This white paper describes how the Java 2D API extends the graphics and imaging classes defined by java.awt, while enabling developers to easily incorporate high-quality 2D graphics, text, and images in Java applications and applets.
Building on the Java 2D API, the Java Advanced Imaging API enables sophisticated, high-performance image processing in Java technology-based applications.
Describes the broad design goals of Java. Provides detailed description of the basic Java Language compared to C/C++. Includes a general discussion of HotJava. Briefly mentions the four base class libraries. Does not cover upcoming class libraries or technologies.
This document describes best practices that been identified for modeling using the JMX API.
This white paper is intended as a reference for Java Performance Tuning information, techniques, and pointers.
Overview of how Java Web Start works and highlights its key advantages for deploying applications.
This paper explains how the naming of the Java platform releases has been simplified.
This paper describes the different types of garbage collectors available in the Java HotSpot virtual machine (JVM) in Sun's J2SE 5.0 release and gives advice on choosing a collector, configuration, and memory sizing.
This guide gives an overview of the performance and scalability improvements made in the Java SE 5.0 release along with various benchmarks to demonstrate the impact of these improvements.
This guide helps developers migrate Java applets, stand-alone applications, Java Web Start applications, and development tools from version 1.3 of the Java platform to version 5.0.
The Java security architecture includes a large set of application programming interfaces (APIs), tools, and implementations of commonly-used security algorithms, mechanisms, and protocols.