The Oracle Airlines Data Model (OADM) delivers an IATA standards-based data management platform for building "data capital" by enabling the capture and organization of data from across the enterprise and beyond. By leveraging Oracle’s deep expertise in data management, OADM provides a platform that is modern, relevant, and topical. Data can be consolidated and organized from key areas such as passenger service systems (PSS) and customer loyalty, baggage and ancillary services, social media, flight operations and departure control systems (DCS), scheduling and global distribution systems (GDS), maintenance and repair (MRO), and back office applications such as finance. Oracle Advanced Analytics with OADM can provide new insights and enable data driven decisions to improve operational efficiencies, tailor products and services, or even identify new sources of competitive advantage. OADM is available as an add-on to Oracle Database Cloud Service (DBCS) or Oracle Relational Database Enterprise Edition. OADM is not dependent on any particular vendor's source applications and can be used in any application environment, including Oracle Cx Cloud Services.
The key benefits provided by Oracle's Airline Data Model are: