
JDK 8u40 Release Notes

Java SE 8u40 Bundled Patch Release (BPR) - Bug Fixes and Updates

The following sections summarize changes made in all Java SE 8u40 BPRs. Bug fixes and any other changes are listed below in date order, most current BPR first. Note that bug fixes in previous BPR are also included in the current BPR.

To determine the version of your JDK software, use the following command:

java -version

Changes in Java SE 8u40 b32

Please note that fixes from the prior BPR (8u31 b33) are included in this BPR.

Bug Fixes

BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
8071897 deploy webstart JRE 8U25 and 8u31 b32 cannot launch Java Web Start with proxy pac but works fine for 7u67
client-libs java.awt Minimize can cause window to disappear on osx

Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 40 (JDK 8u40)

The full version string for this update release is 1.8.0_40-b26 (where "b" means "build") except for OS X, where the version string is 1.8.0_40-b27. The version number is 8u40.


This update release contains several enhancements and changes including the following:

IANA Data 2014j

JDK 8u40 contains IANA time zone data version 2014j. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.

Security Baselines

The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 8u40 are specified in the following table:

JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline (Full Version String)
8 1.8.0_31
7 1.7.0_75
6 1.6.0_91
5.0 1.5.0_81

For more information about security baselines, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer.

JRE Expiration Date

The JRE expires whenever a new release with security vulnerability fixes becomes available. Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Third Party Bulletin. This JRE (version 8u40) will expire with the release of the next critical patch update scheduled for April 14, 2015.

For systems unable to reach the Oracle Servers, a secondary mechanism expires this JRE (version 8u40) on May 14, 2015. After either condition is met (new release becoming available or expiration date reached), the JRE will provide additional warnings and reminders to users to update to the newer version. For more information, see JRE Expiration Date.

New Features and Changes

Java Packager Tool Enhancements
JDK 8u40 release contains the following enhancements to the Java Packager:

Deprecated APIs
The endorsed-standards override mechanism and the extension mechanism are deprecated and may be removed in future releases. There are no runtime changes. Existing applications using the 'endorsed-standards override' or 'extension' mechanisms are recommended to migrate away from using these mechanisms. To help identify any existing uses of these mechanisms, the -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs command-line option is available. It will fail if any of the following conditions is true:

  • -Djava.endorsed.dirs or -Djava.ext.dirs system property is set to alter the default location; or
  • ${java.home}/lib/endorsed directory exists; or
  • ${java.home}/lib/ext contains any JAR files excluding the ones that JDK ships or
  • any platform-specific system-wide extension directory contains any JAR files.

The -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs command-line option is supported in JDK 8u40 and later releases.

Multiple JRE Launcher feature Deprecated

The Launch-Time JRE Version Selection or the Multiple JRE Launcher feature is deprecated in JDK 8u40. Visit for further information. Applications that require specific Java versions deployed using this feature must switch to alternate deployment solutions such as Java WebStart.

JJS Tool Page Differences

The Japanese version of the jjs help page is different from the English version. Some of the unsupported options have been removed from the English version of the jjs tool page. The Japanese version of document will be updated in future.

See 8062100 (not public).

For other jjs tool page changes, see Tools Enhancements in JDK 8.

Java SE Tools Updated

Java SE tools have been updated. See Tools Enhancements in JDK 8 for details.

Change in default values for G1HeapWastePercent and G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent

The default value for G1HeapWastePercent was changed from 10 to 5 to reduce the need for full GCs. For the same reason the default value for G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent was changed from 65 to 85.

Nashorn Enhancements

The new jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ClassFilter interface enables you to restrict access to specified Java classes from scripts run by a Nashorn script engine. See Restricting Script Access to Specified Java Classes in the Nashorn User's Guide and 8043717 (not public) for more information.

The Nashorn compiler now has static type inference capabilities for local variables and expressions. While JavaScript is hard to analyze statically, Nashorn is able to generate code optimized for specific types.

Nashorn now supports optimistic typing, which complements static type inference. For types that can't be statically inferred, Nashorn will make optimistic assumptions and gradually deoptimize when assumptions turn out to be wrong. To activate this feature use the --optimistic-types=true option. See Nashorn Architecture and Performance Improvements for more information.

Function.prototype.bind and are enhanced to work on everything that can be invoked in Nashorn, such as POJO methods, instances of @FunctionalInterface classes.

Issues with Third party's JCE Providers

The fix for JDK-8023069 (in JDK 8u20) updated both the SunJSSE and and SunJCE providers, including some internal interfaces.

Some third party JCE providers (such as RSA JSAFE) are using some sun.* internal interfaces, and therefore will not work with the updated SunJSSE provider. Such providers will need to be updated in order for them to work with the updated SunJSSE provider.

If you have been impacted by this issue, contact your JCE vendor for an update.

See 8058731.

Message digest algorithms are now enabled by default for SunPKCS11 provider on Solaris

If you are using Solaris 10, a change was made to re-enable operations with MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 through the Solaris Crypto Framework. If you experience a CloneNotSupportedException or PKCS11 error CKR_SAVED_STATE_INVALID message with JDK 8u40, you should verify and apply the following patches or newer versions of them:

  • 150531-02 on sparc
  • 150636-01 on x86

See 8037745.

Troubleshooting Guide Updates for NMT, JMC, and JFR

The Native Memory Tracking (NMT) is a Java Hotspot VM feature that tracks internal memory usage for a HotSpot JVM. Native Memory Tracking can be used to monitor VM internal memory allocations and diagnose VM memory leaks.

VM enhancements page is updated with NMT features. See Java Virtual Machine Enhancements in Java SE 8.

Troubleshooting Guide is updated with NMT features. See Native Memory Tracking.

Troubleshooting Guide is also updated with content for Troubleshooting using Java Mission Control, Debug Memory Leaks using Java Flight Recorder (JFR), and Troubleshooting Performance Issues using JFR.

JavaFX Enhancements

Starting with JDK 8u40 release, JavaFX controls are enhanced to support assistive technologies, meaning that JavaFX controls are now accessible. In addition, a public API is provided to allow developers to write their own accessible controls.

Accessibility support is provided on Windows and Mac OS X platforms and includes:

  • Support for reading JavaFX controls by a screen reader
  • JavaFX controls are traversable using the keyboard
  • Support for a special high-contrast mode that makes controls more visible to users.

See 8043344 (not public).

JDK 8u40 release includes new JavaFX UI controls; a spinner control, formatted-text support, and a standard set of alert dialogs.

See 8043350 (not public).

Commercial Features

  • Application Class Data Sharing (AppCDS):

    Application Class Data Sharing (AppCDS) extends CDS (see Class Data Sharing) to enable you to place classes from the standard extensions directories and the application class path in the shared archive. This is an experimental feature and not licensed for commercial use. See the -XX:+UseAppCDS option in the java launcher tool page.

  • Cooperative Memory Management:

    Starting with JDK 8u40, the notion of "memory pressure" has been added to the JDK. Memory pressure is a property that represents the total memory usage (RAM) on the system. The higher the memory pressure, the closer the system is to running out of memory.  This is an experimental feature and not licensed for commercial use.

    As a reaction to increased memory pressure, the JDK will try to reduce its memory usage. This is mainly done by reducing the Java heap size. The actions the JDK will take to reduce memory usage may lead to reduced performance. This is an intentional choice.

    The pressure level is provided by the application through a JMX MXBean using a scale from 0 (no pressure) to 10 (almost out of memory). To enable this feature, the should be registered. The memory pressure is then set using the "MemoryPressure" attribute.

    A new command line flag -XX:MemoryRestriction that takes one of the arguments 'none', 'low', 'medium', or 'high', is also available. This flag will set the initial pressure in the JDK and will work also in cases where the MXBean is not registered.

    Cooperative Memory Management requires the G1 GC (-XX:+UseG1GC). This feature is not compatible with the flag -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent.

  • New Commercial Flags:

    Two new VM options are now available for commercial license holders:

    • -XX:+ResourceManagement
    • -XX:ResourceManagementSampleInterval=value (milliseconds)

    For more information, see Java Launcher documentation.

  • Java Flight Recorder(JFR) Enhancements

    It is now possible to enable Java Flight Recorder at runtime. For details, see the Java Flight Recorder Runtime Guide at

  • New MSI Installer Documentation:

    The Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) Enterprise JRE Installer Guide is available at The MSI Enterprise JRE Installer requires a commercial license for use in production. To learn more about commercial features and how to enable them, visit

Bug Fixes

For a list of bug fixes included in this release, see JDK 8u40 Bug Fixes page.

