Advanced Management Console 2.18 Release Notes

The Java Advanced Management Console (AMC) offers system administrators greater and easier control in managing Java version compatibility and security updates for desktops within their enterprise and for ISVs with Java-based applications and solutions.

AMC is available from My Oracle Support (MOS) and Java Advanced Management Console Downloads page. For an overview of the Advanced Management Console, see the Advanced Management Console product page.

What's New

See the What's New In Advanced Management Console page for descriptions of the additions to the Advanced Management Console features in all releases, so far.


Other Notes

The following points provide additional information about this release:

  • Security Recommendations for WebLogic Server

    AMC requires that you keep your instance of WebLogic Server up-to-date with security patches. We also recommend that you subscribe to receive notifications of Oracle’s Critical Patch Update Advisories and Security Alerts. Refer to for instructions.

  • Java Plug-in Support in Browsers

    Java Plug-in support has been removed from Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers in Windows and macOS platforms.

    For additional information, see:

  • Java Web Start

    Java Web Start has been removed from Java SE 11 and later.

    For additional information, see: Java Client Roadmap Update

  • End of Support for Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.x

    Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.x Extended Support ended in Dec 2019 [1]. Therefore, AMC updates released after Dec 2019 require Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.x. AMC users running on WebLogic Server 12.1.x should upgrade to 12.2.x as soon as possible.


  • No Support for macOS Catalina

    Advanced Management Console Agent is not supported on macOS Catalina due to notarization requirement.

  • End of Support for Windows 7

    Microsoft will not support Windows 7 post January 14, 2020[1]. Consequently, Windows 7 will not be a supported platform for future releases of AMC.


  • Password Reset Support

    The password reset functionality added in AMC 2.17 does not support LDAP accounts.

Known Issue

The following table lists the known issues in the Advanced Management Console 2.18 release.

JAMC Number Description
1 JAMC-8687 WebEnabled JREs not displayed for Linux agent server/desktops
2 JAMC-4933 Web Enabled JREs may not been reported correctly for initial scan when jre version is the same as AMC agent bundled

Fixed Issue

The following table contains a list of issues that were addressed in the Advanced Management Console 2.18 release.

#   JAMC Number Description
1 JAMC-4518 Installer config GET API returns incorrect canonical link of default property
2 JAMC-8126 CSV look corrupted in Excel if it contains UTF-8 data
3 JAMC-8127 CSV file must use CRLF as line endings
4 JAMC-8193 Title of exported HTML file can be specific to the type of data it contains
5 JAMC-8311 JEP C190: Linux Agent for Advanced Management Console
6 JAMC-8468 Stop adding to each JRE
7 JAMC-8472 App names with ampersand '&' cannot display the list of hostnames and JREs
8 JAMC-8520 Update AMC to allow support for Group Replication with MySQL database
9 JAMC-8539 Scanned JREs Incorrectly Reported as Security Baselined Versions
10 JAMC-8551 Handle empty JSON report if user tries to generate report when no data is available
11 JAMC-8568 Upgrade Oracle JET to v8.0.0
12 JAMC-8575 How to find out which desktops are in "Unassigned Desktop Property Count" list?
13 JAMC-8616 Unable to traverse back to login Page from Password reset page
14 JAMC-8637 Provide an option to toggle Password Reset functionality
15 JAMC-8672 Update COPYRIGHT year to 2020 in AMC Version
16 JAMC-8673 Update supported WebLogic Server version in MOS README
17 JAMC-8677 Update text message in 'Export Data' dialog
18 JAMC-8683 Failure when initializing AMC with Oracle Database
19 JAMC-8690 AMC does not remove desktop/server entries from DB post agent uninstallation
20 JAMC-8692 JUT Records are not generated/sent when Java is installed to custom location
21 JAMC-8697 Editing and Saving DRS rules does not give any response on UI
22 JAMC-8710 Java Usage Tracking Settings Section needs update
23 JAMC-8711 System Wide JUT Config Directory not recreated in macOS
24 JAMC-8712 AMC Upgradation Failure
25 JAMC-8714 AMC Admin Console Page not rendering in IE 11 post OJET Update
26 JAMC-8717 Duplicate records in javareleases and securitybaseline tables in cluster setup
27 JAMC-8718 Message drop for locale specific strings
28 JAMC-8725 Unable to add multiple rules to a ruleset due to primary key constraint violation
29 JAMC-8727 Text overlaps with drop-down arrow in Java configuration selection in Install JRE
30 JAMC-8730 Missing borders for optional and editable areas for Java configuration selection
31 JAMC-8735 Agent fails to initiate JRE install with Internal Server Error
32 JAMC-8747 JRE Installer Guide page will redirect to an incorrect URL
33 JAMC-8751 Unexpected Table Field in IE 11 Java Usage Report
34 JAMC-8752 Page numbers are getting trimmed
35 JAMC-8760 Include reference to Linux agent at AMC webui main page
36 JAMC-8775 Check the optional area again there are no borders for the area
37 JAMC-8777 Focus is missing on all menu pop-up combox
38 JAMC-8781 Unable to delete Deployment Rule Set
39 JAMC-8787 Modify the name of function added in JAMC-8777
40 JAMC-8794 Failure on invoking "ant -f buildwebui.xml populate-data -Dpmethod=prepareSampleDataForDesktops" after running reset data command
41 JAMC-8798 Linux Agent Upgradation Failure