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Oracle Hardware Certification Test Suite 5.8

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Updated: November 2016

Running the Oracle HCTS Application


Caution  - For the system certification, if the SUT contains more than one disk drive, any disk that does not have any slice mounted to /, /usr, /opt, /var, or /export/home* is formatted. All data on such a disk is lost. During the test initialization process, any disk that is scheduled to be formatted is listed. The initialization process pauses for 60 seconds and prompts you to stop the certification if you do not want the disk to be formatted.

If you are certifying a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive for compatibility with the Oracle Solaris OS, insert a mixed-mode CD in the test system. Use the make_mixed_mode_cd utility to create a mixed-mode CD.

If you are testing a CD-RW or DVD-RW drive for compatibility with the Oracle Solaris OS, insert a CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD-RW, or DVD-RAM disk in the drive of the test system.

If you are certifying or testing a USB device, make sure you connect the device to the SUT and power it on according to the instructions provided in the device's user guide.

If you are certifying the USB CD/DVD reader, insert a mixed-mode CD before you start certification. You can use the make_mixed_mode_cd utility to create a mixed-mode CD. See the Oracle HCTS 5.8 man page for more information.

If you are certifying the USB CD/DVD writer, prepare all types of rewritable media supported by the device, certify each of them and then submit your results.