The following are some of the notable bug fixes included in JDK 8u40 release:

Area: core-svc
Synopsis: Default and static interface methods in JDI, JDWP and JDB

Since JDK 8 it is possible to have directly executable static and default methods in interfaces. These methods are not executable via JDWP or JDI and therefore can not be properly debugged. See JDK 8 Compatibility Guide for more details.

See 8042123.

Area: install
Synopsis: Java Access Bridge can be enabled from Control panel for 32 bit JREs.

Previously the "Enable Java Access Bridge" check box got removed from the Java Control Panel with 64 bit JRE uninstall even when 32 bit JRE was still present on the system.

Starting with JDK 8u40 release, the "Enable Java Access Bridge" checkbox is retained, at Control Panel -> Ease of Access -> Ease of Access Center -> Use the computer without a display, if a 32 bit jre is present. So, a user can enable Java Access bridge via control panel for 32 bit JREs.

See 8030124.

Area: client-libs
Synopsis: Modernizing the JavaFX Media Stack on Mac OS X

An AVFoundation based player platform is added to JavaFX media. The old QTKit based platform is now removable for Mac App Store compatibility.

See 8043697 (not public).

Area: deploy/plugin
Synopsis: Missing DOM APIs

In JDK 8u40 release, the old plugin DOM APIs were inadvertently removed. If an applet requires the use of to communicate with the browser, then users may need to update their applet to use netscape.javascript.JSObject or continue using JDK 8 Update 31.

This issue has been resolved in build 26 and new 8u40 installers have been posted. If you are experiencing this problem, download and run the updated JDK 8u40 installers.

See 8074564.

Area: client-libs/java.awt
Synopsis: Mac 10.10: Application run with splash screen has focus issues

Applications started through webstart or standalone applications, which use splash screen, cannot get keyboard focus.

Workaround: Launch javaws using the -Xnosplash option.

This issue has been resolved in build 27 and a new 8u40 installer has been posted. If you are experiencing this problem, download and run the updated JDK 8u40 installer.

See 8074668.

