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Press Release

Federal Court Rules that Oracle Is Entitled to a Permanent Injunction Against Rimini Street and Awards Attorneys' Fees in Copyright Suit

Redwood Shores, Calif.—Aug 14, 2018

Today, for the second time, a Federal Court in Nevada granted Oracle’s motion for a permanent injunction against Rimini Street for years of infringement of Oracle’s copyrights. In an opinion notable for its strong language condemning Rimini Street’s actions, the Court made clear that since its inception, Rimini’s business “was built entirely on its infringement of Oracle’s copyrighted software.” The Court also highlighted Rimini's “conscious disregard” for Oracle's copyrights and Rimini's “significant litigation misconduct” in granting Oracle's motion for its attorneys' fees to be paid.

“As the Court's Order today makes clear, Rimini Street's business has been built entirely on unlawful conduct, and Rimini's executives have repeatedly lied to cover up their company's illegal acts. Rimini, which admits that it is the subject of an ongoing federal criminal investigation, has proven itself to be disreputable, and it seems very clear that it will not stop its unlawful conduct until a Court orders it to stop. Oracle is grateful that today the Federal Court in Nevada did just that,” said Dorian Daley, Oracle's Executive Vice President and General Counsel.

The Court noted that it was Rimini's brazen misconduct that enabled it to "rapidly build" its infringing business, while at the same time irreparably damaging Oracle because Rimini's very business model “eroded the bonds and trust that Oracle has with its customers.” It also stressed that for over five years of litigation, “literally up until trial”, Rimini Street denied the allegations of infringement. At trial, however, Rimini CEO Seth Ravin, who was also a defendant, changed his story and admitted for the first time that Rimini Street did in fact engage in all the infringing activities that Oracle had identified.

Finally, the Court declared that over $28M in attorneys’ fees should be awarded to Oracle because of Rimini Street’s significant litigation misconduct in this action. Rimini comments to the market that this award would have to be returned to Rimini have proven to be false and misleading, like so many of its actions and assurances to customers and others.

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Deborah Hellinger
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Deborah Hellinger

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