Java Mobile API References

Online APIs

For reference purposes, the API documentation for some Java ME technology specifications are listed below. Click Java ME Technical Documentation for more API docs.

Java ME 8

Java ME 8 and Oracle Java ME Embedded 8 API Documentation

Java Mobile: CLDC, MIDP, and Optional Packages

Java for Mobile Devices Documentation

* For information on additional JSRs, please visit Java Community Process

Other JSRs

In the Java ME technology family there are a number of JSRs defining different parts of the platform and it's components.

  • JSR 30: Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.0 (CLDC)
  • JSR 62: Personal Profile Specification
  • JSR 75: PDA Optional Packages for J2ME
  • JSR 82: Java APIs for Bluetooth
  • JSR 120: SMS Messaging API
  • JSR 135: Mobile Media API (MMAPI)
  • JSR 139: Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.1 (CLDC)
  • JSR 177: Security and Trust Services APIs
  • JSR 179: Location API for J2ME
  • JSR 180: SIP API for J2ME
  • JSR 184: Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME
  • JSR 185: Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI)
  • JSR 205: Wireless Messaging API
  • JSR 216: Personal Profile 1.1
  • JSR 226: Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API for J2ME
  • JSR 229: Payment API
  • JSR 234: Advanced Media Supplements
  • JSR 238: Mobile Internationalization API
  • JSR 239: Java Binding for the Open GL ES API
  • JSR 248: Mobile Service Architecture (MSA)
  • JSR 253: Mobile Telephony
  • JSR 256: Mobile Sensor API
  • JSR 257: Contactless Communication API
  • JSR 258: Mobile User Interface Customization API
  • JSR 271: Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) 3.0
  • JSR 280: General Purpose XML API for Java ME
  • JSR 281: IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) Services API
  • JSR 287: Scalable Vector Graphics API 2.0
  • JSR 290: Java Language & XML User Interface Markup Integration
  • JSR 293: Location API 2.0

MSA Overview

The Mobile Service Architecture (MSA) platform builds on the Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) specifications that have come before it, including the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC), and Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI).

As the wireless device market continues to evolve and incorporate new technology and services - from Bluetooth to vector graphics to Web services - in mass-market handsets, there is demand to create a platform that standardizes on those new technologies. The broad adoption and success of MIDP and CLDC in the mobile device market, followed by the success of the JTWI platform, is now being superseded by the next wireless industry-defined standard, MSA.

The following image shows the current technologies and JSRs that are part of the Mobile Service Architecture.

MSA Overview

Mobile Service Architecture API Technology


JSR 248 1.0

Reference Implementation:

The JSR 248 reference implementation (RI) can be licensed from Oracle to verify proper setup of the JSR 248 TCK. For more information about licensing terms, please contact Oracle's Java Partner Engineering group.

Technology Compatibility Kit:

The JSR 248 technology compatibility kit (TCK) can be licensed from Oracle to certify a JSR 248 implementation on a specific platform. For more information about licensing terms, please contact Oracle's Java Partner Engineering group.