Bug Fix List

BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
8028241 client-libs   Java Access Bridge: F key shortcuts not working if Ctrl, Alt, Shift modifier used
8040279 client-libs   [macosx] Do not use the base image in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage constructor
8059944 client-libs   [OGL] Metrics for a method choice copying of texture should be improved
8064468 client-libs   ownedWindowList access requires synchronization in Window.setAlwaysOnTop() method
7067052 client-libs 2d Default printer media is ignored
8028539 client-libs 2d Endless loop in native code of sun.java2d.loops.ScaledBlit
8034218 client-libs 2d AIX: Provide a better file
8039444 client-libs 2d Swing applications not being displayed properly
8046007 client-libs 2d Java app receives javax.print.PrintException: Printer is not accepting job.
8047066 client-libs 2d Test test/sun/awt/image/ fails with ClassCastException
8048583 client-libs 2d CustomMediaSizeName class matching to standard media is too loose
8054638 client-libs 2d xrender: text drawn after setColor(Color.white) is actually black
8056122 client-libs 2d Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.6
8057830 client-libs 2d Crash in Java2D Queue Flusher, OGLSD_SetScratchSurface
8057934 client-libs 2d Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.6 breaks AIX build
8059941 client-libs 2d [D3D] The fix for JDK-8029253 should be ported to d3d pipeline
8059942 client-libs 2d Default implementation of DrawImage.renderImageXform() should be improved for d3d/ogl
8061392 client-libs 2d PrinterJob NPE when drawing translucent image with null user clip
8061456 client-libs 2d [OGL] Incorrect clip is used during sw->surface blit in xor mode
8062164 client-libs 2d Incorrect color conversion, when bicubic interpolation is used
8026497 client-libs demo Font2DTest demo: unused resource files
6624085 client-libs java.awt Fourth mouse button (wheel) is treated like second button - isPopupTrigger returns true
7033533 client-libs java.awt realSync() doesn't work with Xfce
8003900 client-libs java.awt X11 dependencies should be removed from Mac OS X build.
8024626 client-libs java.awt CTW CRASH: SIGSEGV in ctw/jre/lib/rt_jar/preloading_1 and ctw/jre/lib/rt_jar/sun_awt_X11_ListHelper
8026385 client-libs java.awt [macosx] (awt) setjmp/longjmp changes the process signal mask on OS X
8029253 client-libs java.awt [macosx] Performance problems with Retina display on Mac OS X
8032864 client-libs java.awt [macosx] sigsegv (0Xb) Being Generated When Starting JDev With Voiceover Running
8033141 client-libs java.awt Cleanup of sun.awt.X11 package
8040007 client-libs java.awt GtkFileDialog strips user inputted filepath
8041734 client-libs java.awt JFrame in full screen mode leaves empty workspace after close
8043869 client-libs java.awt [macosx] java -splash does not honor @2x hi dpi notation for retina support
8046495 client-libs java.awt KeyEvent can not be accepted in quick mouse clicking
8048549 client-libs java.awt [macosx] Disable usage of system menu bar if AWT is embedded in FX
8049065 client-libs java.awt [JLightweightFrame] Support DnD for SwingNode
8049198 client-libs java.awt [macosx] Incorrect thread access when showing splash screen
8049996 client-libs java.awt [macosx] test java/awt/image/ fails with NPE
8051857 client-libs java.awt OperationTimedOut exception inside from XToolkit.syncNativeQueue call
8057788 client-libs java.awt [macosx] "Pinch to zoom" does not work since jdk7
8058197 client-libs java.awt AWT fails on generic non-reparenting window managers
8059590 client-libs java.awt ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when Container with overridden getComponents() is deserialized
8059998 client-libs java.awt Broken link in java.awt.event Interface KeyListener
8062021 client-libs java.awt NPE in sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformWindow::toFront after 8060146
8065627 client-libs java.awt Animated GIFs fail to display on a HiDPI display
8066986 client-libs java.awt [headless] DataTransferer.getInstance throws ClassCastException in headless mode
8034085 client-libs java.beans Do not prefer indexed properties
8034164 client-libs java.beans Introspector ignores indexed part of the property sometimes
8054157 client-libs javax.accessibility Access Bridge; add definitions for bits 8 and 9 for for new accelerator support
8057977 client-libs javax.accessibility Java Access Bridge, regression, NPE, occurs randomly
4991647 client-libs javax.imageio PNGMetadata.getAsTree() sets bitDepth to invalid value
7058697 client-libs javax.sound Unexpected exceptions in MID parser code
7058700 client-libs javax.sound Unexpected exceptions and timeouts in SF2 parser code
8054431 client-libs javax.sound Some of the input validation in the javasound is too strict
6302052 client-libs javax.swing Reference to nonexistant Class in javadoc
6521706 client-libs javax.swing A switch operator in JFrame.processWindowEvent() should be rewritten
7169583 client-libs javax.swing JInternalFrame title not antialiased in Nimbus LaF
7170310 client-libs javax.swing ScrollBar doesn't become active when tabs are created more than frame size
8029536 client-libs javax.swing JFileChooser filter uses .toString() instead of getDescription() for filter text on GTK laf
8033699 client-libs javax.swing Incorrect radio button behavior
8042835 client-libs javax.swing Unexpected mnemonic in JFileChooser
8046559 client-libs javax.swing NPE when changing Windows theme
8048110 client-libs javax.swing Using tables in JTextPane leads to infinite loop in FlowLayout.layoutRow
8048887 client-libs javax.swing SortingFocusTraversalPolicy throws IllegalArgumentException from the sort method
8057893 client-libs javax.swing JComboBox actionListener never receives "comboBoxEdited" from getActionCommand
8058193 client-libs javax.swing [macosx] Potential incomplete fix for 8031485
8058870 client-libs javax.swing Mac: JFXPanel deadlocks in jnlp mode
8059739 client-libs javax.swing Dragged and Dropped data is corrupted for two data types
8059943 client-libs javax.swing [macosx] Aqua LaF should use BI.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE for a better performance
8065098 client-libs javax.swing JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop between two JVM instances
8044533 core-libs   Deoptimizing negation produces wrong result for zero
8044534 core-libs   Constant folding for unary + should produce int for boolean literals
8044638 core-libs   Tidy up Nashorn codebase for code standards
8044816 core-libs   On-demand compiled top-level program doesn't need :createProgramFunction
8046201 core-libs   Avoid repeated flattening of nested ConsStrings
8056926 core-libs   Improve caching of GuardWithTest combinator
7011804 core-libs SequenceInputStream with lots of empty substreams can cause StackOverflowError
8055949 core-libs ByteArrayOutputStream capacity should be maximal array size permitted by VM
6853696 core-libs java.lang (ref) ReferenceQueue.remove(timeout) may return null even if timeout has not expired
8000975 core-libs java.lang (process) Merge &
8047340 core-libs java.lang (process) Runtime.exec() fails in Turkish locale
8048515 core-libs java.lang Read outside array bounds in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/lang/java_props_md.c
8054841 core-libs java.lang (process) ProcessBuilder leaks native memory
8060485 core-libs java.lang (str) contentEquals checks the String contents twice on mismatch
8031373 core-libs java.lang.invoke Fix deprecation and raw lint warnings in java.lang.invoke
8037209 core-libs java.lang.invoke Improvements and cleanups to bytecode assembly for lambda forms
8037210 core-libs java.lang.invoke Get rid of char-based descriptions 'J' of basic types
8038261 core-libs java.lang.invoke JSR292: cache and reuse typed array accessors
8049555 core-libs java.lang.invoke Move varargsArray from sun.invoke.util package to java.lang.invoke
8050052 core-libs java.lang.invoke Small cleanups in java.lang.invoke code
8050053 core-libs java.lang.invoke Improve caching of different invokers
8050057 core-libs java.lang.invoke Improve caching of MethodHandle reinvokers
8050166 core-libs java.lang.invoke Get rid of some package-private methods on arguments in j.l.i.MethodHandle
8050173 core-libs java.lang.invoke Generalize BMH.copyWith API to all method handles
8050174 core-libs java.lang.invoke Support overriding of isInvokeSpecial flag in WrappedMember
8050200 core-libs java.lang.invoke Make LambdaForm intrinsics detection more robust
8050877 core-libs java.lang.invoke Improve code for pairwise argument conversions and value boxing/unboxing
8050884 core-libs java.lang.invoke Intrinsify ValueConversions.identity() functions
8050887 core-libs java.lang.invoke Intrinsify constants for default values
8057020 core-libs java.lang.invoke LambdaForm caches should support eviction
8057042 core-libs java.lang.invoke LambdaFormEditor: ability to derive new LFs from a base LF
8057654 core-libs java.lang.invoke Extract checks performed during MethodHandle construction into separate methods
8057656 core-libs java.lang.invoke Improve MethodType.isCastableTo() & MethodType.isConvertibleTo() checks
8057657 core-libs java.lang.invoke Annotate LambdaForm parameters with types
8057922 core-libs java.lang.invoke Improve LambdaForm sharing by using LambdaFormEditor more extensively
8058291 core-libs java.lang.invoke Missing some checks during parameter validation
8058293 core-libs java.lang.invoke Bit set computation in MHs.findFirstDupOrDrop/findFirstDrop is broken
8058661 core-libs java.lang.invoke Compiled LambdaForms should inherit from Object to improve class loading performance
8058892 core-libs java.lang.invoke FILL_ARRAYS and ARRAYS are eagely initialized in MethodHandleImpl
8059877 core-libs java.lang.invoke GWT branch frequencies pollution due to LF sharing
8059880 core-libs java.lang.invoke Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation
8060483 core-libs java.lang.invoke NPE with explicitCastArguments unboxing null
8063135 core-libs java.lang.invoke Enable full LF sharing by default
8066746 core-libs java.lang.invoke MHs.explicitCastArguments does incorrect type checks for VarargsCollector
8064667 core-libs java.lang:class_loading Add -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs flag to JDK 8
8065675 core-libs java.lang:class_loading Deprecate the Endorsed-Standards Override Mechanism
8065702 core-libs java.lang:class_loading Deprecate the Extension Mechanism
8054987 core-libs java.lang:reflect (reflect) Add sharing of annotations between instances of Executable
8055063 core-libs java.lang:reflect Parameter#toString() fails w/ AIOOBE for ctr of inner class w/ generic type
8062771 core-libs java.lang:reflect Core reflection should use final fields whenever possible
8064391 core-libs java.lang:reflect More thread safety problems in core reflection
8057793 core-libs java.math BigDecimal is no longer effectively immutable
7010989 core-libs Duplicate closure of file descriptors leads to unexpected and incorrect closure of sockets
7150092 core-libs NTLM authentication fail if user specified a different realm
8029607 core-libs Type of Service (TOS) cannot be set in IPv6 header
8042622 core-libs Check for CRL results in IllegalArgumentException "white space not allowed"
8047186 core-libs throws InvocationTargetException instead of original runtime exceptions
8048212 core-libs Two tests failed with " Bad protocol option" on Windows after 8029607
