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Oracle Hardware Certification Test Suite 5.8

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Updated: November 2016

To Create Oracle HCTS Environment

  1. Install the host operating system.

    If a host operating system is required, follow the user guide of the OS to install the host operating system on the RHS.

  2. Install the hypervisor.

    Follow the user guide of the hypervisor product to install it on the host operating system or on the RHS.

  3. Create a Virtual Machine.

    Follow the user guide of the hypervisor product to create a virtual machine. Ensure that the virtual machine has the maximum number of virtual CPUs, virtual memory and network ports that the hypervisor product supports. Allocate more than 20 Gbyte disk space for this virtual machine.

  4. Customize the Oracle Solaris OS installation.

    See Configuring the Oracle Solaris 10 OS Installation for the customization that needs to be done while installing the Oracle Solaris OS.

    See Configuring the Oracle Solaris 11 OS Installation for the customization that needs to be done while installing the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

  5. Install the Oracle HCTS application.

    Perform the following steps to install the Oracle HCTS application on your virtual machine.

    1. On the VSUT and TM terminals, type the following command to extract the hcts. 5.8.tar.gz file.
      # $ gzip -cd hcts.
      5.8.tar.gz | tar xvf -

      The contents are extracted in the newly created hcts 5.8 directory that is placed in the path where you have downloaded Oracle HCTS 5.8.

    2. On the VSUT and TM terminals, type the following command to install Oracle HCTS.
      # su
      # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d . SUNWhcts
  6. Configure the VSUT, by typing the following command.
    # /opt/SUNWhcts/bin/reconfigure

    The command line messages are displayed.

    1. Type y for : Do you want to set up HCTS executing environment (y/n) ?
    2. Type y for : Is Solaris running on a virtual machine (y/n) ?
    3. Type the hypervisor name and the version number.

      Follow the prompt message and reboot VSUT.

  7. Run the Oracle HCTS application.

    Use the same procedure as described in the Working With Oracle HCTS to set up the TM. Refer to the software requirements described in System Requirements to set up the network on the VSUT and connect the RHS and TM properly. Then start the Oracle HCTS test on the VSUT.