Oracle Cloud Isolated Region for global governments and defense missions

Oracle Cloud Isolated Regions are secure, air-gapped Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) solutions designed to meet the higher demands of global customers’ mission-critical classified workloads. Oracle Cloud Isolated Regions deliver compute, security, storage, and networking services in an on-premises environment, which is disconnected from the internet. These regions offer the same services as public Oracle Cloud regions. Dedicated to serving governments and safeguarding global defense missions at hyperscale, this innovative cloud solution includes a fully integrated infrastructure with IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and industry-leading price-performance.

Empower the Warfighter: Harness OCI’s capabilities for F-35 data analysis

Oracle and Palantir Join Forces

Oracle and Palantir announced a partnership to provide secure cloud and AI solutions aiming to power businesses and governments around the world. Oracle’s distributed cloud and AI infrastructure, combined with Palantir’s leading AI and decision acceleration platforms, will help organizations maximize the value of their data to increase efficiency, address sovereignty requirements, and help them outpace adversaries. Palantir will make its Gotham and AI Platforms deployable across Oracle’s distributed cloud, including government air-gapped regions and Oracle Cloud Isolated Regions for defense customers.

Oracle Cloud Isolated Region offers security, sovereignty, and superior price-performance for global customers’ mission-critical workloads

Use all the services of the public cloud: Everything Everywhere

With Oracle Cloud Isolated Region, customers can access a fully featured air-gapped Oracle region from the customer’s approved data center location. Oracle is committed to deploying an identical portfolio of 100+ services, including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, in all Oracle Cloud regions, including Oracle Cloud Isolated Regions. This provides the depth and breadth of OCI innovation in a fully dedicated, secure, and isolated cloud.

Safeguard classified data with a zero trust security model

Security is a top priority for customers in government and defense missions. OCI is built on security-focused principles to provide uncompromising security of the cloud and in the cloud. Oracle Cloud Isolated Region expands OCI’s security-first philosophy by providing an air-gapped environment—directly connected to government networks.

Protect your global mission-critical workloads with OCI’s two-region model

Mission continuity is essential for global customers who are entrusted with highly classified, sensitive data. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure’s two-region deployment model helps provide the highest level of protection for mission-critical workloads, combining the high availability architecture of an Oracle Cloud region with two geographically separated regions for disaster recovery. Oracle has invested heavily in tools that make cross-region disaster recovery simpler for developers and administrators. Additionally, the small rack footprint provides affordability for your country’s budget as it helps enable you to start small and grow your capacity over time.

Global expertise operating sovereign and disconnected environments

Oracle hires local staff that meet each customer’s citizenship and security clearance requirements to provide sovereign operations. We apply our decades of experience conducting local, cleared operations around the world, including for our Oracle Cloud regions for the UK and US governments, and our air-gapped regions for US defense missions.

Industry-leading price performance

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers the same consumption pricing in all regions globally, including Oracle Cloud Isolated Regions. Our transparent and predictable pricing, continuous cloud innovation, and superior performance offer the best value proposition.

Modernize your global IT systems with OCI’s full stack of cloud services

Seamlessly move your most complex workloads onto the cloud using any of Oracle’s cloud services, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Bare Metal Servers, virtual machines, and graphics processing units; database services such as Oracle Autonomous Database and Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service. Innovate rapidly with the most modern open source, cloud native technologies such as Functions serverless computing; and Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes.

Oracle Cloud Isolated Regions securely deliver mission-critical workloads

With our security-first approach, these isolated regions securely run sensitive workloads, shield classified information, and accelerate missions while meeting strict security and regulatory requirements.

Infrastruttura cloud e servizi di piattaforma completi per ogni carico di lavoro

OCI offre un set comune di oltre 100 servizi in ciascuna region cloud. Ottieni tutti i servizi di cui hai bisogno, dai container VMware all'AI, per migrare, modernizzare, creare e ridimensionare il tuo IT. Automatizza tutti i tuoi carichi di lavoro, comprese le applicazioni e le piattaforme di dati esistenti e nuove.