8050983 core-libs Misplaced parentheses in break HTTP PUT streaming
8057936 core-libs uses exceptions in control flow
8058216 core-libs NetworkInterface.getHardwareAddress can return zero length byte array when run with preferIPv4Stack
8062744 core-libs does not support IP_TOS
8011537 core-libs java.nio (fs) Path.register(..) clears interrupt status of thread with no InterruptedException
8042470 core-libs java.nio (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified
8042816 core-libs java.nio (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified, part 2
8054029 core-libs java.nio (fc) FileChannel.size() returns 0 for block devices on Linux
8055421 core-libs java.nio (fs) bad error handling in java.base/unix/native/libnio/fs/UnixNativeDispatcher.c
8062501 core-libs java.nio Modifications of server socket channel accept() methods for instrumentation purposes
8062233 core-libs java.rmi add java/rmi/server/Unreferenced/finiteGCLatency/ to problem list
8039915 core-libs java.text Wrong NumberFormat.format() HALF_UP rounding when last digit exactly at rounding position greater than 5
8042126 core-libs java.time DateTimeFormatter "MMMMM" returns English value in Japanese locale
8044671 core-libs java.time NPE from JapaneseEra when a new era is defined in
8040806 core-libs java.util BitSet.toString() can throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
8048209 core-libs java.util SynchronizedNavigableSet tailSet uses wrong mutex
8056248 core-libs java.util.concurrent Improve ForkJoin thread throttling
8056249 core-libs java.util.concurrent Improve CompletableFuture resource usage
8066397 core-libs java.util.concurrent Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom
8048020 core-libs java.util.logging Regression on java.util.logging.FileHandler
8059269 core-libs java.util.logging FileHandler may throw NPE if pattern is a simple name and the lock file already exists
8065991 core-libs java.util.logging LogManager unecessarily calls JavaAWTAccess from within a critical section
8029452 core-libs Fork/Join task ForEachOps.ForEachOrderedTask clarifications and minor improvements
8030079 core-libs Fix raw and unchecked warnings
6904367 core-libs java.util:collections (coll) IdentityHashMap is resized before exceeding the expected maximum size
8033893 core-libs java.util:i18n jdk build is broken due to the changeset of JDK-8033370
8060006 core-libs java.util:i18n No Russian time zones mapping for Windows
8047062 core-libs javax.naming Improve diagnostic output in com/sun/jndi/ldap/
8049884 core-libs javax.naming Reduce possible timing noise in com/sun/jndi/ldap/
8062132 core-libs javax.script Nashorn incorrectly binds "this" for constructor created by another function
8066932 core-libs javax.script __noSuchMethod__ binds to this-object without proper guard
8025435 core-libs jdk.nashorn Specialized library functions for optimistic typing
8028345 core-libs jdk.nashorn Remove nashorn repo "bin" scripts to avoid confusion with JDK bin launcher programs
8029090 core-libs jdk.nashorn Developers should be able to pass nashorn properties and enable/disable JFR from command line
8035312 core-libs jdk.nashorn push() on frozen array increases its length property
8038396 core-libs jdk.nashorn 8037534 breaks richards Octane benchmark
8038413 core-libs jdk.nashorn NPE in unboxInteger
8038416 core-libs jdk.nashorn Access to undefined scoped variables deoptimized too much
8040024 core-libs jdk.nashorn BranchOptimizer produces bad code for NaN FP comparison
8043002 core-libs jdk.nashorn Improve performance of Nashorn equality operators
8043003 core-libs jdk.nashorn Use strongly referenced generic invokers
8043004 core-libs jdk.nashorn Reduce variability at JavaAdapter call sites
8043133 core-libs jdk.nashorn Fix corner cases of JDK-8041995
8043137 core-libs jdk.nashorn Collapse long sequences of NOP in Nashorn bytecode output
8043232 core-libs jdk.nashorn Index selection of overloaded java new constructors
8043235 core-libs jdk.nashorn Type-based optimizations interfere with continuation methods
8043431 core-libs jdk.nashorn Fix yet another corner case of JDK-8041995
8043605 core-libs jdk.nashorn Enable history for empty property maps
8043956 core-libs jdk.nashorn Make code caching work with optimistic typing and lazy compilation
8044171 core-libs jdk.nashorn Make optimistic exception handlers smaller
8044502 core-libs jdk.nashorn Get rid of global optimistic flag
8044518 core-libs jdk.nashorn Ensure exceptions related to optimistic recompilation are not serializable
8044803 core-libs jdk.nashorn Unnecessary restOf check in CodeGenerator.undefinedCheck
8044851 core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn properties leak memory
8046013 core-libs jdk.nashorn TypeError: Cannot apply "with" to non script object
8046014 core-libs jdk.nashorn MultiGlobalCompiledScript used to cache method handle and strict mode - not anymore
8046202 core-libs jdk.nashorn Make persistent code store more flexible
8046215 core-libs jdk.nashorn Running uncompilable scripts throws NullPointerException
8046921 core-libs jdk.nashorn Deoptimization type information peristence
8047331 core-libs jdk.nashorn Assertion in CompiledFunction when running earley-boyer after Merge
8047764 core-libs jdk.nashorn Indexed or polymorphic set on global affects Object.prototype
8048009 core-libs jdk.nashorn Type info caching accidentally defeated
8048079 core-libs jdk.nashorn Persistent code store is broken after optimistic types merge
8048505 core-libs jdk.nashorn readFully does not handle ConsString file names
8048586 core-libs jdk.nashorn String concatenation with optimistic types is slow
8048718 core-libs jdk.nashorn JSON.parse('{"0":0, "64":0}') throws ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException
8049086 core-libs jdk.nashorn Minor API convenience functions on "Java" object
8049242 core-libs jdk.nashorn Explicit constructor overload selection should work with StaticClass as well
8049524 core-libs jdk.nashorn Global object initialization via javax.script API should be minimal
8050432 core-libs jdk.nashorn javax.script.filename variable should not be enumerable with nashorn engine's ENGINE_SCOPE bindings
8050964 core-libs jdk.nashorn should use java.util.Date instead of java.sql.Date
8050977 core-libs jdk.nashorn Java8 Javascript Nashorn exception: no current Global instance for nashorn
8051439 core-libs jdk.nashorn Wrong type calculated for ADD operator with undefined operand
8051778 core-libs jdk.nashorn Function.prototype.bind doesn't work on all callables
8053910 core-libs jdk.nashorn ScriptObjectMirror causing havoc with Invocation interface
8053913 core-libs jdk.nashorn Auto format caused warning in CompositeTypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker
8054223 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn: AssertionError when use __DIR__ and ScriptEngine.eval()
8054411 core-libs jdk.nashorn Add "nashorn.args.prepend" system property
8054503 core-libs jdk.nashorn test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch12/12.6/12.6.4/12.6.4-2.js fails with tip
8054651 core-libs jdk.nashorn Global.initConstructor and ScriptFunction.getPrototype(Object) can have stricter types
8054898 core-libs jdk.nashorn Avoid creation of empty type info files
8055034 core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs exits interactive mode if exception was thrown when trying to print value of last evaluated expression
8055042 core-libs jdk.nashorn Compile-time expression evaluator was missing variables
8055107 core-libs jdk.nashorn Extension directives to turn on callsite profiling, tracing, AST print and other debug features locally
8055199 core-libs jdk.nashorn Tidy up Nashorn codebase for code standards (August 2014)
8055687 core-libs jdk.nashorn Wrong "this" passed to JSObject.eval call
8055762 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn misses linker for netscape.javascript.JSObject instances
8055796 core-libs jdk.nashorn JSObject and browser JSObject linkers should provide fallback to call underlying Java methods directly
8055870 core-libs jdk.nashorn iteration fails if index var is not used
8055906 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ApplySpecialization$1.leaveIdentNode() should throw stackless Exception
8055911 core-libs jdk.nashorn Questionable String.intern() in
8055913 core-libs jdk.nashorn delegates to Object.hashCode() and is hot
8055923 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.{codegen.CompilationPhase|runtime.Timing} should use System.nanoTime
8055954 core-libs jdk.nashorn Questionable use of parallelStream() in jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context$ContextCodeInstaller.initialize()
8056025 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilationPhase.setStates() is hot in class installation phase
8056052 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source.getContent() does excess Object.clone()
8056123 core-libs jdk.nashorn Anonymous function statements leak internal function names into global scope
8056129 core-libs jdk.nashorn AtomicInteger is treated as primitive number with optimistic compilation
8056978 core-libs jdk.nashorn ClassCastException: cannot cast jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JO*
8057019 core-libs jdk.nashorn Additional arguments to Function.prototype.apply messes up actual arguments passed
8057021 core-libs jdk.nashorn UserAccessorProperty guards fail with multiple globals
8057148 core-libs jdk.nashorn Skip nested functions on reparse
8057551 core-libs jdk.nashorn Make class dumping available outside --compile-only mode
8057588 core-libs jdk.nashorn Lots of trivial classes are generated by Nashorn compiler
8057611 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk/nashorn/internal/scripts/JO* classes are missing from the generated methods dump
8057691 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn: let & const declarations are not shared between scripts
8057703 core-libs jdk.nashorn Still, lots of trivial classes are generated by Nashorn compiler
8057743 core-libs jdk.nashorn Single quotes must be escaped in message resource file
8057825 core-libs jdk.nashorn emitted socket arg becomes null in avatar.js http tests
8057930 core-libs jdk.nashorn Remove "eval id" from eval locations
8057931 core-libs jdk.nashorn Instead of not skipping small functions in parser, make lexer avoid them instead
8057980 core-libs jdk.nashorn let & const: remaining issues with lexical scoping
8058100 core-libs jdk.nashorn Reduce the RecompilableScriptFunctionData footprint
8058179 core-libs jdk.nashorn Global constants get in the way of self-modifying properties
8058304 core-libs jdk.nashorn Non-serializable fields in serializable classes
8058422 core-libs jdk.nashorn Users should be able to overwrite "context" and "engine" variables
8058561 core-libs jdk.nashorn NullPointerException at
8058610 core-libs jdk.nashorn Pessimistic LMUL used where optimistic should be
8058615 core-libs jdk.nashorn Overload resolution ambiguity involving ConsString
8059231 core-libs jdk.nashorn Octane Raytrace fails when optimistic typing turned off
8059236 core-libs jdk.nashorn Memory leak when executing octane pdfjs with optimistic typing
8059321 core-libs jdk.nashorn Significant parser/frontend overhead in recompilation of avatar.js
8059346 core-libs jdk.nashorn Single class loader is used to load compiled bytecode
