2.5
GNU prep 2.5 GNU patch 2.5.9
GNU tar 1.26 GNU tar 1.26
GNU zip 1.3.5 GNU zip 1.4
GS fonts other 6.0 GS fonts other 6.0
GS fonts std 6.0 GS fonts std 6.0
ImageMagick 5.4.7-1 ImageMagick 6.3.4-2
ipmitool 1.8.8 ipmitool 1.8.11
less 436 less 436
ncftp 3.1.5 ncftp 3.1.5
p7zip 4.55 p7zip 9.20.1
pilot-link 0.12-prep4 pilot-link 0.12-prep4
pgAdmin 1.8.4 pgAdmin 1.8.4
pmdbi 1.58 pmdbi 1.58
pmdbdpg 1.49 pmdbdpg 1.49
psutils p17 psutils p17
rds-tools 2.0.4 rds-tools 2.0.4 4.1 4.1
rsync 3.0.8
SER 0.8.12 SER 0.8.12
SER Web 2004-01-04 SER Web 2004-01-04
SMA 1.0 SMA 1.0
tcsh 6.12.00 tcsh 6.12.00
texi2html texi2html
texinfo 4.7   texinfo 4.7
usb_ccid_idf    usb_ccid_idf
wget 1.12 wget 1.12
zip 3.0 zip 3.0
zsh 4.2.1 zsh 4.2.1
Services Services
Apache httpd 1.3.41  Apache httpd 1.3.41
Apache 2 httpd 2.0.63 Apache 2 httpd 2.0.63
Apache 2 modperl 2.0.4  Apache 2 modperl 2.0.4
Apache Tomcat 4.0.5 Apache Tomcat 5.5.35
Apache Tomcat 5.5.33  BIND 9.6-ESV-R8
BIND 9.6-ESV-R4-P3 hpijs 1.6
hpijs 1.6 MySQL 4.0.31 (1)
MySQL 4.0.31 (1) ntpd 4.2.5p172
ntpd 4.2.5p172 PostgreSQL 8.1.19 (1)
PostgreSQL 8.1.19 (1) PostgreSQL JDBC 8.1-404 (1)
PostgreSQL JDBC 8.1-404 (1) PostgreSQL TCL 1.5 (1)
PostgreSQL TCL 1.5 (1)      PostgreSQL 8.2.21 (1)
PostgreSQL 8.2.21 (1)  PostgreSQL JDBC 8.2-504 (1) 
PostgreSQL JDBC 8.2-504 (1)  PostgreSQL 8.3.20 (1)
PostgreSQL 8.3.15 (1)  PostgreSQL JDBC 8.3-603 (1)
PostgreSQL JDBC 8.3-603 (1)  Quagga 0.99.19
Quagga 0.99.8 Samba 3.6.8
Samba 3.5.8
(1) The MySQL and PostgreSQL versions that shipped with Oracle Solaris 10 have been EOL'd. Later versions for Oracle Solaris are available. See MySQL for Oracle Solaris and PostgreSQL for Oracle Solaris. PostgreSQL on Oracle Solaris is no longer directly supported by Oracle.  
Developer Developer
ant 1.7.1  ant 1.7.1
Apache Standard C++ Library 4.2.1  Apache Standard C++ Library 4.2.1
EXIF 0.6.19 EXIF 0.6.19
gcc 3.4.3  gcc 3.4.3
gettext 0.16.1
GNU m4 1.4.2  GNU m4 1.4.2
GNU make 3.81   GNU make 3.82
glib 1.2.10 glib 1.2.10 (2)
glib 2.4.1
Gstreamer  0.8.4 Gstreamer 0.8.4
gtk+ 1.2.10 gtk+ 1.2.10 (2)
gtk+ 2.4.9
libedit 2.10   libedit 2.10
libexpat 2.0.1  libexpat 2.1.0
libidn 1.19
libpopt  1.7 libpop 1.7
libusb 1.0 libusb 1.0
libxml2 2.6.23 libxml2 2.6.23
libxslt 1.1.15 libxslt 1.1.15
Ogg 0.5.0 Ogg 1.2.2
OpenJade  1.3.2 OpenJade 1.3.2
OpenSP  1.5 OpenSP 1.5
Pango 1.4 Pango 1.5.2
PNG  1.2.46 PNG 1.2.46
Python 2.6 Python 2.6.4
Tcl 8.3.3  Tcl 8.3.3
TIFF 3.9.4 TIFF 3.9.7
Tk 8.3.3  Tk 8.3.3
Vorbis  0.3.0 Vorbis 1.3.3
wxWidgets 2.8.8 wxWidgets 2.8.12
zlib 1.2.3 zlib 1.2.3
  (2) glib 1.2.10 and gtk 1.2.10 are no longer supported. See My Oracle Support Knowledge Article ID 1400676.1
Desktop Desktop
Evince 2.30.3
Eye of Gnome 2.6.1 Eye of Gnome 2.6.1
Firefox 3.6.12 Firefox 10.0.7
GNOME Desktop 2.6 GNOME Desktop 2.6
GNOME PDF Viewer 0.132 GNOME PDF Viewer 0.132
JGraphpad 2.2.1 JGraphpad 2.2.1
Mozilla 1.7 Mozilla 1.7
Pidgin Instant Messaging Client 2.7.5 Pidgin Instant Messaging Client 2.10.4
Poppler 0.14.4
The Gimp 2.0.2 The Gimp 2.0.2
Thunderbird 3.1.10 Thunderbird 10.0.7
Totem 0.99.11 Totem 0.99.11
Ximian Evolution Ximian Evolution 1.4.6

The above list is not inclusive of all FOSS components. In addition there are 260 FOSS X Windows components, 20 globalization components, and GRUB boot services components.