Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1.8
Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / NT 4.0 (Intel Platform)
Microsoft Windows Installation Instructions
The installation and configuration process can be broken down into the following steps:
1. Run the JDK software installer, if necessary
Check the file size - If you download the JDK software file instead of running the installer from your browser, check to see that the complete file was downloaded. Before you download a file, notice that its byte size is provided on the download page. Once the download has completed, check that you have downloaded the full, uncorrupted software file.
To run the JDK software installer, double-click on the icon for this file. Follow the instructions the installer provides.
When done with the installation, you can delete the downloaded bundle to recover disk space.
Unbundle the JDK software bundle and the JDK documentation bundle in the same directory. (The docs are available for download from step 2 of the JDK software download page.) Unbundling them in the same directory ensures that HTML links between the bundles will work properly. You can download and install the software bundle and documentation bundle in either order.
Installed Directory Tree
The JDK software and documentation directories will have the following structure. The docs
directory and its contents will not be installed until you download and unbundle the JDK software documentation.
| | | | | | | | | | |
README | | | bin lib | demo | docs |
CHANGES | | | | include | src | |
COPYRIGHT | | | | |
LICENSE index.html
. DO NOT UNZIP THE CLASSES.ZIP FILE. This file contains all of the core class binaries, and must remain in its zipped form for the JDK software to use it.
2. Update PATH and CLASSPATH variables
It is possible for you to run the JDK software without modifying any system environment variables (such as PATH or CLASSPATH). However, you should test that CLASSPATH is not set, and most developers set PATH as a convenience.
Microsoft Windows NT - Make the following environment variable changes in the Control Panel. Start the Control Panel, select System, then click the Environment tab.
As a general rule, both PATH and CLASSPATH are defined as User Variables, although a system administrator may wish to define System Variables in some circumstances.
Microsoft Windows 98 and 95 - Make the environment variable changes to autoexec.bat
; C:\JDK1.1.8\BIN
If CLASSPATH is set and you want to unset it, you typically need to change the current value (at the command line) and the startup value (in a startup file or script). For example, to see if it is currently set, type:
The CLASSPATH tells the Java Virtual Machine * and other Java technology-enabled applications (which are located in the "jdk1.1.8\bin" directory) where to find the class libraries, such as file (which is in the lib directory). By default, the java tools temporarily append the following to whatever CLASSPATH you have explicitly set in your startup file:
3. Running the JDK software tools
Your computer system should now be configured and ready to use the Java Development Kit. You start a tool by typing its name into the DOS window with a filename as an argument. None of the Java tools are Microsoft Windows programs with GUI interfaces -- they are all run from the DOS command line. You cannot run any JDK software tool by double-clicking on its icon.
You can specify the path to a tool either by typing the path in front of the tool each time, or by adding the path to the system as in the previous step.
For example, if the JDK software is installed at C:\jdk1.1.8
, to compile the source file
, go to a DOS shell and execute this:
to your path:
Refer to the Troubleshooting section below if you have problems running the JDK software.
The AppletViewer is a application for running and viewing applets in a window. You can start the AppletViewer by executing the following, assuming you have already set your path (as described above):
to change to a directory containing an html file that embeds an applet. JDK1.1.8 contains the TicTacToe applet in the demo directory:
cd jdk1.1.8\demo\tictactoe
appletviewer example1.html
4. Uninstalling the JDK software
If you should ever want to uninstall the JDK software, go to the Start menu and select Settings, then select Control Panel. In the Control Panel, open the Add/Remove Programs utility. You will be presented with a list of software that you can uninstall. Simply choose the JDK software from the list and click the "Add/Remove..." button.
net.socketException: errno = 10047
Unsupported version of Microsoft Windows Socket API
check which TCP/IP drivers you have installed. The AppletViewer supports only the Microsoft TCP/IP drivers included with Microsoft Windows 95. If you are using third-party drivers (e.g., Trumpet Winsock), you'll need to change over to the native Microsoft TCP/IP drivers if you want to load applets over the network.
java -verbose sun.applet.AppletViewer
C:\> set CLASSPATH=.;C:\jdk1.1.8\lib\
directory that was created when you installed the JDK software. For example, if the directory jdk1.1.8
has the path C:\java\jdk1.1.8
, you can try setting JAVA_HOME as follows:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk1.1.8
and lib
directories that are immediately below the jdk1.1.8
directory, you should be able to run the JDK tools.
AppletViewer allows you to run one or more Java applets that are called by reference in a web page (HTML file) using the APPLET tag. The AppletViewer finds the APPLET tags in the HTML file and runs the applets (in separate windows) as specified by the tags.
AppletViewer is for viewing applets. It cannot display an entire web page that contains many HTML tags. It parses only the APPLET tag and no other HTML on the web page.
To run an applet with appletviewer, you go to a command line for your operating system and run appletviewer, passing in the filename or URL of the web page as its argument.
Here is an example of how to invoke AppletViewer on a file-based web page in Microsoft Windows. Go to a DOS prompt, change to the "jdk1.1.8" directory and then execute:
bin\appletviewer demo\GraphLayout\example1.html