8059370 core-libs jdk.nashorn Unnecessary work in deoptimizing recompilation
8059371 core-libs jdk.nashorn Code duplication in handling of break and continue
8059372 core-libs jdk.nashorn Code duplication in split emitter
8059443 core-libs jdk.nashorn Logical NOT operator throws NullPointerException for null Boolean return values
8059813 core-libs jdk.nashorn Type Info Cache flag must must be documented
8059938 core-libs jdk.nashorn NPE restoring cached script with optimistic types disabled
8060011 core-libs jdk.nashorn Concatenating an array and converting it to Java gives wrong result
8060101 core-libs jdk.nashorn AssertionError: __noSuchProperty__ placeholder called from NativeJavaImporter
8060471 core-libs jdk.nashorn GlobalConstants.findSetMethod calls DynamicLinker.getLinkedCallSiteLocation, which does Throwables
8060688 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn: Generated script class name fails --verify-code for names with special chars
8061113 core-libs jdk.nashorn Boolean used as optimistic call return type
8061257 core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn ant build script should have a sanity target
8061959 core-libs jdk.nashorn Missing ArrayBuffer.isView() Method
8062024 core-libs jdk.nashorn Issue with date.setFullYear when time other than midnight
8062308 core-libs jdk.nashorn b36 of 9 introduces regressions over b35 when running lyra
8062381 core-libs jdk.nashorn String.prototype.charCodeAt called with invalid index throws ClassCastException
8062386 core-libs jdk.nashorn Different versions of nashorn use same code cache directory
8062490 core-libs jdk.nashorn JDK-8061391 regresses typescript: OOME with too fat SparseArrayData instances
8062583 core-libs jdk.nashorn Throwing object with error prototype causes error proto to be caught
8062624 core-libs jdk.nashorn java.lang.String methods not available on concatenated strings
8062799 core-libs jdk.nashorn Binary logical expressions can have numeric types
8062937 core-libs jdk.nashorn GlobalConstants produces wrong result with Object.defineProperty
8063036 core-libs jdk.nashorn Cosmetics: The recompile log produces double lines for some reason
8063037 core-libs jdk.nashorn Trivial bugfixing and exception reuse in ApplySpecialization
8064467 core-libs jdk.nashorn Deoptimization type information persistence doesn't work - "Failed to calculate version dir name"
8064707 core-libs jdk.nashorn Remove NativeArray link logic fields
8064789 core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn should just warn on code store instantiation error
8065769 core-libs jdk.nashorn OOM on Window/Solaris in test compile-octane-splitter.js
8065985 core-libs jdk.nashorn Inlining failure of Number.doubleValue() in JSType.toNumeric() causes 15% peak perf regresion on Box2D
8066119 core-libs jdk.nashorn Missing resource
8066146 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.api.scripting package javadoc should be included in jdk docs
8066669 core-libs jdk.nashorn dust.js performance regression caused by primitive field conversion
8067136 core-libs jdk.nashorn BrowserJSObjectLinker does not handle call on JSObjects
8067219 core-libs jdk.nashorn NPE in ScriptObject.clone() when running with object fields
8068573 core-libs jdk.nashorn POJO setter using [] syntax throws an exception
8068889 core-libs jdk.nashorn Calling a @FunctionalInterface from JS leaks internal objects
8069002 core-libs jdk.nashorn REGRESSION: test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch11/11.2/11.2.3/S11.2.3_A3_T5.js fails with tip
8042123 core-svc   Support default and static interface methods in JDI, JDWP and JDB
8044473 core-svc   Allow for extended set of platform MXBeans
8064288 core-svc should loadLibrary()
8028430 core-svc debugger JDI: ReferenceType.visibleMethods() return wrong visible methods
8056049 core-svc getProcessCpuLoad() stops working in one process when a different process exits
8065397 core-svc Remove from EXFILES list
8049303 core-svc Transient network problems cause JMX thread to fail silenty
8039173 core-svc tools Propagate errors from Diagnostic Commands as exceptions in the attach framework
8044135 core-svc tools Add API to start JMX agent from attach framework
8049340 core-svc tools sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ timed out
8027809 deploy   ClassNotFound exception when loading jnlp applet in nested resource tag
8031989 deploy   Provide API to get all the JNLP artifacts
8037417 deploy   javaws fails to launch app with empty href in jnlp file if Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase is used
8038599 deploy   Move and to deploy
8039007 deploy   jdeps incorrectly reports javax.jnlp as JDK internal APIs
8046476 deploy   VPAT: Application Blocked dialog issues
8049088 deploy   Close icon not highlighted and no name/description readable by screen readers
8052106 deploy   [jcck] extra mnemonics in security dialog.
8054971 deploy   Applet is blocked when requesting sandbox permission and loading loose resource
8059136 deploy   Reverse removal of applet demos [backout 8015376]
8062183 deploy   Change the order of linux proxy detection
8068969 deploy   Add missing information to AppModel
8037471 deploy deployment_toolkit The warning message displays the app name and publisher as "UNKNOWN" if cache is disabled
8046709 deploy deployment_toolkit Java Control Panel Security Level Radio Buttons do not have name, screen read not able to read the name
8059387 deploy javafx Unexpected SSV warning appears on Linux for FX applet requesting JRE 1.7+
8060719 deploy javafx TrustDecider.checkMainJarManifest will fail for fx app with embedded certificate.
6845304 deploy plugin HTMLStyleElement can't be cast to LinkStyle
8011182 deploy plugin Unable to enable the last jre remaining on the system
8023095 deploy plugin Applet with legacy_lifecycle=true and jdwp properties destroyed on browseaway
8025917 deploy plugin JDK demo applets not running with >=7u40 or (JDK 8 and JDK 9)
8032835 deploy plugin Security Dialogs should display OU/O field for Publisher if CN field is empty
8042626 deploy plugin Exception occurs when writing many texts to java console
8042696 deploy plugin Existing Java method cannot be called from JavaScript in IE
8043230 deploy plugin MacNPAPIJavaPlugin incorrectly constructed which sometimes causes Applet not to load
8043231 deploy plugin [mac] Too long pipe names: sometimes duplicate names arisesm when many applets on page
8023094 deploy webstart web start short cut icon disappear when launch disconnected
8027019 deploy webstart Sometimes, codebase property is not written in .lap file in cache before loading app
8029579 deploy webstart "Application Error" dialog will show up after click "OK" on "Application Blocked" dialog
8046501 deploy webstart DRS - cert based run rule doesn't work when running offline
8051890 deploy webstart Java Web Start raises "Unable to create a shortcut for <APP_NAME>" dialog
8055179 deploy webstart Security Dialog for unsigned jnlp still different in jnlp Application case.
8064358 deploy webstart JnlpxArgs NullPointerException
8066447 deploy webstart 8u40: URL.openConnection fails with exception if "use browser settings" is set and browser itself uses system settings
8055175 globalization translation [de] Truncation issue in EULA dialog.
8058184 hotspot   Move _highest_comp_level and _highest_osr_comp_level from MethodData to MethodCounters
6351437 hotspot compiler PIT : compiler/6329104/ fails due to execution time variation
6642881 hotspot compiler Improve performance of Class.getClassLoader()
6898462 hotspot compiler The escape analysis with G1 cause crash assertion src/share/vm/runtime/vframeArray.cpp:94
8023461 hotspot compiler Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on: MethodCompileQueue_lock
8026796 hotspot compiler Make replace_in_map() on parent maps generic
8029443 hotspot compiler 'assert(klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive' during VM_CollectForMetadataAllocation
8031994 hotspot compiler java/lang/Character/CheckProp test times out
8034775 hotspot compiler Failing to initialize VM when running with negative value for -XX:CICompilerCount
8035328 hotspot compiler closed/compiler/6595044/ failed with timeout
8035605 hotspot compiler Expand functionality of PredictedIntrinsicGenerator
8035968 hotspot compiler C2 support for SHA on SPARC
8039498 hotspot compiler Add iterators to GrowableArray
8040798 hotspot compiler compiler/startup/ timed out in RT_Baseline
8041984 hotspot compiler CompilerThread seems to occupy all CPU in a very rare situation
8041992 hotspot compiler Fix of JDK-8034775 neglects to account for non-JIT VMs
8042235 hotspot compiler redefining method used by multiple MethodHandles crashes VM
8042428 hotspot compiler CompileQueue::free_all() code is incorrect
8042431 hotspot compiler compiler/7200264/ fails with: Test Failed: AddVI 0 < 4
8042737 hotspot compiler Introduce umbrella header prefetch.inline.hpp
8044538 hotspot compiler assert(which != imm_operand) failed: instruction is not a movq reg, imm64
8046289 hotspot compiler compiler/6340864/ timeout with
8046698 hotspot compiler assert(false) failed: only Initialize or AddP expected macro.cpp:943
8047326 hotspot compiler Consolidate all CompiledIC::CompiledIC implementations and move it to compiledIC.cpp
8047362 hotspot compiler Add a version of CompiledIC_at that doesn't create a new RelocIterator
8047373 hotspot compiler Clean the ExceptionCache in one pass
8047383 hotspot compiler SIGBUS in C2 compiled method weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.jaxrpc.EnvironmentFactory$SimulatedWsdlDefinitions.<init>
8048703 hotspot compiler ReplacedNodes dumps it's content to tty
8048879 hotspot compiler "unexpected yanked node" opto/postaloc.cpp:139
8049252 hotspot compiler VerifyStack logic in Deoptimization::unpack_frames does not expect to see invoke bc at the top frame during normal deoptimization
8049528 hotspot compiler Method marked w/ @ForceInline isn't inlined with "executed < MinInliningThreshold times" message
8049529 hotspot compiler LogCompilation: annotate make_not_compilable with compilation level
8049530 hotspot compiler Provide descriptive failure reason for compilation tasks removed for the queue
8049532 hotspot compiler LogCompilation: C1: inlining tree is flat (no depth is stored)
8050079 hotspot compiler crash while compiling java.lang.ref.Finalizer::runFinalizer
8050972 hotspot compiler Concurrency problem in PcDesc cache
8051344 hotspot compiler JVM crashed in Compile::start() during method parsing w/ UseRTMDeopt turned on
8052081 hotspot compiler Optimize code generated by C2 for Intel's Atom processor
8054224 hotspot compiler Recursive method that was compiled by C1 is unable to catch StackOverflowError
8054376 hotspot compiler Move RTM flags from Experimental to Product
8054402 hotspot compiler "klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive" for anonymous classes
8054478 hotspot compiler C2: Incorrectly compiled char[] array access crashes JVM
8054927 hotspot compiler Missing MemNode::acquire ordering in some volatile Load nodes
8055286 hotspot compiler Extend CompileCommand=option to handle numeric parameters
8055494 hotspot compiler Add C2 x86 intrinsic for BigInteger::multiplyToLen() method
8055946 hotspot compiler assert(result == NULL || result->is_oop()) failed: must be oop
8056071 hotspot compiler compiler/whitebox/ fails with 'method() is not compilable after 3 iterations'
8056124 hotspot compiler Hotspot should use PICL interface to get cacheline size on SPARC
8056964 hotspot compiler JDK-8055286 changes are incomplete.
8057129 hotspot compiler Fix AIX build after the Extend CompileCommand=option change 8055286
8057750 hotspot compiler CTW should not make MH intrinsics not entrant
8057758 hotspot compiler Tests run TypeProfileLevel=222 crash with guarantee(0) failed: must find derived/base pair
8058148 hotspot compiler MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff should be increased
8058536 hotspot compiler java/lang/instrument/ fails due to VirtualMachineError: out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic
8058564 hotspot compiler Tiered compilation performance drop in PIT
8058744 hotspot compiler Crash in C1 OSRed method w/ Unsafe usage
8058825 hotspot compiler EA: ConnectionGraph::split_unique_types does incorrect scalar replacement
8058828 hotspot compiler Wrong ciConstant type for arrays from ConstantPool::_resolved_reference
8058847 hotspot compiler C2: EliminateAutoBox regression after 8042786
8059139 hotspot compiler It should be possible to explicitly disable usage of TZCNT instr w/ -XX:-UseBMI1Instructions
8059226 hotspot compiler Names of rtm_state_change and unstable_if deoptimization reasons were swapped in 8u40
8059299 hotspot compiler assert(adr_type != NULL) failed: expecting TypeKlassPtr
8059556 hotspot compiler C2: crash while inlining MethodHandle invocation w/ null receiver
8059592 hotspot compiler Recent bugfixes in ppc64 port.
8059621 hotspot compiler JVM crashes with "unexpected index type" assert in LIRGenerator::do_UnsafeGetRaw
8059780 hotspot compiler SPECjvm2008-MPEG performance regressions on x64 platforms
8060147 hotspot compiler SIGSEGV in Metadata::mark_on_stack() while marking metadata in ciEnv
8062169 hotspot compiler Multiple OSR compilations issued for same bci
8062950 hotspot compiler Bug in locking code when UseOptoBiasInlining is disabled: assert(dmw->is_neutral()) failed: invariant
8065618 hotspot compiler C2 RA incorrectly removes kill projections
8066045 hotspot compiler opto/node.hpp:355, assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
8066103 hotspot compiler C2's range check smearing allows out of bound array accesses
8066199 hotspot compiler C2 escape analysis prevents VM from exiting quickly
8066775 hotspot compiler opto/node.hpp:355, assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
8066900 hotspot compiler Array Out Of Bounds Exception causes variable corruption
8067144 hotspot compiler SIGSEGV with +TraceDeoptimization in Deoptimization::print_objects
7132678 hotspot gc G1: verify that the marking bitmaps have no marks for objects over TAMS
8019342 hotspot gc G1: High "Other" time most likely due to card redirtying
8024366 hotspot gc Make UseNUMA enable UseNUMAInterleaving
8026784 hotspot gc Error message in AdaptiveFreeList<Chunk>::verify_stats is wrong
8027553 hotspot gc Change the in_cset_fast_test functionality to use the G1BiasedArray abstraction
8027959 hotspot gc Early reclamation of large objects in G1
8028710 hotspot gc G1 does not retire allocation buffers after reference processing work
8032379 hotspot gc Remove the is_scavenging flag to process_strong_roots
8033764 hotspot gc Remove the usage of StarTask from BufferingOopClosure
8033923 hotspot gc Use BufferingOopClosure for G1 code root scanning
8034056 hotspot gc assert(_heap_alignment >= _space_alignment) failed: heap_alignment less than space_alignment
8034761 hotspot gc Remove the do_code_roots parameter from process_strong_roots
8034764 hotspot gc Use process_strong_roots to adjust the StringTable
8035393 hotspot gc Use CLDClosure instead of CLDToOopClosure in frame::oops_interpreted_do
8035400 hotspot gc Move G1ParScanThreadState into its own files
8035401 hotspot gc Fix visibility of G1ParScanThreadState members
8035412 hotspot gc Cleanup ClassLoaderData::is_alive
8035648 hotspot gc Don't use Handle in java_lang_String::print
8035746 hotspot gc Add missing Klass::oop_is_instanceClassLoader() function
8037344 hotspot gc Use the "next" field to iterate over fine remembered instead of using the hash table
8037958 hotspot gc ConcurrentMark::cleanup leaks BitMaps if VerifyDuringGC is enabled
8038265 hotspot gc CMS: enable time based triggering of concurrent cycles
8038399 hotspot gc Remove dead oop_iterate MemRegion variants from SharedHeap, Generation and Space classes
8038404 hotspot gc Move object_iterate_mem from Space to CMS since it is only ever used by CMS
8038405 hotspot gc Clean up some virtual fucntions in Space class hierarchy
8038412 hotspot gc Move object_iterate_careful down from Space to ContigousSpace and CFLSpace
8038423 hotspot gc G1: Decommit memory within the heap
8038829 hotspot gc G1: More useful information in a few assert messages
8038928 hotspot gc gc/g1/ fail with "[Evacuation Failure' found"
8039147 hotspot gc Cleanup SuspendibleThreadSet
8039596 hotspot gc Remove HeapRegionRemSet::clear_incoming_entry
8040002 hotspot gc Clean up code and code duplication in re-diryting cards for verification
8040722 hotspot gc G1: Clean up usages of heap_region_containing
8040792 hotspot gc G1: Memory usage calculation uses sizeof(this) instead of sizeof(classname)
8040977 hotspot gc G1 crashes when run with -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate
8042255 hotspot gc make gc src file exclusion more automatic
8043607 hotspot gc Add a GC id as a log decoration similar to PrintGCTimeStamps
8043722 hotspot gc Swapped usage of idx_t and bm_word_t types in parMarkBitMap.cpp
8043723 hotspot gc max_heap_for_compressed_oops() declared with size_t, but defined with uintx
8046670 hotspot gc Make CMS metadata aware closures applicable for other collectors
8047323 hotspot gc Remove unused _copy_metadata_obj_cl in G1CopyingKeepAliveClosure
8047818 hotspot gc G1 HeapRegions can no longer be ContiguousSpaces
8047819 hotspot gc G1 HeapRegionDCTOC does not need to inherit ContiguousSpaceDCTOC
8047820 hotspot gc G1 Block offset table does not need to support generic Space classes
8047821 hotspot gc G1 Does not use the save_marks functionality as intended
8047976 hotspot gc Ergonomics for GC thread counts should update the flags
8048085 hotspot gc Aborting marking just before remark results in useless additional clearing of the next mark bitmap
8048088 hotspot gc Conservative maximum heap alignment should take vm_allocation_granularity into account
8048112 hotspot gc G1 Full GC needs to support the case when the very first region is not available
8048214 hotspot gc Linker error when compiling G1SATBCardTableModRefBS after include order changes
8048268 hotspot gc G1 Code Root Migration performs poorly
8048269 hotspot gc Add flag to turn off class unloading after G1 concurrent mark
8049051 hotspot gc Use of during_initial_mark_pause() in G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() prevents use of seperate object copy time prediction during marking
8049411 hotspot gc Minimal VM build broken after gcId.cpp was added
8049421 hotspot gc G1 Class Unloading after completing a concurrent mark cycle
8049426 hotspot gc Minor cleanups after G1 class unloading
8049831 hotspot gc Metadata Full GCs are not triggered when CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is turned off
8050973 hotspot gc CMS/G1 GC: add missing Resource and Handle mark
8051973 hotspot gc Eager reclaim leaves marks of marked but reclaimed objects on the next bitmap
8052170 hotspot gc G1 asserts at collection exit with -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate
8052172 hotspot gc Evacuation failure handling in G1 does not evacuate all objects if -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate is set
8054341 hotspot gc Remove some obsolete code in G1CollectedHeap class
8054808 hotspot gc Bitmap verification sometimes fails after Full GC aborts concurrent marking
8054818 hotspot gc Refactor HeapRegionSeq to manage heap region and auxiliary data
8054819 hotspot gc Rename HeapRegionSeq to HeapRegionManager
8054970 hotspot gc gc src file exclusion should exclude alternative sources
8055006 hotspot gc Store original value of Min/MaxHeapFreeRatio
8055525 hotspot gc Bigapp weblogic+medrec fails to startup after JDK-8038423
8055635 hotspot gc Missing include in g1RegionToSpaceMapper.hpp results in unresolved symbol of fastdebug build without precompiled headers
8055816 hotspot gc Remove dead code in g1BlockOffsetTable
8055919 hotspot gc Remove dead code in G1 concurrent marking code
8056043 hotspot gc G1 does not uncommit within the heap after JDK-8038423
8056240 hotspot gc Investigate increased GC remark time after class unloading changes in CRM Fuse
8057143 hotspot gc Incomplete renaming of variables containing "hrs" to "hrm" related to HeapRegionSeq
8057531 hotspot gc refactor gc argument processing code slightly
8057536 hotspot gc Refactor G1 to allow context specific allocations
8057658 hotspot gc Enable G1 FullGC extensions
8057710 hotspot gc Refactor G1 heap region default sizes
8057713 hotspot gc Destroy resource context and clean out allocation context
8057722 hotspot gc G1: Code root hashtable updated incorrectly when evacuation failed
8057768 hotspot gc Make heap region region type in G1 HeapRegion explicit
8057799 hotspot gc G1: Unnecessary NULL check in G1KeepAliveClosure
8057818 hotspot gc collect allocation context statistics at gc pauses
8057824 hotspot gc methods to copy allocation context statistics
8057827 hotspot gc notify an obj when allocation context stats are available
8057916 hotspot gc Sort includes and verify copyright for new files
8058209 hotspot gc Race in G1 card scanning could allow scanning of memory covered by PLABs
8058235 hotspot gc identify GCs initiated to update allocation context stats
8058475 hotspot gc fails with '.*CMS Initial Mark.*' missing from stdout/stderr
8058568 hotspot gc GC cleanup phase can cause G1 skipping a System.gc()
8059452 hotspot gc G1: Change the default values for G1HeapWastePercent and G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent
8059466 hotspot gc Force young GC to initiate marking cycle when stat update is requested
8059758 hotspot gc Footprint regressions with JDK-8038423
8060116 hotspot gc After JDK-8047976 gc/g1/TestSummarizeRSetStatsThreads fails
8060467 hotspot gc CMS: small OldPLABSize and -XX:-ResizePLAB cause assert(ResizePLAB || n_blks == OldPLABSize) failed: Error
8062036 hotspot gc ConcurrentMarkThread::slt may be invoked before ConcurrentMarkThread::makeSurrogateLockerThread causing intermittent crashes
8062063 hotspot gc Usage of UseHugeTLBFS, UseLargePagesInMetaspace and huge SurvivorAlignmentInBytes cause crashes in CMBitMapClosure::do_bit
8064556 hotspot gc G1: ParallelGCThreads=0 may cause assert(!MetadataOnStackMark::has_buffer_for_thread(Thread::current())) failed: Should be empty
8065227 hotspot gc Report allocation context stats at end of cleanup
8065305 hotspot gc Make it possible to extend the G1CollectorPolicy
8065634 hotspot gc Crash in InstanceKlass::clean_method_data when _method is NULL
8040011 hotspot jfr Metaspace events are missing from JFC files
8034935 hotspot jvmti JSR 292 support for PopFrame has a fragile coupling with DirectMethodHandle
8057043 hotspot jvmti Type annotations not retained during class redefine / retransform
6311046 hotspot runtime -Xcheck:jni should support checking of GetPrimitiveArrayCritical
8025842 hotspot runtime Convert warning("Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on") to fatal(...)
8031376 hotspot runtime TraceClassLoading expects there to be a (Java) caller when you load a class with the bootstrap class loader
8035893 hotspot runtime JVM_GetVersionInfo fails to zero structure
8038268 hotspot runtime VM Crashes in MetaspaceShared::generate_vtable_methods while creating CDS archive with limiting SharedMiscCodeSize
8038422 hotspot runtime CDS test failed: assert((size % os::vm_allocation_granularity()) == 0) failed when limiting SharedMiscDataSize
8042195 hotspot runtime Introduce umbrella header orderAccess.inline.hpp
8043275 hotspot runtime interface initialization for default methods
8046662 hotspot runtime Check JNI ReleaseStringChars / ReleaseStringUTFChars verify_guards test inverted
8046715 hotspot runtime Add a way to verify an extended set of command line options
8048169 hotspot runtime Change 8037816 breaks HS build on PPC64 and CPP-Interpreter platforms
8050942 hotspot runtime PPC64: implement template interpreter for ppc64le
8051002 hotspot runtime Incorrectly merged share/vm/classfile/classFileParser.cpp was pushed to 8u20
8054368 hotspot runtime nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/exit/exit002 crash with detail tracking on (NMT2)
8054546 hotspot runtime NMT2 leaks memory
8054547 hotspot runtime Re-enable warning for incompatible java launcher
8055007 hotspot runtime NMT2: emptyStack missing in minimal build
8055051 hotspot runtime runtime/NMT/ fails
8055061 hotspot runtime assert at share/vm/services/virtualMemoryTracker.cpp:332 Error: ShouldNotReachHere() when running NMT tests
8055236 hotspot runtime Deadlock during NMT2 shutdown on Windows
8055289 hotspot runtime Internal Error: mallocTracker.cpp:146 fatal error: Should not use malloc for big memory block, use virtual memory instead
8055684 hotspot runtime runtime/NMT/ fails
8056084 hotspot runtime Refactor Hashtable to allow implementations without rehashing support
8056175 hotspot runtime Change "8048150: Allow easy configurations for large CDS archives" triggers conversion warning with older GCC
8056971 hotspot runtime Minor class loading clean-up
8057623 hotspot runtime add an extension class for argument handling
8058251 hotspot runtime assert(_count > 0) failed: Negative counter when running runtime/NMT/
8058818 hotspot runtime Allocation of more then 1G of memory using Unsafe.allocateMemory is still causing a fatal error on 32bit platforms
8059100 hotspot runtime SIGSEGV VirtualMemoryTracker::remove_released_region
8059216 hotspot runtime Make PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime print information about stopping threads
8059803 hotspot runtime Update use of GetVersionEx to get correct Windows version in hs_err files
8061651 hotspot runtime Add an interface to the JVM's Class/Resource Lookup Index Cache for improving sun.misc.URLClassPath search time
8064375 hotspot runtime Change certain errors to warnings in CDS output
8064701 hotspot runtime Some CDS optimizations should be disabled if bootclasspath is modified by JVMTI
8065346 hotspot runtime WB_AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch calls JvmtiEnv::create_a_jvmti when not in _thread_in_vm state
8065765 hotspot runtime Missing space in output message from -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs
8066670 hotspot runtime -XX:+PrintSharedArchiveAndExit does not exit the VM when the archive is invalid
8029070 hotspot svc memory leak in jmm_SetVMGlobal
8032247 hotspot svc SA: Constantpool lookup for invokedynamic is not implemented
8035650 hotspot svc Exclude AIX from VS.NET make/windows/projectcreator.make
8044398 hotspot svc Attach code should propagate errors in Diagnostic Commands as errors
8046783 hotspot svc Add hidden field to methods for event based tracing
8055662 hotspot svc Update mapfile for libjfr
8055677 hotspot svc java/lang/instrument/ start failing after JDK-8055012
8057535 hotspot svc add a thread extension class
8057564 hotspot svc JVM hangs at getAgentProperties after attaching to VM with lower IntegrityLevel
8061621 hotspot svc *** java.lang.instrument ASSERTION FAILED ***: "!errorOutstanding" with message transform method call failed at JPLISAgent.c line: 844
8065361 hotspot svc Fixup headers and definitions for INCLUDE_TRACE
8069590 hotspot svc AIX port of "8050807: Better performing performance data handling"
8041383 install   Restore Java-Security Dialog truncated
8048122 install   VPAT: Mnemonics not set for integrated JRE Uninstall Tool buttons
8049060 install   JDK installer "Java Setup" dialog a11y issue
8060057 install   No checkbox "Enable JAB" after installation of public JRE 8 (only x86 JRE)
8062502 install   Make the MacJREInstallerTests scheme shared across project
8065940 install   not compressing the non-english msi's will speed up the build
8067251 install   RegisterDeploy ping not working correctly
8055701 install auto_update Incomplete letters displayed in Java update Welcome dialog
8062407 install auto_update jucheck incorrectly uses cached iftw-au.exe if already present in %TEMP%
8037813 install install Image on in-progress dialog is not localized
8039950 install install JRE installer accessibility issues
8051701 install install [de] Minor truncation in Uninstall out-of-date versions dialog
8057085 install install 64bit offline isn't compressed
8054633 other-libs corba [since-tag]: javadoc for corba classes has invalid @since tag
7095856 other-libs corba:rmi-iiop OutputStreamHook doesn't handle null values
8061830 other-libs other [asm] refresh internal ASM version v5.0.3
8028727 security-libs   [parfait] warnings from b116 for JNI pending exceptions
8063700 security-libs   -Xcheck:jni changes cause many JCK failures in api/javax_crypto tests in SunPKCS11
7107611 security-libs is scalability blocker
8032573 security-libs CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509").generateCertificates(InputStream) does not throw CertificateException for invalid input
8035974 security-libs Refactor DigestBase.engineUpdate() method for better code generation by JIT compiler
8039921 security-libs SHA1WithDSA with key > 1024 bits not working
8042053 security-libs Broken links to jarsigner and keytool docs in package summary
8044215 security-libs Unable to initiate SpNego using a S4U2Proxy GSSCredential (Krb5ProxyCredential)
8058657 security-libs Add @jdk.Exported to com.sun.jarsigner.ContentSigner API
8036970 security-libs javax.crypto Accessing Tomcat 8.0.3 via HTTPS doesn't work using TLS 1.2 GCM with ucrypto provider
8056026 security-libs javax.crypto Debug security logging should print Provider used for each crypto operation
8037745 security-libs javax.crypto:pkcs11 Consider re-enabling PKCS11 mechanisms previously disabled due to Solaris bug 7050617
8041142 security-libs javax.crypto:pkcs11 Re-enabling CBC_PAD PKCS11 mechanisms for Solaris
8042982 security-libs Unexpected RuntimeExceptions being thrown by SSLEngine
8052406 security-libs SSLv2Hello protocol may be filtered out unexpectedly
8028780 security-libs JDK KRB5 module throws OutOfMemoryError when CCache is corrupt
8048512 security-libs Uninitialised memory in jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/ec/ECC_JNI.cpp
8046343 security-libs javax.smartcardio (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect('direct') does not work on MacOSX
8049244 security-libs javax.xml.crypto XML Signature performance issue caused by unbuffered signature data
8048194 security-libs org.ietf.jgss GSSContext.acceptSecContext fails when a supported mech is initiator preferred
8048073 security-libs org.ietf.jgss:krb5 Cannot read ccache entry with a realm-less service name
8054817 security-libs org.ietf.jgss:krb5 File ccache only recognizes Linux and Solaris defaults
8029548 tools   (jdeps) use @jdk.Exported to determine supported vs JDK internal API
8048063 tools   (jdeps) Add filtering capability
8050804 tools   (jdeps) Recommend supported API to replace use of JDK internal API
8056051 tools   int[]::clone causes "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:Array"
8068495 tools   Update the protocol for references of to HTTPS in langtools.
8033421 tools javac @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") does not work when overriding deprecated method
8033483 tools javac Should ignore nested lambda bodies during overload resolution
8036953 tools javac Fix timing of varargs access check, per JDK-8016205
8037404 tools javac javac NPE or VerifyError for code with constructor reference of inner class
8038776 tools javac VerifyError when running successfully compiled java class
8042347 tools javac javac, Gen.LVTAssignAnalyzer should be refactored, it shouldn't be a static class
8043926 tools javac javac, code valid in 7 is not compiling for 8
8044546 tools javac Crash on faulty reduce/lambda
8044737 tools javac Lambda: NPE while obtaining method reference through lambda expression
8044748 tools javac JVM cannot access constructor though ::new reference although can call it directly
8046060 tools javac Different results of floating point multiplication for lambda code block
8047341 tools javac lambda reference to inner class in base class causes LambdaConversionException
8048121 tools javac javac complex method references: revamp and simplify
8049075 tools javac javac, wildcards and generic vararg method invocation not accepted
8051402 tools javac javac, type containment should accept that CAP <= ? extends CAP and CAP <= ? super CAP
8051958 tools javac Cannot assign a value to final variable in lambda
8054210 tools javac NullPointerException when compiling specific code.
8054448 tools javac (ann) Cannot reference field of inner class in an anonymous class
8055514 tools javac Wrong, confusing error when non-static varargs referenced in static context
8056014 tools javac Type inference may be skipped for a complex receiver generic method in a parameter position
8056984 tools javac Exception in compiler: java.lang.AssertionError: isSubClass T
8057794 tools javac Compiler Error when obtaining .class property
8057800 tools javac Method reference with generic type creates NPE when compiling
8058112 tools javac Invalid BootstrapMethod for constructor/method reference
8058511 tools javac StackOverflowError at
8059710 tools javac javac, the same approach used in fix for JDK-8058708 should be applied to Code.closeAliveRanges
8059921 tools javac Missing compile error in Java 8 mode for Interface.super.field access
8062359 tools javac javac Attr crashes with NPE in TypeAnnotationsValidator visitNewClass
8062747 tools javac Compiler error when anonymous class uses method with parametrized exception
8063052 tools javac Inference chokes on wildcard derived from method reference
8066541 tools javac An unknown compilation problem occurred
8067039 tools javac Revert changes to annotation attribute generation
8067111 tools javac Exception in compiler: java.lang.AssertionError: isSubClass E
8042469 tools launcher Launcher changes for native memory tracking scalability enhancement
8058101 tools visualvm Integrate new version of Java VisualVM based on VisualVM 1.3.8 into JDK
8037948 xml   Improve documentation for org.w3c.dom package
8049514 xml javax.xml.validation FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING can not be turned off on a validator through SchemaFactory
8066077 xml jax-ws java.util.MissingResourceException
8032908 xml jaxp getTextContent doesn't return string in JAXP
8062608 xml jaxp BCEL corrupts debug data of methods that use generics


