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Oracle Hardware Certification Test Suite 5.8

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Updated: November 2016

To Certify Ethernet Network Switch on Test Server Using CLI

  1. To set up the test server as System Under Test (SUT), type the following command.
    # hctscli setup-sut
  2. To start the certification of an ethernet network switch on the test server, type the following command.
    # hctscli certify Switch_Cert

    The following message is displayed.

    Switch certification environment needs to be set up before starting the 
    Please refer to HCTS Online Help for more detailed information.
    Enter the IP address of the Switch Administration port:
  3. Type the IP address of the Switch Administration port.
  4. Type the test case name that you want to select.
Example 7  

The following image shows an example of the steps for certifying the Ethernet Network switch.

image:Network Switch Certification CLI