Machine Learning in Oracle Database

Machine Learning in Oracle Database supports data exploration, preparation, and machine learning (ML) modeling at scale using SQL, R, Python, REST, automated machine learning (AutoML), and no-code interfaces. It includes more than 30 high performance in-database algorithms producing models for immediate use in applications. By keeping data in the database, organizations can simplify their overall architecture and maintain data synchronization and security. It enables data scientists and other data professionals to build models quickly by simplifying and automating key elements of the machine learning lifecycle.

Oracle Database 23ai 正式发布

Larry Ellison 和 Juan Loaiza 共同探讨了 Oracle Database 23ai 背后的生成式 AI 策略。

Machine Learning in Oracle Database 客户成功案例

UK NHS 使用 Machine Learning in Oracle Database 节省了 10 亿英镑,提供更优质的个性化医疗服务
Certegy 利用 Autonomous Database and Machine Learning in Oracle Database 帮助企业充分减少损失并预防欺诈
Sensa Analytics 缩短了付款报销周期,未结应收账款减少了 39%
Forth Smart 使用 Machine Learning in Oracle Database 降低成本,提高目标广告的成效
BBVA 借助 Machine Learning in Oracle Database,将营销活动中的点击率和转化率提升了高达 40%
NEOS 利用 Machine Learning in Oracle Database 更快、更准确地执行预测模型,从而为客户提供更好的洞察和推荐方案
2024 年 2 月 13 日

OML Model Monitoring UI 助您简化模型监视和 MLOps

甲骨文公司数据科学和机器学习高级总监 Mark Hornick

Oracle Machine Learning Model Monitoring UI 是 Oracle Autonomous Database 易于使用的无代码用户界面。它可以帮助专家和非专家用户深入了解机器学习模型性能如何随时间变化以及这些变化的可能原因。了解为什么模型监视是您实现业务目标的关键,并学习如何通过几次点击即可快速开始使用。


Machine Learning in Oracle Database 参考架构



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