Known Issues


Area: hotspot/gc
Synopsis: Performance degradation on G1 on Solaris when large pages are requested

When using G1 on Solaris where large pages are requested, the VM does not always use large pages when it could. This may result in significant throughput degradation, particularly on the Solaris x64 platform.

See 8058354.

Area: hotspot/compiler
Synopsis: Nondeterministic arithmetic when converting long strings to integers and performing OSR

For JRE 6 and above, when performing OSR on loops with huge stride and/or initial values, in a very rare case the tiered/server compilers can produce non-canonical loop shapes that can produce nondeterministic answers, when answers should be deterministic.

Workaround: Launch Java using the -XX:-UseOnStackReplacement flag.

See 8072753.


Area: Control
Synopsis: Behavior and access of Control#getUserAgentStylesheet method changed in 8u40.

In JDK 8u40, the getUserAgentStylesheet() method moved from the Control class to the Region superclass.

The method was promoted from protected to public, which preserves binary compatibility, but breaks source compatibility for subclasses of Control that override this method. The solution is to make the overridden method public in the subclass of Control.

The semantics of the method are also changed such that any CSS that is applied from CSS files imported via the getUserAgentStylesheet() method is only applied to the Region in which it is a user agent stylesheet. Previously, a CSS file imported in this way could make changes throughout the application user interface, which could result in unintended style clobbering. This is no longer possible from JDK 8u40 onwards, and applications which might have been relying on this unintended behavior, may see differences in styling as a result.

See RT-38640.

Area: Control
Synopsis: PopupControl$CSSBridge changed to extend Pane in 8u40.

In JDK 8u40, the object inheritance hierarchy of the protected javafx.scene.control.PopupControl$CSSBridge inner class has changed in an incompatible manner. Prior to JDK 8u40, PopupControl$CSSBridge extended from Group and now it extends from Pane.

This is primarily an internal class for custom PopupControls such as Tooltip, but it is possible that a third-party control might subclass this class. Such applications that subclass PopupControl$CSSBridge might be affected if they were calling or overriding methods in Group that are not in Pane.

See RT-33696.