Servizi per sviluppatori

Servizi per sviluppatori

Crea, distribuisci e gestisci applicazioni cloud moderne utilizzando strumenti e servizi pensati per gli sviluppatori.

Servizi di integrazione

Servizi di integrazione

I servizi di integrazione di Oracle Cloud Infrastructure connettono qualsiasi applicazione e fonte di dati per automatizzare i processi end-to-end e centralizzare la gestione. L'ampia gamma di integrazioni, con adattatori predefiniti e personalizzazione low-code, semplifica la migrazione al cloud, ottimizzando le operazioni ibride e multi-cloud.

Automazione dei processi

Gestione completa del ciclo di vita delle API

Basato sugli eventi

Analisi e BI

Analisi e BI

Sfrutta una Business Intelligence completa con gli Augmented Analytics per far crescere l'azienda attraverso insight unici.

AI e apprendimento automatico

AI e apprendimento automatico

Aggiungi facilmente funzionalità di intelligence alle tue applicazioni e ai tuoi carichi di lavoro con modelli di percezione e decisione predefiniti e chatbot pronti all'uso o sviluppa e alimenta i tuoi modelli con i nostri servizi di Data Science.

Big Data e data lake

Big Data e data lake

Ricava nuovi insight da tutti i tuoi dati con la nostra piattaforma completa di servizi gestiti e compatibili con Spark, Hadoop, Elasticsearch e Kafka, abbinati ai migliori servizi di Data Warehouse e gestione dei dati.



Capacità di compute sicura ed elastica nel cloud che spazia dalle macchine virtuali (VM flessibili) e dai server Bare Metal ad alte prestazioni, fino a HPC e GPU.



Gestisci i principali casi d'uso con lo storage locale, degli oggetti, dei file, dei blocchi e degli archivi in modalità on-demand.

Container e funzioni

Container e funzioni

Distribuisci applicazioni per microservizi su servizi Docker, Kubernetes e Fn Functions altamente performanti, gestiti e open source.



Connettiti in modo sicuro a una rete cloud virtuale isolata e personalizzabile (VCN), colonna portante della distribuzione cloud. Migra i dati a un costo del 25% rispetto ad altri fornitori di servizi cloud.

Database open source

Database open source

HeatWave MySQL è un servizio di database completamente gestito, basato sull'acceleratore di query in-memory HeatWave integrato. Si tratta dell'unico servizio di database cloud in grado di combinare transazioni, analisi e servizi di Machine Learning in un unico MySQL Database, offrendo analisi sicure e in tempo reale senza la complessità, la latenza e i costi della duplicazione ETL.

Sicurezza, osservabilità e gestione, conformità e gestione dei costi e governance

Sicurezza, osservabilità e gestione, conformità e gestione dei costi e governance

Proteggi i tuoi dati più importanti nel cloud con l'approccio di Oracle incentrato sulla sicurezza e con programmi di conformità completi. Oracle fornisce visibilità e insight basati sul Machine Learning per semplificare la gestione su tutti i livelli dello stack distribuiti su qualsiasi tecnologia e ovunque.

Infrastruttura dei data center cloud a livello globale
50 region commerciali e governative | Cloud@Customer | Dedicated Regions | Dispositivi edge

Infrastruttura dei data center cloud a livello globale

Ambienti sicuri e ad alte prestazioni a livello globale per migrare, creare ed eseguire tutti i carichi di lavoro. Le offerte ibride ed Edge offrono un'implementazione specializzata, un funzionamento disconnesso e connesso in modo intermittente, bassa latenza e alte prestazioni, oltre a un'ubicazione locale e alla sicurezza dei dati.

Find resources and more

Oracle successfully demonstrates tactical cloud computing at Army Cyber Quest

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is used in an official Defense Department exercise—hosted by the U.S. Army Futures Command—to secure identification, credential, and access management at the tactical edge.

Read the tactical cloud computing blog

Oracle strengthens Australia’s digital economy with a new government cloud

Australian federal, state, and local government customers, along with their service providers, will benefit from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure’s high performance, security, powerful data analytics, and distributed cloud capabilities.

Read the press release

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